fix articles 87172, co
Put Facebook & Co. in its place! (tags)
There has been growing concern in civil society and among policymakers that these practices conflict with users' right to privacy, enable manipulation and disinformation campaigns, and ultimately undermine the principle of a public sphere subject to democratic rules.
38 Arguments Against TTIP (tags)
TTIP (Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership) agreement continues an old thinking instead of everyone sharing int he profits of a few. The private arbitration courts enable corporations to sue states and could have a chilling effect on labor and environmental protection.
Can You Decouple From the Titans of Capitalism (tags)
The Center For Consumer Freedom have several websites (,, etc..) and runs commercials to inform and protect us from "the growing fraternity of food cops, health care enforcers, militant activists, meddling bureaucrats, and violent radicals" but are in fact a fake front for corporate America and FOX news that want us to buy their products (oh and die from diabetes, cancer, heart disease and liver failure.)
Petroleum dependency, smog & low level CO poisoning (tags)
Petroleum dependency is cause of US occupation of Iraq is also responsible for smog and low level carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in inner city residents..
Formaldehyde, Aspartame, Mercury, Etc
The more US troops that die the better (tags)
Some anti-imperialist words for those who really are against the US occupation of Iraq.
Holy Cat's Ass! Catwoman Arrested! (tags)
Catwoman Shows Her Tale!
20 Things learned after 9-11 (tags)
Twenty Things We've Learned Nearly A Year After 911