fix articles 8667, dont Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : dont


A Conversation on our "Nihilistic Age" (tags)

As religious authority wanes, fundamental values—including the very value of truth—don’t die, but rather lose their absolute status and go a little haywire as a result... When the value of values declines, values don’t vanish but become trivial, fungible, instrumentalizable.

Is the USa Failed State with Michael Hudson (tags)

It’s a failed state because its economy is paralyzed and we’re in a debt deflation, an economic polarization, that is just transferring all wealth and income away from labor, away from industry, into really the financial sector and what I call the finance, insurance, and real estate sector.

Economic Crisis in the Anthropocene (tags)

They are in a life-and-death struggle for the future of American democracy and from their point of view – and I happen to share this view – that depends on their not losing the congressional majority to the GOP in 2022, which doesn’t necessarily end American democracy, but it takes us in a direction which is really bad.

Message to the Grass Roots (tags)

Text of the speech from November 10, 1963, at the Northern Negro Grass Roots Leadership Conference, which was held at King Solomon Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan.

Yair Golan Has Got It Right and Very Wrong (tags)

The Left Is Totalitarian Threat To Israel, Not The Right

Bein HaMetzarim – The Three Weeks – Mourning or Redemption? (tags)

Has the Israeli government lost it’s mind? The government recently decided to let IslamoFascist Ilhan Omar and PalestiNazi Rashida Tlaib enter Israel.

Greta Thunberg's speech on economic growth (tags)

Avoiding climate breakdown will require cathedral thinking. We must lay the foundation while we may not know exactly how to build the ceiling.

Reform Islam Now or Get More Ilhan Omars (tags)

Muslims Need To Speak Out Against Their Own Extremists

Assange Has Been Arrested for US Extradition (tags)

Extradited for journalism. In a blur, everything that Assange and WikiLeaks have been warning about for years has been proven correct, contrary to mountains of claims to the contrary by establishment loyalists everywhere.

Jewish Self-Hatred Rears Its Ugly Head (tags)

Looks at the self-destructive tendency of the Jewish Left in America and Israel through the prism of the Israeli election campaign, and the weekly Torah reading.

Beaumont to Detroit: 1943 (tags)

Beaumont to Detroit: 1943 Langston Hughes

Don’t let this LA County Probation Department overhaul proposal sit on the shelf (tags)

Don’t let this LA County Probation Department overhaul proposal sit on the shelf

Westside Thanksgiving for everyone in LA ! (tags)

Best FREEE turkey event ever in West LA - for every-any one .. it's even on bus routes and there is a a van to help those who need transportation to North campus of Veterans Administration grounds. NOV 24 11 am to 3pm . Great generous foods, hair cuts, clothes, kiddie events, music, lots of love and caring from volunteers.

"KPFK has a $500,000 deficit “ !! Can this be true? (tags)

What we dont know that affects the organizations we pay $$$ to support ! ? And no one is talking, to KPFK listeners/ sponsors/ stakeholders. And also some of Alan Watts' words are included here too.

Five myths about tax havens (tags)

When tax havens assist kleptocratic elites in hiding their cash with impunity, they don’t guard against corruption and despotism — they help perpetuate them. Tax havens provide an escape route from laws that is available only to a rich minority that can afford to use it...


The White Citizen's Council was not the Klan, but only kinda not the Klan.

Former Israeli Prime Minister's Critique of Settlements (tags)


August 2015 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

The August Honduras update is up, a lot has happened, young fire torch leader murdered, taxi driver leader murdered, 14 farmers imprisoned for over 39 days without bail, child of the resistance Oscar now a high school leader now singled out and arrested in a students protests and kept overnight, and so many other things. Meanwhile the hope seems to be in more people taking direct action, with the realisable dream of a general strike, rather than what is catching more attention against corruption right now

US/Israeli Attempted Color Revolution in Lebanon? (tags)


Ockham's Razor (tags)

Pollution, wars, crime, terrorism, drugs, diseases, disasters, etcetera, are all related with each other and deliberately created with the same goal.

TPP designed to make medicine more expensive (tags)

The TPP is the latest and most important new trade agreement that seeks to create new standards for intellectual property that are more friendly to pharmaceutical companies and publishers. The TPP chapter on intellectual property expands and extends drug monopolies.

Partially Examined Life - Kierkegaard on the Self, 32 min (tags)

A highly skilled rhetorician, Kierkegaard preferred the indirect approach, deploying irony, ridicule, parody and satire in a paradoxical search for individual authenticity within a European culture he saw as beset by self-important puffery and unthinking mass movements.

Simon Says (tags)

Organized Snitch programs like Tip Submit and Community Alerts are manipulating communities to target progressive writers and Activists.

San Francisco Day of Resistance March Occupies Market Street Once Again (tags)

As part of national Day of Resistance actions to protest police murders of people of color, marchers in San Francisco again occupied Market Street, the city’s main commercial thoroughfare.

Los Angeles Questions Oversized LAPD Response to Million Mask March (tags)

#MillionMaskMarch Los Angeles began in downtown Los Angeles and moved to Hollywood on November 5, 2014.

Fatal encounter: Jennifer Laude meets US Marine Corps (tags)

PHILIPPINES: As I peered at Jennifer Laude’s serene face in the open casket, I saw the wound on her forehead that was barely concealed by the mortician’s make up. I did not see the bruises on her neck and shoulders, but a person familiar with the autopsy said they were severe.

Livestreamer @PMBeers interviews Bundy Ranch supporters during BLM stand-off (Part 2) (tags)

As tensions between Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management skyrocketed in early April 2014, mainstream media remained silent about the arrests as well as property destruction at the hands of the BLM. To learn the truth from the people on the ground, livestreamer Patti Beers (@PMBeers) carpooled to Bunkersville, NV to interview the hundreds of volunteers at Bundy Ranch. Her livestream audience grew to over 1,000 viewers by 9:00 AM on Saturday, April 12.

Livestreamer @PMBeers interviews Bundy Ranch supporters during BLM stand-off (tags)

In April 2014, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) acted on a court order to seize the cattle of southern Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy. Hundreds of western men and women traveled to Bunkersville, NV to stand with Cliven Bundy against federal tyranny. Several reporters from Los Angeles People's Media went to the site of the #BundyRanch #RangeWar to interview the supporters of the Bundy family about the stand-off.

Indymedia being inundated by repeaters (tags)

A few commentators insist on obliterating any article they disagree or dont like by writing many repeated exhortations and insults and insure the article looses it's main points or gets overwhelmed with other-than-that-person's viewpoint. In other words, some commentators attack profusely to blot out anyone but their agreers. Unfairly, Uncivilly. Hoping to Reduce INDEPENDENCE into obedience and agreement only ???

Fukushima Jesus Christ Return the Sign from Isaiah 28 (tags)

Fukushima Jesus Christ Return the Sign from Isaiah 28

Bush Nazi Housing * (tags)

Bah! Bush Nazis! Really brave cowards! (a.& c.) They say, "He can't hear. He can't do anything about it! NoBody is going to do anything about it!" "We won't be held guilty."(Zech. 11:5)

John Kerry Is A Ghoul In The Night of Living Dead (tags)

John Kerry now walks onto the graves of many, many to-soon-be-dead humans beings. He adamantly plays his well-crafted, seemingly rational justifications for more war; but his whole stage-craft of lies about knowing who is behind the chemical attacks, is a fraud of deceit as Biblical proportions. He is already a living corpse, a puppet for another Zionist-minted atrocity, similar to our Manchurian Candidate Barack Obama, both who lead this repeat of professional propaganda campaign, expecting the American public to swallow another pack of lies for another military and political fiasco (as if the U.S. can never learn from previous mistakes). Both have sold their souls to the devil of political push and shove.

A Q&A with environmental lawyer Simeon Herskovits (GBWN) (tags)

Environmental lawyer Simeon Herskovits discusses the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) and their proposed water pipeline from the rural aquifers of Snake Valley to Las Vegas as being primarily for the interests of developers (Whittemore) on cheap land (purchased from Aerojet) much further north of the urban region. Indigenous tribes, ratepayers, ranchers and the ecosystem will all pay the price for Whittemore's wealth from the latest water heist.

David Curtis launches campaign for Sec. of State, California (tags)

David Curtis launches his campaign for Secretary of State, California at the Mayflower Club in North Hollywood.

Total opposition - interview with anarchist writer Paul Cudenec (tags)

In an interview with The Vast Minority, writer Paul Cudenec calls for anarchists to unite in "total opposition" to the global capitalist system.

Media Gets Targeted by Obama, Discovers No One Cares Except the Media (tags)

It remains to be seen whether the media will start doing its job now that it’s been subjected to a small taste of what the public has been bludgeoned with for years via FISA, CISPA, the NDAA, the PATRIOT Act, et cetera. All these laws basically allow unlimited spying on and detention of Americans without any due process guaranteed by the Constitution.

Uncensored Manifesto from Retired LAPD Officer Christopher Dorner (tags)

Uncensored Manifesto of Christopher Dorner

We Don’t Need Your Water Cooler (tags)

Telecommuting Mayor Bloomberg thinks telecommuting is dumb.

Israelis Want Out (tags)


Never mind! IMF now says austerity mistakes don’t matter (tags)

IMF paper says damage wrought by austerity much greater than expected, but it should continue anyway.

The Syrian Revolution: Another Madness to Bring the Sharia Law (tags)

The so-called Syrian Revolution is being led by Wahhabist extremists against the rational secular government of Bashar al-Assad. The U.S. backed Wahhabists are seeking to overthrow the stable government of al-Assad to further escalate tensions between Iran and Israel. Once again U.S. foreign policy is in the same filthy gutter of deception where the GW Bush regime left off. Some change, eh?

An open letter to Khalil from Gaza (tags)

One of the most thought proking pieces to come out of the hamas/Israel conflict

Quietly, the IMF confesses that austerity does not work (tags)

Not that those who reap rewards from austerity will admit it, but the IMF’s own calculations show that austerity accelerates economic decline.

Mo Nishida on Richard Aoki (tags)

The local Japanese American / Asian Amercian community site and paper Rafu Shimpo published longtime revolutionary Mo Nishida's response to the Rafu's and general media's story about Richard Aoki being and FBI informant. Please visit the link to see a photo of Mo, and read/post comments there.

9-11 has to be remembered now....and again... (tags)

9-11 has not been mentioned one time in all the current political campaigning....heard anything at all ? 9-11 is barely ever mentioned in mass media news any more. 9-11 is put away conveniently so everyone can pretend that ....we are now 'safe' ...and need not think, nor remember, nor dis-cover, nor explore, nor expose and not discuss-talk about what we worry about becaues it has not been fully investigated nor revealed... "No, dont discuss that's old news !" + "not now, not any more, that's the long ago Past...." they often say so easily & repeatedly. What is wrong with this distracting atmosphere we are breathing in daily ?

Letters to the Editor (tags)

Some Letters to the Editor

Capitalism and the Mad Uncle in the Attic (tags)

The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity and self-determination.

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Is Still Alive at MCRD (tags)

Anyone who thinks anti-Queer discrimination in the military is a thing of the past needs to read this article! Zenger's Newsmagazine associate editor Leo E. Laurence was fired from his stint as a volunteer at the San Diego Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) for bringing his roommate to an on-base event.

Debt's History, Implication and Critical Perspectives (tags)

Graeber currently teaches social anthropology at Goldsmiths, University of London.

FRACKIN' in Baldwin Hills to Earthquake US ? huh? (tags)

The news is coming out in LA too..FRACKING...the drilling into 'shale' with chemical polluted water [wasting water by more than bucketfulls, by more than waterfallfulls] is happening in our own back yard, but where ? not far from our LAX airport - in Baldwin Hills. Scientific evidence is IN - fracking [sounds similar to f--king of the evil not pleasant kind] is correlated to EARTHQUAKES and our San Andreas is complaining loudly that he wants to burst out again, not only to warn us, but destroy parts of us too.

John Brooks: Occupy Inspires Neophyte to Run for Congress (tags)

John Brooks was a retired agent for the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife until he saw the Occupy San Diego protests on TV and was inspired to run for Congress as an alternative Democrat. Though he ran afoul of the San Diego Democrats for Equality's endorsement process, he's recently been endorsed by Progressive Democrats of America and his real views on Queer rights and women's choice are far more progressive than the Democrats for Equality's questionnaire made them sound.

In Memoriam: Robert Miles Parker, 1939-2012 (tags)

Pioneering San Diego-based Queer artist and photographer Robert Miles Parker also founded Save Our Heritage Organization (SOHO), dedicated to preserving San Diego's historic buildings and parks against redevelopment and gentrification. His recent passing in New York, where he had relocated, was memorialized by SOHO.

San Diego Mayoral Candidates Address Queer Community (tags)

When this year's major candidates for Mayor of San Diego — City Councilmember Carl DeMaio, County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis, Assemblymember Nathan Fletcher and Congressmember Bob Filner — addressed the Queer community March 28, the irony that gripped the room was that the two openly Queer candidates, DeMaio and Dumanis, were running to the right of the non-Queer Fletcher and Filner. DeMaio, who in other contexts has said he wants to be "the Scott Walker of San Diego," dominated the event with his anti-labor pension "reform" proposal and his refusal to acknowledge the leadership of San Diego's Queer community even though he is Queer himself.

Will Rodriguez-Kennedy: Queer Republican Leader Becomes Democrat (tags)

In a dramatic scene at the February 23 meeting of San Diego Democrats for Equality, former San Diego County Log Cabin Republican Club president Will Rodriguez-Kennedy re-enacted his decision to switch parties and become a Democrat. His reason: he's not only tired of Republican Queer-bashing, he's put off by the hypocrisy of openly Queer San Diego Mayoral candidate Carl DeMaio, who has pandered to anti-Queer prejudices to get endorsements from the San Diego County Republican Central Committee and has taken money from donors to the anti-Queer Proposition 8.

Cynthia Nixon: Bi Heroine Tells It Like It Is (tags)

Actress Cynthia Nixon caused a brief furor last January and ruffled the feathers of the Queer Thought Police by daring to say publicly that as a Bisexual she believes she did have a choice in her sexual orientation, and she doesn't see why people should assume she's a Lesbian just because her current relationship partner is a woman.

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo: Alternative Movie Review (tags)

Predictable lamestream media reviewers had little to say about how The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is rife with current political, sociological, technological and religious implications. The movie is about a 24-year-old, gothic-punk-looking, cyberspace hacker, with an issue with men who have histories or sexual or violent predation. She is on a mission to right the world of a few rapists and killers. This is not a standard movie review. Plenty reviews already exist on the Internet for you to get the gist of the story and its characters. This critique is strictly in regards to the movie and is more about interesting political and social commentary in relation to the movie and some of its reviews.

When Love Hurts: The Emotionally Abused Man (tags)

Many liberal men may at some point fall in love with emotionally abusive women and write off their behavior to them being "strong and assertive" women. However, there is a difference between an assertive woman and an abusive woman and those who are emotionally involved may not be able to recognize the difference.

The Way She Sees It: Jamala Rogers in San Diego (tags)

Jamala Rogers, columnist for the African-American weekly St. Louis American since 1994 and co-chair of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, spoke in San Diego November 15 to promote her book, "The Best of 'The Way I See It,'" a compilation of her columns. Among them are a ringing defense of Queer rights and a series denouncing the government response to Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath as anti-Black genocide.

Occupy The Library (tags)

America’s majority who supported the Occupy Wall Street movement (OWS), within the 99% of all Americans, are being smeared by agent propagandists within the punditry of mainstream media (MSM). For example, Michael Gerson’s black demagoguery, of the closet-right-wing Washington Post, is a good example. In one of his recent columns he declared the OWS movement seems little more than a “…confused set of grievances…” and paints the movement to have little ideological coherence save Marxist socialism and anarchy. Equally he attempts to blame the Democratic Party (that he claims is their “desperate” political calculation) for this phenomenon of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement.

Nico D'Amico-Barbour: Canvass for a Cause Organizer on Marriage Equality, Occupation-print (tags)

Nico D'Amico Barbour, regional director of Canvass for a Cause -- an organization founded in San Diego two years ago to advocate for marriage equality which has since expanded to Los Angeles -- shows an entrepreneurial spirit and an almost born-again commitment to activism that's more commonly associated with the Right than the Left these days.

Occupy Reality: It’s The Corruption Stupid (tags)

This level of community angst (there were a lot of people marching and a lot of occupied cities) is not so much about capitalism as a form of economic viability as it is about how criminality infiltrates capitalistic tendencies. There is probably “no” country more corrupt that our current empire here in the United States. That is the main issue. Not just corporate greed but its caustic effects in bribing Congress, the news media, the Executive branch of government, and the alienation of the majority of other countries against our lies, deceit, our government corrupting other peoples, the wars, and the torture, etc.

CHRIS TINA BRUCE: Transgender Bodybuilder Competes in San Diego Oct. 29 (tags)

Transgender bodybuilder Chris Tina Bruce is scheduled to compete in her first contest in 20 years — and her first as a woman — this Saturday, October 29 at the Scottish Rite Events Center in San Diego. In this interview for Zenger's Newsmagazine, Bruce discusses her history, how she came out as Transgender and how her professional worlds have accepted her — or not.

Novelist Anne Enright Speaks in San Diego (tags)

Irish novelist Anne Enright came to the San Diego Public Library October 10 to present "The Forgotten Waltz," her first book since her previous novel "The Gathering" won the prestigious Man Booker Prize in 2007. Enright talked about the pressures of sudden fame, how she combines writing with being a stay-at-home mom, and the roller-coaster ride of the Irish economy from boom in 2002 to bust in 2007. Though "The Forgotten Waltz" is not literally a political allegory, Enright says she meant it largely as a metaphoric portrayal of Ireland during its boom and bust years.

Occupy San Diego Draws Thousands Downtown Oct. 15 (tags)

Despite attacks by police wielding pepper spray and Mace, confiscation of their possession and a series of threats to evict them forcibly from the Civic Center Plaza, over 1,000 members and supporters of Occupy San Diego reclaimed their downtown space October 15. The day was busy, including three marches and two rallies as well as Occupy San Diego's usual open discussion about its goals.

Occupy LA, Day 1 (tags)

October 1, 2011 Three to Five thousand people gathered in Pershing Square in Downtown LA, at 10 am to march to City Hall. The purpose, to occupy City Hall in Solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street Movement that is in its twelfth day in New York City.

PATRICK McMAHON: Gay Adoptee Recalls His Search for His Birth Parents (tags)

Who am I? Who are my parents? Where did I come from? When, where and how was I born? Most of us take the answers to these questions for granted. But it?s not so easy if you were adopted. Then, as Patrick McMahon n? Shields found out in 1990, the authentic record of his birth was treated as if it were a state secret whose revelation would jeopardize national security. He details the story of his two-year search for his true origins in his new self-published book "Becoming Patrick," an extraordinarily well-written combination of self-discovery memoir, suspense thriller, soap opera and wrenching reunion story.

Parker Jaques: Bisexual, Binary and Proud! (tags)

Parker Jaques isn't the usual sort of interviewee who gets featured in a Queer publication. That's why I wanted to interview him for the cover story in the September 2011 Zenger's Newsmagazine. He doesn't have a traumatic, breast-beating coming-out story to tell. He wasn't Queer-bashed in school because his mother encouraged him to fight back if anyone tried it. He's proud of his identity not only as a Bisexual but as a gender-identified male, and he has such withering contempt for people (like the August 2011 Zenger's cover person, Red) who call themselves "non-binary" -- neither male nor female -- that once we started discussing that subject it was hard to get him to talk about anything else. That's why I call him "Bisexual, Binary and Proud!"

Bad Teacher Movie Review: Alternative Media (tags)

Bad Teacher is ?gratifying? as eye-candy and verbal shock. It is an enjoyable movie precisely because it is not lame?at least not as lame as many of its movie reviews. And in the final analysis there is little subtly to this dark comedy?how might we say?as Andrew Breitbart?s description of a certain Anthony Wiener cellphone photo he so nobly withheld as: ??beyond the beyond?? There is nothing wrong with comparing the ?psychology? of this new release to a maybe-to-be-released movie about Anthony Weiner?s downfall and destruction within America?s misandrynous climate. Brain cells are not what Bad Teacher is about?has the American movie industry produced a movie that has enhanced anyone?s brain cells?

The Marriage Vow(s) (tags)

The vote of the New York legislature to legally recognize same-sex marriage has produced a backlash of unexpected ferocity and scope. It comes from an Iowa-based organization called THE FAMiLY LEADER (that's the way it's printed on their logo) and it's called "The Marriage Vow." It's a far-reaching set of principles that goes beyond attacking same-sex marriage and supporting a Federal Marriage Amendment to ban it nationwide. It targets African-Americans in particular and says Black children born during the slave era were more likely to be raised by their mother and father than African-American infants born since Obama's election. It also calls for bans on adultery, "quickie" divorces, Sharia Islam and laws that don't conform to the Judeo-Christian agenda. The aim of its authors is to get all the current candidates for President to sign it ? and two Republicans, Michele Bachmann and Tim Pawlenty, already have.

RED: "Non-Binary" Person Rejects Male/Female Gender Duality (tags)

Red, who works at San Diego's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center, identifies themselves as non-binary: that is, neither male nor female but somewhere in a "cloud" of genders that rejects the idea that there are only two human gender identities, male and female. They gave an interview for the August 2011 Zenger's Newsmagazine in which they (you refer to a non-binary person as "they," "them" or "theirs" even if you're only referencing one individual) explained these new, unfamiliar concepts of gender that are beyond the experience of most people, including most Transgender people. Red and Zenger's editor/publisher Mark Gabrish Conlan discussed how both gender identity and sexual orientation are far more complex and fluid than either the straight or the Queer mainstream is willing to acknowledge.

Dennis Wymbs: Retired Teacher Becomes Leather Artist (tags)

San Diego North County teacher turned leather artist Dennis Wymbs is showing his art through July 31 at Pleasures & Treasures, 2525 University Avenue in North Park. Wymbs creates stunning work in a wide variety of media, including leather sculptures, metal engraving, masks and painting. His work is sensual and reflects his background as a Gay man and a Leatherman, but without hurling his or its sexuality in our faces. The store where he's exhibiting can be reached at (619) 822-4280 or online at

Bad Teacher: An Alternative Movie Review. (tags)

Bad Teacher is ?gratifying? as eye-candy and verbal shock. It is an enjoyable movie precisely because it is not lame?at least not as lame as many of its movie reviews. And in the final analysis there is little subtly to this dark comedy?how might we say?as Andrew Breitbart?s description of a certain Anthony Wiener cellphone photo he so nobly withheld as: ??beyond the beyond?? And there is nothing wrong with comparing the ?psychology? of this new release to a maybe-to-be-released movie about Anthony Weiner?s downfall and destruction within America?s misandrynous climate. But brain cells are not what Bad Teacher is about?even if some missed this point entirely. Has the American movie industry produced a movie that has enhanced anyone?s brain cells?

Back to the Ballot - Queer Activists Debate Whether to Seek Repeal of Prop. 8 (tags)

With the court challenge to Proposition 8, California?s voter-approved ban on legal recognition of same-sex marriages, mired in potential legal wrangling that could take years to resolve, Equality California (EQCA) revived their plans to take the issue back to voters and seek an initiative to repeal Prop. 8. But the 70 or so activists at the EQCA town-hall meeting in San Diego June 3 split over whether that?s a good strategy ? or whether EQCA, primarily a lobbying organization, is the right group to run such a campaign.

Hanna: An ?Alternative? Movie Review (as more interesting and informative than your typica (tags)

This review is not meant to give you all the typical facts and highlights of the movie. Standard movie reviewers have already presented their perspectives, the basic story line. Whereas this essay is meant to take more seriously what is really a rather stupid plot, but still within a beautiful movie and action packed piece of entertainment, and to speculate how it may fit ?within? the too often vacuous audience culture that might watch it, as well as the movie industry that created it and critiqued it. And, granted, it is often presumptuous to interpret a work of art as something that can be criticized as more subjectively serious?but the idea of juxtaposing a fairy tale with CIA operatives is just too tempting to ?not? deconstruct.

National Leaders Council Fellow Doug White Promotes May 18 Fundraiser (tags)

The San Diego chapter of the New Leaders Council (NLC) is hosting a fundraiser at Urbn Coal-Fired Pizza, 3085 University Avenue in North Park, Wednesday, May 18, 6 to 8 p.m., to raise money for people to attend NLC?s national workshops. The people who go learn skills in political entrepreneurship, mentoring and professional advancement so they can become civic leaders in elective office, their communities and their workplaces. Doug White, an NLC fellow (that?s what they call their workshop graduates) and recently elected chair of the youth caucus of the San Diego Democratic Club, did an interview with Zenger?s Newsmagazine in which he talked about NLC, his own background and the prospects for a humane solution to California?s state budget crisis.

S.A.M.E. Rallies Against Hate Crimes, Bullying (tags)

Drawn by several recent hate assaults on Queer people in the Hillcrest and North Park areas, members and supporters of the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.) rallied at the North Park Community Park Saturday afternoon, March 26. The rally featured speeches by openly Queer elected officials like Assemblymember Toni Atkins and School Board member Kevin Beiser, as well as ministers and others in support of Queer equality, but the most moving statements came from people who’d been on the receiving end of anti-Queer violence or bullying themselves: S.A.M.E. member René Torres, high school student Maya Conti and North Park resident Jacob Harshbarger, who wasn’t at the rally but sent a statement describing not only the attack against him but the lax response of local police and prosecutors. “I felt that the system that was supposed to be there to protect me was treating me as though it was my fault,” Harshbarger said.

Michael Sol: Queer Leatherman Explores Intimacy and Sadism (tags)

Michael Sol, Leatherman extraordinaire and candidate for Mr. Los Angeles Leather this weekend (March 26-27), is giving a demonstration of the Japanese rope bondage art, shibari, at the Joyce Beers Community Center, Vermont Street between Terra and Aladdin Restaurants in Hillcrest, Friday, April 1 at 7 p.m. at an event sponsored by the San Diego League of Gentlemen. In this interview, published in the April 2011 issue of Zenger's Newsmagazine, Sol talks extensively about his interests in Leather and so-called "edge play," and the distinction he draws between romantic intimacy and power exchanges. He also discusses the thin line between exercise and martial art, and between consensual S/M and the kinds of torture practiced on unwilling victims in places like Abu Ghraib.

Everyone Has a Stake in US Uncut's Fight (tags)

Exxon, Bank of America, Poeing, Wells Fargo and Citigroup[ paid no federal taxes last year. Like its predecessor UK Uncut, US Uncut insists corporations that benefit from education and roads should pay their fair share and not avoid taxes.

The Prophet and the Professor (tags)

Liberation theology insists the poor are our teachers and the church is not an end-in-itself. The church that serves itself is different than the church that serves the world. The church that wants to return to the 19th century with little interest in social issues is a caricature.

Lawyers’ Guild Forum on Nonviolent Resistance: Participant, Attorney & Observer (tags)

The National Lawyers’ Guild hosted a forum on nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law in downtown San Diego February 23, and discussed the issue from three points of view: attorney Alex Landon, protest participant Zakiya Khabir and legal observer Rachel Scoma.

Curtis Dixon: The Art of the Leather Bootblack (tags)

The Leather community has a lot of folkways non-Leather people are often baffled by, and one of them is the importance of the bootblack. Curtis Dixon has been bootblacking for almost a quarter of a century and has won several major honors in the craft. In this interview, celebrating the upcoming San Diego Leather Pride events in March as well as the California Leather SIR/boy contest in San Diego in May, Curtis talks about what bootblacking means to the Leather community as a whole and its importance to him personally

Gioffre & Rader: Real-Life Gay Couple Do Video Together (tags)

Though the passage of Proposition 8 in November 2008 put a damper on their original business plan to market themselves as specialist in wedding videos for Gay and Lesbian couples, videographers and real-life husband and husband Gary Rader and Anthony Gioffre are going ahead with their company, Golden Lodestar Productions, and even marketing themselves as specialists in commitment ceremonies. They also do other kinds of video production and are frequently seen with their gear at local pro-Queer demonstrations and other political events they’re documenting for historical purposes.

Jerry Brown, capitalists front man in their offensive against workers and the poor (tags)

Jerry Brown's speech. He wants to re-build California. Then let's make those who tore it down pay, not workers and the poor.

‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ in the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit: Is the Docket Honest? (tags)

In 'Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ in the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, verification of validity of the dockets by Clerk Molly C Dwyer is requested. The Clerks of the US Courts hold a key position in the safeguard of integrity of the courts and Human Rights in the Digital Era.

Marriage Activists Discuss “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal (tags)

Members of the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.) discussed the bill Congress passed last December aimed at repealing the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy excluding open Queers from serving in the U.S. military. The discussion, at their regular meeting January 11, revealed mixed feelings; S.A.M.E. members supported “don’t ask, don’t tell” repeal as a civil rights issue, but many of them are also anti-war and want Queers to have the right to be in the military — and the good sense not to join.

Joshua Napier: Singer, Songwriter, Queer Activist Brings Passion to His Music (tags)

The first thing you’ll notice when you hear Joshua Napier sing is the sheer emotion and passion he projects with his music. Napier sings with an edgy intensity that makes you identify with him and his songs. What’s more, though he’s a political activist and writes topical songs, he has the knack of the best activist songwriters of combining the personal with the political and creating pieces that reflect his beliefs instead of hitting you over the head with them. Napier is equally passionate off-stage. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio and raised by a single mother, he was out as Gay in high school. One of the reasons he came to San Diego was to find an activist community with which he could work. Active as the membership chair of the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.), he recently left that group’s board to join the board of Activist San Diego (ASD) because he wanted to work with a group that isn’t just focused on Queer issues. Catch him wherever you can — at fundraisers, coffeehouse gigs or the “Redfest” event of politically aware music he’s planning for this summer.

Tunisia: Talking About A Revolution (tags)

Lina Ben Mhenni … is a Tunisian assistant lecturer in linguistics at Tunis University and a blogger. Lina is mainly blogging about freedom of speech, human rights (especially women’s rights and students’ rights), social problems, and organ donation awareness. She likes photography, reading, writing, watching movies. Lina is also an athlete but within a special team: The Tunisian National Organ Transplant Team.

Open letter from ANONYMOUS to the people of TUNISIA [HQ VIDEO] (tags)

Congratulations on your brave stand against your dictatorship! You have won! Well - You have defeated the dictator - now you must defeat the dictatorship! Keep up the fight for freedom! RCD members are everywhere, with bloody hands...

Log Cabin Republicans v USA – ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ - Notice of Intent to Intervene (tags)

The litigation places the spotlight on the denial of Public Access to the ‘electronic document stamps’ and thus, the question of the integrity of judicial records and processes at the US District Court, Central District of California.

Miriam Raftery of East County Magazine: Taking It to the Web (tags)

When San Diego East County journalist Miriam Raftery found the local community weeklies unwilling or unable to publish the kinds of journalism she wanted to do — from exposés of corporations like Blackwater to up-to-the-minute wildfire alerts — she turned to the Internet and started the online East County Magazine. Now over two years old, East County Magazine has won 32 independent journalism awards and broken several major stories.

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – Notice Given to Counsel for Parties of Alleged Fraud on the Court (tags)

Counsel's attention was requested for a matter alleged as Fraud on the Court.

Over 100 San Diegans Demonstrate for Marriage Equality on Eve of Court Hearing (tags)

Over 100 San Diego supporters of marriage equality took to the streets in Hillcrest Saturday, December 4 as part of a statewide mobilization, "Unite to Make It Right," two days before the scheduled Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals hearing on the legal challenge to Proposition 8, which banned legal recognition of same-sex marriage in California. The event consisted of two rallies and a march in between, and speakers called for more militant activism and more aggressive challenges aimed at President Obama and other elected officials who have talked the talk of Queer equality but have done little or nothing to bring it about.

My first CASTOR – "Everything I hate about this country and this system" (tags)

Where the Hell is the Progressive Rebel Party? (tags)

Teabaggers are being “bagged” back into the same old two party system—that is not just corrupted but corroded—so the joke will ultimately be on them—exactly in the same way that the joke was on progressives, who equally thought a corporate owned “top-down” Democratic Party was going to deliver a new deal of any kind—even as the bottom up got many of them elected into office.

November 2 Election: Any Democrat Over Any Republican! (tags)

This is not the year for American Leftists, progressives and liberals not to vote — or to cast protest votes for alternative parties. The extremely Right-wing Tea Party has virtually taken over the Republican Party and, if not stopped, has a good chance of winning control of the country in 2012 and instituting policies that will result in a full-blown depression, a corporate dictatorship and, ultimately, the end of the human race through unchecked global warming. We MUST vote to elect EVERY Democrat on the ballot in 2010 and 2012 — AND we must mount a massive direct-action movement to put pressure on the Democrats to govern progressively.

San Diego Activists Turn Out to Support Bradley Manning (tags)

San Diego’s progressive community turned out for a downtown rally September 19 in support of Bradley Manning, alleged leaker of the 90,000 pages of documents about the war in Afghanistan and the so-called “Collateral Murder” video of a U.S. attack on civilians in Iraq in 2007, who’s currently being held awaiting trial in an Army brig. Law professor Marjorie Cohn, anti-war veteran Chuck Wynette and other speakers called for Manning to be set free whether he leaked the papers or not.

Libertarian Nick Coons thinks taxes are stealing (tags)

Libertarian Nick Coons thinks taxes are stealing - “I really don’t support any taxes, When you take someone’s property from someone without their consent, that’s theft. And I don’t support that.”

Striking port workers in Marseille know the truth (modified by General Joe) (tags)

"They (French workers) are “fighting privatization,” as we all should be. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be a slave to private capital either! This article, like most in the capitalist press, omits this essential information to benefit the owners and bosses. Get a clue folks and stand up and fight back or be prepared to have everything stolen from you. Remember, the rich don’t want but one thing. And that’s “everything.” Kind a makes the bank bailouts a little more understandable don’t you think. See “class war” all around you."


EPCC NEWS Sept. 20, 2010 SEPT. 18 RALLY/MARCH FOR JUSTICE FOR MANUEL JAMINEZ CONDEMNS POLICE SHOOTING IN LA Los Angeles- One rally, two marches. Hundreds of activist from the ANSWER Coalition –LA along with community members and numerous grassroots organizations,militantly marched and rallied last Saturday, Sept. 18. at the new multi-million LAPD headquarters in downtown Los Angeles. After gathering at the 6th and Union Ave., the corner where the Guatemalan immigrant day laborer Manuel Kamines was killed, at 10:00 a.m., they marched two blocks and rallied in front of the new LAPD Rampart Station at Valencia and 6th streets. The group then march north through the Westlake community and downtown L.A. to the steps of the LAPD’s new multi-million and state of the art headquarters at 1st and Spring Streets. The Guatemalan Union Of Immigrants, Vamos Unidos, Full Rights For All Immigrant Rights Coalition, PSL, Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP), KmB, AFFIRM-Gabnet, BAMM, RCP and other groups gathered more people as they marched towards downtown LAPD headquarters. ‘We will not be diverted’ The ANSWER Coalition in LA in a statement on Sept. 17 said: “ government, police, city officials and others don’t want us to succeed. They don’t want hundreds of people from all over Los Angeles to march together against racist police violence. They want us to be quiet, divided and to wait for the results of their “investigation.” But the LAPD brass and the Mayor have already made their conclusions; they are justifying the police actions every step of the way. And the killer cop, Frank Hernandez, is still a free man. Marching on LAPD headquarters this Saturday is exactly what we must do. Some people want to divert the march, but we will not be diverted. We will not be divided. Instead, we will march directly to the doorstep of the police who harass and intimidate our communities each day. “ On the other hand, a motley group of less than a hundred led by the so called- “Southern California Immigrant Rights Coalition” in a separate sound truck together with the BRU and IAC marched away from the ANSWER march and went south to Macarthur Park. Their tactics were clear. They want to show the people of Westlake that they are leading the movement so they march separately and instead succeeded to divide the movement. The rally at the LPAD HQ lasted until 1:30 in the afternoon.

The Stigma (tags)

Nobody wants to say outright that victims of domestic violence are socially shameful and completely unacceptable, but the conviction is still there. Having your personal growth and perception of the world twisted like a rag at the hands of a sociopath is a popular taboo. It’s a stigma by which victims live with every single day of their lives. But this is the sort of thing we just don’t talk about at the dinner table.

Saving the system to what end? (tags)

People don’t like the system. In fact they hate it. The system has made them miserable for going on thirty years.

Leftist Sci-Fi Writer China Miéville Comes to San Diego (tags)

China Miéville isn’t exactly your typical multiple award-winning science-fiction writer. He’s also a Left-wing political activist, a member of the British Socialist Workers Party and former candidate for Parliament. Miéville came to San Diego for the July 22-25 Comic-Con, and took a detour for an afternoon question-and-answer session at the San Diego Public Library Sunday afternoon, July 25, during which he discussed his novels — notably his latest, “Kraken,” and his “New Crobuzon” series (“Perdido Street Station,” 2000; “The Scar,” 2001; “Iron Council,” 2002) — his politics and how the Internet has made the already difficult business of making a living from writing even harder.

Pride Rally Reveals Queer Community’s Divisions Over Obama (tags)

The July 16 San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender pride rally, which opened the city's weekend of Pride events, revealed the deep-seated divisions within the Queer community over President Obama and the proper way of organizing. Stuart Milk, nephew of Queer martyr Harvey Milk, said he'd attended a meeting at the White House at which Obama endorsed virtually the entire agenda of the Queer rights movement — but Fresno-based activist Robin McGehee said that doesn't matter. McGehee and San Diego Transgender activist Autumn Sandeen, who joined together for a direct-action campaign against the White House over Obama's failure to seek repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that keeps openly Queer people from serving in the U.S. military, said that the Queer community should use nonviolent civil disobedience to confront Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate majority leader Harry Reid and other Democratic politicians who aren't delivering on their promises to the Queer community.

Sexual Offense in California (tags)

Yet, somehow the attitude for some citizens thus goes, after more legislation has been proposed, and in process of being enacted (Assembly Bill 1844 Chelsea’s Law), in California following the recent rape and killings by one John Gardener, a sexual offender released from prison and not very closely and competently monitored by the system, is that everyone, that is everyone thought to be a “good” citizen of the state of California, ought be able to live in a Utopian world in which “no one” feels offended—especially sexually offended—and this idealism should reside no matter how arbitrary and contradictory the propensity to feel offended may seem.

Labor Under the Democrats #1 (tags)

Labor article 1

Sexual Offender As Label Versus the Zealotry of the Self-Righteous (tags)

Sexuality and eroticism has always been “offensive” to somebody. Especially is this so in this land of the blue-nose, which descended here from a long Christian paranoia of anything erotic and unclean. But where is this psychology of “erotophobia” mentioned in California’s latest crusade against anything that falls under the rubric of “sexual offender?”

Sarah Palin Versus A Dumb Blonde Standard (tags)

Too bad Sarah Palin is not blonde. Fore if she were bleached, whenever she said anything remotely stupid or vapid, or her words could be twisted as such, she would be called on it. But more importantly some “male” dumbos of the Tea Party coalition, that is those who have sprung to pay her fees to speak at their conventions, too could eventually get it. They too, some of them that is, would finally see beyond her “charm,” and look for someone more than a playboy bunny to inspire their political consciousness.

Preventing the State’s infiltration of social movements (tags)

*This article was originally published in El Libertario #58, March-April 2010. Although originally based on the actual experiences of Venezuela’s social struggles, it deals with situations and facts of interest to activists anywhere.

Debt to the rescue (tags)

Elite democracy leads to corruption of wealth distribution, language and community. "We must be wounded to be healed" (Dorothee Soelle).

Fernando Lopez: Marriage Equality Activist Looks to the Future (tags)

San Diego marriage equality activist Fernando Lopez discusses his own relationship history, his involvement with Marriage Equality USA, the heartbreak of the Proposition 8 defeat and his own critique of the No on 8 strategy, the current Perry v. Schwarzenegger case and his outlook for the future of same-sex marriage in the U.S. A longer version of the interview published in the February-March 2010 issue of Zenger's Newsmagazine.

Frances Moore Lappé, Matthew Fox Speak in San Diego (tags)

Frances Moore Lappé and Matthew Fox, two powerful long-time activists who started in the 1970’s and both live in Oakland, came to San Diego to address the opening session of the Justice for Women and Children conference January 18 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral in San Diego. Lappé wrote the book “Diet for a Small Planet” and founded Food First to work on projects helping people in Third World countries to feed themselves in ways that respected their environment and heritage of biodiversity. Fox was a Roman Catholic priest who was thrown out by the current Pope for championing the spiritual power of women; he's now a priest in the Episcopal Church and works on education projects with so-called “at-risk” youth to channel their creativity in non-mainstream ways.

Pride Goeth Before a Fall (tags)

The current controversy over San Diego LGBT Pride is not only jeopardizing the future of the Pride events and potentially pitting board members against community volunteers in a potentially ruinous conflict, it's also opening doors for a real reconsideration of how Pride should be run and what its purpose should be. The author argues for an end to the self-perpetuating board of directors that currently runs Pride, a membership organization made up of volunteers and contributors, and a rethinking of the Pride events to emphasize community outreach and a celebration of Pride's liberationist origins as well as moneymaking and entertainment.

CENSUS needs part time workers...wanna take the test ? (tags)

Census is late but trying to recruit everyone especially people who can speak other languages are the how-to-apply details I encountered doing it today

Michelle Jackson: Sign-Language Interpreter, First Female San Diego Leatherboys President (tags)

Michelle Jackson knew she was going to be interested in languages from the age of five,when her father took her across the border from San Diego to Tijuana and she heard Spanish for the first time. In college she studied American Sign Language (ASL) and ultimately made her living as an interpreter for the deaf community. It was a job she took to interpret at a San Diego Leatherfest that led her to the Leather/kink/BDSM community — and she's become an energetic activist in it, serving as Ms. San Diego Leather 2005 and recently being elected the first female president of the San Diego Leatherboys.

Walter G. Meyer: Queer Youth Novel “Rounding Third” Is About More than Baseball (tags)

Queer author Walter G.Meyer has written a remarkable first novel, “Rounding Third.” At base it's a story of two middle American Gay teens who meet each other on the high-school baseball team in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. But it’s also an intensely moving, often heart-rending tale of the terror under which Queer youth still grow up as well as the often surprising sources of support they find as they struggle with their identities. And, lest readers think this is a problem that we’ve grown beyond as a society, Meyer inserts modern communications technology — the Internet, cell phones, texting and iPods — to make sure readers know these are live issues in 2010 and not dimly remembered horrors of the 1950’s or 1970’s.

We don’t know what year it is so we will call it 20-X. (tags)

There are 10 things we all must do in 20-X.


The US & the rest of the western countries know what the solution is to the worsening environmental problem the world is facing today: drastic reduction in consumption, period! Walk, take the bus, sell your car for scraps, boycott fast food, wear cotton or better yet reduce your wardrobe to few pieces, use old newspaper to wrap food products, drink out of glass jars, don't watch tv. Read instead or entertain your family by singing or playing a guitar or banjo, go to the library instead of movies, have a 6 hr. workday and 4 day workweek....etc!!!

Steve Hadley: Council Candidate's Odyssey from Pulpit to Politics (tags)

San Diego City Council candidate Steve Hadley is considered an underdog because he doesn't have the party connections, name recognition or donor base of his opponents. But he's got a lot of assets; as the chief of staff for the Councilmember he's running to replace, Donna Frye, he's got her support and that of the community organizers and activists he's worked with as part of her office. He's also got a compelling personal story; he grew up in the Seventh Day Adventist church, pushed the church towards greater acceptance of equality for women and Queers, then left the ministry to study law and work in politics.

KPFK's LSB meeting to attend and be part of the vocal community too (tags)

Béla Dornon: Queer Photographer Seeks to Document California’s Same-Sex Marriages (tags)

Photographer Béla Dornon calls them the “142 Days” — from June 15, 2008, when the California Supreme Court decision allowing same-sex marriages to be legally recognized took effect, to November 4, 2008, when the passage of Proposition 8 took that right away again. He’s responded to his anger by starting a project to document every same-sex marriage that took place in California during that time, exhibit as many images of happy same-sex couples as he legally can, and thereby counter the Right-wing hate propaganda used to pass measures like Proposition 8.

NAZIS GO HOME! Spit and Swastikas Clash in Riverside (tags)

Those interested in opposing the NSM and other racist groups can contact

“Voices of Honor” Tour Challenges “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (tags)

O.K., so maybe you're a hard-core peacenik who wouldn't dream of joining the military or of supporting anyone who would. You should still care about the continued exclusion of open Queer people from the U.S. military under the so-called “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Not only is the policy unjust and discriminatory on its face, it's also disproportionately enforced against women and people of color — so in practice it's racist and sexist as well as homophobic. “Voices of Honor” was a national tour which wrapped up in San Diego September 30 that featured five military veterans talking about the personal strains of living under “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

The UD Shuffle | RSVP (tags)

When your landlord invites you to do the UD shuffle, like any polite invitee, you must respond. Unfortunately you cannot just tell the court that you are not planning to attend. Nor can you just ignore the invitation.

We Prophesize The Future By The Words We Speak In The Now (tags)

We prophesize the future by the words we speak in the now. Our words are always a self fulfilling prophecy. Don’t plant negative seeds – only prophesize the good and the intention of good

The UD Shuffle | Notice (tags)

If you have been sued in unlawful detainer you will be forced to learn a dance called the UD Shuffle. It’s not romantic or fun. It’s fast and furious and there are a lot of steps to learn.

A Radical Proposal: Open the U.S.-Mexico Border (tags)

That's what immigrant rights activist David Schmidt called for at a September 21 meeting of Activist San Diego. Originally called to discuss the closure of Friendship Park along the U.S.-Mexico border, the meeting expanded into a consideration of border issues in general. Schmidt and his better-known co-speaker, Enrique Morones of Border Angels and Marcha Migrante, both questioned why under NAFTA and similar “free trade” agreements, capital, commerce and corporations are allowed to move freely across national boundaries — while workers are trapped inside their home countries and routinely exploited for the greater profits of capital. If business is free to locate wherever it wants, workers should be too, they said.

Fletcher Rallies Progressive Crowd to Fight the Right (tags)

The leaflet advertising author and former labor educator Bill Fletcher's talk September 13 in Balboa Park promised a considerably more optimistic speech than the one he actually gave. Stunned by the mass demonstration in Washington, D.C. by radical-Right opponents of President Obama's supposedly "socialist" agenda, Fletcher gave a strongly worded warning to his Leftist audience that unless the American Left organizes now, not only to fight the Right but to appeal to the hearts and minds of ordinary Americans, the movement he called "Right-wing populism" — talk radio, Fox news, the "teabag" protests and the thug-like disruption of Congressmembers' town-hall meetings on health reform — will sweep the country and consign all progressive movements and any part of distributive justice and a social-welfare state to oblivion.

Good Life and God-life (tags)

If a person wants to register spiritual progress in life, he should first have this misunderstanding in his mind cleared. A good life is inadequate.

Will The Republicans Shut The Fuck Up (tags)

The latest outburst from the moron from South Carolina during President Obama’s speech on health care is just he latest example of Nazi behavior being exemplified by Republican party

Queer Democrats Celebrate Women’s Equality Day (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club celebrated Women’s Equality Day August 27 with a program featuring the club’s women’s caucus chair Kate Lyon, California NOW president Patty Bellasalma, Congressional candidate Francine Busby and Assemblymember Lori Saldaña discussing the history of feminist activism in the U.S. and the continuing difficulty of electing women to public office. The club members also considered an initiative to impose term limits on the members of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, but decided to delay taking a position on that for a month.

Behind the Scenes at San Diego’s Gay Fraternity (tags)

KEVIN KAO, EZRA EVANGELISTA and ARTHUR HUANG probably wouldn’t have joined any other fraternity, but Delta Lambda Phi was different. Not only was it founded 22 years ago specifically for Gay, Bisexual and “Progressive” (Queer-friendly) men, but its members get along and have fun with each other without drinking or hazing.

David Crowe, part 2: The Politics of Belief in “HIV/AIDS” (tags)

A second portion of the extended interview with Canadian alternative AIDS activist David Crowe, published in the August and September 2009 issues of Zenger’s Newsmagazine. In the first part, Crowe discussed the reasons neither HIV nor any other single microorganism can be the cause of the 30 previously known diseases lumped together under the “AIDS” label, and why the so-called “AIDS tests” (actually tests for antibody reactions to the nine proteins presumed to make up HIV) are useless in determining one’s present or future health. In this installment, Crowe discusses the politics behind the belief in “HIV/AIDS” and why this fundamentally silly pseudo-scientific theory continues to command belief throughout the world.

Congressmember Davis Speaks at Orderly Town-Hall Meeting (tags)

Elsewhere in the country Democratic Congressmembers are being heckled and sometimes driven off the stage when they try to hold town-hall meetings to explain the health-care reform bill the House is currently debating. Not in San Diego August 11, where Congressmember Susan Davis was able to hold a meeting in peace and discuss the issue in a polite, civil manner. This was largely due to the strategy of the sponsoring organization, the Hillcrest Town Council, which admitted their own members and Hillcrest residents first -- thereby assuring Davis a mostly liberal audience that wouldn't try to disrupt her meeting.

Queer Democrats Endorse Susan Davis for Re-Election to Congress (tags)

Ignoring Congressmember Susan Davis’s often surprisingly conservative record on issues like the war (she voted against the authorization to attack Iraq but has faithfully voted for every supplemental appropriation to fund the U.S.’s wanton aggressions in Iraq and Afghanistan), global trade and health care, the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club endorsed her for re-election seven months before the filing deadline and thereby foreclosed the possibility of considering a progressive primary challenger should one run, as Mike Copass of Progressive Democrats of America did in 2008.

David Crowe: Canadian Activist Organizes Alternative AIDS Conference (tags)

David Crowe, head of Rethinking AIDS and the Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society in Canada, has been active for over a decade in the alternative AIDS movement, which challenges conventional wisdom and its claim that the cause of AIDS is a single virus and highly toxic antiviral medications are the only legitimate way to treat it. In the first part of a two-part interview, he discusses why HIV antibody test results are ambiguous, HIV has never been proven to exist as a virus and the dangers of the meds. He's organizing an international conference in Oakland in early November where scientists and activists will discuss these ideas and their implications.

Queer Democrats Endorse Busby for Congress — Barely (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club narrowly endorsed Francine Busby in her fourth attempt to unseat an incumbent Republican Congressmember in San Diego North County's 50th Congressional District. Her supporters promoted her as the most electable candidate because she's built up a large following of volunteers and contributors in the district; her opponents said she'd fudged the question of same-sex marriage equality on the club's questionnaire while her primary opponent, Tracy Emblem, had answered it forthrightly.

PBS Documentary on “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” Airs June 16 (tags)

The PBS documentary “Ask Not,” dealing with the human cost of the “don't ask, don't tell” policy that excludes open Queers from the U.S. military, will be shown nationwide on June 16 and in San Diego June 21 as part of the “Independent Lens” series. The show depicts individuals thrown out of the military under “don't ask, don't tell” and the Queer community's fight-back against the discriminatory policy. In a May 3 preview screening at the San Diego Public Library, activists working against “don't ask, don't tell” discussed why even progressive people who generally oppose America’s wars should be concerned about this issue.

Chaos as Usual (tags)

In our collective helplessness, we seek salvation in the transcendental empire of the inexplicable. "How could it be?" becomes the self-defense to forget our miserable social existence.. The economic has taken society hostage.

Fear Flu spreading, it's not virus a - but mutating behavioral reactions...why ? (tags)

Fear is main symptom going around globally. It is not flu-like but hurts just the same. What is happening besides contamination & proliferation of 'mass media' fear-mongering exaggerations ? Check out facts for yourself.


From the inside out. From the ground up.This is a Global operation…A spiritual conspiracy.There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet.

Fascism and racism in Denmark and Sweden (tags)

Well, before 2 days I was discriminated again, so I decided to spread information about institutional racism and fascism in Scandinavia.

Seven muslim Children (tags)

You don’t want to pay for the crisis of capital? Then just don’t do it. (tags)

A critique of the calls for demonstrations against the G20 in Berlin, Frankfurt and London under the slogan “We won't pay for your crisis! – For a solidarity society”

Kamala Devi: "Bliss Coach" Lives and Teaches the Love of More than One (tags)

What if you can't love just one person? What if you can only be completely expressive of your romantic and sexual potential, and fulfill your own and your partners' needs, with more than one relationship partner? San Diego-based "bliss coach" Kamala Devi not only lives in "polyamory" -- a multiple-partner romantic and sexual lifestyle -- but she works with other people who want to adopt a polyamorous lifestyle and handle the problems it can raise.

See it NOW...Save the people = us... all, see this video (tags)

Everyone is sharing this video and it should be seen by all, agreement or disagreement, no matter. PREVENT THE NEW WORLD ORDER from it's already emerging stranglehold on what we thought was a 'free' USA. See it and decide for yourself.

LA's Part in the Drug War (tags)

Los Angeles has long been a destination for immigration from Mexico, but job seekers aren't the only commodity crossing the border. Cocaine trafficking is big business in Mexico, and my article looks at Los Angeles' role in the Drug War.

Zapatista University Chapter 4: Science versus Politics (tags)

Here’s another free science lesson for Third-World farmers. The complete book can be read on my site. Feel free to translate it into Spanish or any other language.

Addiction and Control (tags)

Meth is an upper. It is used as (inappropriate) self - medication for depression. Problems don’t come about without cause. The methamphetamine problem didn’t drop out of the sky. There are biological and social causes of meth abuse and they need to be fully discussed by an informed citizenry. Here’s why.

Open Call for the Gaza Protest: Break Away March to the Consulate (tags)

ANSWER and the police plan to march everyone around in a circle tomorrow. Don’t let it be just another police controlled event.

how to build solidarity and revolutionary movements (tags)

news reports come in from all over the world about attrocities against civilians and nations who have consistently been abused by the first and second world. lately there have been calls for building solidarity, and rightly so. but what are the important steps towards reaching this goal?

Pat Boone and Proposition 8 (tags)

1950's wimp-rocker Pat Boone recently published an article on the Right-wing Web site World News Daily comparing demonstrators protesting the passage of Proposition 8, which elimnated the right of same-sex couples to marry, with the terrorists who attacked hotels and religious centers in Mumbai, India. To this author, it's appropriate that Pat Boone should be expressing such bigotry and prejudice because he began his career taking advantage of bigotry and prejudice by ripping off great rock songs by African-American artists and having bigger hits with them than their creators did.

“We don’t forget, we don’t forgive” -12-20-08 day of international action against state (tags)

People should not fear the state the state should fear the people

S.O.S. - KPFK rumor or true? (tags)

Is Jerry Quickly leaving.....already ? You - this reader - please confirm what you know here.

KPFK slipping slippling into the past, not the "future"..a sad song (tags)

KPFK is being maneuvered into some dangerous areas where it's building may be sold to save some other station's problems? huh ?

Christofascist Obedience Compliance Training (tags)

What makes the people safe is knowing who the enemy is, not obeying without question every order put to them.


Something really strange happened in the street last night. I don’t know if it was due to the “whiteness” of the crowd, to the fact that there is money in the gay community which potentially gives it power, or maybe it's the fact of the incoming president elect Obama with his promises of “something new”. I don’t understand and can only guess. But the fact is ….the cops backed off last night, and in all scores of demos, anti-war protests, pro-immigrant rallies, and every other kind of social-justice activity I have covered and participated in I have never seen that happen.

Where's NADER ? (tags)

Independent means not being the same as all other media but indymedia here in LA seems to not be able to dissent from the 'ole 2 partied established system' either. Where's Nader on this website ?

Trust yourself, Be The ONE (tags)

Let life be a meditation. Choose your thoughts wisely. Choose love, feel the heart. Dont resist your Deep heart Disires, its like a song, It is You. You know what you love. This is the easy way to heaven

Assassinations, Wars and Meltdowns: Who Benefits? (tags)

America has been subjected to the some severe shock therapy over the years. JFK, MLK, Jr. and Bobby Kennedy were all murdered! Then, there was the Vietnam War (1963-75); the “Watergate” scandal; and the horrors of the 9/11 tragedy; followed by the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The latest hit is the Wall Street bailout, to wit: the economic and fiscal meltdowns. They all spell out the sharp decline of America. Is it by accident or by plan?

What They're Really Saying in the Debates (tags)

A brief analysis of the televised debates between vice-presidential candidates Sarah Palin and Joseph Biden October 2 and presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain October 7. The post also includes a transcript of the answers Palin and Biden gave to the question on the legal rights of same-sex couples, including whether they should have marriage equality.

Peace and Freedom Candidates Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez in Oakland (tags)

Over 500 people turned out to hear presidential candidate Ralph Nader and his running mate Matt Gonzalez at Oakland’s Grand Lake Theater Sept. 30. The two are on the ballot in 45 states this year as Independents or on various party lines, including the Peace and Freedom Party in California. Several P&F candidates also spoke, as well as Cindy Sheehan, running as an Independent for Congress against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Time for DISSENT is Now,=. Dont let OUR govt try to shut us up or out. (tags)

Why is Congress not receiving calls and emails suddenly ? Does OUR govt not have enough funds for a decent size computer or telephone service ? Could it be that it is 'closed' so as not to hear what we HAVE TO SAY LOUDLY ? "We dont want that bill passed to bail out financial & investment corps" it not shouted out loud and clear enough? by so many, in blogs, commentaries, and over many personal daily conversation.....

Congress Please Don’t Do It (tags)

Bottom line the middle class was already on the decline and should this bailout be implemented the middle class as we know it will disappear and after all the dust settles and everything is said and done, it boils down to the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer and the poor is who pays.


The call of so-called feminists to coddle Palin is really disguised sexism and based on a medieval, male-chauvinist mentality that women are weak and fragile and should be protected. We don’t need an American Margaret Thatcher, an icon and poster child for right-wing policies that harm poor and middle-class working women, the majority of women. It’s time to expose Palin for what she really is.

High Five (tags)

When I was a kid growing up my parents weren’t rich weren’t poor. They didn’t have a lot of money, but enough to qualify as lower middle class and at times middle class. My father had a visiting teacher’s position at a university and my mother was an administrative assistant working towards a college degree. The highest tax bracket they got to was middle class just before my dad passed away in 1987.

Conservation, Conservation, Conservation! (tags)

We have lost our consumer control to the corporate dictatorships.

HRC Head Does Damage Control on Transgender Rights (tags)

Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign — America's largest Queer-rights organization — came to San Diego July 24 to organize support for his group's campaign against Proposition 8, which would reverse the California Supreme Court's decision allowing same-sex couples to marry. But most of his 10-minute speech was damage control to repair HRC's relations with the Transgender community, strained by the group's decision last October to support a federal Queer-rights bill that doesn't protect Transgender people.

Meeting Your Expectations (tags)

Sometimes it feels Americans have been forced to settle for a lesser government over the last eight years. The Bush administration’s model involved doing what benefited them first and handing voters whatever was left. We were connived into following the drumbeat into Iraq and only afterwards discovered there were no articles of justification which weren’t smokescreen. As we pour billions of dollars annually into Iraq our economy is concurrently sinking and pulling out of this expensive embarrassment of a war isn’t even on the table.

KPFK - not coming clean yet... but we keep hoping.... (tags)

KPFK is too secretive and becomes frightened when one person reveals what is 'going on'....hypocrisy doesn't do it at KPFK...come clean finally please !

For an Unconditional Basic Income (tags)

Martin Luther King called us to a radical revolution of values, from a thing-oriented to a person-oriented society. Like community centers, a basic income could have multiplier effects. The price of oil rose three-fold in four years. Lifestyles and priorities must change for an open future.

Tony and Ashley Weeks: Transgender Couple Relate Their Experiences (tags)

Male-to-female Transgender person ASHLEY WEEKS and her female-to-male husband TONY talk about their struggles with gender identity and the love they’ve found in being themselves.

ART & Animation at UCLA, quality counts here (tags)

UCLA is showing short films & animation films from students that are far superior to anything on TV or paid movies even. See and then ask the dept. to get political too with this talent.

Feminist Self-defense: No God! No Master! No Sexist Aggressions! (tags)

* El Libertario published in its 51st edition (Venezuela, Novermber - Dicember 2007) a text compilation that expresses important aspects of what anarchism proposes may be done to face the growing problem of gender violence.

KPFK blogspot now open for UNITING to improve Our Station. (tags)

A new SPACE to share our concerns, our suggestions, our input about KPFK and it's workings, it's dysfunctionings, it's help make improvements. Be Helpful. Share your thoughts there, but only if you want to do more than complain. No Maligning. Only Uniting & Sharing please.

Dont Be Net Neanderthals! (tags)

The world that you see is an interpretation product of your intelligence. The time of stinking steel-and-oil machines is over. Rejoice, the net will be your car, airplane and spaceship!

VOTE NO on Prop 98, YES on Prop 99 (tags)

even homeowners will be distrssed if voters dont realize they have DEREGULATED our LA City Rent Control, that protects us from evictions, from arbitrary rent hikes, from owners eliminating seniors and fixed income families they 'dont like' as tenants.

Eric Bidwell: "Revolutionary" Mayor for the Rest of Us (tags)

Zenger's Newsmagazine is proud to endorse 25-year-old "revolutionary" candidate Eric Bidwell for Mayor of San Diego.

Sandy Lareau: Informing and Entertaining the Modern Witch (tags)

This May 1 — Beltane in the Pagan holiday calendar — will see the debut of Modern Witch, a quarterly magazine aimed at witches, wiccans and Pagans. In this interview from the May 2008 Zenger's Newsmagazine, publisher Sandy Lareau tells her Wiccan coming-out story and talks about her plans for the magazine and the commitment her community has for protecting the environment.

The Political Rape of the Navajo (tags)

As a result, the people have become so demoralized with political misrepresentation they don’t even try to stop it from happening. Double-tongued fraud and deceit has become normal operating procedure for these disreputable elected politicians.

"We Believe, We Are What We Buy": Identity-Shopping (tags)

Happy Earth Day! That doesn't mean buy a Toyota Prius! Buying a Prius can be a substitute for sparing the environment. While capitalism, consumerism and commerce arenot evil, life is denatured when commerce is everything.

Block Report Radio interview with Mumia (tags)

POCC: Block Report Radio interview with Mumia Abu-Jamal aired on KPFA Flashpoints program on 7 April 2008 Transcribed by the Partisan Defense Committee, 15 April 2008. The PDC is a class-struggle, non-sectarian legal and social defense organization which champions cases and causes in the interest of the whole of the working people. This purpose is in accordance with the political views of the Spartacist League. Audio Link:

“Those People’ (tags)

The controversy surrounding Barack Obama and his long-time minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and the speed with which New York governor Elliot Spitzer was forced out of office after he was revealed to be using prostitutes, just shows how screwed-up Americans are about race and sex. Even within the Queer community, bigotry exists, as shown when a board member of a San Diego nonprofit questioned whether her agency should accept donations from the Leather community and referred to Leatherpeople as "those people."

"Father of Gay Leather" Makes Rare Public Appearance (tags)

Larry Townsend, author of "The Leatherman's Handbook" and many other pioneering works about Gay Leather sexuality, made a rare public appearance March 13 in San Diego to honor outgoing Mr. San Diego Leather, Lee Butler. He talked about the ways the Leather community has evolved in his nearly five decades in it, and particularly the responsibility of older Leathermen to steer young people away from drugs and STD's.

Barack Obama and the "End" of Racism (tags)

Obama doesn’t represent peace – he represents an expansion of war and the power of Empire. He’s even more extreme on this than Bush himself, except in his public rhetoric. He doesn’t represent the real and legitimate needs, desires and hopes of Black people - he refuses to speak openly of the most fundamental issues affecting Black people. He doesn’t represent the “end of racism,” but the perpetuation of oppression in a new guise.

"Gay Marine Porn Star" Returns to L.A. Area (tags)

Rich Merritt, whose book "Secrets of a Gay Marine Porn Star" caused a stir whe it was published in 2005, will be returning to the Los Angeles area Tuesday, February 12. 7:30 p.m., when he appears at A Different Light Bookstore, 8853 Santa Monica Blv’d., to promote his new novel, "Code of Conduct." Set in the early 1990's, the book is about what happened to Gays in the U.S. military when President Bill Clinton promised to end the ban on Queers in the U.S. military — and then reneged in the face of massive political pressure and agreed to the so-called "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

Villaraigosa and Huizar Renege on Promises to Protect the Southwest Museum (tags)

"Obviously, the Mayor and Council Member Huizar are together with the Autry. My personal opinion is that politics; money; and lobbying, that Autry pays very highly for, have trumped the will of the people of Highland Park and Northeast L.A." -- Nicole Possert, co-chair, Friends of the Southwest Museum Coalition

Daniel Watman: Activist Bridges Cultural, Sexual Borders (tags)

Bisexual activist DANIEL WATMAN doesn’t believe in walls — whether they’re the artificial “borders” between countries or the psychological borders between straight and Gay people. His involvements in the Border Meetup Group and the Bisexual Forum are bringing people together in new and unusual ways.

First Openly Gay Young Democrats President Interviewed (tags)

David Hardt, recently elected president of the national Young Democrats and the first openly Gay man to hold that position, came to San Diego December 6 for a Young Stonewall Democrats' fundraiser and did this interview with Zenger's Newsmagazine. He discussed the future of the Democratic party and the Queer presence within it.

Soaring Capital Profits and the Mountain of Corpses (tags)

For the first time in the historyof humanity, a surplus of goods could satisfy the basic needs of all earthlings. The moral imperative lives in all of us. Capital rule, the rule of finance capital over the economic events of the world, is nearly total.

SDSU Queer Leaders Castro, Tjarks Speak (tags)

An interview with the leaders of the San Diego State University Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Student Union (LGBTSU), president Isaac Castro and secretary and acting vice-president Nikki Tjarks, discussing recent hate incidents and the university administration's lack of support for the Queer community on campus.

Former Christian Music Star Performs at Palm Springs Queer Pride (tags)

Blayne Bell lost his lucrative career in Christian music and broadcasting when his former partner "outed" him to the dean at Abilene Christian University in 2001. He's gone from making up to $200,000 per year to working at a Starbucks in Palm Springs, but as an openly Gay man he's happier than he's ever been. He's performing at the Palm Springs LGBT Pride event Saturday, November 3.

The Lash (tags)

How to reign in the corporate monster. What we need to understand is that we feed the beast every time we buy a Corporate burger, shop at a Corporate store or participate in a Corporate bank; we merely shovel coal into the belly of the beast.

Kozol Rips "No Child Left Behind" in San Diego (tags)

Educator and activist Jonathan Kozol spoke at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral in San Diego October 8 and ripped the "No Child Left Behind" law, with its agenda of standardized high-stakes testing, militaristic regimentation of the classroom and veiled racism in its assumption of children of color learn "differently' from whites and therefore must be taught less imaginatively.

A message from Pegah Emambakhsh (tags)

Today, September 8th, 2007, Pegah has sent a message for all the groups, activists, politicians and everyday people who are trying to solve her case.

Capital Sources: The Next Terrorist Attack (tags)

The head of the National Counterterrorism Center speaks out on Al Qaeda's plans, America’s readiness—and the nature of the war on terror.

Boycott Resist! (tags)

Remember: You don’t have to look like a cop to be a cop, and you don’t have to be a cop to do a cop’s work AND if you are doing a cop’s work then you are no longer a member of our community.

Jeremiah: True Prophets and False Prophets (tags)

Jesus says to us: there is something greater than your heart and your head. I call it: God's reign. Happiness and fulfillment can be found beyond the borders of your life. The word of God comforts hearts without shattering rocks. Jorg Zink has been a German pastor for 50 years.

Cindy Sheehan Hammered Hard in UK Guardian Piece (tags)

Cindy Sheehan Hammered Hard in UK Guardian

Re: Cindy Sheehan too cowardly yet again to address war for Israel agenda with Chris Matth (tags)

The exclusivity of snitchin’ (tags)

Recent attention to urban attitudes has painted a picture of a wild urban frontier. The idea of snitching isn’t limited by geography, income level, or time period. For some people, the ‘Stop snitchin’ idea is another fantasy of how the other half lives.

The South Central Farm: The Struggle Continues (tags)

June 13, 2007: Today is the one-year anniversary of the eviction at the South Central Farm. A reunion was held just outside the now-barren farm space. Throughout the evening, the continued determination to restore the farm was emphasized repeatedly.

Breakdown FM_ Celebrating Malcolm X-Our Shining Black Prince (tags)

I'm still a Muslim. That is, my religion is still Islam. My religion is still Islam. I still credit Mr. Mohammed for what I know and what I am. He's the one who opened my eyes. ...

Anti war warriors should go on a counter surge. (tags)

Every day, one thing.

Send Sen. Mikulski to Iraq, Not the MD National Guard! (tags)

As Marylanders prepare to celebrate Easter, some of them, members of the state’s National Guard, are receiving a notice from the Pentagon. It says that they will be deployed to Iraq. They are being called up to fulfill the insane “Surge” strategy of the Bush-Cheney Gang. Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD) has voted to fund the “Surge.” She is complicit in that regime's wrongdoing. I say: Keep the MD National Guard home and send Sen. Mikulski to Iraq!

No stinkin oath (tags)

We don't need no stinkin oath

"Unemployment is a Victory" (tags)

Higher productivity allows a maximum in prosperity to be realized with a minimum in human labor. Freedom, not full employment, is the alternative today.

Liam Scheff Interview on AIDS (tags)

Liam Scheff Interview on AIDS and the ICC Orphanage story in New York where children were used in AIDS drug trials.

An Interview with a Homeless Environmentalist (tags)

“I’ve gotten to where picking up [litter] is just a never ending job.” -- Willow

David Simon: “We’re Headed Towards Separate Americas!” (tags)

The award-winning author of the acclaimed HBO program, “The Wire,” painted a grim picture of this country. David Simon said: “We’re headed [towards] separate Americas.” Speaking at Loyola College, in Baltimore, MD, on Feb. 6, 2007, he said that “unencumbered Capitalism has become our God.” In our greedy society, Simon underscored: “Human are worth less, not more: less.” He said America is going to be a “more brutish, cynical and divided place.”

My Big Prank on President Bush (tags)

Three years ago I stumbled into the midst of a new scientific movement. So I set out to turn the tables on President Bush myself. It was a long shot at the time. I never realized how many people were going to be trying to impeach him by now. Here’s my story…

Daniel Ellsberg: “Bush is Dangerous. He has to Go!” (tags)

Daniel Ellsberg of “Pentagon Papers” fame was one of the riveting speakers at an event at the National Press Club, in Washington, D.C., held on Jan. 4, 2007. It was sponsored by the World Can’t Wait organization. Ellsberg said that President George W. Bush and V.P. Dick Cheney have to go. He labeled Bush “dangerous!” He urged activists to push for a two pronged Congressional strategy: First, to cut off all funding for the Iraqi War; and, secondly, to investigate the serial crimes of the Bush-Cheney Gang.

Will Jimmy Carter’s Book Liberate the Palestinians? (tags)

The year 2006 was another hell on earth for the Palestinian people, especially in Gaza. Is there any hope for relief? Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” led to freedom for African-Americans. Question: Will ex-President Jimmy Carter’s tome, “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid,” play a comparable role in ending the evil of the Israeli Occupation?

Are cops trained to lie to the media and cover up police crimes and dirt? (tags)

Read this article written by a cop for Police Public Relations and you answer the question? The answer is pretty obvious!

News thats fit to print...on toilet paper (tags)

"Hot document" from Faux News reveals savvy hyperbole-free rigorous journalism, not.

Information Control: The Disempowerment of America (tags)

“Information is power and whoever controls the information has the power.” This simple axiom applies today more than ever in America – with an addition to it. Whoever controls information access has the power to control the direction of our country, especially since the media are the most pervasive and omnipresent purveyors of information in the U.S. // © 2006, Sasha A. Rae, All Rights Reserved

Kathy Kelly to James Baker: “Tell the Truth about Iraq!” (tags)

Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Kathy Kelly, gave a talk at the UMBC campus, on Nov. 20, 2006. She mocked the ex-Secretary of State, James Baker, for saying he wasn’t going to “wring his hands” about past mistakes in Iraq. Baker heads up the so-called “Iraq Study Group.” Kelly roared: “We will wring our hands! One of the ways to stop this next war is to tell the truth about this war. And, it’s not going to be such a pleasant mirror to look into.”

Action Alert: Thank Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez for Speaking Truth to Power! (tags)

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez calls the Devil by his current name George Bush and Democrat Party leaders show their true and yellow.

No one cares, No world cares (tags)

Prose written by: Nezam Al Mehdawy The first cry: oh, Mother…Don’t die... You said you would prepare dinner….You were worried that I may get killed .Don’t die, Mother… Take my heart, my head, my blood, my life….. It is too soon to die ... from...

The Activist Support Circle: Dealing with Activist Fatigue and Other Problems (tags)

Organizers and participants discuss this monthly gathering in Santa Monica.

You don't need a Weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing. (tags)

And you don't need The UN to impose sanctions.

Hizbullah, Zionism and the Ideology of late Imperial America (tags)

Awakening the Resistance

Occupation, not democracy! (tags)

This leaflet was distributed during the second week of the occupations and in the 10000 people demonstration in Thessaloniki. Its content was determined by what we saw then as the major weaknesses of the movement, i.e. the adherence to democratic procedures and generally to a democratist ideology along with the absence of any critique of schoolwork and of the media’s mediating role.

how to unlock handcuffs with a bobby pin (tags)

Plus a few tips on how to sneak your handcuff keys into the court house. All for the same price if you buy this issue of Indy Media for the low price of zero cents

Israel’s Allies and the Lack of Civility! (tags)

I wrote back: Chris, I believe you are caught up in the Zionist hype. No civilization in the world regards freedom fighters as terrorists except Israel and its allies. Strange enough, your buddy, Britain, once regarded the American freedom fighters as terrorists. According to your standards, which I don’t agree with, they were right and we now have a terrorist “civilization”.

Michael Zinzun Interviewed on Gang Truce (1995) (tags)

In 1995, I interviewed Michael Zinzun when he was in Springfield, Mass., for a Regional Criminal Justice Summit that brought together prisoners' rights advocates and folks working to overturn mandatory minimum sentencing laws. We talked about his work on the gang truce after the 1992 L.A. Riots / Uprising.

Nous les zonards voyous (riot in the french banlieue 2005) (tags)

We need to understand the reason of the Watts’ riot and what we need to prevent it in the future. Because only if we study and assimilate the Los Angeles’ lesson, drawing the due conclusions, could we hope to keep the unstable social components, which are presently clashing in the United States, under control (Robert Conot, The Watts’ summer, 1967). Prevent the phenomenon? Keep it under control? At present? In the United States? (n+1 editorial staff’s note, 2006).

Public Forum on the Southwest Museum (article and transcript) (tags)

On July 1st, The Southwest Museum closed. The Autry National Center, which owns it, claims the future of the museum is secure, while Friends of the Southwest Museum is concerned about the lack of a concrete plan and whether or not relocating parts of the museum to Griffith Park is necessarily the best scenario. The lack of a tangible plan as well as a claimed scarcity of public input has fueled suspicion by the Coalition as to the owner’s true motive.

Riot France 2005 (tags)

about the riot in the french banlieue

The U.S. Military is in DU (uranium weapons) Denial (tags)

Thursday 13 April, 2006 by Susu Jeffrey

Welcome to the Hotel California (tags)

The New World Order of God has been replaced by the New World Order of Lucifer. Have you noticed your place in the scheme of things has been shrinking a bit? Do you feel a little cramped and closed in? Do you feel a little like Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, and the princess in the garbage compactor?

My Adventure Presenting Animal Rights Philosophy to the FBI (tags)

The FBI paid me to fly to the Washington D.C. area to lecture law enforcement executives and managers from around the world about animal rights philosophy.

Gas Girlcott (tags)

Maybe gas boycotts don't work because they are sexist. Join the cause that will make a difference, but it needs your help. The solution is simple, but it's not easy..

Ray McGovern & Cindy Sheehan to lead March on the White House (tags)

World Can’t Wait just announced their next major protest- October. Anyone else think that’s a little funny? Last year the Downing Street Memo came out on May 1st, soon after UFPJ announced the big rally for Sept 24th. Why do they always skip over the summer months? Because that’s when the weather is nice, and people might actually have the time to camp and stay.

A Letter of Thanks from an Undocumented Immigrant (tags)

Hello Friends, First of all, I would like to take the opportunity to THANK everyone who supported the marches and the boycott on behalf of all my immigrant sisters and brothers. presentsGas Cheat codes (tags)

Burbank: Standoff in the Street (tags)

On Saturday morning, during an immigration confrontation at Burbank Home Depot, Save Our State and other minutemen spouted their frustration and unsuccessfully tried to provoke violence after a month of pro-migrant victories.


Tel-Aviv and Washington are linked in the Middle East. That's a fact. But the importance of this link in Washington's colonial politics is being debated in the anti-imperialist movement. For the US, Jewish, anti-Zionist journalist Jeffrey Blankfort, Israeli influence is central to US policy and the anti-war movement has failed because of its inability to understand the importance of this lobby. Having developed a radical approach to this question, going so far as to deny the energy factor in the war in Iraq, Mr. Blankfort nonetheless opens interesting paths on Zionist influence in the United States. We reproduce an interview he gave to journalist Silvia Cattori.


Why immigrant rights? Why now? Why all the furvor of freedom within Amerika? Do you understand the bigger picture, or are you all just a bunch of slaves?


Knowing your rights, what you are required to say to the police should they ask you, what you don’t need to say or allow, how to answer and when to walk away, can make all the difference later should you be arrested and wind up in front of a judge.

no one belongs to jail for growing cannabis (tags)

looking for patients to stand up and support the cultivation of cannabis for the sick patient.Phillip northcutt is a U.S marine soldier that fought for his country and got injured and the only natural medicine that help his back pain is INDICA CANNABIS.Please help support phillip northcutt who fought for the freedom of all americans.

African-American history is American history (tags)

African-American history month was ignored and glanced over. But African-American history is American history

General Michel Aoun to ‘Monday Morning’: (tags)

He has the gift of facilitating matters. With him formalities and ceremonial go by the board. The conversation is quickly under way with the “General” at his residence in Rabiyé, which was thronged with young people and retired Army officers who remain devoted to him. There, one found those who had remained faithful to him, who had waited patiently for 15 years for his return from exile. I saw myself propelled back 16 years to Baabda Palace, with the same images and sensations. But that was another time and place. The general himself seemed unchanged: as feisty as ever, the eternal resistance fighter. He has changed in one way, as he himself said: he has learned to be patient, to move slowly, which for him, unfortunately, is a waste of time. He has great aspirations for Lebanon, which still has much to learn in terms of democracy, human rights and the building of nations.

The Smoking Gun: Samarra bombing not by 'insurgents' (tags)

The AFP is reporting that the bombing of the Golden Domed Mosque “was the work of specialists” and that the “placing of explosives must have taken at least 12 hours.”

“Best Director” Oscar for Ports Brouhaha Production (tags)

The Iraqi War has been raging for over three years with hardly a peep out of the Congress and/or the Media. Now, a deal which would permit an Arab-owned company to manage stevedore operations in six U.S. ports has sent both into a feeding frenzy. Why? The U.S. Coast Guard is in charge of security at the ports, not the stevedoring outfit. Whoever is behind this ports brouhaha affair deserves an Oscar nomination for - “best director!”

Israeli influence in Washington: Jeffrey Blankfort interview (a MUST read) (tags)

Tel-Aviv and Washington are linked in the Middle East. That's a fact. But the importance of this link in Washington's colonial politics is being debated in the anti-imperialist movement. For the US, Jewish, anti-Zionist journalist Jeffrey Blankfort, Israeli influence is central to US policy and the anti-war movement has failed because of its inability to understand the importance of this lobby. Having developed a radical approach to this question, going so far as to deny the energy factor in the war in Iraq, Mr. Blankfort nonetheless opens interesting paths on Zionist influence in the United States. We reproduce an interview he gave to journalist Silvia Cattori.

Colombia: How Not to Negotiate a Trade Agreement (tags)

Article by Andres Mejia-Vergnaud, Executive Director of the Instituto Progreso ILP, Bogota, Colombia.

DUTY- FREE, México City´s Free Trade Agreement (tags)

Hey man, enough with articles that criticize street vendors. We´re all in it together. What´s the big deal? Don´t have any money? Go out and sell something. Don´t have a steady job? What do you want it for? It´s a drag dealing with the boss, bad pay, and lousy hours. On the street, you are the king or improvisation.

Interview with Gore Vidal (tags)

An interview with novelist, historian, and American patriot Gore Vidal.

Revolutionary Options in a Non-revolutionary Country (tags)

Before It's Too Late...

My Dream to Save the World: Bishop Tutu (tags)

Bishop Tutu's dream could be lifegiving for us in down-is-up America. The vision of equality leveling the power of the machos and raising the modest could recreate our overly materialist culture where the center cannot hold.

Hitchens on War (tags)

Christopher Hitchens – On Why We Must Win

Arise, arise Children of the Light (tags)

May all come to know the greatness that exists within...

Iraq took away our innocence!- Spc. Douglas Barber OIF Vet with PTSD (tags)

Interview with Spc. Douglas Barber- OIF Vet suffering from PTSD

Enmity=Money X Change2 (tags)

I always liked the way Einstein said it: “In my opinion, only two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity, but I’m not sure about the first.”

Video: "Not Even Once More: Stop Violence Against Women" (tags)

As Latinas/os who reside in California, we want to join in the celebration of these days of international activism against violence toward women.

Thousands Walk out of L.A. highschools (tags)

High school students in L.A. were part of the marches in the 1990s against the anti-immigrant Proposition 187 and the East L.A. protests against the Vietnam War in the '60s. But Nov. 2 was on a whole different level. In response to the call from The World Can't Wait, thousands of youth--many from proletarian neighborhoods--left school to take political action and make their voices heard. At Los Angeles High School alone, more than 1,000 students--the majority of the school -- walked out, and more than 500 marched to Wilshire Blvd.

We Don’t Need Them (tags)

Time to wake up, time to grow up. We’re not children. We do not need to ask permission to live like sane, reasonable, thoughtful, compassionate human beings. We do not need to beg or bow or kneel. We do not need to look to government or to experts or to the rich and famous

Senator Jim Elliott is no fan of cyclists, so why is he concerned about our civil rights (tags)

Senator Jim Elliott from the red state of Montana is no fan of cyclists, so why is he concerned about what’s going on with Critical Mass in in NYC ? Find out what got this cowboy mad enough to write an article for us.

Navigating the Multi-Dimensional Matrix (tags)

This is the first chapter of my forth coming ebook and a partial listing of its contents. Those interested in this material are welcome to contact me.

KATRINA TELLS THE TALE: Racism and Classism in Capitalist America (tags)

Katrina has turned out to be the worst disaster in the recorded history of this nation. What’s most egregious is that it was predicted years earlier in books on climate change and the growing global warming crisis, as well as from local officials of the region who knew of the dangers and tried to get Federal assistance.

We're Not in Kansas Anymore (tags)

If you look around everything looks pretty much the same. But what is that haunting and ominous sound? We're not in Kansas anymore Toto.

The War For Freedom (tags)

Utah concert attacked by MILITARY! Where's the media?

Threat To Chavez's Life (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

Laguna Beach police allegedly asked Joe Turner if he posts on Stormfront (tags)

According to a message posted on the "Save Our State" website, Joe Turner apparently got incredibly angry when Laguna Beach police officer Andy Peck allegedly asked him at last Saturday's anti-day laborer center demonstration what "username" he used on the Stormfront White Nationalist Community website, a nationwide bulletin board service on the internet run by an ex-Ku Klux Klan leader. But what are the Laguna Beach police supposed to think when Turner shows up at a protest in their city and suddenly decides to spend some quality time hanging out with Robert Floyd (aka, "Baldy"), an avowed "white nationalist" who was tackled to the ground a couple weeks earlier for allegedly trying to assault Naui Huitzilopochtli, a counterdemonstrator, at a previous demo?

Brown Men (Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians): Time to go into hiding again (tags)

The media, the liars, Israel's control of Washington

Abe Foxman Attacks U.S. Naval Academy! (tags)

Abe Foxman is a windbag! His organization, the ADL, got caught, back in the 90s, with its pants down, spying on political groups. It was the shameless Foxman, too, who was exposed, taking $250,000 in donations for his organization from sleazy Marc Rich, while working to get him a presidential pardon. Now, Foxman is laboring to get the U.S. into an unnecessary war with Iran, while attacking the U.S. Naval Academy for its noontime prayer session!

The Monster of Suburbia (tags)

They don’t know about sickness, death, or old age not so much because they have never been exposed to it, but more because they have become detached from the side of reality that is icky.

US Soldier: Dead heroes can’t pay the bills! Stop killing us and then waving the flag! I (tags)

Interview with a US soldier who was deploying for a second tour in Iraq.

Blinded by America (tags)

It's far more important for us to criticize ourselves than it is to criticize others. If we want to promote democracy, freedom and peace, we should ensure that our words match our deeds-anything else is complete hypocrisy.

Voices Of The Lost And Forgotten - Pt. Three: The children's voices (tags)

These are some of the voices of the children lost in a world of poverty, homelessness and despair. Their voices are the most painful to listen to. Everyone needs to hear their stories to fully understand the nightmare of homelessness and poverty from a child’s perspective.

Abandon Affluence (tags)

The party is still raging like mad. The drunks and the addicts and the gangs are sending out for more pizza, more booze, and more drugs and they are killing people to do it. Some of us are sobering up and waking up. We are starting to see the damage that has been done and we are whispering to each other, “We have to kick the criminals out”.

Exploring the “chasm”: A libertarian reply to Celia Hart (tags)

* Responding to the invitation extended a few days ago from Havana by Celia Hart Santamaria – member of the Cuban Communist Party and daughter of prominent figures of the regime – calling for discussions on leftist alternatives for Cuba’s future, and where she explicitly asks for an anarchist opinion, the Cuban Libertarian Movement makes public its proposals for the debate.


Wandering troubador Red Hunter begins Spring 2005 tour on Whiskey and Apples Records.

New Revelations on 911 (tags)

This is forom a fire fighter who was at gound zero when it happened!!


come on now

MOVE Wants To Debate (tags)

MOVE Wants A Debate?


The Religious Left offers a provocative alternative and, or so we pray, eventually a forum of live talk for those who don’t think they have a prayer because they aren’t “christians.” Please find bbb (Length 5:09 Type MP3) a copy of the opening segment of a first show, to give you an idea of what we mean.

Actual Astrology for January 26 -31, 2005 (tags)

These predictions, based on Actual Astrology, are rather like a weather report. No matter what your sun sign, these are the astrological conditions of the days ahead.

Actual Astrology for Jan. 15-24, 2005 (tags)

These predictions, based on Actual Astrology, are rather like a weather report. No matter what your sun sign, these are the astrological conditions of the days ahead.

A Moralist on the Social State (tags)

A hundred years ago eight farmers worked to feed one non-farmer. Today one farmer feeds 88 persons..Income from assets and business activities have been consistently relieved of taxes in the last 25 years. Profits soar while investments fall.

Red Hunter Adapting to More Subtle American Censorship (tags)

Red Hunter: Changing the World of Independent Music from Austin, TX

Music and Vision: Red Hunter, Austin, TX (tags)

RED HUNTER: Changing the World of Independent Music from Austin, TX

Actual Astrology for Jan. 8-14 (tags)

These predictions, based on Actual Astrology, are rather like a weather report. They relate how things will be based on the information recorded by the inventors of this art. No matter what your sun sign, these are the things that will be.

Actual Astrology (tags)

These predictions, based on Actual Astrology, are rather like a weather report. No matter what your sun sign, these are the things that will be. Yours is the obligation to figure out what you’re going to do in light of them.

Open Letter to President Bush from IAEFF (tags)

IAEFF wants Bush to extend freedom medal to AFL-CIO leaders

More Beyoncé for our bucks - or why we need a maximum wage (tags)

Some may regard Beyoncé as a child of destiny, but does she deserve $3 million for a day spent reclining on a sofa? Sex certainly sells, but Khaled Diab thinks the price is getting too high – the time has come to put in place a maximum wage, he argues.

The Secret (tags)

An essay about love, truth and world events

LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT by Adolfo Perez Esquivel (tags)

"Your heart is so hardened by hatred and fear that you have neither the capacity nor the courage to open your heart and mind to sympathy..You have made the United States into a terrorist state. Was it necessary to massacre the people of Iraq?.."

Are We The Dumbest Americans Yet??? (tags)

Then why does the government think I am so stupid as to believe the lies they are telling, especially when they are so blatant

Noam Chomsky Interview (tags)

"There are some differences, and small differences in a system of enormous power can translate into substantial effects. The Bush administration, if it gets another mandate, may do very serious harm to the world and the country.."

Is this site dead? (tags)

whats up la indy media?

Yes! I’ve Killed Innocent People In Iraq! I Refuse To Go Back Again! It’s a Sin! (tags)

Interview with a Conscientiously Objecting soldier who says he will not return for a second tour of duty in Iraq

‘TRAGIC MILESTONE’ U.S. deaths in Iraq pass 1,000 mark (tags)

Bush policies not making us safer As George W. Bush and Dick Cheney claimed their policies were making Americans safer, the death toll of U.S. soldiers in Iraq topped 1,000.

"President Bush, You Killed My Son! I dare you to tell me the Iraq war was justified! (tags)

An interview with Sue Niederer, Military Families Speak Out member, whose son Lt. Seth Dvorin was killed in Iraq on February 3rd, 2004

Are We on the Road to Ruin or Redemption? (tags)

It’s as if we were on a runaway train headed toward a precipice, with the mercenaries of the Republican and Democratic parties battling for control of the engine, and us, the passengers, hanging on for dear life to keep from being thrown from the train. Will we gain control of the locomotive before it’s too late?

RNC/NYC Anti-War Protest Interview With Sue Niederer, MFSO Anti-War Mother (tags)

An interview with Sue Niederer after the mass Anti-War march today in NYC

Dear Kerry Supporter (tags)

INN on Air in LA (tags)


Assi Workers Seek Settlement (tags)

Two years into the boycott suspended employees of Assi Market in Korea town have offered to settle out of court rather than continue with a million plus dollar law suit. Vi a spokesperson for Korean Immigrant Workers Advocate and the Immigrant Workers Union stated, “It Makes sense to settle, because if we don’t settle now we’re just going to get tied up in the courts. So it makes sense on both sides to settle, but sometimes Assi does things that don’t make sense ”.

Abused Women (tags)

I cry in darkness within these realms I shall never forget. I continue to carry the scars of unity wouldn't link. Humility to reap, Hands of divinity, which he turns his head? Conversions that falls upon his children's head. Following flocks, but not the Shepard who brings great love. I remind my self the dead is not dead. My body that fights the battle upon my spirit, the begging words lord protects me from my self. Thy conscious that stands before me, the weakness of the earth that trembles my bone. The spirit cries for the nutrients of Spiritual growth.

No jobs, endless war: ‘Bush has made a mess’ From labor to hip-hop, voters mobilize to def (tags)

CHICAGO — Eight thousand Pillowtex workers were thrown out of work a year ago when the textile giant shut its doors.

Voices of the Lost and Forgotten-Part One: (tags)

Homeless families ask an important question: "How can America let this happen to us? Why can’t we get any help?"

America: Safer, Better, Stronger! (tags)

America is the A number one greatest fucking country on the face of the earth!

"The pain of my son's death does not get any better, it just gets worse as time goes (tags)

Interview with Celeste Zappala, Mother of Army Sgt. Sherwood R. Baker

A Conservative answers a Leftie (tags)

QUOTE America had to start a war against terror. Why? Fallacy #1. We didn’t start the war. In 1996 Osama bin Laden declared jihad against America. He asked Muslims worldwide to kill anything American. Then 15 hijackers landed planes in the middle of New York City, Washington and Pennsylvania. They started the war, we’re just going to see it’s finished.

Deporting Arab Muslims (tags)

Removing unwanted people from American national boundaries is an American tradition.

~100 Dissapeared in Guadalajara (tags)

This is a fowarded e-mail from a contact in Mexico city ( el D.F.). It is concerning the arrest and possible dissaperance of nearly 100 anti globalization acitvists.

The Democratic Underground Post Of The Day: We Too Must Become Nazis (tags)

Demonstrates the tang of idiocy conservatives are up against.


Con Cuba no se juega

A Thank-you on Tax Day (tags)

You pay because we care. A message from Mr. and Mrs. Corporate America or social programs for the richest.

Behind the Smoke and Mirrors (tags)

So what did you get from Bush's speech, we are all going to die, yeah I got that too.

We Are Not Stupid (tags)

The elite corporate media thinks that the masses that are stupid, it is they who are stupid for believing the corrupt corporate pr machine.

Turning the tables on talk radio. (tags)

One time LA area resident is neocon talk radio host. Use your LA area knowledge and acting ability to get on and undermine his agenda.

Administration Targets Federal Employees, Removes Protections for Sexual Orientation (tags)

Recently, one of Scott Bloch’s first acts as newly appointed Special Counsel to the White House was to instill fear in ‘homosexual’ employees of the federal government. In an increasingly common curtailment of individual rights, the Bush Administration has removed decades-long protections from employment discrimination against those who serve our nation.

Grieving moms & dads: ‘End the war!’ (tags)

The Ruckus Society rethinks the U.S. anti-corporate globalization movement (tags)

“Close your eyes,” directs a young workshop facilitator. In the sticky heat of a secluded Florida campground, under a large open-air tent, a group of activists closes their eyes. “Now I want you to picture an anti-corporate globalization activist.” The campers furrow their collective brows. “Okay,” says the facilitator, after a brief pause, “how many saw a white person?”

Los Angeles Critical Mass Rides Through Vons (tags)

While the corporations refuse to back down, autonomous actions by small groups are becoming more and more necessary.

Two US Soldiers ask: "When will we stop dying so senselessly?" (tags)

Over the Christmas holidays I managed to find two US soldiers who were back from Iraq. They were both somewhat willing to be interviewed and describe their time in Iraq in their own words.

dont blame me? (tags)

I am fed up with all the spoiled little union workers attitudes.

Native American Recommends Deporting Muslims (tags)

David Yeagley is a Native American Writer and Journalist

David Barsamian: Fighting the US propaganda machine (tags)

“I hate to disappoint your readers”, an earnest David Barsamian told Green Left Weekly on November 6, “but most Americans are not genetically ignorant. For people to believe that Iraq is about to attack them, that they are surrounded by enemies, it takes systematic use of propaganda.”

We Are Seriously Concerned About the Fate of the State of Israel (tags)

"The best thing now is to convince and create public opinion that will come and say: This is what we want. We want to withdraw from the territories" The Yediot interview, with four former Shabak (Security) heads who sharply spoke out against the way our government handles the Israeli- Palestinian conflict, attracted worldwide attention. Here is Full Translation.

Action for Worldpeace (tags)

You might not be able to stop wars, but you can surely do something.



America’s dress-up president won’t go near the wounded. But Cher will. (tags)

The "Hollywood Left" that pro-Bush/War Conservatives love to bash seem to be doing a better job of honoring our Soldiers than Der Fuhrer. Ironic? Or is it just a true reflection of his "character"?

US Soldiers to America: ''Bring us home now; we’re dying for oil and corporate greed!'' (tags)

A powerful and moving description about what American Soldiers really think about the illegal and immoral conquest of Iraq brought about by the Kleptocrats in DC.

US Soldiers to America: Bring Us Home Now!: PART 2 (tags)

The following interview was with a Sergeant First Class in the United States Army. He has been deployed both in Afghanistan and most recently in Iraq in Falujah and in Kirkuk, which have been the heart of Iraqi resistance and attacks on US forces.

US Soldiers to America: “Bring Us Home Now! We’re dying for oil and corporate greed!” (tags)

I had the unique opportunity to interview five US military servicemen who just got back from Iraq, or in the case of two men, corresponded with their wives so that I could ask questions of these soldiers by mail. When the two I corresponded with came back just last week, I was able to complete the interviews I started several months ago with some new details on how the war is actually going.

36 Reasons To Vote For Bush and Republicans In 2004 (tags)

You like Pat Robertson, the TV evangelist. You send him contributions and you pray with him for the “passing” of three Supreme Court Justices.

To Governor Davis: Please resign (tags)

Email Davis: As a loyal democrat I'm asking that you resign.

Marriage: just say no (tags)

Marriage is crumbling in the West, and may soon be almost gone.

Say no to the California recall and Schwarzenegger the Liar (tags)

Schwarzenegger said in his announcement on Jay Leno’s show that he would not accept special interest money and would be beholden to no one but “the people.” Then he turned around and raised millions from special business interests for his campaign, including from at least one company that violated environmental laws. He is just another lying, hypocritical Republican.

Our Rights are surrounded. (tags)

Welcome to the new world order. I wish the best for those at the collective.

9/11-Just Look at the Evidence (tags)

As much as GWB lovers deny it, there's no dismissing the lack of evidence for some of the "facts" we've been told are true.

Wild West Show (tags)

Lewis H. Lapham is editor of Harper's magazine. Other articles can be found at


PLEASE FORWARD – POST – IMITATE - PLAGIARIZE Okay, we dropped the ball with this – Ashcroft’s entire tour to date was done within two days of its announcement. But he’s coming to Boston, NY, and Salt Lake City, and probably other places. And the vile lies and half-truths posted on need to be challenged loudly, and often. Preferably by people with “mullet” hairdos.

Jobless? Blame the System, not Yourself! (tags)

"The economy dictates how many will be unemployed because no jobs are available. 10% of the workforce don't get lazy at a certain point of the business cycle..Each downturn sends millions more into unemp-loyment. Unemployment is a social problem."

(pt.1) bell hooks on Butch Lee and more.... (tags)

bell hooks read Night-Vision last year and was impressed with much it had to say. She felt that it was an important book which needed to reach a wider audience....

Woman says she was harassed by family man Schwarzenegger for two days to have sex (tags)

A woman who worked behind the scenes in one of Schwarzenegger’s movie’s a few years ago says he harassed her for two days about having sex with him in his movie trailer. Is this a pattern with California's wannabe governor?

"Last Convulsion of US Power" (tags)

"Facts interest me, not theories. the fact is the US consumes more than it produces. There is a gigantic growing annual US foreign trade deficit of $500 billion.. The wars of the US are an attempt to prove something that is disappearing, the global power of US."


One of the browbeaten peasants, afraid of incurring the wrath of the bandits, made this case against fighting back: He said, in essence: The bandits don't take all our corn; they don’t steal all our chickens; they still leave us a little, enough to live on. It’s better to suffer the abuse than die.

DefenseWatch "The Voice of the Grunt": Loyalty to the Country Always (tags)

Like the Dixie Chicks, the Irish people aren’t afraid to sound off. Forever mindful of their hard fight for liberty, they don’t take freedom of speech for granted. And their stand-up-and-be-counted electronic media regularly – and righteously – go for their politicians’ jugular veins with a vengeance seldom seen in the USA these days. I suspect the reason for the difference is Corporate America’s control over our airways; the big guys are now shamelessly riding the same corrupting pork train as most Washington-based power players.

Life after Patriotism: The Brain behind the Brainwash (tags)

"Imagine a world where disagreement was okay. Where you could support people you disagreed with, where tolerance for difference was the norm. Where critical thinking and raising questions meant respect and discussion." from Slingshot

"Our Religion is called America": Interview with Norman Mailer (tags)

"Now we act as though we rescued these people from terror. There is no reason to eulogize or praise ourselves to the skies. America is not a noble country.. Flag conservatives live in the illusion that America is the good and the only hope for the world."

POETIC LICENCE: US intelligence hoax hits the fan (tags)

The Bush administration should have heeded Mark Twain’s advice: “When in doubt, speak the truth.” But it didn’t, and thought it could fool people into believing that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, had links to Al Qaeda and was even involved in the 9/11 attacks on the US. This, of course, was rubbish, tripe of the highest order, as many of us had been saying for months. The truth, however, will out sooner or later. And the expletive deleted has finally hit the fan.

The staged rescue of Private Jessica Lynch (tags)

The Correspondent team had gone back to Nasiriyah to interview eyewitnesses on events and found an entirely different story. Doctors insisted that far from being ill treated Lynch had received the best treatment possible. Assigned to the only specialist bed in the hospital, and one of only two nurses on the floor, medical staff had even given blood to help her due to a shortage.

U.S. health care: Crisis, solutions, action plan (tags)

The United Steel Workers of America (USWA) hosted a national forum on the health care crisis at its headquarters in Pittsburgh on April 27.

The Patriot Act and Persecution of Sherman Austin (LA Weekly article) (tags)


My my, aren't you spooks curious. (tags)

Do you trust these people? I mean would you put your future in their hands? You might want to think about your supermarket cards, credit cards, and ATM cards. The 4th amendment is dying

Consider a third alternative (tags)

Libertarians are just like those racist liberals who think that blacks deserve to go to school more than whites, simply by virtue of their blackness. Don’t give me that lifetime of oppression rubbish.



Letter to Bush by Adolfo Esquivel (tags)

"You speak of God and blaspheme him. You speak of liberty and you destroy it. You speak of democracy and dignity and don't hesitate in sacrificing at the latar of the god Moloch, your god of destruction and death. You speak of human rights, violating them systematically

Letter to Bush by Adolfo Esquivel (tags)

"You speak of God and blaspheme him. You speak of liberty and you destroy it. You speak of democracy and dignity and don't hesitate in sacrificing at the altar of the god Moloch, your god of destruction and death. You speak of human rights violating them systematically

Embedded Truths? (tags)

A scathing satire of the journalistic integrity of "embedded" reporters.


To Throw Down the BLACK HOUSE of GW Bush : We support armed struggle everywhere that is revolutionary. Revolutionary is anything that helps to kill USA imperialism: the Yankee-Gringo Empire of death and lies.

CNN gets a dose of itself (tags)

Here’s an excerpt from an interview by CNN’s Aaron Brown yesterday. He is talking to Hafez Al-Miraz, the chief Washington correspondent for Al Jazeera.

Why Shock and Awe should stick in our craw (tags)

All Crust, No Pie Why Shock and Awe should stick in our craw by Jim Washburn (OCWeekly)

The Rot at the Center of the Empire (tags)

Of course, given the administration’s almost desperate attempt to find a “smoking gun” that will convince people to support the killing of tens of thousands more innocent Iraqi people in order to effect a “regime change” in Iraq, one possibility is that U.S. officials simply didn’t look too hard or too closely at the fake evidence before citing it as another excuse to invade Iraq.

The Great Lemming Race (tags)

"I thought those guys didn’t like the label ‘neocon.’ It means ‘new conservative,’ and they get upset when people use it to describe them. They’re really ‘former conservatives,’ aren’t they?" "All right, son, if you insist. If they are former conservatives, let’s not call them ‘neocons,’ but ‘ex-cons.’ Is that better?"

Studio City Protests Are Heating Up (tags)

Studio City Protests Are Heating Up

Matrix is real (tags)

Every human being is body and mind remote controlled by a mega hell matrix computer : Save humanity, destroy it ! (You must be totalunconscious if you don’t take it seriously)

message to my american brother (tags)

an e-mailed message about the Dutch peace demonstration, send to an american friend

The Mud is Up To Our Necks (tags)

The Bush administration firmly believes in its dreams of solving deeply rooted long-term problems in coups d'etats. When the dreamers awake, they will see that the mud is up to our necks..Washington sees international organizations as impairment..

As War Gears Up, Newspeak Hype Increases Ten-fold As Expected (tags)

"I insist that to give such warning [ against propaganda ] is an act in the defense of man…I want to speak of it as a menace..."—Jacques Ellul in Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes*

'Twas a fright at the White House (tags)

'Twas a fright at the White House



Prison Cells - alt xmas carol 3 (tags)

Just in time for the holidays! [1.09 MB in MP3 format (2 min 23 sec)]

I am a real conservative (tags)

True conservativism vs left/right fog

Proud and Insolent Youth Incorporated (tags)

The man who killed a Police Officer in Red Bluff, CA claims immunity because he was incorporated.

a miracle in wisconsin (tags)

healthy diet improves life in wisconsin school

i am american poverty (tags)

examines the reality of poverty in contemprary america, asks "where is the left" and offers solutions

Venice Peace March Turns One Year Old (tags)

“I’m an American. I have a job. I pay taxes. I vote. And I don’t want to be dropping bombs on Baghdad and killing people. It’s wrong.” --Venice resident Peggy Lee Kennedy




bricks and glass


an essay on the necessity of direct action

Freedom Under Fire (tags)

Excerpts from the 2002 NAACP Convention Address, Houston, Tex., July 7, 2002. This year’s convention theme – Freedom Under Fire – is appropriate in many ways. So, too, is the city and state in which we gather. …

Artists wanted for Infoshop Benefit (tags)

Artists and performers wanted for a benefit show for the Long Beach Infoshop.

Palestine (tags)


Anti-Police Rally at African-American Community Church (tags)

Parishioners, leaders and neighbors gathered at Faith United Methodist church this evening to speak out and organize the African American community's response to the police beating of Donovan Jackson-Chavis.

Yoland Perez (followup) (tags)

Partial transcript of an interview with Yolanda Perez a community activist who was attacked by the San Diego police. Also a slomotion video of the attack.

Angry about the shut down of Raisethefist? (tags)

Recently,, a website that was an avenue for freedom of expression and resistence to the corporate world order, was shut down along with

Kafka Goes Shopping - commentary in prose (tags)

We don’t need certain civil liberties to safely fly away from it all, to shop in peace for an American way of life, to watch Congress sing America the Beautiful on TV

Conservatives Who Don't Conserve (tags)

A commentary on recent energy policies and those who propose them

Students Storm Office, Deliver vote of no confidence to School Adminstration (tags)

Students Press for Adminastrative Reform and demand Alternative Models.

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