fix articles 86666, breakthrough
HUGE BREAKTHROUGH in Solar Technology! (tags)
South African solar research eclipses rest of the world
WALKOUT - A Critical Review (tags)
Some people have recently called the HBO film, Walkout, as “providing much inspiration to the student walkouts” across America in recent days. Although the film is a historical feature that tells the story of the Chicano people’s struggle against racism and discrimination and is undoubtedly a breakthrough against white supremacy, it is also a telling lesson in the chauvinism of some Chicano activists towards Filipinos in America. This is a case of a majority minority that unconsciously or consciously discriminates against another albeit smaller national minority in advocating for its own self-determination in the United States.
Pacifica Breakthrough Announced (tags)
Plaintiffs in the three lawsuits against the Pacifica Foundation have reached a breakthrough in negotiations that would give dissident forces a slender majority of a newly configured national board when it meets later this month.