fix articles 8855, enforcement Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : enforcement


Opinion: Military draft might have been reinstated by executive order (tags)

Opinion: President Joe Biden Might have reinstated the U.S. military draft with a executive order.

Defund homeless industrial complex (tags)

U.S. Supreme Court ruling that cities no longer need to offer shelter to homeless means taxpayers no longer need to pay for it.

Hoping that A.I. will restore homeless peoples rights to sit, lie and sleep outdoors. (tags)

Anti-homeless laws including L.A. 41.18 enforcement zones act of 2021 need to be repealed.

Protection for PNW Street Medics (tags)

Resources and information to help street medics, activists, and anyone facing police brutality and harassment protect themselves against government spying, corruption, and abuse.

Oppose U.S. weapon shipments to Ukraine (tags)

Does Putin have a right to ask the United Nations to vote on a potential resolution to ask the United States to stop shipping any additional weapons to the Ukraine??

ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, (tags)

It is rumored that there are militia groups that are studying this issue very closely and intend a response by monitoring and surveying this dangerous situation.

Behind the scenes at fbi National Academy (tags)

Ominous defines horrors at fbi National Academy.

Treasury Takes Aim at Shell Companies (tags)

The US Treasury is calling for greater scrutiny into the use of "anonymous" shell companies. Last week, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin urged Congress to quickly pass legislation to make the identity of shell company owners available to law enforcement.

California police agencies violate Brown Act (open meetings) (tags)

California police agencies violate the Brown Act (open meetings)

Baltimore Students Offer Solutions to Stop Police Brutality (tags)

Baltimore Students Offer Solutions to Stop Police Brutality

Incompetent fbi/Police in Las Vegas & USA (tags)

How many massacres do we need before fbi and police are held accountable!

Tracking Twenty Years of Stockton Killings by Law Enforcement (tags)

This timeline mapping state violence in Stockton, CA was collectively generated as part of a larger ongoing convivial research effort to expose low intensity war across the Bay Area and state. The timeline was produced through a collaboration between the Center for Convivial Research and Autonomy (CCRA) and the efforts of families and grassroots groups in Stockton and beyond.


fbi corrupts all of our society (tags)

See how the fbi creates a police state here.

Predictability of homicidal fbi/police (tags)

We may reasonably predict more police brutality and more police killings of innocent people.

The unheralded serial killers of the fbi (tags)

I present a brief comparison of serial killer Panzram with the serial killers hidden the fbi's own agents, operatives and street thugs.

Who's behind The Burnings of Black Churches? Who wants a Race War? The Feds (tags)

In recent weeks there has been a sudden outbreak in burnings of Black Churches. Add this to the Outbreak in Shootings of Blacks by The CIA Monkey Boys in Law Enforcement and it becomes Clear it is The US Govt. and Feds who are Stoking a Race War because they unlike Blacks and Whites WANT A RACE WAR.

Summer 2015 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)

Life and Death in the Border, Mass Detention: Another U.S. violation of Human Rights

Gross injustices before our eyes: USA police state (tags)

See my report on the establishment of the police state, United States of America, by the very agencies (fbi,cia,police)sworn to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the USA and the human & civil rights implied therein.

United Families For Justice Carry 617 Coffins to Downtown L.A. #DeathByCop Rally (tags)

The 617 coffins memorialize Los Angeles victims of police murder since the year 2000. #RememberMe #DeathByCop #BlackLivesMatter #BrownLivesMatter

Huge Rescue Mission Launched in Peru to Save Suffering Circus Animals (tags)

ADI calls for circus lion who attacked teacher to be handed to authorities.

Ariz. law enforcement: Marijuana shouldn't be legalized (tags)

Ariz. law enforcement: Marijuana shouldn't be legalized

What’s Up With the Beach Curfew? (tags)

Recent rumblings about the illegal Venice Beach and Ocean Front Walk closure.

Spring 2014 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)

The Obama Administration’s Fiscal Year 2015 budget proposal is of two minds about how to deal with the broken U.S. immigration system. On the one hand, the document calls for the creation of “a pathway to earned citizenship for hardworking men and women” who are in the United States without legal status. On the other hand, the budget would continue to devote significant sums of money to the detention and deportation of many of the same people for whom the administration would like to create a path to citizenship. In other words, the administration pledges that it will do its best to deport from the country the very same people it wants to help stay. While the budget underscores how we'll benefit from commonsense immigration reform by accounting for savings the Congressional Budget Office has forecast, it continues our dysfunctional and illogical immigration detention system. As in past years, the budget includes billions of dollars for the detention operations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) — part of the Department of Homeland Security — including funding for 30,539 detention beds....

Emergency Services: Enabling Life for Homeless People (tags)

All this talk from politicians (and the non-profit shills that rely on city funding) about how we are enabling people to remain homeless - should be shut down. It is enabling people to stay alive!

REPORT: ACLU releases comprehensive report on law enforcement’s use of license plate reade (tags)

REPORT: ACLU releases comprehensive report on law enforcement’s use of license plate readers

Sheriff Joe guilty of profiling Mexicans (tags)

Arizona's racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio found guilty of profiling Mexicans and Latinos

Google Transparency Report 2013 (tags)

Google Transparency Report 2013

Lawsuits for Information on Drones (tags)

police state

Sheriff Arpaio’s Police State of Arizona under fire in U.S. 9th Cir. Court (tags)

Arpaio’s thugs take the Arizona police state to a new, very criminal, high.

If Only Ed Were Smart Enough To Realize, Starting Trouble Only Causes Trouble (tags)

It seems an easy thing for people to get a handle on, and growing up almost all of us are taught it. You stay away from problems by making wise choices, and not opting to engage in behavior that will cause you excessive problems. It only makes life difficult and more complicated. I mean in the end, once you've stepped in the wrong places enough, you start to learn, right? Not many people with half a brain go looking for problems past a certain point in their lives. Pretty much most of that ends in high school and maybe a year or two beyond depending on who you are.

Lawless Domestic Spying (tags)

police state

7 Day Occupation against Downtown Gentrification (tags)

Chicago Militarized for NATO (tags)


A Challenge to All Supporters of Medical Marijuana (tags)

Advocates of medical marijuana need to act NOW! Send e-mails to the White House and the Department of Justice to demand that President Obama and Attorney General Holder stop the concerted campaign to use federal enforcement agents to put medical marijuana dispensaries out of business, and return to Obama's campaign promise not to use federal law against medical marijuana in states where it is legal.

Open Letter to Venice LAPD re commercialized clean up NEEDED still continued... (tags)

The new ordinances that prohibit the previously allowed commercial resale [flea market stuff mainly] on Venice's Ocean Front Walk were being enforced by LAPD. Apparently some slide down and out has occured turning the OFW back into what it was before the City Ordinance was legally passed. Open letter letter here was written by [more than one] citizen who also work diligently to help Clean UP [and not tear down ] Our Venice Neighborhood

Illegal FBI Spying on Community Groups (tags)

police state

Oppose The Privatization of Law Enforcement Services in Oakland (tags)

I am deeply concerned that private patrol operators in California may be effectively able to evade the obligations of public sector law enforcement outfits in the service of a government by the people for the people under the Constitution of the State of California and the Constitution of the United States of America. If a private law enforcement company commits a material breach of our state or federal constitutions, their insurance carrier will invariably pay a cash settlement to the victims and the private law enforcement company will be disbanded.

Oppose The Privatization of Law Enforcement Services in Oakland (tags)

I am deeply concerned that private patrol operators in California may be effectively able to evade the obligations of public sector law enforcement outfits in the service of a government by the people for the people under the Constitution of the State of California and the Constitution of the United States of America. If a private law enforcement company commits a material breach of our state or federal constitutions, their insurance carrier will invariably pay a cash settlement to the victims and the private law enforcement company will be disbanded.

Cops who are against the drug war are fired (tags)

"If marijuana were legalized the drug related violence across the border in Mexico would cease" - Bryan Gonzalez - U.S. Border Patrol Agent

November 2011 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)

Occupy the Wall Street Occupy the ICE!! Many activist across the county are occupying their community to protest again the greedy top 1% and the corrupted U.S. government policies, immigrant rights activist should also joining this powerful movement to occupy their local Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office to protest against their racist anti-immigrant policies!

Get a secure email account (tags)

Get a free data secure web mail and pop email account at

Your cell phone company is helping the police spy on you (tags)

Uncle Sam is listening to your cell phone?

National Lawyers Guild Assists Anonymous (tags)

The NLG has published a website for "Anons"

On American College Campuses (tags)

There are many reasons for security within the world we live. For those reasons it is prudent to maintain alertness in the appropriate areas. We need people on the ground where there is need of the presence of law enforcement or security. We need the ability to observe appropriately places we have reason to believe are at risk of becoming targets of attack or places crimes in general could be committed. Any credible government needs the ability to make people aware of impending threats when necessary. Any stable civilization needs the ability to reasonably protect itself and keep itself orderly and free from crime.

Venice Boardwalk ordinance draft looks like it's going to fail it's duties (tags)

Venice Boardwalk has been a big loss to the City- how it is seen by Los Angeles' tourist crowds, and to LA's own image as an artistic or art-supportive environment. Commercial vending of cheap re-sale-mdse. bought at any local wholesaler while using City sidewalk free spaces ruins any art scene. City Council doing a draft that looks bad so far.

Antisec Hacks Police (tags)

holy shit

Roland Hill Messy Yard Snitch (tags)

Messy yard snitch Roland Hill sends faxes nearly every week to the city snitching on harmless messy yard criminals.

LulzSec hacks Arizona State Police computers (tags)

The hacker group LulzSec hacked the Arizona DPS computers over SB1070 & Drug War. The Arizona DPS or Arizona Department of Public Safety is the state police agency of Arizona

Entrapping Innocent Muslims (tags)


Border and Community Vigilantism (tags)

state terrorism

Sheriff Paul Babeu is a liar? (tags)

You have to shovel the BS if you want to get reelected.

The Men and Women of Law Enforcement Protect and Serve The Ruling Elite Not You (tags)

The Men and Women of Law Enforcement Protect and Serve The Ruling Elite and NOT THE PEOPLE. These Trojan Horses are only there to Restore THE ORDER OF THE RULING ELITE and NOT THE PEOPLE. Americans should therefore work to revoke any increased Powers Granted to these Pro Corporate Thugs.

Criminological Perspective: Collapse of the US Justice System and the Financial Crisis (tags)

Like the Great Depression before it, the current financial crisis in its essence is a system-wide integrity crisis. Unless integrity of the financial and justice systems in the US is addressed, socio-economic and civil society conditions are unlikely to improve in the foreseeable future.

Corruption in the Courts, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, California (tags)

In 2010 the United Nations Human Rights Council Report summed up the situation as "corruption of the courts and the legal profession, and discrimination by law enforcement in California".

“Know Your Rights,” Progressive Attorneys Tell Activist San Diego (tags)

Though guest of honor Ted Burke, one of 11 Midwest peace and social justice activists recently detained and harassed by the FBI, wasn't able to make Activist San Diego's November 15 meeting on law enforcement and political activism, the discussion was still compelling. Local attorneys and activists Kate Yavenditti, Frank Gormlie and Alex Landon reviewed the history of anti-Left and anti-progressive repression in San Diego and discussed what rights you have when you're stopped by law enforcement or when police officers come to your home.



Marijuana Initiative Could Generate $1.4 Billion (tags)

Proposition 19, the initiative on the November 2 ballot to decriminalize possession of marijuana in California, could bring $1.4 billion or more annually to California's parched coffers — but in advocating for the measure as part of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (L.E.A.P.), Zenger's Newsmagazine associate editor Leo E. Laurence has found some politicians and law enforcement personnel eagerly embracing the idea, while others figuratively and sometimes literally run away from any hint of endorsing the measure.

Political Prisoner Correspondence and the FBI (tags)

FOIA documents uncover interesting information...

Border Security Plan Adds 1,000 Federal Law Enforcement Border Patrol Agents (tags)

Obama said the 600 million additional funding for border security "answers my call to bolster the essential work of federal law enforcement officials," adding that the measures "will make an important difference as my administration continues to work with Congress toward bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform to secure our borders, and restore responsibility and accountability to our broken immigration system."

Police Brutality in America (tags)

state terrorism against minorities and Muslims

Federal Protective Service Building Security Agency's Workforce Plan Questioned (tags)

The Federal Protective Service agency has an annual budget of roughly $1 billion, and employs 1,225 full-time workers and 15,000 contract security guards at more than 2,300 federal facilities nationwide

Annotated Text of SB1070 (tags)

The text of the controversial Arizona law, with comments interspersed. Read it and pass it on. If you're protesting, you owe it to yourself to know the law.

Napolitano Protest-Claremont, Ca May 16, 2010 (tags)

May 19, 2010 — We took the opportunity to make our voices heard to Secretary Napolitano at the Pomona College Graduation, demanded that DHS stop the criminalization of immigrant families, terminate local enforcement programs like 287g and Secure Communities that allowed the formation of discriminatory laws such as Arizona S.B. 1070, return the powers of immigration enforcement to federal authorities, end workplace and street corner raids, and to take leadership in setting federal immigration reform efforts in a more humane direction.

Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske admits drug war is a dismal failure (tags)

Drug czar Gil Kerlikowske admits drug war is a dismal failure. Of course if you ask all the cops who have been paid damn good money for jailing pot smokers and other victimless drug war criminals they will tell you the drug war is a huge success because it has made them very well off financially.

March and Rally to DHS Secretary Napolitano's Speech at Pomona College Graduation (tags)

Together with the Coalition of Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA) and the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, and the Latina/o Roundtable of Pomona and San Gabriel Valley, we are organizing a march and rally on Sunday, May 16th to denounce the harsh immigration enforcement policies of the Department of Homeland Security during DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano's speech at the Pomona College graduation ceremony. We will begin the march at the Claremont Greyhound Station, the site of numerous Border Patrol raids in the last year, and end with a rally at a park near the graduation site.

Terrorizing Immigrants (tags)

Emerging US fascism

dhs teamwork nm style (tags)

My letter to Grant county sheriff, New Mexico, early December 2009. no answers from anyone here yet, law enforcement harassment alongwith dhs teamwork are reaching new levels though, as the richardson scandal grows daily....b

Citizens Fight Organized Crime Gangsters (tags)

Organized human rights groups have teamed up with victims of the notorious Scientology crime syndicate to fight back, among the latest advocates joining the fight being the collective known as "Anonymous," a collection of civil rights, human rights, and free speech rights advocates around the world, all of whom have managed to make great progress putting Scientology crime bosses and ringleaders behind bars, educating citizens around the globe so that Scientology now boasts less than 40,000 remaining customers world wide.

Lessons from the Oscar Grant Tragedy - We Need to Get to Work (tags)

A current look at the developments of the Johannes Mehserle murder trial, the work on behalf of Oscar Grant and the significance of these efforts to the broader movement for social justice.

Lessons from the Oscar Grant Tragedy – We Need to Get to Work (tags)

In many instances, the second pre-trial hearing for Johannes Mehserle could be seen as a victorious day for the family and supporters of Oscar Grant.

My letter to Grant county sheriff, New Mexico, early December 2009 (tags)

no answers from anyone here yet, law enforcement harassment alongwith dhs teamwork are reaching new levels though, as the richardson scandal grows daily....b

Superbowl checkpoints / Retenes este fin de semana (4-7/feb/2010) (tags)

Como siempre cuando hay un gran evento o día festivo, agencias de orden público usan el pretexto para aumentar la aplicación de leyes racistas, clasistas, y antimigrantes. Habrá varios retenes, y muchas agencias reportan que van a monitorear con mayor vigilancia las vías públicas. Checkpoint response les avisa de los retenes previstos, no sólo en California, sino en el resto del país también, y les pedimos que tengan mucho cuidado.

As with other holidays and large events, law enforcement agencies use the pretext to heighten enforcement of classist, racist, and anti-immigrant laws. This weekend will see numerous checkpoints, as well as non-checkpoint traffic enforcement. Checkpoint response brings you this warning of the foreseeable checkpoints, and urges the utmost caution on the road.

NM DHS Human Rights Abuse (tags)

My letter to Grant county sheriff, New Mexico, early December 2009. Concerning my letter below: I just finished another good book concerning the jfk assassination, and the fabrication of multiple identities are a big part of the cia/fbi/nsa dirty trix departments as revealed during the investigation of all that; when jfk was ambushed, there were no less than THREE Lee Harvey Oswalds known around Dallas and the book depository (jack ruby helped with that, albeit unwittingly) , two were false, one of those was the actual main shooter (William Seymour, DISC, Operation40 w/felix rodriguez, barry seal, frank sturgis, etal). Thats why the real Oswald had to be taken out, nothing jived, he was just a holding action and distraction...a patsy, red herring, a dupe....I am trying hard not to become one of those for this fascist bunch of pigs here in the land of the lord.

Renewed Anti-Immigrant Drive Continues (tags)

The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) based in Los Angeles today reported that despite the filing of a new immigrant reform bill renewed, anti immigrant drive continues This in light of the renewed anti-immigrant bias following the botched attempt to blow-up a jetliner by a Nigerian immigrant during the Christmas season. And also this is because the immigration bill itself has serious flaws in that it accepts the logic of tightening “border security” and thus does not challenge the category of the “illegal” immigrant. This motions to pass immigration reform has given space to local and state law enforcement agencies to increase their repressive activities.

The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) based in Los Angeles today reported that despite (tags)

The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) based in Los Angeles today reported that despite the filing of a new immigrant reform bill renewed, anti immigrant drive continues This is because the immigration bill itself has serious flaws in that it accepts the logic of tightening “border security” and thus does not challenge the category of the “illegal” immigrant. This motions to pass immigration reform has given space to local and state law enforcement agencies to increase their repressive activities. This is the same condition when the federal government twiddled its thumbs during the Civil Rights Movement, local police departments in the South led the forces of reaction and bigotry against the Black freedom struggle.

Retenes navideños / Christmas checkpoints (25/dec-2/ene) UPDATED/ACTUALIZADA (tags)

Law enforcement agencies have declared they will hold 300 "DUI" checkpoints during the holiday season statewide. Furthermore, they have declared 2010 "the year of the checkpoint."
Las agencias de orden público han declarado que van a realizar un total de 300 retenes policiacos en esta temporada navideña. Es más, han denominado este año entrante del 2010 "El año del retén."

New Immigration Reform Bill Raising False Hopes for Immigrants (tags)

On Dec. 15, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) introduced HR 4321, the “Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity Act of 2009,” into the House with 89 cosponsors. Some immigrant rights advocates even rallied in Los Angeles to celebrate the filing of this bill But for the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) based in Los Angeles , this new immigrant reform bill only raise false hopes for all immigrants. It is just the same as the immigrant reform bill of 2006 also known as the Kennedy-Mccain bill that was diluted and was shelved due to the opposition of the rightist and other obstructionist and racist anti-immigrant lobby.

Obama Year One: Betrayal and Failure (tags)

Obama's shocking betrayal

Undocumented workers face new repressive state tactics (tags)

On Dec. 15, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) introduced HR 4321, the “Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Seurity and Prosperity Act of 2009,” into the House with 89 cosponsors. The Obama administration has stated that it will not act on the bill until health care legislation is passed, but there is a good chance it is also waiting for a more conservative compromise proposal to emerge from the Senate subcommittee on immigration. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is also supposed to introduce an administration bill next year.

Law School Discusses Medical Marijuana in Wake of County Raids (tags)

One week after San Diego police officers, sheriff’s deputies and federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents raided 14 medical marijuana dispensaries in San Diego County, the National Lawyers’ Guild chapters of California Western and Thomas Jefferson Schools of Law held a forum on the medical marijuana issue at Cal Western. Among the speakers were Gerald Singleton, attorney representing many of the people arrested in these and previous raids against medical marijuana providers; Dion Markgraaf, local activist who's been prosecuted four times for helping medical users obtain marijuana; and Alex Kreit, attorney and law professor who's been involved in medical marijuana issues. They particularly discussed the hard line against medical marijuana taken by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors and attorney general Bonnie Dumanis.

Corrupt U.S. Government official operating illegally with Mexican Drug Cartels for profit (tags)

According to documents obtained by this writer while employed as a high ranking U.S. law enforcement agent in Mexico, Cramer was also allegedly operating illegally by serving as a sort of secret agent and a full blown business partner of some of Mexico’s richest and most blood thirsty drug lords

LA: immigrant workers protest layoffs, repression (tags)

Los Angeles: immigrant workers protest layoffs, repression By Rafael Azul and D. Lencho 4 August 2009 Over 1,000 immigrant workers and their supporters marched in Los Angeles July 29 in opposition to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) policies.


an update on where and how the Rainbow people continue on under any adversities or intimidations... keeping on......this is a repost from 6/27/09 from their website....pass it on...

Rainbow Family Continues in spite of selective punishments by enforcers of "laws" (tags)

PRESS RELEASE: Rainbow Gatherers Ordered to Albuquerque for Ticket Hearings Monday. for updates see Rainbow press crew's website below.


Every year there is a very special gathering of those who love peace, the earth and want to act in their Unity and loving presence with one another... coming from all across the USA and other countries as well...this special event is like no other some of us have experienced. Sharing, caring, living on bare national [ read: all of ours ] forrest lands for a short time, and forming 'family' with those who seemed to be strangers in other places, now are not 'other' but one caring collective.

Indian Divorce in U.S. Courts (tags)

Many Indian nationals had their marriages in India and domicile in the United States. They travel back to India for the purpose of obtaining divorce judgments according to the Hindu law. The issue of jurisdiction becomes important factor for the recognition of their foreign divorce judgments in the United States. This article analyzes this issue.

Two men and a woman are wanted in connection with the kidnapping of Briant Rodriguez (tags)

Mexican police and American law enforcement are searching border cities in Mexico and seem confident they will found them.

Alarming Sensitive U.S. Government (tags)

Mexican Drug cartels are ordering decapitations blind foldings and hooding victims before they shoot them. The Cartels are sending a chilling message to the Mexican President Felipe Calderon Administration by adopting methods of intimidation made notorious by Middle Eastern terrorist groups.


• Extrajudicial targeting/punishment violates the U.S. Constitution, and has enabled crimes against humanity. Government intelligence, security, law enforcement and revenue officials are said to be complicit.

U.S. ICE and Homeland Security Officials Lacking Accountability (tags)

Time to recall Joe Arpaio, Sheriff of Maricopa County in Arizona

S.D. Cracks Down on Medical Pot as Feds Loosen Up (tags)

Don Duncan, California statewide director of the national medical-marijuana advocacy group Americans for Safe Access (ASA), came to San Diego February 10 to tell local members that the outlook for medical marijuana is good. He pointed to a policy statement from a spokesperson for President Obama that said the federal government will stop using its police power to interfere with state medical marijuana laws. But that was cold comfort to many of the people in the room, especially those targeted by a flurry of raids in San Diego in the first week of February.

Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force pleads guilty to bribery, extortion and conspiracy (tags)

Sgt.. Schroer and his co-conspirators wore official U.S. Military uniforms, carried official forms of identification, and used official U.S. vehicles, when necessary, to prevent police stops, roadblocks, searches and seizures of the narcotics as they drove the cocaine shipments through checkpoints throughout the Southwestern states which were manned by the U.S. Border Patrol, the Arizona Department of Public Safety and Nevada law enforcement officers.

Orange County Sheriffs hit the streets in protest (tags)

The lawsuit has drawn the attention of law enforcement unions across the country because a ruling in favor of the county could unravel pension benefits granted to law enforcement officers nationwide.

Audience Packs Library for Medical Marijuana Film (tags)

For many of the 300 people who packed the San Diego Public Library screening of "Waiting to Inhale," Jed Riffe's film on the medical marijuana issue, it's not just a movie but something they're living. The film begins with a raid on a medical marijuana growers' collective, and at least two members of the audience talked about having gone through similar raids from San Diego County law enforcement just days earlier. The audience was highly partisan but the film itself was surprisingly fair-minded and even-handed in its approach to the issue.

Mexican drug cartel gang members in most American cities and our military (tags)

Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California-based, prison gangs cooperate with Mexico-based MDC’s to smuggle wholesale quantities of cocaine and marijuana and illegal aliens into the United States from Mexico.

Prosecutors, Cops and Judges: Ready to Ditch California’s Death Penalty (tags)

In opinion pieces that appeared in papers across California last year, former prosecutors, judges and law enforcement officers raised their voices to declare: enough already, it’s time to ditch the death penalty. Let’s consider what they had to say.

U.S. is not dealing with Mexican violence against Americans (tags)

From Brownsville Texas to San Diego California Mexican cities bordering American cities are where most Americans are being killed by assassinations and executions. But other Americans are being killed by the long arm of the Mexican drug cartels which reach deep into America. There are accounts of Mexican drug cartel surrogate terrorist’s invading the U.S. by crossing the porous international border and killing Americans in Dallas Texas, Atlanta Geo, New York City, Phoenix Ariz, Las Vegas Nevada, and is believed to have reached Shelby County Alabama where five people were found murdered gangland style by Mexican nationals.

Bush administration claims U.S. military can police American citizens (tags)

The Bush administration indicates that the President is authorized by the Constitution and Title 10 (10 USC 331–334) to suppress insurrections, rebellions, and domestic violence.

World efforts of the war on drugs and terror are starting to reap results (tags)

According to Michael A. Braun, DEA Chief of Operations, says that the drug trafficking and middle eastern terrorist groups are a “Growing Nexus.” He indicates that there is a growing nexus between international drug trafficking organizations and international terrorism. Mr. Braun believes it is a new hybrid organization funded by international drug trafficking and dedicated to terrorism.

Clandestine Project Reckoning: Huge blow to Mexican drug cartels & gang members world-wide (tags)

175 of the 500 arrested are believed members of the Mexican Drug Gulf Cartel. Among those indicted are three of the alleged leaders of the Gulf Cartel: Ezequiel Cardenas-Guillen, Heriberto Lazcano-Lazcano, and Jorge Eduardo Costilla-Sanchez. These individuals, each designated as Consolidated Priority

RNC 8 Charged with "Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism (tags)

In what appears to be the first use of criminal charges under the 2002 Minnesota version of the Federal Patriot Act, Ramsey County Prosecutors have formally charged 8 alleged leaders of the RNC Welcoming Committee with Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism. Monica Bicking, Eryn Trimmer, Luce Guillen Givins, Erik Oseland, Nathanael Secor, Robert Czernik, Garrett Fitzgerald, and Max Spector, face up to 7 1/2 years in prison under the terrorism enhancement charge which allows for a 50% increase in the maximum penalty.

Pat Nixon at the U.S.-Mexico Border (tags)

Editor's Note: Nearly 40 years ago this month, First Lady Pat Nixon crossed the U.S.-Mexico border and embraced Mexican children, saying, "I hate to see a fence anywhere." Times have changed, writes the commentator, and ironically, President Richard Nixon helped to bring about many of these changes. Joseph Nevins is an associate professor of geography at Vassar College. His latest book is Dying to Live: A Story of U.S. Immigration in an Age of Global Apartheid (City Lights Books, 2008).

All Doctors Eliminated At Ca-OSHA (tags)

California has eliminated all medical doctors at Ca-OSHA for the 17 million workers in the state. The last doctor of Ca-OSHA has written a statement about the state of Ca-OSHA.

Here Is Why The Mail Is So Messed Up... (tags)

and why it has become so expensive...try to get in touch with thte postal inspector to file a complaint about slow or missing mail though....these cops are all tax enforcers and this is a good example of that...the illegal marijuana tax act of 1937 is being enforced by people who are supposed to be serving america, but actually serve zion....b

Mexico’s Civil War Killing More Americans (tags)

Just since the beginning of this year more than 4,000 people have been murdered in Mexico in what authorities blame on the Mexican cartels and their criminal gangs and Para-military forces. Google or click on:

What You Can Do About Gang Stalking (tags)

Do something about COINTELPRO.

Did U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes and ICE conspire in illegal activity? (tags)

Plan Colombia Heads for Mexico (tags)

Call it NAFTA on steroids.

Mexico's National Security Cabinet expected to declare a state of emergency (tags)

Calderon is reported to be rushing more Mexican Army troops to the border cities of Juarez, Tijuana, Mexicali, Palomas and others.

Another So.Cal Police Officer Sentenced In the wake of Rampart corruption scandal (tags)

The robbery teams usually consisted of multiple sworn police officers in uniform or displaying a official police badge, who would gain access to the residence by falsely telling any occupants that they were police officers and that they were conducting a legitimate search for drugs or drug dealers. Victims often were violently restrained, threatened or assaulted during the search.

Dangerous Mexican/U.S. Criminal Enterprises Operating Along the (tags)

Many were beheaded with or without written messages on bodies or in vehicles. The cartels’ methods of torture and killing are particularly brutal. On September 6, 2006, masked gunmen entered a nightclub in the Michoacan, fired guns in the air and rolled five severed human heads onto the dance floor

Alarming Sensitive U.S. Government on Mexican violence (tags)

Dozens of people have been decapitated in Mexico so far this year, with heads stuck on fence posts, found in trash bags and heads being tossed onto a nightclub dance floor for all to see

U.S. Military Headed For The Border To Protect Us Or What? (tags)

Americans are afraid that this is just subterfuge. That the real intent of this administration is to suppress decent, control the masses and some even fear it is designed by Bush to delay the elections in the fall. Invade Iran imprison many Americans and designed for him to remain President for as long as he can.

An easy place to sneak into the USA from Mexico (tags)

Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area and easy place to sneak into the USA from Mexico. It is neare the Arizona and California border on the California side

Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey Announce a Ser (tags)

The Department Of Justice and Homeland Security will strengthen legal efforts to keep international gang members out of the United States. Chertoff said, “Gangs are at the root of many U.S. crime problems today, and many of the most dangerous gangs draw significant membership from abroad.”

United States-Mexican border is experiencing an alarming rise in drug-human and Terrorist (tags)

In addition to Federal agents, State, sheriff, and local police dept's are expected to help patrol the border areas.

Los Angeles, Long Beach And Other Police Officers Found Guilty Of Home Invasion Robberies (tags)

These defendants, who were sworn to serve and protect the people of Los Angeles, went from enforcing the law to breaking the law,” said Grace Chung Becker, Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division.

FBI Combating Growing Violence Along The South Texas Border With Mexico (tags)

Significant levels of violence and drug-related criminal activity also plague Laredo. As you know, this bloody drama revolves around the Gulf Cartel drug-trafficking organization, which dominates the region and commands smuggling operations along this stretch of the American Southwest.

Sigue Corporation to Forfeit (tags)

(“Sigue”), a San Fernando, California-based money service businesses, entered into a deferred prosecution agreement on charges of failing to maintain an effective anti-money laundering program and will forfeit $15 million to the U.S. government.

They're known as "Los Zetas (tags)

The men are known as the Zetas, former members of the Mexican army who defected to Mexico's so-called Gulf drug cartel in the late 1990s

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Won't Go Away (tags)

The National Transportation Safety Board's historic ruling on the probable cause of the April 2006 Predator B unmanned aircraft crash in Arizona represents just the first of a series of unmanned systems accident investigations that will follow as drones of all sizes finally win approval by federal air safety regulators to operate unfettered in the National Airspace System (NAS).

Racism and Anti-Immigrant Terror at Fire Evacuee Centers (tags)

The first story is a very detailed account of the police and immigration terrorism against African-Americans and immigrants at the fire evacuee centers. The second story is a call for volunteers, including interpreters.

September-October 2007 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly Digest (tags)

National Immigrant Solidarity Network No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!

Simi Valley Mayor asks DHS head Chertoff to Raid Sanctuary Church - Oxnard Responds (tags)

March in defense of human rights, in response to the raids carried out on a scale meant to terrorize the workers and immigrants of Southern California. On Tuesday, 1,300 people were detained and in many cases torn from their childrens' arms.

ICE: The New Gestapo Terrorizing our Brown Communities? (tags)

This report details some of the last couple weeks of raids in Orange County, but also shares extensive details about ICE agency, their Memorandum of Agreement with Orange County, and other investigative findings.

LA City Council reaffirms Special Order 40 (tags)

On Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council took a moment to address a "small" matter buried on its agenda. It reaffirmed the City's commitment to Special Order 40.

why 'review board is a sellout (tags)

it means 'no power'!

93 Bombing World Trade Center Revisted: FBI Linked To Bombing (tags)

Tapes made secretly by an FBI informant of conversations between him and his agency handlers have linked the nations largest law enforcement agency to the "the most destructive terrorist act in U.S. history." Emid Ali Salem, an FBI informant used hidden microphones given him by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents to record his conversations with agents of the bureau. A Los Angles Times article on 10/28/93 revealed to shocked readers details of FBI involvement in the terrorist act. FBI spokesmen in Washington refused comment.

Protest MacArthur Park Police Brutality at CSULA (tags)

Protest police brutality, the war machine, and racism at the grand opening of the Criminology Lab at CSULA on Friday, May 11th, at 2pm. The site of the grand opening is at Cal State Los Angeles, on the corner of Eastern Ave and State University Dr. It is expected that many politicians (including Arnold) as well as the who's who of law enforcement will be present. Say no to their fascist plans!

Some elements’ in RP security forces behind killings – US report (tags)

"Some elements" of Philippine security forces are "apparently" responsible for unexplained killings, disappearances, arbitrary arrest and illegal detentions, according to the US State Department. In its latest report, "Supporting Human Rights and Democracy: The US Record 2006," the State Department said members of security services committed acts of physical and psychological abuse on suspects and detainees, and even instances of torture. The report, which was released and submitted to the US Congress last week, said corruption remained a problem in all sectors of the criminal justice system, including police, prosecutorial, and judicial organs.

The Bush -- Police States of America (tags)

Indisputable fact revealing President Bush, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and the U.S. Justice Departments subjugation of an entire state population to civil rights violations reminiscent of 1930s Germany.

CA needs law enforcement accountability to the media and the public (tags)

Presently, CA laws prevent disclosure of relevent details of citizen complaints of law enforcement misconduct to media and public.

Organizing against police suppression of political activities (tags)

Jim DeMaegt was visited by the Secret Service at his apartment building on January 3 of this year at about 2:30 or 3:00 p.m.

Bush and Gonzales – Two Terrorists (tags)

Bush, Alberto Gonzales and the Justice Department subject an entire state to civil rights violations reminiscent of 1930s Germany.

Ex-cop plans video on how to hide drug stashes (tags)

I wonder if this is a hoax or if this cop has really seen the light and is against the drug war? I know there are a number of cops who are drug war vetrans and against the war because they know it doesnt work.

Is It Martial Law Yet? (tags)

In a stealth maneuver, President Bush has signed into law a provision which, according to Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), will actually encourage the President to declare federal martial law.

Oust Corrupt Right-Wing Vermont Governor James Douglas - Scudder Parker for Gov. (tags)

Vermont Governor Douglas appoints law-breakers to top law enforcement positions.

First They Came for My Mother (tags)

Assaults by law enforcement on journalists

BTL:Failure of Drug War Prompts Police Officers to Advocate Legalization (tags)

Interview with Jack Cole, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, co-founder & executive director, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

EU will provide airline data to US (tags)

English Police State to sleep with the U.S. Police State

Special Training for US Law Enforcement (tags)

Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith takes ACTION: bringing law enforcement agencies together, implementing strategies to promote security awareness, systemically monitoring hate sites on the Internet, providing training on extremist ideologies and building bridges between Jewish institutions and law enforcement.

Border World (tags)

not your daddys mexico...unless you are duh-bya

Cops deny attending meetings to keeps cops from getting tickets (tags)

DPS and Sheriff Joe deny attending meeting where Scottsdale cops agreed to squash speeding tickets of other cops. Scottsdale cops can't remember the names of the DPS and Maricopa County Sheriff Officers who attended those meetings, but say the meetings took place!

La Migra wants snitches (tags)

Isn't this what Hitler did? Turn in a Jew for a cash reward? Now George W. Hitler says turn in a Mexican and get a cash reward. Gee how history repeats its self!

Mass Deportations? (tags)

Not yet! but soon...Bush attacked on enforcement record

COP WATCH REPORT: Sheriffs Helicopters More Frequent Over South Central Farms! (tags)

Within the past few days Sheriff helicopters have been seen more frequently over the South Central Farms..

My Adventure Presenting Animal Rights Philosophy to the FBI (tags)

The FBI paid me to fly to the Washington D.C. area to lecture law enforcement executives and managers from around the world about animal rights philosophy.

UN Calls for Action on Police Torture in US (tags)


US Questioned About Police Brutality by UN Committee Against Torture (tags)

Committee Members Call for Action on TASERs, Burge Torture Cases

US government arrests record numbers in factory raids (tags)

In a nationwide dragnet Wednesday, US immigration enforcement agents raided factories across the country arresting nearly 1,200 undocumented workers, a record number for a single operation. The raids come in the wake of massive demonstrations throughout the country protesting reactionary anti-immigrant legislation in Congress and demanding full legal status and citizenship rights for the millions of undocumented workers who have come to find jobs and a better life.

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Cpl. Joseph Anthony Blanco, 25, of Bloomington, was killed in a firefight in Taji, Iraq, Tuesday.

The Senate's Priorities: No Mexicans (tags)

The U.S. Senate today exposed its real immigration agenda, and it has little to do with securing borders, drug runners, or terrorists.

US Senate now considering to authorize Minutemen (tags)

Sen. Inhofe introduced an amendment to the immigration reform bill making the Minutemen an official U.S. government program known as "BRAVE Force"!

Immigrant Detention Centers to find a use! (tags)

Should people should be preparing themselves to resist if "HR 4437" passes?

John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud (tags)

Why does Securities Exchange Commission's John Reed Stark of internet enforcement not enforce ? Why have so many fraudulent internet websites proliferated under his reign of internet securities fraud and cyber fraud terror ? Is John Reed Stark aiding a sick psychological and stock fraud experiment as well as fraud upon investors by doing nothing to stop internet securities fraud and psychological abuse even using religion and death threats as well as fraudulent 'naked shorting' claims,etc. to promote stock fraud ? And the anonymous internet threats come from people he can and has identified already on the world wide web and on ragingbull and Yahoo and their extended websites and yet does nothing about it except to protect the criminals.John Reed Stark and other SEC officials are now responsible for allowing illegal pump and dump scams and probable money laundering with unaudited U.S. penny stocks in Dubai,UAE and for this reason alone should resign in mass or be convicted for this traitorous fraud against Americans.

Minuteman Mayor's ICE Cracks In Costa Mesa Immigration War (tags)

Reeling from pointed public comments and revealing testimony from police Chief John Hensley, Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor tried but failed to silence fellow City Council member Katrina Foley as she attacked his proposal to use police as immigration law eLooking upnforcers under the auspices of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Call to Action by Dolores Mission (tags)

ECUMENICAL PRAYER SERVICE FOR COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM at La Placita Olvera (Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish) 10:00 am, Friday, February 24

LA suburb prohibits police from work with immigration agents (tags)

LA suburb prohibits police from work with immigration agents

the newer centurions (tags)

Blackwater Mercenaries Deploy in New Orleans

Please put down the race card (tags)

Debating REAL solutions to the REAL problems presented by unchecked illegal immigration doesn't make you a racist.

Racists & Bigots (tags)

Drop the race card and talk about solutions to the REAL problems caused by unmitigated illegal immigration

Who dies in your place? (tags)

Republican Christians, do not enlist. They decide to allow thousands of non-American citizen-soldiers to die in their stead. 60,000 of these green-card holders have been serving in Iraq and Afghanistan while born-again white citizens stay home and live off their mommies and daddies.

Grand Council of Guardians (tags)

Manhattan Borough Presidents Candidate Forum

Most Likely To Hack the FBI (tags)

The FBI's public email system, the one they use to contact the public and law enforcement, was hacked. Who is the most likely candidate for such an operation?

The Protest Warriors: Fascist and Un-American (tags)

Learn more about the CIA's useful idiots.

hate crimes misclassified (tags)

Many transgender people disappear and are categorized as drug related by law enforcement officials who choose to avoid the media publicity of an official hate crime.


POIRIER SALES is an online terror group targeting Americans, British, Israeli, Military , and Law Enforcement. Shut them down!

The FBI Lied, Again (tags)

The FBI lied to you when they said protesters planning to attend the anti-DNC marches in Boston were plotting to attack the media. The DNC is now complete and not a single report of an attack against the media has surfaced. Had such an attack occurred, it is doubtless that the media would have hyped it. No such attack occurred. Here is an article instigated by the FBI concerning the alleged plot by protesters to terrorize the media: Nets warned of threat.


First Draft Declaration Of Write-in Presidential Candidacy of Billder Bill Gallagher Hachita New Mexico, 2004 Presidential Election, United States Of America.

Look At ALL The POLICE!!!! (tags)

This site is supposedly the biggest police site on the web... I checked the police in FL, as listed below, and then thought it interesting to see what they grouped from FED/MIL as police...THAT list is truly enlightening, it is under the florida list (WAY down the page).

THE MATRIX: Precursor of Database Project Gave Feds 120,000 Terror Suspects (tags)

NEW YORK — Before helping to launch the criminal information project known as Matrix, a database contractor gave U.S. and Florida authorities the names of 120,000 people who showed a statistical likelihood of being terrorists -- sparking some investigations and arrests.

Brutality starts at home (tags)

US President George W Bush condemned the incidents of Iraq prison abuse and those who perpetrated them, saying: "That's not the way we do things in America." But unfortunately, that's not quite true.

Billder For President 2004 (tags)

First Draft Declaration Of Write-in Presidential Candidacy of Bill Gallagher, 2004 Presidential Election, United States Of America.

Constitutional Rights Enforcement & Support Team (tags)

The Constitutional Rights Enforcement & Support Team (C.R.E.S.T.) is now starting. Be the first to join and get in on the ground level of this soon to be mighty wave of force against tyranny.

Santa Ana Catholic Worker trying to be SHUT DOWN! (tags)

Happy Thanksgiving! We should see what we can do to support them and not let the Catholic Worker get shut down! -Sabrina-

FBI Intelligence Bulletin no. 89: Spying On Protestors (tags)

The FBI intelligence bulletin, disseminated on a weekly basis, provides law enforcement with current, relevant terrorism information developed from counterterrorism investigations and analysis. The intelligence bulletin does not contain threat warning information.

Its official COINTELPRO has returned (tags)

WASHINGTON, Nov. 22 The Federal Bureau of Investigation has collected extensive information on the tactics, training and organization of antiwar demonstrators and has advised local law enforcement officials to report any suspicious activity at protests to its counterterrorism squads, according to interviews and a confidential bureau memorandum.

Filtering The Smog (tags)

Clinton's EPA filed suits and brought against dozens of industrial plants, including ExxonMobil and Southern Company. But Bush's EPA re-writes the rules and permits companies to keep secret information about their deadly emissions.

Workshop about FBI harassment! In LA. (tags)

Don't be caught off guard! Stop FBI harassment!


Peace Fresno was infiltrated by an agent working for the Fresno Sheriff’s Department.

activist harassment (tags)

Pasadena Weekly reporter seeking to contact activists who have been harassed or surveilled by law enforcement agents.

'LaVM 31/2002 vp' taking place January 1st 2004 and its planned becoming... (tags)

Short analyses on 'HE 52/2002 vp' accepted as a new Police and Enforcement act 'LaVM 31/2002 vp' starting from January 1st 2004. Citations from implicit explanatory memorandum assigned to Parliament's Constitutional committee appended with further explanations and grounds. All but one references can be found from internet for information validation. Raise of the second Holocaust?

F#$K Jeremy Morse and his racist defenders! (tags)

The number of articles posted on the IMC in "defense" of Jeremy Morse, including the worthless chimes of bigot Pat Buchanan of all people, are clear evidence that this site is being monitored by cops, right-wingers and straight up racists assholes.

BIG BROTHER GETS BIGGER—Domestic Spying & the Global Intelligence Working Group (tags)

With virtually no media coverage or public scrutiny, a major reorganization of the US domestic law enforcement intelligence apparatus is well underway and, in fact, is partially completed.

The Arrest of Rabih Haddad and Local Law Enforcement (tags)

A preliminary inquiry begun last week by the Ann Arbor Bill of Rights Defense Committee (AABORDC) has revealed information suggesting that the Ann Arbor Police Department (AAPD) may have provided assistance to federal authorities in the arrest of Rabih Haddad.

BTL:Growing Numbers of Law Enforcement Officials Denounce Drug War as a... (tags)

...Public Policy Failure. Interview with Jack Cole, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

PayPal = SpyPal (tags)

PayPal is not your buddy. It is another corrupt Corporate Suck-up. Please do not use PayPal.

Ashcroft Pushing PATRIOT II, Bush Hesitating (tags)

Several members of Congress, including Republicans like Rep. James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, have expressed concerns about providing law enforcement with much more authority, raising questions about civil liberties. ...Ashcroft is unapologetic, insisting that the USA-PATRIOT Act has resulted in "steady progress in America's war on terrorism."

An adult attitude towards Enforcement Act (tags)

What makes it so different and interesting to other Laws? How can it be used and how it is being used, and what are the possible consequences of abusing it.

Why keep Americans guessing about 9/11? (tags)

Even the arbiter of the "Mainstream" Presstitutes are beginning to have to old their nose and ask: What's that smell?


I hope people find this of use. It seems to be a good basic summary of the provisions of the Fourth Reich's "Enabling Act".

ACTION ALERT: Stop the RAVE Act! (tags)

Late on Tuesday, April 8, 2003, a Senate and House Conference Committee, without a hearing, public notice or a debate in Congress, attached the Illicit Drug Anti-Proliferation Act (formerly known as the RAVE Act) to the Amber Alert Bill (a child abduction bill). This is "backdoor" policy-making at its worst and in no way upholds the democratic principles rooted in our legislative process.

Get Ready for PATRIOT II (And the Fourth Reich) (tags)

The Bush Junta has already provided adequate evidence that they are not friends of the Constitution or the Civil Liberties Protected therein. If this Bill is ever allowed to pass you can kiss your ass goodbye. Here come the "Detention Camps" for dissidents (those who do not parrot the Party Line. All "Good Americans" Goose Step mit Der Fuhrer.

Hey anyone remember Inglewood? (tags)

Finnally independant people can hear my story.

Petroleum, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Moronic Bureaucrats (tags)

Although Interpol still claims to be "apolitical", it's recently been posting more and more political propaganda, perhaps due to the influence of such wannabe Americans like "NWO" bureaucrat Ronald Kenneth Noble, who worked for the money-laundering "U.S. Treasury" and the Federal Reserve Corporation's Internal Ripoff Service....

Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 ("Patriot II") (tags)

recently a document was leaked from the justice department. They say it is a "draft". Here is a summary of the Patriot II

Stolen Lives Project Needs Volunteers For New Book (tags)




USA Patriot Act II--A$hcroft drafts secret sequel (tags)

The Bush Administration is preparing a bold, comprehensive sequel to the USA Patriot Act passed in the wake of September 11, 2001, which will give the government broad, sweeping new powers to increase domestic intelligence-gathering, surveillance and law enforcement prerogatives, and simultaneously decrease judicial review and public access to information. For additional information, watch the PBS program "Now With Bill Moyers" tonight at 9 P.M. EST. (local listings The show will also air an interview with Charles Lewis.

The Declaration of a Renewed American Independence (tags)

The motives behind the killing of a Police Officer in Red Bluff, California. A declaration of American rights against law enforcement.


Two Israeli companies monitor EVERY U.S. telephone call. One tracks "billing", ie who calls whom, the other is used for wire tapping. This is an extract from Fox News, and can be found easily on Google, or by going to the "9/11 timeline" at


The following post is for the October 22nd coalition that is planning demonstrations against police brutality in cities across the U.S. Check the new call and contacts in your area.


Extraordinary revelations from the investigative journalist who broke the TIPS story. Versions of this article have been printed in Australia and Europe, but this is Goldstein's full-length, un-edited copy.

Transcript of militarized police forum (tags)

In light of recent Bush administration efforts to expand the domestic role of the military, "Declassified Radio" is re-releasing the transcript of a past program on the military's growing influence on domestic policing. This program, initially released in October of 2001, includes material from a September 25, 2001 symposium on militarized policing held at Judson Church in New York City. Speakers included Paul Richmond of the National Lawyer's Guild, "Covert Action Quarterly" writer Frank Morales, and Sam Smith, editor of the "Progressive Review".


The White House and Homeland Security Czar Tom Ridge are calling for a review of the Posse Commitatus Act, which currently prohibits the military from engaging in domestic police activities.


The Pentagon recently announced plans for the creation of a Homeland CINC, or military command. Urge your representatives to oppose military "mission creep" into domestic affairs. (Sample letter below:)

not a joke... new LA police doll (tags)

The 'LAPD Patrol Officer West' action figure toy, sold by the Los Angeles Police Protective League sells for $32. Features on the figure include: 1/6 Scale authentic collector figure with fully poseable action body, diecast metal weapons and accessories, firearm, baton, radio, flashlight, duty belt, and handcuffs.

DEA plans to ban Hemp FOODS!! Act NOW! (tags)

The Drug Enforcement Agency is turning itself into the Food Prohibition Agency...witout congressional or public authorization. Hemp is just not allowed to compete with petro-chemical-intensive products OR Genetically Engineered soy products, apparently. Corporate toxics, or nothing, in "the land of the free".

Planned Parenthood target of Anthrax Letters (tags)

About 110 abortion clinics and Planned Parenthood facilities nationwide received envelopes in the mail Monday with white powder inside, clinic officials said.

ACLU overview of new Surveillance Powers (tags)

On September 19, only eight days after the tragic terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, the Bush Administration unveiled its proposed Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA). These passed the house and the senate with only symbolic debate. Below are the ACLU's 5 major concerns. For a chart detailing all the changes please go to the website.

Enter the new secret police (tags)

Under cover of an anti-terrorist offensive, the Howard Government has signalled new laws to enhance and reinforce the right of law enforcement bodies and spy organisations to trample on the civil liberties and democratic rights of the Australian people. The new laws would add to the draconian powers given to the military in the lead up to the Sydney Olympics last year, and to the powers handed to law enforcement bodies and the military this year in the Border Protection Bill.

Enter the new secret police (tags)

Under cover of an anti-terrorist offensive, the Howard Government has signalled new laws to enhance and reinforce the right of law enforcement bodies and spy organisations to trample on the civil liberties and democratic rights of the Australian people. The new laws would add to the draconian powers given to the military in the lead up to the Sydney Olympics last year, and to the powers handed to law enforcement bodies and the military this year in the Border Protection Bill.

Another Homerun (tags)


San Diego Viewpoint (tags)

San Diego folk back cops

San Diego Response (tags)

San Diego response to Bio2001

Three Cheers for San Diego Police (tags)

San Diego Police hit a home run...

News Review- San Diego Bio 2001 (tags)

Biotech convention over in San Diego

Biojustice Deportations Planned (tags)

San Diego law enforcement authorities are in the process of deporting 300-500 juvenile offenders.

Meir Kahane Rebuttal (tags)

The LA Times Article (tags)

Making Protesters look like terrorists (tags)

“We are up against the strongest, well-trained militant revolutionary group that has ever assembled in America...They're worse than the brownshirts and the Communist element and the night riders and the vigilantes - Ohio Governor James Rhodes, speaking in Kent Ohio, May 3 1970, the day before the shootings Find out why the U.S. is starting to look more and more like the third world, and political protest is starting to look more and more like war

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