fix articles 8891, simply Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : simply


Between two worlds (tags)

Putin is our new tsar, quite simply. I call him an authoritarian modernizer who stands in the balancing act between neoliberalism and monarchist tradition and wants to reorganize the country from this position.


Someone posted information calling the CDC is a members of the We Commit Crimes Against Humanity Group. Well, the director of the CDC just confirmed it. CDC Director Lies to America Announcing Latest "Pandemic" - "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated" Confirming another CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.

What It’s Like to Be an Atheist in Palestine (tags)

Waleed Al Husseini spent 10 months in Palestinian prison for being an atheist blogger. He asks why non-believers like himself are abandoned by the world.

OJOS Eyewear: New Company Launches, Changing the World in Their Sights (tags)

No sacrifices to eyewear quality or style while they maintain being eco-stewards & global givers. Creating & inspiring change through their “Go, Be, Do” mantra. Go explore the globe, Be the change you want to see in this world, Do something extraordinary. Proceeds go towards creating a better world by combatting poverty, deforestation, & pollution. OJOS Eyewear’s launch campaign now live via Join the movement & share the news. Together we can change the world & inspire others. (Video is 98 seconds)

Cost of the Crisis, 72pp (tags)

The cost of the Wall Street-caused financial collapse and ongoing economic crisis is more than $12.8 trillion. $12.8 dramatically understates the true costs of the crisis because so much is simply unquantifiable.

White Youth Can Be Muslim Terrorists Too (tags)

Proving what you say can be a difficult thing. Oftentimes, the only thing to if not the best, is to allow what you say to be proven organically. Sure, not having your hand on something to manipulate the message can be a test of will for those that need to control and manipulate constantly, or are even obsessed with it. But for the rest of us, sometimes if you give the thing you have been asserting space to prove itself, you will be rewarded by the simplicity of how easy it is to get to the truth. Just be patient.

Obama drops the ball (and Susan Rice) again (tags)

"(T)he confirmation process would be lengthy, disruptive, and costly -- to you and to our most pressing national and international priorities. That trade-off is simply not worth it to our country." -- Susan RiceSusan Rice, letter to President Obama

Why The GOP Can't Defeat The Vagina! (tags)

Why The GOP Can't Defeat The Vagina!

Are Republican election predictions honest or flights of fancy? (tags)

Many Conservatives and Republicans, the two are far from being the same thing, have taken the option that the Supreme Court upholding Obama Care will sway the elections on all levels in their direction.

Behavior Control: Architecture of Modern Propaganda By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

Today, fact and fiction have been merged to such an alarming degree with adept perception control that to be able to rationally separate them, to tell what is mere imagery of the Mighty Wurlitzer vs. the actual interconnected causal reality (cause and effect) of statecraft, can be as uncongenial to the cognitive mind as depicted by Plato for the prisoners bred in the underground cave since birth. The fact that the most brilliant minds remain unable to tell that 9/11 was an 'Operation Canned Goods' even ten years into its vile enactment while America descends into a police-state in presumed reaction to it, demonstrates that it is not the brain hardware which is malfunctioning, but the brain software!

Economics is not a Science (tags)

"Observations are central in a subject like economics where experiments are not possible.. Mathematics is misused to transport a certain ideology, the neoclassical theory of the market.. Capitalist crisis phenomena have made a fool of the harmony theory of the market.."

Helen Thomas Is Not A Bigot À La 'Eric Cartman' (tags)

The problems of Palestine are religious in nature. The religions have become conflated, of course, with 'race' and ethnicity. But religions have always been nothing more than aspects of mass media. Before television, organized religions ~were~ the mass media, since people would assemble every Saturday or Sunday to hear the propaganda of the ruling classes who financed the temples.

Democracy Alarm: Financial Management (tags)

After the stock market crash, financial management acts as though nothing happened. The state was obviously treated only as a useful idiot by parts of the moribund financial management. The little taxpayers pay for the repair.

Follow Your Heart by Hale Dwoskin (tags)

There is a universal intelligence or knowingness in each and every one of us. When you are open to this intelligence of the heart, it guides you in the right direction to do what is best for you and those around you

Feminist Self-defense: No God! No Master! No Sexist Aggressions! (tags)

* El Libertario published in its 51st edition (Venezuela, Novermber - Dicember 2007) a text compilation that expresses important aspects of what anarchism proposes may be done to face the growing problem of gender violence.

California's Radiation Laboratory Near SF Creates Anxiety (tags)

UC employees are reportedly anxious and upset over having to play a secondary role at the Livermore Nuclear Laboratory. Yet how do we, the ones breathing in the Depleted Uranium and other radionuclides, feel about what's going on with radioactive materials blasted into our air?

State Street TAZ (Santa Barbara Reclaim the Streets!) (tags)

This article was written for The Bottom Line, a UCSB publication. It was the best coverage. Most media missed the point entirely.

Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, Pt. 2 (tags)

The Zionists built the propaganda war around Palestine and promoted it through mainstream media, particularly American. The Zionists always have won it, no matter how repressively they deal with the Palestinians.

What is the Border Patrol doing in an evacuation zone? (tags)

We have witnessed the presence of the Border Patrol in Fallbrook during a brief visit we made earlier today. We witnessed them entering into Mexican neighborhoods and we believe there is absolutely no reason for the Border Patrol to be present in this time of crisis. Their presence in fact discourage people who may be in need to seek aid.

Financial Guru Julian Robertson : We have problems! (tags)

He has predicted every economic cycle, every debacle, every bull market, and every bear market. Of course, he´s a very old man now. But his reputation on the Street is like nothing you could imagine. When the segment of his interview was through, his comments alone took the Dow Jones down 50 points. Just on his comments alone. That's how powerful this man's reputation is.

May Day 2007; A Report To Correct The Balance (tags)

The following is a summary of what occurred when LAPD decided to disperse a peaceful march. The following contents of this article may be used for non-profit only.

Homeless People Win --Jury Says “Not Guilty” at Trial: Activist Seeks Community Response (tags)

Homeless People Win --Jury Decides “Not Guilty” in Skid Row Activist's Criminal Trial. States the Homeless Activist "I haven't decided what I will do next; and I am interested in what suggestions people have. ”

April 15-22: Week of Boycotts, Rallies For Impeachment (tags)

Please add this to your front page and calendar, and consider taking part in this unprecedented week of outage and action against the unelected Neo-Fascists in DC, and those cowards in power who have betrayed us all by not stopping them. Enough of this Madness, already! Let's get it done, and make history at the same time.

Skid Row Activist on Trial --Anti-Brutality Rally Update (tags)

Downtown L.A. Hotel Attempts to Ban Homeless People from It's Public Areas --Saturday demonstrations against police brutality on Skid Row in front of LAPD Central Division headquarters continue weekly:

Boycott All UFPJ and IA Activities (tags)

This weekend's so-called peace rally in Washington D.C. will simply amount to aa enormous waste of time

Stolen election AGAIN? Help spark a general strike Nov. 8! (tags)

shut down jorge arbusto.

Populist #31 (tags)

Concerning National Popular Elections

Sir No Sir, a Fim Review (tags)

A Review of the new documentary on the anit-war movement among Vietnam era soldiers.

Bush should now know,he doesn't need any lynch-pin stratagem to attack Iran! (tags)

...Bush now knows a majority of Americans will simply and passively acqueise,and go along with him!

State Lawlessness (tags)

The Diowning Street memo revealed the deceit that Bush and Blair planned an invasion of Iraq from 2002. Cheney kept repeating the lie that Saddam caused 9/11. After he finally denied the connection, the media ignored his denial.

Racism runs deep (tags)

Immigration opponents hiding behind the myth of stolen jobs and lost wages.. The research shows that immigration only has a tiny negative impact on local wages.

Excessive Profits Via the Bush Administration (tags)

Remember the Enron scandal? It seems small, now, doesn't it? Billions being bilked from California (and stashed in off-shore accounts) through a bogus energy crisis that we later were privy to emails and tapped phone conversations of. It was so unbelievable at the time.

I*L*L*E*G*A*L Spells Apartheid (tags)

And people wonder why they/we protest?

Congress Under Assault (tags)

Bush is stealing power from Congress and the Courts using two bogus arguments.


Eco-Space interview with Yahel Chirinian by Noor Cipriani for Nova

Theocracy Alert (tags)

Listen up, you Christo-Fascist bullies, you Apostles of Perpetual Psychosis, it's high time somebody called you out.

The Market is Unjust (tags)

"New networks arise that support people without locking them in a cage.. We need positive freedom, the freedom to something..For that we must create new institutions. We may not return to the old.."

The Ultimate Oxymoron (tags)

"Since a capitalist democracy is a democracy of capital, `the people' simply don't count.."

Why Such Drastic Changes Sought by Neo-cons? (tags)

Of course it is the inevitable, looming oil crisis that awaits the US (because of her thirst for oil) that has given this Administration the justification to invade Iraq on the "pack of lies" (1. Honorable George Galloway) that came out of this White House. That, although not justified in many people's minds, is pretty much understood by the rank and file.

Quotes From Dr. Griffin's Lecture Shown on C-span (tags)

The truth about 9/11 is slowly making it's way out from the Internet. An extremely brave and intelligent University Professor named Dr. David Ray Griffin has written a book that is full of irrefutable facts about the 9/11 attacks that will stun people who have not been getting their news from non main stream sources. His lecture will re-air on C-span Saturday May 6, at 2:30 PM Eastern. It is extremely well done and extremely important information for all Americans.

...(Our) Leaders Planned.....Attacks of 9/11-Dr. Griffin (tags)

The truth about 9/11 is slowly making it's way out from the Internet. An extremely brave and intelligent University Professor named Dr. David Ray Griffin has written a book that is full of irrefutable facts about the 9/11 attacks that will stun people who have not been getting their news from non main stream sources. His lecture will re-air on C-span Saturday May 6, at 2:30 PM Eastern. It is extremely well done and extremely important information for all Americans.

The Interest of Power in Brainwashing the Masses: Noam Chomsky (tags)

In a world full of potential danger, the risk for the global order and the norm of non-intervention on which this order rests is simply too great to accept unilateral actions against the collective interest. Allowing one means allowing everyone. (UN General Assembly 2004)

The onslaught in Fallujah: Shooting at a fly that has landed on a horse’s head (tags)

On the face of it, the siege of Fallujah seems to be going relatively well for the US troops. Most of the city has been captured and according to the mass media “Operation Phantom Fury” will be finished in a couple of days. However, things are not so simple. The war in Iraq was also supposed to be over, whereas it clearly is not. The same applies to Fallujah, where an official victory may well turn out to be a Pyrrhic one.

Gay-marriage foe fails to make case (tags)

Abaham Lincoln said, "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." I suggest that anyone who would deny those different from themselves the freedom to marry should look in the mirror and try a little introspection.

August 29 Could Be a Very Slow Day, So Bring a Toothbrush (tags)

New York Cops Tax Forever to Write Up a Ticket, and Things Could Get Even Slower if They Decide to Go on Strike August 29

The Final Countdown on Arab Orchestrated Genocide (tags)

With the Kurdish people now firmly in Israel's pocket and numbering 75,000 strong, Arab's lust for genocide may finally have met it's match.

Lying About Reagan's Tax Cuts (tags)

The Socialist Disease -- More Education Money Won’t Solve Problems (tags)

Copyright 2004

How Terror Destroyed Palestine (tags)

Sharon's victory in Washington may be temporary, but Palestine's loss is probably permanent.

We Are Not Stupid (tags)

The elite corporate media thinks that the masses that are stupid, it is they who are stupid for believing the corrupt corporate pr machine.

When communism takes over (tags)

Facts on property owning in Finland.

Liberal alternative to Drudge launches... (tags)

A team of fresh-out-of-college progessives have teamed up to launch the liberal alternative to Drudge: The Raw Story (

How to deal with irritatingly good news (tags)

Within minutes of Paul Bremer pronouncing the words "We got him" to ecstatic cheers from Iraqi journalists, there were solemn-faced experts crowding on to my television screen to proclaim that the capture was largely irrelevant, or positively counter-productive, to the present difficulties in Iraq. The very same interviewers who had once invited their interviewees to prophesy endless anarchy as a consequence of America's inability to locate this man were now asking more or less the same people if his arrest was not pretty useless after all. Or (better yet) if it might not "inflame" the situation even further.

Millionaires and the Unemployed (tags)

"The millionaire could simply pay his unemployed. If we calculate 12X5X1000 is 60,000 Euros a year. This is the sum that the highest segment of this class saves by the lowering of the top tax rate from 48 to 42 percent planned by Mr. Schroeder."



American Psycho (tags)

The matter and manner of Bush's speaking are always an ordeal for thinking people. He seems convinced that every audience deserves the same approach given the pathologically credulous at a revival tent meeting.

Manufacturing "Terror" (tags)

You want Terrorists? We got your nice Shiny New Terrorist Right here. Guaranteed by the CIA for 2,000 Deaths or 10,000 Casualties which ever comes first.

The Road Map to Peace is Just More Catch-22 (tags)

This so-called road map to peace that was delivered to the Palestinian and Israeli governments today is just a continuation of the unstated Bush regime policy of "no negotiations as long as there's violence which means no negotiations at all ever".





If antiwar protesters succeed (tags)

To publish an unsigned opinion piece is an exception to the Monitor's policy. But the views expressed here, if put with a name, could endanger the writer's extended family in Baghdad. The author - known to Monitor staff - was born and raised in Iraq. Now a US citizen with a business that requires extensive world travel, the author is in frequent touch with the Iraqi diaspora but is not connected with organized opposition to Saddam Hussein.

Organize, Organize, Organize (tags)

An overview of the critically important relationship... between online activism and the explosive growth taking place in the peace movement; specifically, how the internet can serve to expand and enhance that growth, if we online activists promote the application of the various internet tools to the organizational tasks of the mass movement -and do so in an organized, coordinated way.

Unanswered questions for Diogenes (tags)

C'mon soothsayer. You always seem to vanish when any questions come up.

Diary of Anne Frank in Nablus (tags)

Today I live in a dormitory with young girls just out of their teens who are attending the An Najah University here in Nablus, Palestine. I wish that Anne could meet them. I wonder what she would say about the lives they are leading. Things are not so different from what she described in her diary. The sad fact is that it is Anne's own people, who learned so well the tactics of the Nazis, who are destroying not only the lives of the indigenous people of Palestine but also their culture and their future

What is your Anti-Bush? (tags)

Under the flag of the "War on Drugs" the Bush Administration has set in motion a genuine Fascist government, assaulted our Constitutional Freedoms and threatens to destabilize the entire world in a quest for dominance of oil and natural resources. Time to march them out of office.

Before all things be not proud. (tags)

highest sacredness

Before all things be not proud. (tags)

highest sacredness

Love is the master spirit. (tags)

highest sacredness

Jesus said "Be not proud" because we are perfect- If You Don't Like War Stop Pay (tags)

love (the love that people who know about love talk about)

There is no evil; only lazy kids pretending pride is virtue. Love is real... (tags)

love (the love that people who know about love talk about)

There is no evil; only lazy kids pretending pride is virtue. Love is real... (tags)

love (the love that people who know about love talk about)

Love is real. Pride is sin. (tags)


Activism 101: revealing pride (tags)

Assuming love is real.

WARNING! Shuttle tragedy may be a NUCLEAR DISASTER!!?? (tags)

Extremely harzardous long-lived nuclear material, such as enriched weapons-grade Uranium and/or Plutonium MAY have been on the Space Shuttle Columbia, which appears to have been destroyed while re-entering the atmosphere around 8 AM CST over TEXAS.

Finnish government bonds – independence insecure and questionable (tags)

Should you invest on government bonds?

Give It Away (tags)

Beware! The Maussians Are Coming! This article by David Graeber discusses the concept of the gift economy, an idea first explored by Marcel Mauss in his descriptions of the Kwakiutl of British Columbia. He describes how the historical reality of such economies refutes many of the assumptions made by neo-liberal economists about the historical development of economic systems. Also discussed are contemporary groups (such as the MAUSS group in France) who take their inspiration from such findings to attack and dismantle the philosophic basis of capitalist economic theory.

The Illness of Despair (tags)

How many people know about the land mines that kill our children when they try to go to school? How many people read the tales of children shot in the back, because they're still outside the family complex when the curfew begins? How many people know how we have to sneak around simply to pick an orange off a tree?

Arafat as Ghandi? (tags)

If anyone has the ear of Abu Amar (Arafat), here is a suggestion. Right now, he should simply get close to Jerusalem and march, unarmed to pray at the Dome of the Rock.

S29LA (tags)

Our desire is to simply see the call through, and for people to join us.

Conspiricism Run Amuck! (tags)

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