fix articles 88138, end hunger
HUD's Public Housing Privatization Scheme "PETRA" Is Rejected (tags)
People across the nation are speaking out against the scheme to privatize 1.2 million public housing units, under a HUD proposal called Transforming Rental Assistance (TRA) initiative. The struggle against the privatization of public housing in Berkeley and Oakland has blossomed into a nation wide struggle against the profiteers that are trying to terminate public housing programs across the nation! On May 25, 2010, at a congressional hearing, Congresswoman Maxine Waters and many housing advocacy organizations from across the country spoke-out against HUD's proposals, and submitted written statements for the hearing record opposing TRA, including the Los Angeles Coalition to End Hunger and Homelessness and other Los Angeles housing and human rights organizations.
California Coastal Commission Denies Overnight Permit Parking (OPDs) in Venice (tags)
Venice said NO to OPDs in the Venice Coastal Zone at the June 11 Coastal Commission Meeting and the Coastal Commissioners listened!
In Response to Global Crises Ontario Tent City Homeless March Out to Route 66 (tags)
In Response to Global Crises, And Lack of Legal Shelter, Ontario Homeless March on Steinbeck's Route 66--To Plead That Housing, Food, Clothing and an End to All Homeless Criminalization Be Made A Basic, National, Civil Right
Save Rent Control & Tenant Protections Update: Get Involved! (tags)
Contributions by supporters trying to save rent control, tenant protections, and so-called affordable housing are lagging! Supporters need to get involved now!
Homeless People Win --Jury Says “Not Guilty” at Trial: Activist Seeks Community Response (tags)
Homeless People Win --Jury Decides “Not Guilty” in Skid Row Activist's Criminal Trial. States the Homeless Activist "I haven't decided what I will do next; and I am interested in what suggestions people have. ”
Skid Row Activist on Trial --Anti-Brutality Rally Update (tags)
Downtown L.A. Hotel Attempts to Ban Homeless People from It's Public Areas --Saturday demonstrations against police brutality on Skid Row in front of LAPD Central Division headquarters continue weekly:
Skid Row Activist on Trial --Anti-Brutality Protest this Saturday (tags)
Downtown L.A. Hotel Attempts to Ban Homeless People from It's Public Areas --Meanwhile, this Saturday will see continuing demonstrations against police brutality on Skid Row in front of LAPD Central Division Headquartes:
This Saturday, January 27th, starting promptly at 11:30 a.m., community members are gathering at 6th and Gladys Street on Skid Row, in front of Glady's park, for their first weekly community support canvas and street give-away.
Activists Call for Downtown Base Camp to End Sweeps at Saturday Rally on Skid Row (tags)
Homeless activists are calling for people to attend the next next rally, this Saturday, and to pack tomorrow, Tuesday’s 9:30 a.m. Police Commission hearing at Parker well as every Council meeting this week...and to demand an immediate halt to the homeless sweeps --and now, also, the city's Grand Avenue Project --no matter what it takes...
Rally to End Skid Row Sweeps NOW! (tags)
Starting Jan. 20th, Rally On Skid Row Weekly Saturday Rallies to Demand an End to the Skid Row Sweeps
Santa Monica Starts Massive New Push for Anti-Homeless Laws (tags)
With election of "Bobby Shriver" --brother of Maria Shriver, and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's wife --Homeless People in Santa Monica are Facing What May be the Single Biggest Push in the Nation to Pass a Massive Wave of New Anti-Homeless Laws.
Riverside Criminalization of Homelessness Event (tags)
Speaking event on the criminalization of homelessness in Riverside, CA.
April 22: Labor Notes Grocery Strike Forum (tags)
On April 22, Labor Notes -- an independent 25 ear-old magazine with news from a rank and file social movement perspective -- is hosting a forum on the Southern California grocery strike. Speakers include several workers active in the strike, and participants will include workers and labor activists from all over Southern California.
Global Women's Strike Organizers to Confront LA Times Editors (tags)
Reprint of a PRESS ADVISORY from March 10, 2003
The next march: Global Women’s Strike! (tags)
Global Women’s Strike!
WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF US? Activists to Rally Outside Gubernatorial Candidate’s Forum 10/7 (tags)
Women on welfare and their children, low wage workers, and supporters of the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Campaign for Jobs and Income Support will rally outside the gubernatorial candidate's forum hosted by the LA Times at 11:30 AM on Monday, October 7, 2002. They will arrive with picket signs, banners, and costumes for guerrilla theater demanding that Governor Gray Davis and Republican candidate Bill Simon answer the following question: What About the Rest of Us?
Press Briefing on Welfare Reform (tags)
FRIDAY, JULY 19, 9:30 AM, BREAKFAST BRIEFING ON WELFARE REFORM WITH WELFARE RECIPIENTS AND THEIR CHILDREN As the national economy weakens and unemployment rises, the U.S. Senate takes up welfare reform at the end of July; Los Angeles County welfare recipients will speak about the proposed legislation and their experiences with the welfare system. OUTCOME OF THIS MONTH'S SENATE DEBATE WILL DEEPLY IMPACT LA COUNTY
Town Hall and March on Welfare Reform (tags)
1,000 LA Low-Income Family Members and Supporters to Gather for Town Hall and March on Welfare Reform Legislation Pending in Congress
This Saturday! A Taste of Justice Conference (tags)
Come to the "A Taste of Justice" Conference this Saturday, Nov. 3rd. Diet related diseases such as diabetes and obesity are reaching epidemic proportions in low-income communities in Los Angeles. Come work together with other Los Angeles residents to solve this and other problems.
A Taste of Justice Conference- November 3rd (tags)
Register Now for the Taste of Justice Conference. This conference is especially important now with unemployment rising in the wake of 9/11, hunger will be more of an issue. It's imperative that we come up with just solutions to this rather than focusing only on crisis management.