fix articles 8913, cinco de mayo
LA Times Fails to Cover Protest Against Clinton (tags)
An estimated one thousand protesters came out to oppose Hillary Clinton speaking at East Los Angeles College on 5 de Mayo for a predictable campaign stop to Hispander to Latinos.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio with protesters (tags)
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio squares off with protesters from the Inland Empire Latino Coalition during a Patriot Rally endorsing Republican Phil Liberatore's race for the 8th Congressional District, at Apple Valley's Civic Park on Cinco de Mayo 2102.
Retenes del Fin de Semana 5 de Mayo / Cinco de Mayo Checkpoints 2012 (tags)
Despues de la aprobacion de la ley AB353, la cual que limita el periodo de decomiso para conductores sin licencia detenidos en retenes, el estado ha cambiado su tactica para usar mas la "patrulla de saturacion" para seguir quitandonos los carros. Por eso vienen varias patrullas de saturacion tambien en la lista.
Ever since the passage of AB 353, which limits the impound period for cars driven by unlicensed drivers caught in checkpoints, the state has changed tactics, using "saturation patrols" in order to continue taking our cars. That's why this list includes several saturation patrols.
Cinco de Mayo Street Celebrations Shut Down by San José Police (tags)
During Cinco de Mayo celebrations, residents of San José faced daytime checkpoints, citations, and arrests on a scale not matched by any other festival of the year. By 10 pm the focus appeared to be diverting cars and mostly-Latino youths from the downtown area, effectively evacuating the city center and shutting down street celebrations on two nights.
Cinco de Mayo checkpoints / Retenes del 5 de Mayo (5-9/may/2010) (tags)
A little bit early because the forces of repression are coming out early to stomp on Cinco de Mayo revelers. Look for updates later on this week.
Un poco temprano esta semana porque salen temprano también las fuerzas de la represión para pisotear los derechos de los festejantes del 5 de Mayo.
May-June 2009 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Digest (tags)
No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
San José Police Department Targets Latinos, Photo Survey Shows (tags)
Photographic documentation of 14 daytime vehicle stops per hour within a 4-block section of Santa Clara Street during Cinco de Mayo celebrations substantiates a deliberate policy of targeting Latinos by the San José Police Department. Only a citizen police review board can represent a broad range of community interests and ensure police accountability.
Memorial en honor a don Fernando Pedraza, jornalero y líder (tags)
Martes, el 5 de mayo 2009 RANCHO CUCAMONGA -- Dos años después de su muerte trágica, la comunidad de Rancho Cucamonga se reunió para rendirle homenaje al jornalero y luchador social caído Fernando Pedraza, un mártir por la causa de los derechos de los trabajadores indocumentados. Voluntarios armaron un altar, oradores hablaron, y participantes cantaron, comieron, y bailaron en celebración de la vida y lucha de este importante hombre inspirador.
---------------- On the third anniversary of state repression against the people of Atenco, the Mexican Consulate in New York was “taken over” by the pro-zapatista group Movement for Justice in El Barrio.
Last Friday, May 1, International Workers’ Day, women workers, youth and allies of the Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (Alliance Philippines) joined the groundswell of immigrants and workers demanding for Obama to deliver on his promise of immigration reform in nationally-coordinated marches. The Alliance Philippines called for full legalization, amnesty, a stop to racist enforcement measures like deportations, detentions and border militarization, full protections for all workers, and an end to US imperialism, the root cause of the Filipino people’s forced migration. “We are here to echo the voices of the 14 million undocumented who are struggling and working hard despite the economic crisis,” said Mona Lunot, nanny, housekeeper and Chairperson of DAMAYAN Migrant Workers Association, in her speech at the concluding rally in New York City. DAMAYAN is a member organization of Alliance Philippines. “Undocumented workers are called ‘aliens.’ But we are the workers who take care of Americans’ homes and children, cook their food, build their houses, and plant the food they eat.” In the Los Angeles, the epicenter of the immigrant rights movement, in the biggest rally more than 30,000 marchers led by the Full Rights For immigrant coalition turned out and marched from Broadway and Olympic intersection around 1;00 PM. Composed mostly of Latino workers and advocates who filled the streets, the militant march overflowed the main streets of LA.
Unity in diversity. Five major coalitions for immigrant rights marched in different parts of the city of Los Angeles, mirrored the differences that united them in 2006. In almost every major city of the United States, workers and immigrants took to the streets to demand legalization and immigration reform. Hundreds of thousands marched and rallied US-wide for May 1 in a militant and defiant show of unity for a call for immigration reforms to the Obama administration. The Labor Front in Turmoil This year, several labor federations banded together to form a single unified union of all unions. Like the old AFL-CIO they want to strengthen the labor front that has been greatly weakened by the division between the AFL-CIO and the Change to Win Coalition.
Oficiales de Salud No Recomiendan la Cancelación de Eventos Grandes (tags)
Cinco casos probables de Gripe Porcina detectados en Wisconsin
Health Officials Not Recommending Cancelation Of Large Events (tags)
Five probable Swine Flu cases detected in Wisconsin
Pomona's bi-weekly police checkpoints piss off community (tags)
The City of Pomona says they'll do police checkpoints every two weeks. We say we'll be there to protest.
Minutemen, off-duty cops disrupt community forum on checkpoints (tags)
Community members met to express themselves on the topic of police "DUI" checkpoints, which really target immigrants. Minutemen and police hecklers disrupted the meeting.
Space 1999: San Francisco's Mission Yuppie Eradication Project (tags)
A critical re-examination of an ultra-left effort against the gentrification of San Francisco in the late 1990's.
The Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP)-USA greets the Mexican people with the highest militance and anti-imperialist salute of international solidarity on their great holiday Cinco De Mayo. SALUD!!! That is why we in the Filipino American community is takes pride with this anti-imperialist event with our brother Mexicans victory over the colonial army of France while America was embroiled in their own civil war. As Ho Chi Minh said “ There is nothing more precious than Independence.” That is the great historical anti-imperialist lesson of Cinco De Mayo
when CELEBRATIONS go BAD (tags)
Halloween review
CDIR -People's CORE Statement of the Cinco De Mayo, 2006: Que Viva La Raza! (tags)
The Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) and all its allied organizations in the United States send its most militant greetings to our Chicano Brothers and sisters and to the Mexican people in their celebration of Cinco De Mayo.The Cinco De Mayo, 2006 takes a significant feature this year with the success of the Greta American Boycott last May 1 and the series of immigrant mass actions from March 25 to may 1. The unity and the outpouring of the immigrant workers of all nationalities especially the Chicano people are tremendous and awesome.
Zapatista Red Alert: The Other Mexico on the Verge of an Explosion from Below (tags)
The Story Behind the Zapatista Red Alert as the Other Campaign Arrives at Zero Hour
Sylvia Mendez & The Desegregation of CA Schools speaker @ Saddleback College (tags)
Coming Next: "El Gran Boicot" (tags)
Pro-immigrant coalition to paralyze US economy
As Xicanos and Mexicanos celebrate this significant day with folkloric dance, mariachi music, parades, and other festivities… let us remember that at its core Cinco de Mayo represents the victory of the people over colonialism and imperialism. - Xispas Staff
The illegal, undocumented, alien community, as defined by America, is persecuted as if they were the political lepers of our country. The inalienable right to vote unequivocally belongs to the people that live, work, and pay taxes where they raise families.
[gangbox] TROQUEROS REVOLT.... (tags)
TROQUEROS REVOLT....can the California port truckers wildcat strike lead to the reunionization of the freight industry???
5 De Mayo - Its Not Just History (tags)
Reactionaries who supported clericalism, racism, militarism, occupation, and international finance invaded Mexico 142 years ago, Bush & Republican Congress just as reactionary today..
In Portland, Oregon’s Department Of Human Services is looking for someone who speaks Klingon.
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Press Conference (tags)
Press conference on Republicans' attempt to link migration and immigration policies to Mexico's cooperation with US oil interests.
CINCO DE MAYO - Art Show (tags)
Cinco de Mayo Artshow in the NoHo Arts district of North Hollywood
Peltier & Zapatista Poetry for Cinco de Mayo (tags)
Our most ancient ones taught us that the celebration of memory is also a celebration of tomorrow. They told us that memory is not turning one's head and heart towards the past. It is not a sterile remembrance which speaks laughter or tears. Memory, they told us, is one of the seven guides which the human heart needs in order to make its journey.
Letter to nyc comrades and friends from LKE.