fix articles 8764, workshop
R.S.V.P. OEHHA Synthetic Turf Study Workshop (tags)
OEHHA, under a contract with CalRecycle, is holding a workshop for the public and interested parties regarding a new study of the potential health effects associated with the use of recycled waste tires in playground and synthetic turf products. Details of the study, including background info, is below.
Californians Shame Regulators For Teaching Big Oil How To Skirt Law and Pollute Our Water (tags)
What the frack?! On Tuesday, March 24th, the state of California held an "Aquifer Exemption Workshop" to show oil industry representatives how to exploit loopholes for drilling and disposal projects to obtain aquifer exemption approval. Concerned water drinkers interrupted the state-sponsored workshop on how to get away with poisoning our drinking water. #DontFrackCA
FREE Silver Lake Consensus, Collaboration & Conflict Resolution Workshop w/STARHAWK (tags)
FREE Thurs Dec 4 6:30-8:30PM Holy Virgin Mary Cathedral 650 Micheltorena Silver Lake RSVP to FB event: How do we build consensus with others? How can we work more constructively in groups? Join us for a Consensus, Collaboration, and Conflict Resolution training in Silver Lake with the author of the Empowerment Manual — global activist, internationally acclaimed author, and world-renowned animist Starhawk (
Meeting for upcoming April 4, Dr. King Workshop. (tags)
Friday, March 8 meeting at 12 p.m. at Mercado La Paloma 3655 S. Grand Avenue 90007 to discuss upcoming April 4 Dr. King Workshop on labor and economics.
Grand Jury Resistance Workshop March 16 (tags)
The Los Angeles branch of the Anarchist Black Cross will be facilitating a discussion on contemporary Grand Jury persecution of anarchists, leftists, and animal rights activists. We will also present an overview of ongoing FBI suppression of Grand Jury resisters in California and the Pacific Northwest. The event will include a Know Your Rights workshop and information on practical legal protection. It will conclude with a Q&A for any additional concerns.
Identity of Rogue Police Officer At A Santa Ana Youth Conference Revealed (tags)
Identity of Rogue Police Officer At A Santa Ana Youth Conference Revealed. The man who was seen behaving in a strange manner and recording audio at a CopWatch Santa Ana (CWSA) “Know Your Rights” workshop at a youth conference, turned out to be a SAUSD PD Sargent.
Workshop offers in-depth look at federal budget and how to fix it
Photos and Videos: Anarchist Gathering (tags)
Southern California Anarchist Gathering, Saturday, August 18, 2012 at the Southern California Library of Social Studies and Research, 6120 S. Vermont Ave. Los Angeles, CA. 90044. Video from the event :
(VIDEO) Workshop: Capacity Building for the Long Haul (tags)
Jenna Peters-Golden of Philly Stands Up and AORTA (Anti-Oppression Resource and Training Alliance) Collective presents a workshop on capacity building for radical organizations.
“The Hard Edge” Comes to San Diego Jan. 26-29 (tags)
The Hard Edge, the four-day series of Leather events and workshops sponsored by Ms. San Diego Leather 2009 Christi Campbell, will take place Thursday, January 26 through Sunday, January 29. Online registrations will be open until Wednesday, January 25 at Registrations can also be made in person at Pleasures & Treasures adult store, 2525 University Avenue in North Park, and at the opening event: an introduction and reception for the presenters Thursday, January 26, 7 to 9 p.m. at 428 Fourth Avenue, suite C, downtown San Diego. Locations for the other events will be given out only after people register.
PRESS RELEASE: Occupy L.A. to Host Free Foreclosure Workshop (tags)
Occupy L.A. will host a free “Foreclosure” workshop.
Occupy Riverside Official Launch October 15, 2011 (tags)
October 16, 2011
RIVERSIDE (California) - After an event-filled launch of the occupation of Riverside timed to coincide with Saturday's international day of action, just under 100 people of conscience successfully held the pedestrian walkway of the downtown mall, despite police threats of arrest for those determined to sleep in the public thoroughfare.
Pedal on over to SMMoA for the second annual Cause for Creativity: Tour da Arts and Urban Expeditions event!! Festivities include: bike checks, spoke card workshop, live performances, and a closing party.
Stand Up for Local Media! Stop the Comcast/NBC Merger. (tags)
A Comcast takeover of NBC would mean higher prices, fewer choices, and could spark a wave of new media mergers. It would give one company too much control of what we can watch and how we can watch it.
Gear Up for the 2010 Trans & Womyn's Action Camp in Cascadia! (tags)
TWAC = The lovely sound of smashing patriarchy! We are only 7 weeks away from this years Trans & Womyn's Action Camp in Cascadia and want YOU to present a workshop or share a skill.
Hello! The Beyond Patriarchy Convergence/Conference will be May 14-16th in Eugene Oregon (tags)
Workshop presenters, artists, interpreters, etc. requested for free sex-positive radical feminist gathering.
The Sierra Madre Anarchist Picnic (From an Organizer's Perspective) (tags)
From the LA Anarchist Weekly Blog:
Call out for Workshops at an Anarchist Picnic (tags)
Call out for Workshops at an Anarchist Picnic
Santa Cruz Anarchsit Convergence Workshop Descriptions (tags)
The Anarchists are Coming! There will be almost 40 workshops and discussions at the Santa Cruz Anarchist Convergence from May 7-11th. Here are times and descriptions of all of them! Also: flyers, dates, times, and descriptions of several events surrounding the convergence. Check it out!
GRant Writing Workshop for Activists and Artists Apr 22 (tags)
This is a low-cost community-friendly grant writing workshop. Come and learn some skills to help fund your activist and art projects.
The First LA Indymedia Journalism Workshop Was A Huge Success! (tags)
A diverse group of people participated in the first LA Indymedia Community Journalism Workshop on April 4, 2009 at the Institute for Multimedia Literacy at USC.
audio files for saturday LA IMC workshop (tags)
Audio files for the workshop on Saturday.
First Annual Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair: A Beginning Marker of Resistence (tags)
Saturday, December 13, 2008 LOS ANGELES - The organizers of the first annual Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair sent out a call for "dreamers, fighters, organizers, and rebels to come, meet, strategize, learn from each other, get books, attend workshops, participate, and join the movement." And despite the state's efforts to squelch our efforts, come they did--more than 700 people, mostly from the greater Los Angeles area, although some came from as far as San Diego, the Bay Area, Oregon, New York, and even Canada, to participate in this herstory-making event.
HUMBLE BEAUTY: Skid Row Artists Documentary (tags)
Humble Beauty is an hour long documentary that tells the story of talented homeless and formerly homeless men and women who, despite a daily struggle for survival, paint and create art in the worst area of Los Angeles known as Skid Row. People will make art, no matter how humble the circumstances.
The Women's Studies Student Association of CSULB educated many about the concept of a rape culture at the 2008 LA Social Forum and gained press.
Workshop: It Takes a Village to Rape a Woman (tags)
The Women's Studies Student Association (W.S.S.A.) from Cal State Long Beach will discuss "rape culture," reframe violence against women as a men's issue, and discuss common myths about rape while keeping in mind power, privilege, and oppressions of gender, race, sexuality, class and ability.
LA Indymedia Workshop June 28th at the LA Social Forum (tags)
What is alternative media and how is it important in the current political and social condition? How can the Indymedia network find new outlets and reach a larger audience?
Photo & Community Justice Workshop (tags)
Winter Workshop for individuals who are interested in using photography as a tool for community justice. The workshop is open to students as well as community and labor organizations. The Filipino art collective, Habi-Arts will be facilitating the workshop series. Participants will have the opportunity to share their photography with the public in a community exhibit, scheduled for the month of March. If you have questions please feel free to email me, Michael at Workshop is free but limited to only 10 participants.
gatherin anticivilization 2007 (tags)
final images of TransUnity - Sunday. I wasn't there for the short-film festival, but check on the MySpace site. Maybe someone will post there.
Release of Free Video Workshop (Inspired by Argentina's Piqueteros) (tags)
Interested in new ways to connect inspiring international social movements with the work going on in your community? Check out this new video featuring behind the scenes interviews and footage with Argentina's piquetero movements. The video is divided into short sections designed for use in workshops to spark conversation about the tactics, goals and strategies of your projects. And, it’s free.
2007 NCOR Event Details & Call for Proposals (tags)
The National Conference of Organized Resistance is an annual event that brings together people from all backgrounds for a weekend of learning and discussing local and international social justice issues through workshops, panel discussions, and skillshares. We are currently seeking workshop proposals for the 10th Annual NCOR, held March 9-11, 2007 at American University in Washington, D.C. The 2006 conference was a tremendous success, with 80 workshops and almost 2,000 registered participants. We hope to make the 2007 conference an even more vibrant and stimulating experience. NCOR is shaped as much by the people who attend as the people who run it. As volunteers, as workshop leaders, as discussion participants, you create NCOR. We hope you will join us to help make NCOR 2007 an inclusive and diverse forum for global resistance.
Soma: an anarchist therapy (tags)
Soma is a documentary about a group therapy in Brazil which incorporates capoeira, Wilhelm Reich, and anarchism.
Advocacy Workshop for Special Needs Children (tags)
Recognizing the need for further parent training and education, parents and community groups, including Learning Disabilities Association of Orange County and California Safe Schools, are organizing the free Parent Workshop at the Goldy S. Lewis Community Center in the city of Rancho Cucamonga.
Southern Girls Convention (tags)
The Southern Girls Convention is this June 23-25 in Houston, Texas. Make sure to register, propose a workshop, sign up for the craft fair, and find out more!
Manifesto Workshop - Fundraiser for South Central Farmers (tags)
On Sunday, April 2, come join Matt and Haruko of at the South Central Farm to write your own manifesto. Manifestos are not only for Karl Marx, Valerie Solanas, and the Unabomber. We each have a spot within ourselves that craves to be heard. Now is your chance to extract that truth within yourself. Noontime, Sunday April 2nd, come take a walk through the farm, breathe the fresh air, eat lunch from the market stands, and get energized for the work you're about to do. The workshop will begin at 12:30. Here we shall dive into traditional and unusual manifestos, view the world in a new way, and help spark ideas for your own manifesto.
"Thou Shalt Not Criticize the Zionists!" (tags)
There is an 11th Commandment! It states: “Thou Shalt Not Criticize the Zionists.” Recently, the Brit’s Royal Court Theater wanted to put on a play, in NYC, entitled, “My Name is Rachel Corrie.” Corrie was the peace activist, who was killed by an Israeli bulldozer, on March 16, 2003, in Occupied Gaza. The NYC theater company, however, has “postponed” the production because Jewish leaders objected to it. This is an example of that 11th Commandment!
setting up local screenings of Soma: an anarchist therapy (tags)
Soma is a documentary about a group therapy in Brazil which incorporates capoeira, Wilhelm Reich, and anarchism. I will be travelling between May and August around the US and Canada, screening the DVD and conducting a workshop. I am looking for help in setting up screenings
Venezuelan trade union leaders discuss way forward for the revolution (tags)
Bolivarian Revolution
Class Matters events in LA (tags)
Please join Betsy Leondar-Wright, author of "Class Matters: Cross-Class Alliance Building for Middle-Class Activists," at one of these LA-area events:
Alternative/Independent Media Conference in Fresno (tags)
There will be an alternative/independent media conference in Fresno on Saturday, February 12, 2005.
Mental Health & Activist Workshop CANCELED (tags)
A radical mental health workshop was supposed to occur on December 4th but was canceled. If anyone is interested in this project please visit
Natural Building and Deep Ecology Training in Tennessee (tags)
The Sequatchie Valley Institute at Moonshadow, a non-profit organization, will host its 3rd annual Natural Building Workshop June 18th-27th. Learn how to build a natural, affordable, long-lasting, beautiful home with materials from the land. Particpants will learn through hands-on workshops using cob, adobe, timber-framing, and more. The workshop cost is $650 with work trade and scholarships available. Limited space is available and you must register to attend. For more information, please contact SVI at (423) 949-5922, or email More information is available on the web at
Occupied Territory Gathering CA FAQ (tags)
Occupied Territory FAQ *Note: The meeting spot for the gathering on Friday June 18th has been changed to 3pm-5pm San Pablo and Belmont in Fresno CA. FNB feed, park located under freeway, ample parking.*
A four day workshop session sponsored by Free Radio Berkeley to teach you how to build FM broadcast transmitters (and other related items such as antennas) and set up a low power (15-100 watt) community radio station capable of covering a broadcast radius between 5 and 15 miles depending on power, terrain and antenna height.
Censorship at Infoshop.Org: The APOC Report (tags)
Here is the article that the "anarchist" webmaster at didn't want people to see...
california apoc conference workshop call-out (tags)
We are looking for speakers and/or workshop presenters for an upcoming Anarchist People of Color conference, to take place in Oakland April 16-18.
Workshop about FBI harassment! In LA. (tags)
Don't be caught off guard! Stop FBI harassment!
The Degrradation of Work in Long Beach (tags)
Long Beach tells its employees to act like perky cheerleaders, flirt with sex offenders.
Corpus Delicti invites you to Butoh Workshop on Saturdays from 1-3pm in Hollywood. Free to all.
Build Your Own FM Transmitter Workshop - Tucson, AZ 5/31/03 (tags)
Supporting free radio projects in the southwest US and northern Mexico.
If we hold any hopes for a return to the America of our Founding Fathers, and to accurate interpretations of the US Constitution, we must act now, each of us teaching and leading as Elders, as in The Giver, and take back our educational decision-making roles
Black or White: Race Workshop/Art show at Infoshoppe (tags)
What are the various forces that have worked to keep the "races" from mixing? How have "mixed" people been characterized throughout history? Can we work towards abolishing the concept of race? should we?
"Race" and "Mixed Race" Workshop and Art Show (tags)
Do you ever think about race? Have you ever thought about the various forces throughout history that have prevented races from mixing? Why are "mixed" people in this country a people without a history? Must race be tied to culture? Can we ever abolish the concept of "race"? Should we?
Exposing the Racism and Classism of the Military (tags)
Workshop exposes the racist and classist structure and recruiting practices of the U.S. military.
WORKSHOP AND OPEN DISCUSSION ON..................... (tags)
WORKSHOP AND OPEN DISCUSSION ON: *Multi Racial Organizing *Prison Organizing *Supporting Political Prisoners
WORKSHOP AND OPEN DISCUSSION ON: *Multi Racial Organizing *Prison Organizing *Supporting Political Prisoners
A workshop on Green Anarchism. WE will discuss theory, practice and tactics. Come and learn about primitivism, insurrection, and why civilization needs to be destroyed!
Environmental Justice Workshop Saturday in Santa Cruz (tags)
REPORTERS ARE NEEDED TO COVER THIS GREAT EVENT!!! VIDEO, AUDIO, PHOTO, and PEN/PAPER are encouraged!!! Environmental Justice Workshop entitled Ethnic Communities, Social Justice, and the Environment: Making the Connection on Saturday March 2, 2002 at UCSC’s Oakes College room 105 starting at 11:30 until 3:30 pm.
Boycott Tacobell Benifit Sow (tags)
At the Grand Opening of the ARTS IN ACTION Center, a special Workshop was set up for Children where they could experiment with Printmaking and Sculpture.
Vegan Workshop At A-Occasions Community Center (tags)
Vegan Workshop at A-Occassions1
January Calander of Events for the A-Occasions Info Shop (tags)
calander of events happening at the A-Occasions info shop/community space in Long Beach CA.
National Conference on Organized Resistance is Calling for Workshop Proposals! (tags)
The fifth annual National Conference on Organized Resistance (NCOR), to be held January 25th-27th, 2002, in Washington D.C., is calling for workshop proposals now. Please read on for more details and information on submitting a proposal.
LAST MINUTE CHANGE: Andres Barrera Presentation (tags)
LAST MINUTE CHANGE: Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Andres Barreda workshop on the Plan Puebla Panama HAS BEEN MOVED. It will now be held at the WORLD BEAT CENTER, in Balboa Park, 2100 Park Blvd. CAMBIO DE LUGAR PARA EL TALLER DE ANDRES BARREDA. Debido a circunstancias fuera de nustro control, se cambiara el taller de Andres Barreda al WORLD BEAT CENTER en el Parque Balboa, 2100 Park Blvd.