fix articles 886, bill bennett
Bush and Cheney in Hell for 935 Lies - A Satire (tags)
Thanks to the great Dante, we know there is a Hell. President George W. Bush, Jr. is headed there, along with Dick Cheney, for the “935” lies, which they concocted that got the country into the Iraq War. Many politicos, who ignored the “935” lies, and also voted to fund the war, like Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Mikulski, will be suffering, too, in the inferno. The cunning Neocons are set for a “Special Place,” and the implosion of WTC-7 becomes an issue.
Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ? (tags)
The rumor that SRA International's Barry Landrew may be addicted to gambling and have accumulated debts to pressure him to manipulate and dump his own shares for cash cannot be dismissed lightly.He could even be tempted to allow SRA International's spying apparatus to be used by the criminal 'private' sector if this is true.
Who would have guessed so many liberals had combat medals, and so many conservatives hid behind deferments?
Bill Bennett - Abort Black babies -- Boycotting NAPA and Pier 1 (tags)
Bill Bennett said that crime would go down if Black babies were aborted. This statement was made on Bennett's radio show. We are calling for a boycott of the sponsors of that show ... NAPA Auto Parts, and Pier 1.
The Boycott of Pier 1 Imports and NAPA Auto Parts (tags)
Letter and email campaign to boycott products of sponsors of Bill Bennett's radio program.
The way leading right wing operatives often conduct their personal lives is also emblematic of the emptiness of the conservative agenda. And this week, their tiresome values charade once again has been shattered.
The old Republican conservatism, like that of Barry Goldwater, was essentially libertarian. But a new pack Republicans, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, are exuberant about issues the old gaurd deplored, like abortion and gay rights.
the neo-cons are leading us down a treacherous road, but does anyone care?
Just Answer the Question, Mr. Limbaugh (tags)
We have a golden opportunity to strike a blow for constitutional government by removing all doubt about the total failure of the drug war. However, Rush will probably just have his wrist slapped, his fans will defend him just like Bill Clinton’s defended him and most will never question the insanity of the drug war.
Stephen Moore, president of the Club for Growth, triumphantly predicts the result of the Bush tax cuts; "local towns or cities are going to say: 'Hell, no! You're not going to raise my taxes. Get rid of the welfare programs!' ''
neoconservatives seek to ensnare US in an endless series of wars (tags)
by Pat Buchanan Does all this explain why bush was brought to power?..Incidentally, and just to be controversial, its my view that sept 11 could have been orchestrated by the neoconservatives
The Curious Case Of 'Neoconservative' (tags)
"How can something exist and not exist both at the same time? The answer: by being neoconservative." How can one be a Trotskyite and claim to be a Conservative at the same time. Why by being a NeoCon.