fix articles 88232, madre tierra
Nebulosa - 22 de abril de 2013 (tags)
Espacio de información, denuncia y difusión de la resistencia. Esperamos tus colaboraciones en el correo
Sexto Encuentro Tawaintisuyu Abya Yala Pacha Mapu Woumain - Venezuela (tags)
Public Hearings on Sacto/San Joaquin Delta Crisis (tags)
This includes a reportback of the recent public hearing (10/4) and info on the next public hearing (10/8) in Sacto Capitol to save the Sacramento and San Joaquin delta smelt from extinction, ideas for water conservation, etc..
End US Occupation of Iraq! No invasion of Iran! (tags)
Anti-war rally in downtown Arcata Plaza (other side of Post Office) @ 5pm on Monday March 19th! We will not allow the GW Bush regime another year of military occupation of Iraq undisturbed! Join in non-violent resistance to US militarism in Iraq and elsewhere. Let's clean up the radioactive mess of nuclear weapons & waste we've made in our backyards at home before threatening the people of Iran with an invasion over thier expressed desire of nuclear energy!
Ecoanarchists help reclaim southcentral farm (tags)
The destructive bulldozer raid by real estate developer Ralph HorowitzCo. & LA Sheriffs' on LA's southcentral community farm only resulted in strengthening the resistance and improved networking between sc campesino farmers, ecoanarchists and permaculture communities..
Calderon as ExxonMobil's welcome mat via NAFTA/PPP (tags)
The historical pattern of ExxonMobil indicates their support for pro-NAFTA/PPP Calderon and possible takeover of Mexican owned Pemex by ExxonMobil corporation (restored monopoly)..
Grow Jojoba and Decommision Klamath Dams in 2006 (tags)
If Klamath Valley farming collectives would grow jojoba, tepary bean and other CA drought tolerant natives, then there would be no need for maintaining the expensive dams on the Klamath River. The Klamth dams' FERC license expires in 2006, decommision dams and restore Klamath for salmon!!
Feeling Rios' Sacramento/San Joaquin Flood Pulse (tags)
Poem about Sacramento River (or other) salmon run blocked by dams, potential for valley permaculture, free flowing salmon supporting rivers, and independence from petroleum based fertilizer/pesticides..
Oxygen is a human right (tags)
when petrochemical fossil fuel exhaust clouds the air with smog, corporations profit from selling oxygen at oxygen bars for the people with enough money to breathe easy..
Deep ecology, bike carts 4 organic gardens (tags)
water, air, tierra y forests do not belong to any corporation, when oxygen is sold in smog ridden cities, our human right to clean air is sold as a commodity. Coca-cola claims ownership of aquifers in chiapas, making agua into a luxury 4 the wealthy. We reclaim the forests, air and water for all living beings, not the property of corporations.
WE QUIT:Response to US Empire (tags)
How do we chant down Babylon system of oppression? End corporate imperialist US empire global domination?
Some interesting first person stuff out of Cancun. Young IMCers should definitely read!