fix articles 8744, dream Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : dream


War poker and Imperial moralism (tags)

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the "war on terrorism" began, which, according to George W. Bush, would end "tyranny in the world." Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq - the U.S. democratic crusades not only cost several million lives, they also brought the restriction of freedoms.

Scientists read dreams and thoughts (tags)

"The remarkable breakthrough makes use of a fairly straightforward idea: that when we visualize certain types of objects in our minds, our brains generate consistent neural patterns that can then be correlated with what is being visualized."

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 7 (tags)

the diary of anne frank was written after her death by a bunch of thugs

“Lost in a Dream” Singing Competition Winner to Be Chosen on April 15 for $20,000 Prize! (tags)

The five finalists of the “Lost in a Dream” karaoke-style competition will perform live

Asian Superstar's Book Finding Julia, Based on the Movie, Goes on Sale (tags)

Finding Julia, the book based on Asian singing and acting sensation Ha Phuong's new feature film, goes on sale Dec. 14, 2017.

Humanity Thanks You (tags)

This report reflects my gratitude to all who seek freedom from violent oppression from psychopaths in government, especially those in fbi /cia.

The Dream of Making Human Rights a Reality in Martin Luther King Day (tags)

  Summary: In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, volunteers of Youth for Human Rights of Florida celebrates with residents of Florida at the Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade.                 To keep Dr. King’s dream alive, as well as educate the next generation of civic leaders, Youth for Human Rights distributed more than 1100 copies of “The Story of Human Rights” booklet.               The printing of these booklets is sponsored by parishioners of the Church of Scientology.               “Early in his research into the human spirit, humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard emphasized that spiritual freedom and enlightenment were unattainable to people who were denied their fundamental human rights,” said Ms. Kintzel. “He called on all Scientologists to dedicate themselves ‘to support true humanitarian endeavors in the fields of human rights.’ I am very proud that my church, working with like-minded groups can really advocate for human rights.”               To find out more about Youth for Human Rights International go

George Harrison, Steve Jobs, And Paramahansa Yogananda (tags)

Los Angeles was the second home to the great yogi Paramahansa Yogananda who opened up the first US vegetarain restaurant here, who brought meditation and yoga to the West. He died at the Ambassador Hotel.

Free workshop helps undocumented youths become DACA-mented (tags)

The San José Peace and Justice Center and the Justice Studies Program at San José State University held a free workshop to assist undocumented youths in filling out the complex applications for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

American exceptionalism (tags)

No brag, just big lie.

Remembering Rachel Corrie (tags)


Letter to Governor Jerry Brown from immigrant youth led groups across California (tags)

Governor Brown: Sign the TRUST Act! Don't sign a symbolic driver’s license bill.

The Unstoppable Dreamers (tags)

"Courage begets more courage. One sacrifice inspires another... instead of deciding it was advantageous to cave to anti-immigrant racists, Obama looked for a way to please a mobilized and dissatisfied Latino base. We have the DREAMers to thank.."

Justice for Rachel Corrie Delayed (tags)


Student Activists Receive Gertrude Welch Peace and Justice Award (tags)

Student Advocates for Higher Education (SAHE) was honored by the San José Peace and Justice Center for the service, activism, tenacity, and courage of its students, and especially of its undocumented members. Representatives Mike Honda and Zoe Lofgren participated in the ceremony held at San José State University.

BTL:Without Public Policy Change, America Headed for Increased Racial Inequality (tags)

Interview with Dedrick Muhammad, senior director of the economic department at the NAACP and co-author of the report, “State of the Dream 2012: The Emerging Majority", conducted by Scott Harris

Brazil: I have a dream… (tags)

But the best part of the dream was that the President commanded down the interest on the public debt to zero, and with it this year alone, remained over two hundred and fifty billion to invest in development, infrastructure, health, education, security and everything else even paying more than five hundred billion of other charges of the same debt.

100 Mayors Oppose Keystone XL Pipeline (tags)

20% of the earth's people are using up 80% of the earth's resources. Time for resource-sparing lifestyles and work sharing! Will the US make the transition from empire to republic and from excess to access? Like capitalism, the Keystone XL pipeline is full of contradictions.

BTL:Newly Organized Progressive Coalition Challenges Corporate-Funded Tea Party Agenda in (tags)

Interview with Natalie Foster, CEO of the Rebuild American Dream campaign, conducted by Scott Harris

Dream Comes True for Mother and Son at Art Institute Graduation (tags)

The Art Institute of Orange County is a place where futurists can prepare to enhance their own future and the future of America

Remembering a Filipino Working Class Hero (tags)

February 6, 2011 marks the 10th death anniversary of our leader and slain comrade Filemon “Ka Popoy” Lagman.

CIA Puppet Mr. Hosni Mubarak MUST STEP DOWN! (tags)

It is illogical to assume that Hosni Mubarak's firing of his underlings will somehow restore democracy to Egypt when he himself is the source of the problem! Nor is it logical or probable that a thirty year dictator will step down "nicely" or "legally". Only when the Egyptian police grow weary of brutalzing their own people and rip off their badges and join the protests demanding Mubarak's full and complete resignation will democracy begin to emerge in Egypt!

Will Hector Lopez be Free in Time for Midnight Mass? (tags)

Although 21-year-old Hector Lopez has reportedly been told that he can be released from a migrant detention center in Florence, AZ, he has also been advised that the paperwork for his release cannot be completed until after Christmas. But Dallas immigration advocate Ralph Isenberg is pressing for a pre-Christmas release.

DREAM Act Vote Will Not Be Forgotten (tags)

Senate fails to pass DREAM Act despite unprecedented mobilization and support by the general public


Los Angeles, CA - This morning, US Senate voted on whether or not to debate the DREAM Act. Unfortunately, 60 votes were needed and the measure will not move forward this year.



food for your mind (tags)

Man1 has still not invented anything that is not already in Nature. The technology behind television is but a poor imitation of the possibilities of this ray.”

realising your dream (tags)

we atrack and created all that happend in our reality by our vibrational state intend emotion and belief.we need a source of thrust in your own self to overcome the the cultural programming that society impose on us .

New hope, new dream required following Earthquake: Letter to John Key (tags)

New dream, an ethical globalization, required after devastating earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand (amazingly no loss of life but enormous property damage). An ethical globalization emphasizes small/medium business development.

tranformation and progress (tags)

god might not fix all the problem of the world for us no matter how miserable life can become but as we reconise wath mistake was done to cause this misery we see new door and oportunity oppening to us that can lead us to our childhood dream.

Request for full investigation into 'unseen' major New Zealand tragedy and reply (tags)

I very much fear that America is following the same path as New Zealand. It is the 'truth' not power politics or the 'money grab' which will help overcome the climate of fear and hopelessness. Obama, I think, needs the assistance of some of the America's top thinkers and spiritual leaders.

US Capitalism in Crisis: An Emperor With No Clothes (tags)

The champions of US capitalism are having to get used to a changing global stage on which they play a diminishing role

Sitting-in for Human Rights, from Jim Crow to Juan Crow (tags)

The struggle for migrant rights--like the struggle against Jim Crow--is a matter of fundamental human rights and equality.

Santa Barbara Residents to Protest Anti-Immigrant Arizona Law (tags)

Protesters will be demanding that the local city council take action by divesting from Arizona. Several will conduct a peaceful Civil Disobedience

I have a dream (tags)

When the seeds of truth are sown, the grassroots truth revolution will blossom from the enlightenment"

“This Dream Called Death,” a novelzine, by Stephen Janis (A Review) (tags)

Stephen Janis builds his tale, “This Dream Called Death,” in one bone-chilling scene after another, with a writing style that suits the genre. His descriptions of the city of Balaise are first rate. As the tension escalates, the character of the narrator evolves, too, into a much more sympathetic figure. Janis takes you for a ride into a history, a nightmare, which I fear, may be only one more 9/11 incident away from becoming our reality!

Why is Universal Health Care "Un-American"? (tags)

"I believe the American dream is not about material success, not about being having the strongest military. The American dream is that every person might have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

10 Ways To Creat Peace In Our World (tags)

"We have before us the glorious opportunity to inject a new dimension of love into the veins of our civilization," King said. Here are 10 real ways you can cultivate deep in yourself the loving peace you want to see in the core of the world.

"Over the Rainbow" (tags)

dreams we dream can come true

Unfolding With Seth (tags)

Humanity dreams the same dream at once, and you have your mass world. The whole construction is like an educational play in which you are the producers as well as the actors.

"Spinning" the U.S. Passport (tags)

The Public Relations arm of the U.S. government takes a "stab" at your travel documents.


Blessings for Entering the New Dream Dear Beloved upon the Ascension Path,

Barack Obama and the "End" of Racism (tags)

Obama doesn’t represent peace – he represents an expansion of war and the power of Empire. He’s even more extreme on this than Bush himself, except in his public rhetoric. He doesn’t represent the real and legitimate needs, desires and hopes of Black people - he refuses to speak openly of the most fundamental issues affecting Black people. He doesn’t represent the “end of racism,” but the perpetuation of oppression in a new guise.


The 2008 Immigration Forum called “Preparing the Fields to Plant the Seeds” was held last Saturday, January 26, 2008 from 12: 00 to 5:00 PM at the Mission Presbyterian Church at 3261 23rd St. in downtown San Francisco, CA. The immigration forum discussed the Dream Act, the Sanctuary Movement, the Kennedy-McCain Proposals and anti-immigrant bashing in the United States. They also discussed the roots and causes of imm9gration. The forum was sponsored by the Faith in the Movement Coalition (FMC) composed by Manos Unidas Community Center of the Mission, Alliance For A Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP), Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI) Damayan New York-New Jersey, Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights, JAC of the Presbyterian Church of the USA, KM Pro People Youth, Grace Urban Ministries and the Mission Presbyterian Church.

Building Bridges: Foreclosed: The State of the Dream (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community Labor Report - National Edition Produced by Ken Nash & Mimi Rosenberg *************************

The Approaching Narco Lords, American Politicians, And The City Of Lost Girls (tags)

bush relatives are all nazi criminals and cannibals....These people are protected by DHS and own quite a few NM/TX politicians, as well as many others throughout the israeli federal reserve government which has overtaken America

New land of opportunity (tags)

Los Cabos rises as place to realize the Mexican dream

Bush's Megalomania (tags)

What some called good flowed into chaos.. You wil know them by their fruits. Not even the Pentagon doubts that the fruits of Americans in Baghdad stink.

Contact LA's DreamHost/New Dream Network about the Nazi stalking website they host (tags)

from the worldwide Indymedia: A few days ago, at 6pm on the evening of the 16th of May, at the corner of Tamka and Dobrej streets in Warsaw, an antifascist activist was attacked by two nazis, with clear intentions to kill him. He says that he is sure that the attack was due to the recent appearance of his personal data on a nazi site called "redwatch" ( which publishes names, addresses, photos and other personal data of human rights activists in order to encourage violent attacks against them.

Provoking Violence: The Minutemen Confront Migrants and Supporters in Downtown LA (tags)

A month ago and the month before, migrants and their supporters put a million people in the streets. Today the minutemen countered with a hundred-person "civil rights march," proclaiming no civil rights for immigrants or their children. Luckily for the minutemen, the protestors were inclined to be non-violent.

Racism? (tags)

Thoughts of the day! Viva La Everyone!

World Can't Wait -- Tomas Olmos (tags)

Statement of Tomas Olmos, President of Mexican-American Bar Foundation

King's Great Speech (tags)

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!

My Dream to Save the World: Bishop Tutu (tags)

Bishop Tutu's dream could be lifegiving for us in down-is-up America. The vision of equality leveling the power of the machos and raising the modest could recreate our overly materialist culture where the center cannot hold.

The Imperial Nightmare (tags)

A republic must first die as a prerequisite for the birth of a world empire. No country can act in an imperial way toward other coutnries- brutally, contemptuously and lawlessly - and uphold republican values at the same time.

Constitutional State without Human Rights (tags)

"A kind of worldwide dictatorship of the national security of the US is to be established..This policy of the worldwide totalization of markets abolishes a large part of human rights.."

TUESDAY! "Cuba: The Dream and the Drama" - with music by Cumbeley and the Xochis (tags)

Follow two Latin bands to a talk about Cuba!

April 10th, Options and Actions for a Post Carbon Los Angeles (tags)

Sunday, April 10th, 4 - 8 PM, Venice, CA The Post Carbon Institute will present a screening of The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream as well as a panel of speakers who will discuss the serious issues we will be facing in Los Angeles with the coming global decline in fossil fuel extraction and present local projects which represent a step towards sustainability.

Witness Historic Jupiter Sighting from Joshua Tree February 27th! (tags)

On February 27, 2005, at 6:05 AM JT time (6:21 AM PST), the place to be for the finest observational post this side of ancient history is Joshua Tree, California.

The System: Capitalism and its Role in American Society’s Plunge into the Abyss. (tags)

commentary and analysis of capitalism's devastating role in american society. good read

The 'American Dream' Is Not Dead (tags)

a call to war

Building Bridges Radio- Bangladeshi Worker's Dream & SEIU: Labor Must Organize or Die (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INTERNET WEB ADDRESS LINK

Building Bridges Radio- Bangladeshi Worker's Dream & SEIU: Labor Must Organize or Die (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INTERNET WEB ADDRESS LINK

American Dream Slipping Away (tags)

The American Dream Slipping Away from the Middle Class


After 2 weeks, the DREAM Fast Vigil will be coming to a close. Please come out and support the DREAM Act.

9/19: Los Angeles DREAM Fast Vigil (Day 7) (tags)

Teacher/Student Day: Students and Teachers gather to support Higher Education

9/16: DREAM Fast Vigil (Day 4) (tags)

Fasters hold "General Supporter Day"

Los Angeles DREAM Fast Vigil (Day 5) (tags)

DREAM Act Fasters Highlight the Importance of Voting

9/15: Los Angeles DREAM Fast Vigil (Day 3) (tags)

[Los Angeles] Day 3 of the DREAM Fast Vigil kicked off with the theme "Higher Education Day." The highlight of the day came through paintings that fasters drew that tied higher education to the DREAM Act. Fasters also drew pictures depicting their thoughts and feelings. These will be hung as part of the existing visuals at the fasting site throughout the 2 weeks. The fasters are also engaged in daily journals and writing daily letters to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and to President Bush.

9/14 Los Angeles DREAM Fast Vigil (Day 2) (tags)

Los Angeles, CA - Across the street from an institution of higher learning, the Los Angeles DREAM Fast and Vigil participants continued their efforts to inform the public about the significance and necessity of passing the DREAM Act.

9/13 Los Angeles: DREAM Fast Vigil Day 1 (tags)

[Los Angeles] At the corner of Jefferson Street and Hoover Boulevard, with the University of Southern California as the backdrop, over 40 supporters, allies, students, and community leaders gathered for a press conference to kick off the DREAM Fast Vigil Campaign.

Fast for the DREAM Act - part of the week of Immigrant Rights Action Sep 20-26 (tags)

From: Terry Burke National Immigrant Solidarity Network Tel: (213)403-0131

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Marine Corps Pfc. Fernando Hannon, 19, Wildomar; Killed in Explosion

Gangs of America: Talk by Ted Nace (tags)

On today's Radio IMC-LA show, a talk by Ted Nace, author of "Gangs of America: The Rise of Corporate Power and the Disabling of American Democracy."

End of Suburbia (tags)

You are invited to a screening of The End of Suburbia Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream

Palestinians ask Bush, Why should we be happy? (tags)

"This U.S. administration is dealing with the world as if it's a Texan farm"

Fresno Woman Arrested for Having a Bad Dream (tags)

Denise Martin shared a dream she had with a friend. Her friend told the dream to Martin’s former employer and this led to Martin’s current nightmare.

MLK: A Christmas Sermon On Peace (tags)

After reading MLK'S "A CHRISTMAS SERMON ON PEACE," I thought about Kucinich's "Department of Peace." Could MLK'S Vision become a reality with a Kucinich administration?

It?s been a good year (tags)

The extreme Left has made a terrible strategic mistake shacking up with the Islamists. In one sense, they?re not as incompatible as they might appear: Islamism may be religious in origin but in its political form it is simply this decade?s brand of oppressive statism, as communism was before it. But the only question now is how deeply this strategic error infects the less insane Left. On National Public Radio the other day, Howard Dean advanced the theory that the Saudis had tipped off Bush about 9/11 in advance. When the Democratic presidential front-runner is cheerfully wearing his tinfoil hat in public, it?s no wonder the other fellows are scrambling to sound just as loopy.

Mission Accomplished - Memorial Rider completes dream for cyclists killed in August (tags)

CLyclsits Ron Broyles has completed a 2900 mile cross country ride, doing his part to right an injustice while fulfilling a dream of his own and completing what Raymond Moore and Lyle Rosser could not.

Governor Groper's reveals his economic plan for working Californians (tags)

Governor Groper plans to jumpstart California's sluggish economy by passing a law which will require millions of homeowners across the state to knock down their chimneys. Governer Groper estimates that rebuilding efforts alone will create thousands of "fantastic jobs" for thousands of unemployed workers.

I had a dream. (tags)


MLK, 40 Years, a Donkey, the Deregulation and Blackout of Our Civil Rights! (tags)

Yesterday I witnessed the most incredible irony as I monitored the corporate media. George Bush was giving a speech yesterday afternoon in front of a friendly only crowd of Marines when he stated "May God continue to bless America".

Life after Patriotism: The Brain behind the Brainwash (tags)

"Imagine a world where disagreement was okay. Where you could support people you disagreed with, where tolerance for difference was the norm. Where critical thinking and raising questions meant respect and discussion." from Slingshot

LifeLog and Totalitarianism (tags)

The Pentagon's new project "LifeLog" is the latest installment in a very old story -- one that echoes especially strongly with the not so distant past, in the dreams and the desires of the totalitarian regimes

From Pershing Square's Day of Voice (tags)

Ariving late-

ATTENTION: Anti-Authoritarians of Color! (tags)

"...But this! Year Zero, will be ours! If we allow ourselves to sleep, we will sleep with one eye open. If we dare to dream, we will dream on our feet. And when the nightmares return pounding on our doors, they will find us awake and armed, because our memory is fire in the house of centuries past." -El Compay Nando

Anti-Authoritarians of Color! (All you "Tanarchists") (tags)

"...But this! Year Zero, will be ours! If we allow ourselves to sleep, we will sleep with one eye open. If we dare to dream, we will dream on our feet. And when the nightmares return pounding on our doors, they will find us awake and armed, because our memory is fire in the house of centuries past." -El Compay Nando


Don't allow "Wolves in Sheep's clothing" to define the life and actions of Dr. Martin Luther King. The "I have a Dream" speech (1963)is King's weakest... yet it's the only one you'll hear quoted on radio and television. King's "Beyond Vietnam" speech of 1967 reveals the true MLK, the man we should all embrace as a revolutionary leader for all times.

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