fix articles 8851, agency Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : agency



“The official death count of 64 is a substantial underestimate of the true burden of mortality after Hurricane Maria,” researchers wrote. “Our estimate of 4,645 excess deaths from September 20 through December 31, 2017, is likely to be conservative since subsequent adjustments for survivor bias and household-size distributions increase this estimate to more than 5000.” FEMA Respond sable.

Nuclear Shutdown Nres September 2017 Part 2 (tags)

The second part of Nuclear Shutdown News for September 2017.

FEMA unprepared and lacks pre strategic planning (tags)

The mayor of Puerto Rico’s capital city San Juan issued a plea for urgent help as she expressed frustration with the speed at which rescuers were being sent to work on the hurricane-ravaged U.S. territory. “This is a big S.O.S for anybody out there,”

Fib atrocities in many places (tags)

The fbi and cia commit atrocities without regard to borders.

An Uncertain Future for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (tags)

The future of a federal consumer watchdog agency is uncertain amidst pledges to reduce the agency.

Main Street media mind binders & assassins (tags)

See the reality of our world ruled by killers within our trusted government and media.

Michael Chertoff The Man & His Star-Crossed Past (tags)

Poster's note: Chertoff made the Dept of Homeland Security an Israeli agency and has hired Michael Hayden, the man who made the NSA a universal snoop and was also head of the CIA, for his Chertoff Group)

Investigate UNRWA spokesperson Chris Gunness for violating UNRWA's Mandate (tags)

We, the signers of this petition, call on the UN Secretary General, UN Commissioner-General of UNRWA, and deputy UN Commissioner-General of UNRWA, to address, investigate, and replace Mr. Chris Gunness, who has time and again proven his inability to uphold UNRWA's mandate of neutrality.

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza (tags)


Iran's Longstanding US-Inflicted Nightmare (tags)


CIA Human Experimentation (tags)


Housing Board Member is an Evicter! (tags)

Got this from CES - get rid of Matthew Jacobs, who is supposed to help create affordable housing. He's a developer who has evicted people to demolish rent controlled housing in the Fairfax district.

Federal agents being accused of gross misconduct & assassinations (tags)

The Justice Department report unearthed many incidents where government agencies did not properly report incidents of sexual misconduct, many of which happened in the company of prostitutes.

Commander: "Turkey delivered weapons to terrorists in Yemen in guise of humanitarian aid" (tags)

"Yemeni Major General Khalid al-Barayemi said that the revolutionary forces found the chemical weapons in several Saudi trucks bound for areas under terrorists' control. [...] Al-Barayemi also said there is sufficient evidence that Turkish planes have recently delivered weapons into Yemen's soil under the cover of humanitarian aid, implying that the chemical weapons substances might have been transited from Turkey."

Obama: Tool Of The Cruel Plans To Extend Afghanistan War, The US' Longest (tags)

Obama has announced he is not withdrawing troops as he promised by the end of 2014

No More Nukes! (tags)

Massive Explosion in Iranian nuclear facility. Fatalities reported

Does the NSA Spy On Confessionals, AA Groups, Shrink Visits, Class Action Lawsuit Conferen (tags)

virtually unlimited sleuthing by the NSA used for everything from imperialist military actions and assassination squads to blackmail, industrial espionage and insider trading

VIDEO: James Bramford on NSA Spying and Edward Snowden (tags)

Investigative reporter James Bamford is the author of "The Puzzle Palace," the first book published about the NSA. He later authored two more: "Body of Secrets" and "The Shadow Factory." Mr. Bamford has also written and co-produced a documentary on the NSA...

Newspapers Push for Snowden Pardon (tags)

The New York Times and The Guardian (London) published major editorial statements on New Year's Day, reviewing the evidence that Edward Snowden's whistleblowing on NSA spying has largely been vindicated. They call for the creation of conditions that will allow Snowden to return home with dignity.

NSA Mass Monitoring Cell Phone Calls Globally (tags)


NSA Spying: Get It All (tags)


Arab-American Attorney Abdeen Jabara: I Was Spied on by the NSA 40 Years Ago (tags)

Arab-American Attorney Abdeen Jabara: I Was Spied on by the NSA 40 Years Ago

NSA: The Ultimate Spy Machine (tags)


America's Intelligence Budget Black Hole (tags)


Institutionalized US Spying: More Than NSA's Involved (tags)

police state

FBI Lets Informants Commit Crimes (tags)

police state

Whistleblower Russell Tice Tells More (tags)

police state

Sheriff Joe guilty of profiling Mexicans (tags)

Arizona's racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio found guilty of profiling Mexicans and Latinos

President Obama's hand in the Gift Fund (tags)

There's no "sequester" on President Obama's secret "gift" fund! 21 USCS Section 1702 Office of National Drug Control Policy 21 USCS 1702 (d)(1)(2)(3)

Wall Street's in Good Hands with Mary Jo White (tags)

Wall Street

The Central Intelligence Agency is Confused! (tags)

Does the Teachers' Union buy M155s? Does the Electrical Brothers' Union buy Goats? Why is the C.I.A. deploying un-manned Drone Strikes killing children and innocent civilians? How stupid can they be? Those job duties are NOT listed on their "Mission" statement!

Fabricating Lies To Wage War On Iran (tags)

Turning Iran into a reliable pro-Western puppet state is a long-sought US goal. All options are considered, including war.

Illegal FBI Spying on Community Groups (tags)

police state

NY-NJ bridge policeman earns $221,000 (tags)

Wow they sure pay piggies well!

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Deal with disasters, not blame the masses (tags)

The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States wrote to your newspaper to vehemently condemn the criminal neglect and the breast thumping of the Aquino III?s NDRRMC , the agency and its head, Benito Ramos. The NDRRMC is the agency who is task to mitigate disasters and warn the people of the impending disasters and conduct relief work such as the fury of the Thypoon Pedring and Quiel that hit the Philippines and devastated most of Northern and Central Luzon. Very poor Response And yet with no less than President Benigno C. Aquino in attendance during their televised briefing, there was nothing new on the typhoons and floodings that hit the country recently. Pedring has passed and another storm came in and had passed but still the waters released by the dams still has flooded the whole Metro Manila and Central Luzon.

Get a secure email account (tags)

Get a free data secure web mail and pop email account at

The Shortwave Report 08/05 (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- HIGHEST QUALITY BROADCAST, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Germany, Cuba, Japan, and Russia.

LulzSec hacks Arizona State Police computers (tags)

The hacker group LulzSec hacked the Arizona DPS computers over SB1070 & Drug War. The Arizona DPS or Arizona Department of Public Safety is the state police agency of Arizona

Chandler cops raise revenue by robbing dope dealers? Damn right!!!! (tags)

Last year the Chandler Police Department raised $2.7 million by robbing dope dealers.

LA IMC Censorship on the Arizona Event (tags)

it seems that a concerted effort to hide the events in Arizona is now taking place on this newswire



UN Atomic Agency Curtails Probe of Israel’s Nuclear Capability? (tags)

"Israel declined to cooperate with IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano’s inquiry on “political and legal” grounds, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said in a July 26 letter among the 81 pages of documents, calling the probe “unjustified.” Amano asked Israel to consider signing the Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty when he visited the country last month. Countries including Canada, the U.K. and U.S. opposed the probe, saying that the inquiry risked turning the IAEA into a political battleground, according to the documents. Others, including China, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Turkey, supported the investigation."

Top Serect - 2 Long but interesting articles on the NSA along with waste and bureaucray (tags)

Top Secret - 2 long but interesting articles from the Washington post on the NSA and the mind numbing bureaucracy and waste that goes on there. If you don't have time stash these two article off some where and read them later.

Orange County Adult Protective Services, Prosecuting and Stealing Property from Seniors (tags)

Did you work hard to make a fortune? Have you saved up for your retirement? Don't count on keeping your life's fortune if you live in Orange County, CA. The government wants everything you own.

Stanley Sporkin: BP's Ombudsman Fixer (tags)

corruption in high places

Federal Protective Service Building Security Agency's Workforce Plan Questioned (tags)

The Federal Protective Service agency has an annual budget of roughly $1 billion, and employs 1,225 full-time workers and 15,000 contract security guards at more than 2,300 federal facilities nationwide

Use of Private Federal Contract Security Guards at Gov Buildings Comes Under Scrutiny. (tags)

Federal Contract Guards of America FCGOA disagrees. The problem is not that these contract guards need to be federalized, the problem is better training". "There really are no federal standards for security guards," said James. "These individuals should be trained at the federal level since they are the first line of defense against a terrorist attack, just like federal police officers," he said.

Agency's 'edifice complex' siphoning millions of dollars from conservation in SG Valley (tags)

State's Rivers and Mountains Conservancy ignored its own grant guidelines in awarding itself and partners $3 million for construction of controversial $30 million San Gabriel River center. The agency plans two more interpretive centers in the same immediate area.

Support the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (tags)

Support the Consumer Financial Protection Agency! Please sign these petitions ASAP and please share these links with people you think will be interested! Thank you!

Senate Testimony of Dr. Ronald Federici (tags)

My name is Dr. Ronald Federici. I am a developmental neuropsychologist, which basically means I specialize in evaluating children with neurodevelopmental and psychiatric difficulties. I am Professor of Pediatrics and Neuropsychology and Child Development. I lecture extensively throughout the United States and internationally. And I am also an honorary member of the remaining Department of Child Welfare, because my medical team works extensively in Romania, working on the institution projects.

Why Conduct Torture Inquiry When We Could Just Torture Them? (tags)

Why not just beat the truth out of them?

Bush Cheney violated all Americans constitutional rights (tags)

The National Security Agency had access to all Americans' communications -- faxes, phone calls, and their computer communications

Grand Jury Probes Richardson Donor’s New Mexico Finances (tags)

Body: full story: http://www. bloomberg. com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aL0GGUluJeT8&refer=worldwide

Fraud in the HUD affordable housing program (tags)

Tenants are being paid $3,000 to $5,000 to move out of a newly built HUD, tax credit building

Is Cygnet's "The Receptionist" Subversive? (tags)

Cygnet Theatre's "The Receptionist," playing on the company's Rolando stage in San Diego until August 31, disguises itself as an innocuous sex comedy — but as the play progresses author Adam Bock slips in potentially subversive material. See this play and monitor it for yourself.

Pentagon Wants Cyberwar Range to 'Replicate Human Behavior and Frailties' (tags)

Congress has ordered the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or Darpa, to put together a National Cyber Range, as part of a massive (and massively secret) $30 billion, government-wide effort better prep for battle online. The project is now considered a top priority for the Agency. And to make sure the facility is as true-to-life as possible, Darpa wants the contractors running the Range to be able to "replicate realistic human behavior on nodes," a request for proposals, released today, reveals.

Hothead McCain (tags)

Wouldn't it be nice, for once, to hear a politician not so removed from Reality saying "There will be peace" ... ? Be wary of Electronic Vote-rigging ... And get those "Neo-Conservative" War Criminals behind bars and away from the halls of power.

Do not Work for the Department of Defense (tags)

Working for the Department of Defense is not worth it.

'Denied in Full': Federal Judges Grill CIA Lawyers on JFK Secrets (tags)

Joannides served as the chief of psychological warfare operations in the Agency's Miami station at the time of Kennedy's assassination. Using the alias "Howard," he was the case officer for a Cuban exile group whose members had repeated contact with accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald in August 1963 -- rendering any records of Joannides' secret operations at that time potentially relevant to the JFK assassination story.

Why Is the CIA Suppressing JFK Files? (tags)

Editor’s Note: The CIA continues to resist the release of documents pertaining to a CIA officer who oversaw an anti-Castro Cuban group that had curious dealings with Lee Harvey Oswald in the run-up to the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Jeremy Scahill: Blackwater's Brothers (tags)

Every day, new revelations emerge in the mounting scandal rocking the Bush Administration and the mercenary company Blackwater Worldwide. Much of the attention focuses on the now infamous shooting spree in Baghdad's Nisour Square on September 16, in which seventeen Iraqi civilians were killed and twenty-four wounded. FBI investigators are now alleging that fourteen were victims of unjustified and unprovoked shooting--some were shot while they were fleeing. Investigators also say they found nothing to substantiate Blackwater's claims of being fired on by Iraqis. This comes a month after a US Army investigation determined there was "no enemy activity involved" and labeled the shootings a "criminal event." But while Blackwater gets hammered in the press, the behind-the-scenes actions of the company's paymaster, the State Department, grow more scandalous by the minute.

CIA Expelled from UCSB Campus (tags)

Antiwar activists from the University of California, Santa Barbara and the surrounding community kicked CIA recruiters off of their campus today in a nonviolent direct action.

Spy Officials Tracking Key Scientists (tags)

Tracking scientists moving from country to country to share their expertise in building biological weapons is a major challenge, a top U.S. intelligence official said Wednesday.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Won't Go Away (tags)

The National Transportation Safety Board's historic ruling on the probable cause of the April 2006 Predator B unmanned aircraft crash in Arizona represents just the first of a series of unmanned systems accident investigations that will follow as drones of all sizes finally win approval by federal air safety regulators to operate unfettered in the National Airspace System (NAS).

Daily Kos: CIA Engineered Controlled Opposition? (tags)

Ever wonder why you lost your posting privileges at Daily Kos after writing about the Israeli terror regime or how 9-11 was in part an inside job? This article will explain why.

CDC Wastes Millions of Taxpayer Dollars, Says Senate Report (tags)

( - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides an example of a big-budget federal agency getting its priorities wrong, according to an oversight report released by a Republican senator.

GSA turns to industry to study Web users (tags)

GSA said it intends to buy the results of research conducted by a company that reviews Web users’ Internet activities. GSA plans to compare and perhaps benchmark the company’s results against what the agency already understands about who visits, the RFP states.

ICE: The New Gestapo Terrorizing our Brown Communities? (tags)

This report details some of the last couple weeks of raids in Orange County, but also shares extensive details about ICE agency, their Memorandum of Agreement with Orange County, and other investigative findings.

The killing machine... (tags)

It was announced that the CIA would be declassifying hundreds of pages on illegal actions that included plans to eliminate the leaders of foreign governments. Suddenly the publication is halted and it is delayed one day. No coherent explanation was given. Perhaps someone in the White House looked over the material...

CIA Finally Releases 1973 "Family Jewels" Document - Partial Notes on Ch 1 (tags)

The CIA has, after a long battle against activists and journalists using the "Freedom of Information Act", finally released a document outlining the "most sensitive operations" it had undertaken from the 1950s through 1973.

93 Bombing World Trade Center Revisted: FBI Linked To Bombing (tags)

Tapes made secretly by an FBI informant of conversations between him and his agency handlers have linked the nations largest law enforcement agency to the "the most destructive terrorist act in U.S. history." Emid Ali Salem, an FBI informant used hidden microphones given him by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents to record his conversations with agents of the bureau. A Los Angles Times article on 10/28/93 revealed to shocked readers details of FBI involvement in the terrorist act. FBI spokesmen in Washington refused comment.

World's Hottest January Ever Recorded (tags)

The [meteorological] agency said that last month was the world's hottest January on record, with temperatures across the planet 0.45 degrees Celsius above average.

Selective Justice and the Execution of Saddam Hussein (tags)

The transformation of Saddam Hussein from ally to enemy

Audit says FEMA squandering STILL Katrina aid (tags)

One year after Katrina, the government is still squandering tens of millions of dollars in wasted disaster aid, including $17 million in bogus rental payments to people who had already received free trailers and apartments

Help a government bureaucrat - buy goods made with slave labor (tags)

Buy goods made with slave labor and help government bureaucrats in Maryland live lives of luxury. Remember the inmates are paid 10 to 20 cents an hour but the State of Maryland is charging you market prices which allows them to make a fantastic profit! Ain't slave labor great!

Space shuttles software can't handle going from Dec 31 to Jan 1 (tags)

As a software engineer and computer programmer I find it amazing that the software on the space shuttle is of such poor quality.

Newest border surveillance drone unveiled (tags)

The new Predator B has equipment allowing its command and control by satellite from Riverside, Calif., where the agency's air marine operations are headquartered.

FCC Destroys Report (tags)

FCC Destroyed Report Favorable to Local Television Ownership Groups Fighting Against Media Consolidation React to News

Will Bush use this as a lame ass excuse to invade Iran????? (tags)

Some fear Iran threat played down

Where the Zionist propaganda mill learned some of their tricks. (tags)

The secret persuaders

It was 1940, the Nazis were in the ascendant, the Blitz at its deadliest, and Britain's last hope was to bring a reluctant United States into the war. So it was that the largest covert operation in UK history was launched. William Boyd sheds light on a forgotten spy ring


An exhibition of photographs by world-renowned VII Photo Agency photographers who recently traveled with Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Democratic Republic of the Congo in order to shed light on the suffering of the Congolese people as . . .


The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World- [ In Memory of L. Fletcher Prouty, -Sheepdog's dig ]

Diebold Whistleblower Facing Charges (tags)

An open letter to Bruce McPherson and the citizens of the United States

Million Person,Critical Mass March against UN Nuclear Agency! (tags)

...condemn and disenfranchise its fradulent authority from lending any justification what-so-ever to Bush's genocidal Iran war plans!

america going down the drain (tags)



discrimination lawsuits

NSA Security Guidelines Handbook (tags)

Found this...

The Rocky Files (tags)

Who hired ex-CIA agents to snoop around the city attorney?

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/27/05) (tags)

Berlin stadium holds terror drill.


Announcing the release of “People In Need”recorded by Gospel Superstar Edwin Hawkins, Gospel Diva Tramaine Hawkins and the world renowned Edwin Hawkins Singers to benefit hurricane survivors and America’s homeless.

Katrina and the Prehistory (tags)

Robert Scheer in "The Nation" wrote that the catastrophe was the result of a campaign to systematically demonize the role of the central government in American life.

One Emergency Away (tags)

Bushies are using Katrina to eliminate local governments and establish control from the White House through FEMA

BUILDING A SECRET AIR FORCE : The CIA's Role in the Study of UFOs (tags)


Shien v. USA or USA vs. Shine? (tags)

Attacked by DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY and JUSTICE DEPARTMENT and a whole heck of a lot more...........

A Mom's FYI: Reality Bites (tags)


Kill The Poor (tags)

The second in a series of articles concerning targetting of the homeless.

Congress on Steroids! Watch No-Nonsence Representatives Get Tough on Witnesses! (tags)

In the baseball steroid hearings, we saw aggressive questioning by representatives, but when it involves anything important, like war funding or CIA torture, members of this Congress are nothing but yes-men and neutered pussycats.

CIA hides files on Nazi torturers (tags)

To protect Nazi handlers like Kissinger, files about Nazis after 1945 remain highly classified...

Corruption: Intimidation, Politics and Drug Industry Cripple U.S. Medicine (tags)

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is supposed to safeguard the nation's medical products, but they're "taking care of business rather than patient safety",says FDA's associate safety director Dr. David J. Graham. In interviews, he and others highlight the all too brutal facts.

Petition Calling For The Investigation Of Cyber Warfare By The Pentagon Against American C (tags)

The American military is waging cyber warfare upon dissident websites. Please sign the petition calling for an investigation.

10/28 UNRWA Gaza Field Assessment of IOF Operation 'Days of Penitence' (tags)

"This report summarizes the preliminary findings of UNRWA's field assessment of 16 October 2004, in the form of general data and a sector-by-sector review .."

Israel withdraws charge that driver loaded rocket into UN ambulance (tags)

Israeli PR in Action: After releasing FALSE CHARGES to news medias, Israel withdraws FALSE CHARGES

US runs low on soldiers (tags)

A radio is playing Marvin Gaye's What's Going On as the Veterans for Peace create a memorial known as Arlington West on the beach beside Santa Monica Pier. They are placing 1008 white crosses in the sand - one for each US soldier killed in Iraq as of September 12.

Secrets and Lies Becoming Commonplace (tags)

The initial refusal of President Bush to let his national security adviser appear under oath before the 9/11 Commission might have been in keeping with a principle followed by other presidents -- the principle being, according to Bush, that calling his advisers to testify under oath is a congressional encroachment on the executive branch's turf. (Never mind that this commission is not a congressional body, but one he created and whose members he handpicked.)

U.S. Unloading WMD in Iraq (tags)

US and UK planting Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq!!!

US Unloads WMB in Iraq (tags)

The Teharan Times reported sat. Mar. 13 that the US forces in southern Iraq have been unloading a large cargo of parts for constructing long range missiles and weapons of mass destruction in the southern ports of Iraq.


The story below is the first of what will be a series. The reporter, DOUGLAS MONTERO, wants to continue his investigation and is hoping that other AIDS drug victims will contact him with their stories. The print version contains more text than the web version below. It also includes a number of photographs, including one of the skull-and-crossbones AZT label.

Perle blames CIA: no mention of OSP (tags)

in the article, the Prince of Darkness does what he does best: lies. He fails to mention the Office of Special Plans as the root of the WMD deception

The Role Of Think-tanks In Washington D.C. (tags)

Think-tanks like the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and Project for the New American Century (PNAC) have considerable influence on US intelligence -- from data gathered in the the field on up to decisions in the Pentagon.

Protest Against Racist Attacks In Workplace (tags)

A protest is being organized against racist attacks on workers in San Francisco. There is a national epidemic of racist incidents in the workplace.

U.S. watchdog says about 400,000 use tax dodges (tags)

Abusive schemes could threaten our tax system's integrity and fairness if honest taxpayers beleive that significant numbers of individuals are not paying their fair share of taxes

Israel Destroys US-Built Water Wells In Gaza (tags)

Spokesmen at the American embassy were careful not to criticise the Israeli army. But according to reports in the Israeli press yesterday, they were less diplomatic behind the scenes. The newspaper Ma'ariv reported that the US had threatened to stop all reconstruction work unless the Israeli army promised not to demolish anything built by the Americans. (We couldn't have that. Criticizing War Crimes of Israel would be "anti-semitic" - or so the apologists for Israeli War Crimes would claim.)

Bush Got $500,000 From Companies (tags)

David Rockefeller emperor, Kissinger Manager of 4th Reich (tags)

Kissinger served his whole life as the Rockefellers' politician, engineering the Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos war, the wars in East Timor and Angola, and installing the neo-nazi Pinochet dictatorship in Chile.

Spy Finance and the Black Budget (tags)

".....a congressional investigation revealed that the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), a supersecret agency whose existence was publicly acknowledged only a few years ago, lost track of a $2 billion slush fund because it was so highly classified even top intelligence officials had no control over it."

Filtering The Smog (tags)

Clinton's EPA filed suits and brought against dozens of industrial plants, including ExxonMobil and Southern Company. But Bush's EPA re-writes the rules and permits companies to keep secret information about their deadly emissions.

Screw You Right Back - CIA FU! (tags)

When the CIA initiates proceedings, entire nations collapse in flames. Economies deflate like whoopee cushions. Powerful men are found dead in alleys with their heads encased in cheese wax. It might be said that the CIA has an extremely low hubris threshold. As it now stands, the president (after only a few months of doing nothing) has ordered his people to cooperate with his other people in finding the source of this leak in the scandal now known rather lamely as 'Intimigate' (I prefer 'What, her?-gate' myself).

Is the United States of America plotting to murder Venezuela’s President? (tags)

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez cancelled a planned trip last month to the United Nations General Assembly’s opening debate, explaining that he did so because of a potential threat on his life. His government’s intelligence agencies had reportedly warned of a plot backed by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to sabotage his plane in flight from Caracas to New York City.

Who gassed the Kurds? (tags)

Is all the evidence we have against Saddam being a tyrant and a "Hitler" is the alleged gassing of the Kurds? Did we fall for another lie?

$100,000 Donation trumps 400 Violations (tags)

Sierra Club spokesman Carl Zichella said the $100,000 donation from Tim Blixseth's developement company demonstrates Schwarzenegger's insensitivity to the environment. "I can see one violation or even a handful on a single project, but more than 400? You really have to be trying to violate so many environmental laws."

Report "nonanarchist" to the DIA. (tags)

Nonanarchist, a member of KOBE, is harassing this newswire from his office at SHAW AIR FORCE BASE.

Israeli Irgun terrorist group (tags)

The History of the birth of the state of Israel is complex and involved. Many have sacrificed much to bring the Jewish State into existence. One such body was the Irgun also know as the Etzel group. The Irgun was a military group that refused to bow to political pressures in securing a state for the Jewish people. Much of the modern Israeli politics today stem from the Irgun and the organization from which they broke, the Hagganah.

The Bombing Of The King David Hotel (tags)

The King David Hotel explosion of July 22, 1946 (Palestine), which resulted in the deaths of 92 Britons, Arabs and Jews, and in the wounding of 58, was not just an act of “Jewish extremists,” but a premeditated massacre conducted by the Irgun in agreement with the highest Jewish political authorities in Palestine-- the Jewish Agency and its head David-Ben-Gurion.


Spooks on tv!


1) Palestinian cameraman Mazen Dana, working for Reuters News Agency, during a protest against the shooting and killing of journalists by the Israeli army in the West Bank. Dana, 41, was shot dead outside the U.S. held Abu Gharib prison on the outskirts of Baghdad. Eyewitnesses say he was shot by American occupation soldiers. (AFP/File/Hossam Abu Alan)

US anti-war activists hit by secret airport ban (tags)

After more than a year of complaints by some US anti-war activists that they were being unfairly targeted by airport security, Washington has admitted the existence of a list, possibly hundreds or even thousands of names long, of people it deems worthy of special scrutiny at airports.

Law threatens free speech, free assembly, critics say (tags)

Let's get one thing clear: Guidlines are not law. They can be ditched anytime someone in Authority wants to shut down an Event they don't like. Biden should be Drawn and Quartered - metaphorically ..... of course.

war (tags)

repost from Portland. Nice to have a gang like these swine in arms on your team.

HOMELAND INSECURITY Armed pilots banned 2 months before 9-11 (tags)

A 40-year-old Federal Aviation Administration rule that allowed commercial airline pilots to be armed was inexplicably rescinded two months before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, leading aviation security experts to lay at least some of the blame for the tragedy at the feet of airlines, none of which took advantage of the privilege while it was in effect.

Let's Play Monopoly! (tags)

FCC Hands Over Keys To Boardwalk, Park Place

A Visit To La-LAHSA Land (tags)

A local city government meeting turns ugly.

BTL:Cuba's Crackdown on Government Opponents Triggered by... (tags)

...Washington's Funding of Dissident Groups. Interview with Philip Agee, former Central Intelligence Agency officer who resides in Havana, Cuba conducted by Between the Lines' Denise Manzari


Hmmm.. So much for Big Brother. I guess we still have some privacy left. Let's hope PA II has more to get up in arms about.

Earth Day Cancelled by EPA (tags)

Why have an Earth Day when so much of the Earth as we knew it is gone?

Bechtel corruption info. (tags)

Bechtel Corporation Info. -- Employees: 47,000 -- Current projects: 900 -- Countries: 60 -- Ownership: Bechtel family -- Founded: 1898 -- Major projects: BART, Boston's Big Dig, Hoover Dam and the Channel Tunnel rail link between Britain and France. -- Revenues: $13.4 billion (2001)

List of Iraq Reconstruction Contracts (tags)

Included is the Company name, Award amount based on maximum cap figure, Agency awarding the contract, date of the Request for Proposal, the Award date and the Nature of the work to be undertaken. If any pre-planning was known, its indicated. References are available at bpost.

U.S. corporations set to profit off Iraq (tags)

The Bush administration’s attempt to fashion for itself the sole role of ruler and victor in post-war Iraq is meeting growing domestic and international opposition.

BP faces record fine for spoiling Los Angeles air (tags)

BP is facing a record $320m (£200m) pollution fine and allegations that the oil company submitted false documentation to air quality control regulators in the United States.

MOODY'S International Ratings Co. URGES TURKEY TO ACCEPT US TROOPS; Backs ISRAEL's Ratings (tags)

International ratings Co. MOODY's is URGING TURKEY TO ACCEPT US TROOPS QUICKLY, (so as not to lose US $$$) and at the same time re affirms ISRAEL'S ratings because of expected US $$$$$.

Oil stocks are at a 27 year low! Anti-war poster: cheaper gas (tags)

11 x 17 poster

Why isn't the Bush dirty tricks campaign story in today's LA Times? (tags)

Are they reporters or stenographers? Actual impeachable offenses by the baby Bush admin.

Bush Admin dirty tricks campaign to bug UN Security Council member phones & email (tags)

A leaked memo reveals the US is bugging work & home communications of UN Security Council members. Nixon did this sort of thing, and he was forced to leave office or face impeachment.

cfl alert (tags)


Richard Perle Is An Israeli Spy (Corrected Title) (tags)

Perle was expelled from Senator Henry Jackson's office in the 1970's after the National Security Agency (NSA) caught him passing Highly-Classified (National Security) documents to the Israeli Embassy

New evidence implicates Iraq in terror conspiracy (tags)

Late breaking news:

Amy Goodman, Sen. Hart, CIA guys to speak to FEMA homeland Sec. group (tags)

Amy Goodman, Sen. Hart, CIA guys to speak to FEMA homeland Sec. group

The 9-11 Investigation (tags)

Here are many of the most significant connections - from the Bush-Cheney-Wolfowitz regime to the World Bank Group to the Bilderberg Group to the Rothschild Group - that you're not supposed to see. Neither "right" nor "left", but real....

Agencies see homeland security role for surveillance drones (tags)

"Tancredo is delighted that military UAVs are supporting the Border Patrol’s security mission. An outspoken advocate of using military muscle along the border, Tancredo declared, 'We have the technology to aid in this. I saw it with my own eyes. It can work.'"


After shooting to death the chief UN Official (in the back by an Israeli sniper) last week , Israel now kills two more UN workers. (Israel hails raid as "successful")


The Senate is poised to vote on the creation of the Homeland Security Agency. Language recently added to a House version of the bill - HR 5710 - contains grave threats to civil liberties in this country. It is important to contact your Senator this week to urge them to prevent the inclusion of the these dangerous provisions in the Senate version of the bill, or to vote against it entirely if the language is not amended.

World Bank handwashing initiative: Selling soap or saving lives? (tags)

The World Bank's Handwashing Initiative is based on the conviction that the simple practice of washing hands with soap could reduce deaths from diarrhoea by half. But its intentions are being questioned in Kerala, where people say they need safe drinking water, not multinational soap

Protest Dachle (tags)

We need a Senate Dem. Leader that will stand up, rather than rollover. Dashcle is letting Bush and co. get away with murder by continuing his lack of leadership against the new right policies. I urge all to call write their senators and ask that they vote dashcle out as min. leader. Look at this latest legislation that dashcle thinks will pass- (that's your opposition- i think it will pass)... Maybe Boxer has a spine.


The Senate is poised to vote on the establishment of the Homeland Security Agency. Many versions of the bill have circulated through congress, all containing different provisions. Because of the rapidly approaching Senate vote, it is important to contact your Senator this week, and urge them to vote for specific provisions of a House version of the bill - HR 5005.EH - that include crucial civil liberties protections. Also, urge them to vote against any provision that would authorize the creation of the “Total Information Awareness System” now funded by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency.

So Where's the Post? (tags)

Last night I posted an article taken verbatim (including the lead: "Who's a Jew In Congress") from The Jewish Telegraphic Agency and it wasn't printed, Why?

Israeli Zionists collaborated with German Nazis in the 30's and 40's (tags)

"Zionism promised independence; it has produced a society in which the Prime Minister must periodically affirm to the people that the existence of the nation depends on the delivery of fifty or a hundred Phantom jets from the United States... Zionism promised physical security to the Jews; Israel is the most dangerous place on earth today for a Jew, and it will remain so as long as Israeli-Jewish society retains its colonial character and its function as an instrument of imperialism." -- the Israeli Socialist Organization, in 1972

Harmful House Deal on Fire Logging Needs to be Stopped (tags)

An agreement has been reached between Rep. George Miller (D-CA), Peter DeFazio (D-OR) and Rep. Scott McInnis (R-CO) that can best be described as a chainsaw massacre.

Trouble Erupts In California Pollution Trading Market (tags)

News Analysis: Trouble Erupts In California Pollution Credit Market Just As President Proposes “Clear Skies” Market For Power Plants

Californians Send 42% Of Their Refuse To Recyclers (tags)

The "power suit" is threatened by air agency rule, say LA drycleaners.

U.N. official says Israel blocks Palestinian aid (tags)

Zionazis want Palestinians starve to death, at the barbedwired extermination camps they are confined. Zionazis also want UN refugee agency to spy on refugees.

Critics pressing U.N. agency, despite little progress on case (tags)

Israel slandering the UN Relief Agency. Israelis want the Palestinians to starve to death.


The Gaza strip is a perfect realization of the Israeli vision of "separation". Surrounded with electric fences and army posts, completely sealed off the outside world, Gaza has become a huge prison. About one-third of its land was confiscated for the 7,000 Israeli settlers living there (and their defense array), while over a million Palestinians are crowded in the remaining areas of the prison. Now Israel is considering the imprisonment there of families of suicide bombers from the West Bank.

Bush-Cheney Regime Dissolved (tags)

All participants of the unlawful "U.S. Administration" are hereby ordered to surrender themselves to the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the Army of the United States.

Enemy of the State (tags)

Awake brother and let me tell you a story of how a great people became slaves to a few greedy weazels.

Bush-Cheney Regime Dissolved (tags)

Fake "U.S. Administration" Found Guilty of Numerous Felonies. New Cabinet Nominated....

Colombia Voters Reject U.S. War (tags)

When Colombian voters went to the polls yesterday to elect a new Congress, they massively rejected the candidates of the traditional ruling two-party system of the Conservative and Liberal parties.

John M Poindexter & the 'Information Awareness Office' (tags)

The Iran-Contra boys are back!

Was there a knock on your door? (tags)

Tell us about cases where people have been called or visited by members of a law enforcement agency after September 11 for expressing political dissent.


Who said who said?

NRDC Sues Department of Energy to Expose Cheney Task Force Secrets (tags)

Environmentalists Seek Documents to Identify Industry's Influence on National Energy Policy Development. After waiting nearly 8 months for a response, the NRDC filed a lawsuit to force the Department of Energy (DOE) to produce records regarding the agency's role in the operations of the National Energy Policy Development Group chaired by Vice President Dick Cheney.

Homeland Insecurity (tags)

The article describes one journalist's adventure in the new airport security state. CALIFORNIA JOURNALISTS PLEASE NOTE: At the end of the article are statements about the limits on government agency rights to confiscate documents, including film.

PUBLIC CITIZEN: 3 Recent FAA Security Regulations Failed to Protect Public (tags)

Public Citizen has issued a report, "Delay, Dilute, and Discard: How the Airline Industry and the FAA Have Stymied Aviation Security Recommendations," which focuses attention on three recent FAA regulations that failed to adequately protect the public. "The FAA has engaged in constant foot-dragging and kowtowing to industry demands, which have seriously jeopardized public safety." Agency Bows to Industry to Water Down Critical Security Improvements; Report Suggests Creation of an Independent Aviation Law Enforcement Agency

Casualties Reported in Kabul (tags)

Several people died in the bomb raids on Kabul, witnesses told Reuters news agency. "People have seen some bodies from the attacks. There are several deaths," the agency quoted a witness as saying - but it wasn't clear if the casualties were civilian.

Peoples will be independent (tags)

"The attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center are the most important event in world history since the collapse of the Soviet Union."

Federal Appeals Court rejects MTA's appeal-- Civil Rights Victory for 500,000 Lo (tags)

In a major defeat for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, a federal appeals court on Friday ordered the transit agency to buy hundreds of new buses to relieve overcrowding throughout Los Angeles County. The long-awaited decision, which took 16 months for the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to hand down, rejects the MTA's appeal of a court order issued more than two years ago by the chief U.S. District Court judge in Los Angeles calling for the agency to buy 248 additional buses.

Quebec Brewery Wins Right to Label Its Beer GE-Free (tags)

Looking to our Northern Neighbor for a bit of sanity.

EPA Releases Report on Biotech Corn (tags)

In a report to a panel of scientific advisers who meet Tuesday and Wednesday, EPA said testing by corn processors and seed companies have helped to dramatically reduce the amount of StarLink corn that could be in food.

Protesters vow to keep marching after Moreno Valley police shooting (tags)

Tyisha Miller, Irvin Landrum, Hector Islas, the list grows of police killings in the Inland Empire. The name of Dante Meniefield was added to this growing list last Saturday, and hundreds of demonstrators have marched daily to the halls of power, for justice in his name.

community solidarity (tags)

Creative Arts Agency continuing racist action of denying black promoters access to white music acts.

The Omega Agency: Global Dominance (tags)

They are who people are talking about when one says orders come from "above the President". The Omega Agency consists of a network set up much like the CIA. There are thousands world-wide who take their orders directly from the ruling council of the Omega Agency. This council consists of 10 to 12 people. GEORGE BUSH and Alexander C. Haig are two names known to sit on the council of the Omega Agency. The OA is the driving force behind what is commonly called the "New World Order." The OA's office is located at LANGLEY AFB.

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