fix articles 8753, if we Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : if we

if we

Learning for life (tags)

The winners of the digital revolution include hairdressers, plumbers, care and service workers and professions that have something to do with creativity and responsibility (1). It's starting to work in my head. If that is the case, then it is fair to ask whether we still need compulsory education. Why should we all be forced to go to school and learn things that we don't need in our lives?

A Declaration of Independence (tags)

Utopia resolutely in sight But all those pillars of a free democratic basic order must have stood on feet of clay anyway, must have been more dummies than real basic pillars, otherwise they could not have been washed away so quickly, easily and thoroughly. We are now called upon to tread truly new paths.

A Worthwhile Goal (tags)

If we do not do this,there will be no change, and according to all truthful date, the death of many is already assured.

Interview with Naomi Klein (tags)

This is a crisis with spectacularly bad timing because it fell in our laps at the very moment that history was being declared over and liberals around the world were exporting this market fundamentalism. They’re telling us we can’t regulate just when we need to regulate and that we can’t invest in the public sphere just when we need to

UCLA slammed for double standards (tags)

Chancellor Gene Block has released a statement to the UCLA community regarding the ethics statement, and the intimidation of pro-Israel and Jewish students on campus

14TH ANNUAL INT'L WOMEN’S DAY EVENT Women Surviving Globally, Surviving in SoCal (tags)

Rally at Downtown Jail.... March to the LAST BOOKSTORE.... Teach In.... under the banner Invest in Life and Welfare, Not War and Prisons!

Idle No More – Los Angeles (tags)

A common sentiment expressed by speakers was, “if we won't do it, who will?”

A Letter to the Residents of Anaheim (tags)

With the kind permssion of the residents of Anaheim, I would like to protest your police today.

A Letter to the Residents of Anaheim (tags)

With the kind permission of the people of Anaheim, I would like to protest your police today.

Occupy the Machine- Together we can halt the destruction of our only home (tags)

Our planet is dying, and there is no mistaking the cause... Industrial civilization must me confronted as the machine of death that it truly is. The Occupy Movement has the makings of a revolutionary struggle, but it will only succeed if we can properly align our actions with an honest assessment of the predicament we face.

UPDATE: Foreclosure Purgatory, MA Rules Against Buyer Of Foreclosed Home, Millions Tainted (tags)

?In the end, all of us are paying a price for this mortgage crisis. And all of us will pay an even steeper price if we allow this crisis to continue to deepen?.? President Obama explained. ?But if we act boldly and swiftly to arrest this downward spiral, every American will benefit.? President Obama

Fukushima and Capitalism (tags)

"Capitalism and its countless horrors seem more credible to us than an alternative. We believe in capital, the deadly promise of endless growth. We cynically pay it tribute as though the rule of people over people and nature were something dignified. A world of sharing and community is possible."

A Very Bad Wizard (tags)

Reposted article by Phil Ebersole comparing President Obama with the Wizard of Oz.

After October 2, What Next? (tags)

The October 2nd demonstration in Washington, D.C., is a great step forward. We are now beginning to take matters into our own hands, relying on ourselves, and acting collectively.

da visionary report: still room for creative intelligence and our commonalities (tags)

several visionary art(e) peices to share with short comment on the challenge (and hidden gift) of alienation and building fears around so-called armageddon, etc.

The Best Immigration Law is No Law at All (tags)

The Best Immigration Law is No Law at All

Humans are unworthy of existence (tags)

Selfish. Greedy. Ignorant in every way.

The Political Situation and the Independent Left (tags)

Presentation by Stewart Alexander to PFP National Organizing Conference San Francisco, California August 1, 2009

I can't get no...SATISFACTION! (tags)

THERE IS A PLACE FOR EVERY ABERRATION OF BEHAVIOR IMAGINABLE. But is that place for us? As individuals? We decide. NOONE ELSE. If it's not our thing why do it or bother to look at it? Curiousity

RESISTANCE! Day of International Action Against State Murders - Saturday, Dec. 20th (tags)

At this moment, they fear us, and they will keep on fearing us if we are thousands and everywhere. We are calling everyone to actions of solidarity, to fight for the rights of all of us. Let 20 December be the beginning.

Education: Key to Understanding and Peace of Mind (tags)

Clarifying the facts from the myths of sex offenders

Seven Major Ways We Lose Force (tags)

Want to manifest the things you desire in life? Learn to gather, maintain, and build your force!

Report Back/Photos: Green Resolutions Ride (part 1) (tags)

Now that I've gone riding with a group and have learned something about integrating with autos, I feel much more confident about making longer trips on my own.

America never was America to me - MLK (tags)

The war is but a symptom of a far deeper malady within the American spirit

If we hired people the same way we elected them (tags)

If we hired people the same way we elected them

Aussie Uranium Dumps Waste (tags)

Alleged environmental contamination at the Mount Gee Uranium deposit in the far north of South Australia is being investigated by the SA Government and the Environment Protection Authority (EPA). (ABC News Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:25pm AEDT). The plan to extract seven billion dollars worth of Uranium ore has been controversial from the outset, with Mount Gee being situated in the Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary and the mining process posing considerable threat to the ecology of the area and the ancient aquifers connected to the Paralana hot springs, a site of significance for the Adnyamathanha people reports Nigel Carney on 17th January 2008.

Bush on Vietnam (tags)

There they go - off to war - where we never went.

50,000 dead. (tags)

Is that all?

saving the world (tags)

This truth becomes obvious and spreads exponentially- as fast as a consideration of patience and an acknowledged want of truth (divinity).

Trilogy OF War? Voting Machine? Get Real, Bombs and Bullets Cast Ballots (tags)

When the bell fell, the liberty spilled out, in the form of blood of the Indian. Now it is our turn. Hells bells, they pretend we have an election, and I invite that death smell.

While They’re Murdering our Military... (tags)

Illegal Immigrants -Do we needs borders or do we need justice?

888 And The Terror Of Reality (tags)


Let There Be Peace (tags)

Speech presented by Alexander Yoo, Executive Director of GenderQueer Revolution ( at the 2004 Transgender Day of Remembrance in Los Angeles

Freedom Fried (tags)

We are crossing a line and on the other side of that line there is fascism, totalitarianism, death squads, and crypto security. But in reality there is no security. It is a myth. But there are plenty of despots.

Staged Terror (tags)

How long before the next politically convienent attack happens?

Blinded by America (tags)

It's far more important for us to criticize ourselves than it is to criticize others. If we want to promote democracy, freedom and peace, we should ensure that our words match our deeds-anything else is complete hypocrisy.


According to ABC news dot com, wireless laptop computers are going to be used to detonate claymore mines in Iraq. Does that come with Windows XP? Ugly commentary included.

How the Left Can Win (tags)

The progressive left must reach out to the youth of heartland America in order to educate them to the possibility of revolution change. And we must do so through Jesus.

Standing at the Graves of Iraq (tags)

The bin Laden tape provokes visceral reactions in a visceral campaign. And if visceral is the game to be played, then where there is fear, there should be sickness. [From the CounterPunch weekend edition.]

Are We The Dumbest Americans Yet??? (tags)

Then why does the government think I am so stupid as to believe the lies they are telling, especially when they are so blatant

A Political Barometer (tags)

Testing the Popular Media Readership, I posted an article and engaged in a debate for four hours, here is a condensed version, which is a poignant example of what people are thinking.

You, you, you (tags)

My boyfriend and I have a running joke.......

Radicals for Dems (tags)

A controversial position: revolutionaries, radicals, and greens must support the Democrat for's why...

One Sided? (tags)

How can we ensure that our perspective is not skewed?

New American Anthem (tags)

gotten via email, something even perhaps the dimwitted bush can memorize!



Fake letters, fake numbers and other facts (tags)

Again and again lucky soldiers write home about their nice experiences in Iraq

How best to think of KOBE. (tags)

Think of KOBE as being like a fart in an elevator.

Reenacting Protest (tags)

They have Civil War reenactments. We need Civil Rights Protest Reenactments.

Indeymedia loses clout (tags)

Free speech is one thing, hate speech is another.

Echo Park Advocats (tags)

We are out there spreading the real deal!

U.S. health care: Crisis, solutions, action plan (tags)

The United Steel Workers of America (USWA) hosted a national forum on the health care crisis at its headquarters in Pittsburgh on April 27.


Lets get this thing started.

Hitler too was Undone (tags)

Kennedy said once that, "we have nothing to fear but fear itself."

Questions for you anti-war leftists (tags)

This ought to shut you up!!!

SCAM (tags)


new direct action (tags)

there is a really new and strong idea of direct action spreading fast: about occupation of tv and mass media studios - so that we can take our voices to more people.

new direct action idea....... (tags)

there is a really new and strong idea of direct action spreading fast: about occupation of tv and mass media studios - so that we can take our voices to more people.

Hitler Said It Best (tags)

If we hold any hopes for a return to the America of our Founding Fathers, and to accurate interpretations of the US Constitution, we must act now, each of us teaching and leading as Elders, as in The Giver, and take back our educational decision-making roles

Sorry to take up so much space (tags)

Gather together, for we have work to do.

L.A. Whatever happened to DIRECT ACTION? (tags)

A call to organizers and community members to remember that marching is good, but civil direct action is better


this is an e-mail i received, it is sung to the tune of "if your happy and you know it, clap your hands"

Good news (tags)

In know you hate it, but things are getting better. Once again, thank you Walter E. Williams. We are so lucky to have you around.

Our Patriotic Duty to the International Court (tags)

Its time we patriots did our duty and sent the Bush crime family to the International Court Back Online (tags)

Los Angeles Anarchist Collective web site is back online at,

ATTENTION: Anti-Authoritarians of Color! (tags)

"...But this! Year Zero, will be ours! If we allow ourselves to sleep, we will sleep with one eye open. If we dare to dream, we will dream on our feet. And when the nightmares return pounding on our doors, they will find us awake and armed, because our memory is fire in the house of centuries past." -El Compay Nando

Anti-Authoritarians of Color! (All you "Tanarchists") (tags)

"...But this! Year Zero, will be ours! If we allow ourselves to sleep, we will sleep with one eye open. If we dare to dream, we will dream on our feet. And when the nightmares return pounding on our doors, they will find us awake and armed, because our memory is fire in the house of centuries past." -El Compay Nando

Los Angeles Anarchist Collective (tags)

The Los Angeles Anarchist Collective web site is back up .. We are trying to rebuild the mailing list , if you are interested, please go to the site and subscribe!

Keep working for peace (tags)

As Scott prepares to serve time for his activism at Vandenberg, he shares a message of hope and encouragement for those working for peace.



Ralph Nader: What if we threw a presidential campaign and nobody came? (tags)

What if we threw a presidential campaign and nobody came? The Green Party's candidate explains how he tried to engage the press, and why it didn't work

Non-violent means can be just as effective (tags)

non-violent methods to shut down any summit

A reminder to all who post (tags)

We must share our stories with mainstream message boards.

Response to Response (tags)

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