fix articles 8591, columbia university Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : columbia university

columbia university

What Russia proposed in Istanbul in March 2022 (tags)

Sachs writes that Russia has proposed negotiating security arrangements with the US for the fifth time since 2008. NATO, led by the US, has steadily expanded its alliance to the east, which has contributed to the current crisis in Ukraine. Putin's fourth offer of negotiations came in March 2022, which led to Russia and Ukraine almost concluding a peace agreement.

Joe Biden and the Gaza war (tags)

This Netanyahu, supported by the extremists in his cabinet and among his followers, disavows the US President at every opportunity. Recently, there have been repeated signs that he is not at all opposed to the idea of a "second Nakba" - a forced emigration of the Gaza population to Egypt and elsewhere. "Hamas must be destroyed, Gaza must be demilitarized."


Caso Moro : tiri dall´alto, vere prigioni eccetera

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 9.10.2023 (tags)

Via Fani e via Caetani : golpe capitalfascista : le prove.

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 16.9.2023 (tags)

Via Fani golpe capitalfascista : le prove

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 15.9.2023 (tags)

Via Fani golpe capitalfascista : le prove

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 12.9.2023 bis (tags)

Via Fani, golpe capitalfascista

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 12.9.2023 (tags)

Via Fani golpe capitalfascista

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 8.9.2023 (tags)

Via Fani : golpe capitalfascista

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 31.8.2023 (tags)

Via Fani golpe capitalfascista

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 30.8.2023 (tags)

via Fani golpe di wall street

Nord Stream 1 and 2 (tags)

As is well known, in war the truth is the first casualty, and so it is in the Ukraine war. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, politics and the mainstream in the press, radio and TV have been conducting an unprecedented game of confusion, combined with disinformation and agitation.

"We should respect the red lines of both sides" & Gen Harald Kujat (tags)

We are on a path of extreme escalation & media lies or silence...This war began because of NATO expansion, U.S. involvement in a coup & the massive rearmament of Ukraine - then came the horrific invasion & further escalation. This war must stop before it leads to nuclear Armageddon.

The Prince of Hell and Peace in Ukraine is possible (tags)

There is little truth in war. If you want to survive, any means must necessarily be acceptable. In this scenario, lying is not a sin, not something to be outlawed, but simply an option to achieve one's own goals. It is therefore normality.

Misjudgments and Biden's foreign policy (tags)

Russia is to blame for our gas shortage, rising prices and high inflation. That's what the newspapers say, that's what you hear on the news and that's what presenters claim. Of course, this is not true. But the constant repetition shapes the public consciousness.

The attacks on Nord Stream and the elephant in the room (tags)

In an interview with Berliner Zeitung, U.S. economist Jeffrey Sachs said that destroying Nord Stream would be contrary to Russia's interests; the country would lose "income, financial assets & bargaining power." The U.S., would "benefit strategically and financially."

Economic Crisis in the Anthropocene (tags)

They are in a life-and-death struggle for the future of American democracy and from their point of view – and I happen to share this view – that depends on their not losing the congressional majority to the GOP in 2022, which doesn’t necessarily end American democracy, but it takes us in a direction which is really bad.

Power, Profit and Prestige (tags)

The United States was also constantly at war, after independence, with Native Americans. The U.S. armed forces engaged in a thousand military operations, large and small, against Native Americans between 1868 and 1890!

Chicago School Economists Got it Wrong. Strong Antitrust Policy Boosts the Economy (tags)

When mergers increase market concentration, we know that competition has been harmed even if to a small extent. Since this is the case, it makes sense to ask the merging parties to establish that the merger will provide benefits to the economy.

Trump's White Mob (tags)

Trump may have been unusually heavy-handed in his race-baiting. But his approach fits perfectly with the party's approach, which it has taken at least since Republicans adopted the "Southern Strategy" in the 1968 election in the wake of the Civil Rights Acts.

Our normality is not returniing (tags)

If the government's response to the debt accumulated during the crisis is austerity, it will make the situation even worse. It is therefore right to call for a more active and visionary state policy that shows a way out of the crisis. What form will these policies take?

The Forgotten History of the Financial Crisis (tags)

In the United States between late 2008 and early 2009, 800,000 people were losing their jobs every month. By 2015, over nine million American families would lose their homes to foreclosure—the largest forced population movement in the United States since the Dust Bowl.

New York Women in Film & Television Announces 2018 NYWIFT Ha Phuong Scholarship Recipients (tags)

The prizes award six accomplished young women in film with financial assistance to pursue their own projects

Do Nukes Kill? (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free world. Here is our December 2017 report: Nuclear Shutdown News December 2017

Trump and Climate Change (tags)

Human activities have contributed to the ice loss in the Arctic. In his short term in office, Trump and his accessories in the government rescinded two dozen regulations to protect the climate and the environment. The climate, peace and anti-racism movements must join forces.

Donald Trump is an Extreme Narcissist (tags)

Hans-Jurgen Wirth, b. 1951, is a psychoanalyst with his own practice, a professor of psychoanalytic social psychology in Frankfurt and a publisher. His most important book is "Narcissism and Power" (2002).

UPDATED: List of 200+ U.S. BDS Victories! (tags)

By popular demand, below is a list of U.S. Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Victories, originally released to commemorate ten years since Palestinian civil society issued the call for BDS.

A Generation is Lost (tags)

Thousands upon thousands of researchers demonstrate for the freedom of science and research funding. Public policy isn't a wrecking-ball or a sledgehammer. Democracy isn't following autocratic orders without compromise, negotiations and countermeasures

America under Donald Trump (tags)

The "elite-mass split," the tear between the establishment and the masses, damages American democracy. As a damaged democracy, there is very low trust in the competence of the government. The official unemployment figure of 4.9% is regarded as a distortion of reality.

Power Elites: On the Great Illusion of Pluralist Liberalism (tags)

With his 1956 book "The Power Elite," C. Wright Mills put the democratic character of the US to the test. Despite formal democratic structures, a power elite formed that suspends democratic processes. Real power starts from a political directorate. In truth, only small circles have power

Dwell Time...A Conversation With Eric Foner (tags)

A brief, breezy look at historian Eric Foner

Risking Possible Bloodbath in Palestine (tags)


Chief Justice Nathan Hecht, Texecutioner, Is Facing The Voters (tags)

Texans have an opportunity to vote out Nathan Hecht, who as chief justice has seen to it that Texas commits 60% of the judicial murders in the US

We're All Palestinians (tags)


IMF Annual Meetings Focus on Inclusiveness and Global Job Growth (tags)

"The risks the IMF raises are real. We need to address inequality if we are going to grow the global economy," said Eric LeCompte, Executive Director of the religious anti-poverty organization, Jubilee USA.

The Myth of America's Golden Age by Joseph Stiglitz (tags)

Joseph Stiglitz, former chief economist at the World Bank and winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize for economics, teaches at Columbia University in NYC.

Liberating the Economy from Prejudices (tags)

Economics is not an immutable unchangeable fate but a human system where changing rules changes outcomes. James Galbraith and Joseph Stiglitz are two well-known economists who question the myths of conventional economics, the self-healing, efficient and deregulated market

Police State Ukraine (tags)


US Universities of Shame: Part II (tags)


Another Fake US Terror Alert (tags)

police state

Remembering Edward Said (tags)

Edward Said

Iran Bashing (tags)


Another Israeli War Criminal of the Year Award (tags)

police state

Financing the Government: Romney Must Get the Message (tags)

The role of the state and the necessity of common action is a main theme in the political debate. Regulation ensures the same rules for everyone in competition. Conservative politicians in the US underrate the importance of publically provided education, technology and infrastructure.

A Nation of Morons (tags)


Millionaire's Tax is the Best Debt Brake (tags)

Sahra Wagenknecht is a leader of the Left party, Die Linke, in the German Bundestag and author of "Freedom instead of Capitalism." Learning from other cultures is a strength, not a weakness. The University of British Columbia had a tuition freeze for 6 or 7 years and kept tuition at $2300.

Medical Self Defense & the Black Panther Party --An interview w/ Alondra Nelson (tags)

Alondra Nelson, the author of 'Body and Soul: The Black Panther Party and the Fight Against Medical Discrimination' writes that “the Party’s focus on health care was both practical and ideological.” On a practical level, the BPP provided free community health care services. Simultaneously, the BPP railed against the medical-industrial complex, declaring that health care was “a right and not a privilege.”

Beyond the Homo Economicus (tags)

The Homo economicus is a kind of calculating machine on two legs that incessantly calculates personal benefits and profit. His conduct follows the model of rational expectations. Incursions of the state will make possible more social equality.

The Price of 9/11 by Tom Hayden and Joseph Stiglitz (tags)

Tom Hayden is an activist, former state senator in California and prolific author defending the rights of nature and the right to dissent. Joseph Stiglitz is the 2001 Nobel Prize winner for economics and professor at Columbia University.

John Balian?s ?Novel Approach? Brings the Armenian Saga to the Masses (tags)

Armenians often wish for a tale about the Armenian Genocide and its aftermath that would make a blockbuster film and draw attention to their cause. John Balian?s new book, Gray Wolves and White Doves, may be that tale.

Fukushima Elevated to Level 7 (tags)

nuclear disaster

LA IMC Censorship on the Arizona Event (tags)

it seems that a concerted effort to hide the events in Arizona is now taking place on this newswire

Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress (tags)

The Commission on the measurement of economic performance and social progress has been created at the beginning of 2008 on French government's initiative.

Enhanced Airport Screening Controversy (tags)

violating civil liberties

New War Rumors: U.S. Plans To Seize Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal (tags)

"“The free-wheeling access to US covert military and intelligence operatives, both officials and private contractors, is another destabilising factor that we seem to be unable or unwilling to check. And now there are the NATO incursions into our territory and targeting of even our military personnel, which shows how servile a state we are living in at present. [10] As the war in Afghanistan, the largest and longest in the world, proceeds with record casualties among civilians and combatants alike on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border, plans are afoot to further expand the war into Pakistan and to threaten Iran as well. Comparisons to Washington’s war in Indochina have been mentioned. [11] But Pakistan with its 180 million people and nuclear weapons is not Cambodia and Iran with its population of over 70 million is not Laos."

Nobel Politics (tags)

Nobel hypocrisy



BTL:Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining No. 1 Issue for West Virginia's U.S. Senate Candidate (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

"Severe Austerity Programs will have Catastrophic Consequences" (tags)

"Instead of real growth, the financial sector has only promoted phantom growth. The state functions differently than a family. Less should be spent for unproductive purposes like the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and unconditional bank bailout packages.."

VIDEO: Roosevelt Reading Festival (tags)

How did FDR become the champion of the common man? He pilloried the monied interests, the "economic royalists." The WPA hired 3 million in its first year and 8 million in its short life. The Hew Deal created government structures providing help to the elderly, disabled and poor..

VIDEO: Tobin Tax on Bankers (tags)

The powerful new coalition of domestic and overseas charities, unions and church groups argue that a Robin Hood tax could generate $700bn (£450bn) worldwide. The tax would see 0.05% levied on each bank trade.

Remembering Howard Zinn (1922 - 2010) (tags)

He'll be sorely missed.

Haiti's Earthquake: Natural or Engineered (tags)

technology can cause earthquakes

No Sweat (Except in Sedona) (tags)

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the phony, for-profit sweat lodge. (Heller Mountain)

Attac France on the Stiglitz Report (tags)

If the world really lives through a systemic crisis, solutions must also be sou9ght on this plane. Regrettably the mandate limits the commission to reform the international monetary system. The UN is the only institution with a democratic legitimacy.

Primitive Accumulation (tags)

The crisis calls for system alternatives and redistribution from top to bottom. Will the financial crisis encourage the transition to a new social order? A certain mix of good functioning markets and a strong welfare state leads to the best results.

Memories Of Madison - My Life In The New Left (tags)

"The Young Republicans were all dressed up—men in suits and ties, women in dresses—and looked like they were attending a business meeting at the country club. Even though the Young Republicans were all white and most of them came from Wisconsin, I can’t say that I related to them much. But I felt even more alien at the meeting of the antiwar committee. The attendees were dressed in a much more Bohemian style and there was a lot of intense talk about politics. And they were Jewish."

A Bank Bailout That Works (tags)

"The problem with America's banks is not just one of liquidity. Years of reckless behavior, including bad lending and gambling with derivatives, have left them, in effect, bankrupt."

Systemic Failure: Capitalism "Lays an Egg" (tags)

deepening economic crisis

Back from the Wilderness: Joseph Stiglitz (tags)

Economy theory has long explained why unhindered markets do not correct themselves, why regulation was necessary and why the government had an important role to play int he economy. Many who worked for the financial markets forced a kind of market fundamentalism.

5 Disastrous Decisions That Got Us into This Econmic Mess (tags)

We are at a dangerous moment. Behind the debates about future economic policy is a debate about history. Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel laureate, is a professor of economics at Columbia University.

Sketches of progress (tags)

some useful info for those with alzheimers

Military Mobilization? DRAFT? Obama–YES; McCain–Yes; Rep. Rangel (D-NY)–Yes! (tags)

The country is now preparing to elect a new President and as all our citizens consider their choices, they are confronted with the numbing denial by both Obama and McCain that the Iraq war is Illegal. “Why are Obama and McCain discussing the terrifying idea of a draft” Americans are asking, when “it is your sworn constitutional duty to call for an end to this and future Illegal Wars,” and then, a draft is clearly un-necessary?

ROTC Get Out, Stay Out! Obama Wants You to Serve Imperialism (tags)

Barack Obama dropped a bomb on his young enthusiasts at Columbia University on September 11. The heavily Democratic crowd booed McCain when he called for the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) to be brought back to campus (it was driven out in 1969 by protests against the Vietnam war). Liberal students expected a different answer from Columbia alum Obama, but the forum was a symphony of agreement as both candidates campaigned for expanding the military and pledged their enthusiastic support to U.S. imperialism. That should have been the tip-off for anyone who hadn't figured it out by then: Obama is no "peace candidate" but like McCain he is a certified imperialist war candidate.

Remembering Edward Said Five Years On (tags)

Honoring this great man.

Growth and Social Justice: Joseph Stiglitz (tags)

The trickle-down economy does not function. The left understands the market and rhe role the market can and should play in the economy. The right doesn't understand either. The Bush administration is nothing but the old corporatism in a new garment.

The Great Ruin by Joseph Stiglitz (tags)

The war has destroyed the economy, society and sovereignty of the country. The economic misery is only an integral element of the general debacle. Paul Bremer issued laws abolishing import duties and lowering corporate taxes. Privatizing state enterprises violated Hague Convention of 1902.

Making it stick (tags)

Richmond trivilized the peace movement

Mexican drug cartels infiltrating colleges and high school campuses in America (tags)

One of the main suspects in this international drug investigation is Omar Castaneda, a gang member from Pomona with ties to the Mexican Tijuana drug cartels, officials said

Heath Ledger and “Legal” Drugs (tags)

The late Heath Ledger has been compared tto James Dean, but the real prematurely deceased celebrities he should be listed with are Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland and Elvis Presley — all heavy prescription drug abusers who thought that, because their drugs came from doctors and drug companies instead of street pushers, they somehow woudln't be as dangerous as illegal "recreational" drugs. Hopefully Ledger's death will awaken people to the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs and the drug-company strategies that get people hooked on them.

George Bush Nostradamus Third Anti Christ and Iran’s Greatest Hero (tags)

This week George McGovern called George Bush a false prophet.

Financial Hypocrisy (tags)

After the crisis of 1997, not one important fianncial reform was carried out in the world. Liberalizationof capital markets causes instability and not necessarily growth. In South Korea, the IMF recommended the sale of state banks to US investors.



The Lobby Strikes Back (tags)

A new book riles the AIPAC crowd, but makes it to the bestseller list anyway. by Scott McConnell

Northern Rock,GB:Republican 'Libertarian' Ron Paul Lies About Naked Shorting (tags)

Dear SEC, I was only beginning to organize my thoughts about the Republican 'Libertarian' Ron Paul's statements re SHO to the SEC,(U.S Securities Exchange Commission),that were only recently posted here. However no sooner was I getting over the shock that Mr.Ron Paul was aiding the fraudulent penny stock naked shorting claim of his well heeled Libertarian pals such as the NTU founder James Dale Davidson, Porter Stansberry,Bill Bonner,,than 'news' came out of England that Northern Rock was a victim of 'naked short selling' as well.......

Iraqi archivist demands US return seized documents (tags)

Millions of historical documents seized by US occupation forces from Iraqi archives remain held in the United States by the CIA and the Pentagon and must, under international law, be returned to Iraq, Dr. Saad Eskander, the director of the Iraqi National Library and Archive in Baghdad, told an audience at Columbia University in New York City on November 12.

Message to George Bush from a San Diego Evacuee (tags)

Neither the Border Patrol nor George Bush is welcome in San Diego! We’ve Suffered Enough! Message to George Bush, I believe… 1. Nature caused these fires 2. Global Warming, the most dangerous side effect of Capitalism, made them worse. 3. The lack of resources to fight these fires and which are currently being used in the imperialist war in Iraq prevented most of these fires from being extinguished expeditiously.

ICE Drugging Deportees - Fascism Is Here Now (tags)

ICE Drugs deportees. In one case, a Christian pastor, who was trying to communicate to the pilot that the Federal agents flanking him were in violation of a court order putting a stay on his deportation. In another case, the Feds did not even keep a record of what drug they used...

Reviewing James Petras' "Rulers and Ruled in the US Empire" (tags)

An in-depth review of James Petras' important new book.

Bizarre Persian Twists (tags)

War on Iran will be disastrous.

Turning Ahmadinejad Into Public Enemy No. 1 (tags)

"Demonizing the Iranian president and making his visit to New York seem controversial is all part of the neoconservative push for yet another war."

Ex-Mossad chief+German uberspy+top-dollar GOP lobbyists = Kurds snag 15 tons of $100 bills (tags)

During Saddam Hussein’s rein, the Oil-for-Food “revenue was spent in Arab parts of Iraq but not in Kurdistan,” according to the Los Angeles Times. “Kurdistan’s share of the fund was set at 13%. At least $4 billion accrued in Kurdistan’s name, Kurdish officials say, and some contend that the amount could be as much as $5.5 billion.” The paper reported that in late June 2004, just five days before he turned Iraq back over to domestic rule and flew out of Iraq, then-top US official in Iraq Paul Bremer ordered the transfer by three U.S. military helicopters of $1.4 billion in 100 dollar bills to Kurdistan—his calculation of the Kurds’ share of Oil-for-Food funds; but the Kurds and their advocates believe they are owed a few billion more. It was so much cash—15 tons’ worth—the paper further reported, that no bank could be found in which to deposit it.

A "Slow Motion Train Wreck" (tags)

Financial market turmoil and the Federal Reserve increases it

The killing machine... (tags)

It was announced that the CIA would be declassifying hundreds of pages on illegal actions that included plans to eliminate the leaders of foreign governments. Suddenly the publication is halted and it is delayed one day. No coherent explanation was given. Perhaps someone in the White House looked over the material...

"Worthy and Unworthy Victims" (tags)

Bush administration police state tactics targeting innocent victims

What has happened to the 5 iranians kidnapped by US? (tags)

- As the Western media turns its attention to the fate of 15 Britons detained for allegedly trespassing into Iranian waters over the weekend, the status of five Iranian officials captured in a U.S. military raid on a liaison office in northern Iraq on Jan. 11 remains a mystery.

Target (tags)

How much should the wealthy give to the poor?

the secret of all secrets (tags)

the secret of all secrets

UCSB Students Rise Up, Strike Against War & Block Freeway (tags)

Nearly 1,500 UCSB students, staff, faculty members, and local residents participated in a powerful and transformative strike against war on February 15th. The day culminated with a mass sit-in on Highway 217 -- the main freeway leading to campus -- that blocked traffic for roughly two hours, followed by a lock-down of the campus administration building, Cheadle Hall.

Lt. Gen. William E. Odom: A Cassandra for Our Times (tags)

The Bush-Cheney Gang’s immoral and illegal war in Iraq “hugely advances” the interest of Al Qaeda and Iran. “No American interests” are served by that conflict, according to Lt. Gen. William E. Odom, USA, Rtd. The longer U.S. forces remain in Iraq, he said, “the worse it will get.” He added: “Staying the course makes no sense.” Leaving Iraq now, Gen. Odom insisted, “is the only way to recover from the greatest strategic mistake in American history.”

Reduce CO2 in Ten Years, or Climate Will be Out-of-Control (tags)

With the new scientific discovery that the result of global warming will be "abrupt climate change" to ice age conditions (Broecker) due to a shut down of ocean currents, this article is a scream in the wilderness from a scientist that has been muffled for years by the US Government. Note it was not printed in the US.

A Good Story (tags)

"From 200 years of American history, we have learned nothing is impossible." (Reagan) Occasionally this president replaced reality with his fictions. "The world changed every time a new technique of storytelling was intented." (Brian Ferren)

How to ward off metabolic syndrome? (tags)

New study from Columbia University’s Department of Medicine - nuts and seeds can ward off metabolic syndrome.


Submit an article/letter on your views of the 1960s for our book!

Economist Milton Friedman dies at 94 (tags)

Milton Friedman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist who advocated an unfettered free market and had the ear of three U.S. presidents, died Thursday at age 94.

The Failures of Faculty in Tough Times (tags)

t's possible that this watch-list strategy sprang fresh from the minds of the Young Conservatives of Texas, but it's more likely they were influenced by the national group Students for Academic Freedom and leftist-turned-right-wing-activist David Horowitz. The strategy is simple: Rather than attack specific professors for holding views critical of the dominant culture and its institutions, better to claim that the universities are dominated by these critical intellectuals who are crowding out other perspectives.

Jim Gilchrist Storms off DN! Debate With Columbia Student Organizer (tags)

Look at the coward who doesnt want to debate

Full Statement of Columbia Students Who Occupied the Stage (tags)

October 6, 2006

Protest at Columbia University against Gilchrist (tags)

Full statement of those who occupied the stage at Columbia University at a event with Jim Gilchrist on Oct. 4th.

Gilchrist Attacked at Columbia; Violence Erupts, Loud Shouts and Fists Thrown in Anger (tags)

Gilchrist such down by angry crowd at Columbia University, reports right-wing World Net Daily. Ends in celebration and gleeful chants of 'Asian, Black, Brown and White, we smashed the Minutemen tonight!'"

Minutemen suffer defeat at Columbia University (tags)

A major demonstration last night resulted in a serious setback for the Minutemen organization, when Jim Gilchrist's speech was disrupted and the event shut down by militant demonstrators.

How Israel is Engineering the "Clash of Civilizations" (tags)

The trajectory of a long-running campaign that gave birth this month to the preposterous all-party British parliamentary report into anti-Semitism in the UK can be traced back to intensive lobbying by the Israeli government that began more than four years ago, in early 2002.

President Bush is "the devil" and a "world dictator" (tags)

Something many Americans have known for a long time - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez came to the United Nations and denounced President Bush as "the devil" and a "world dictator"

Stanford University,Dr. J.Cooke,Stem Cells, Nicotine, Medical Fraud and Money Laundering (tags)

Stanford law professor Joseph Grundfest can tell us if Endovasc,a Stanford University penny stock 'pump and dump' fraud,was also a money laundering operation.In my opinion all money made by pump and dump fraud is also money laundering and all proceeds should be seen as such even any that find their way to,or end up as political 'donations' or bribes to,Republicans.

9/11 Airplane Impact Time Discrepancies: Smoking Gun - US Gov't Complicity (tags)

author: Craig T. Furlong e-mail:e-mail:

Taking Impeachment on the Road (tags)

Impeachment can play a vital role in building resistance to dictatorship, both in the electoral politics and on the street. It’s not an either/or proposition.

SEC,Chris Cox:W Bush Cedes Presidential Stock Fraud Ops To DNI John Negroponte.Why ? (tags)

Intelligence Czar Can Waive SEC Rules Now, the White House's top spymaster can cite national security to exempt businesses from reporting requirements President George W. Bush has bestowed on his intelligence czar, John Negroponte, broad authority, in the name of national security, to excuse publicly traded companies from their usual accounting and securities-disclosure obligations. Notice of the development came in a brief entry in the Federal Register, dated May 5, 2006, that was opaque to the untrained eye. - Dawn Kopecki , BusinessWeek

What iranian president Ahmadinejad really said (tags)

The rcent kerfuffle over Ahmadinejad's remark about wiping israel off the map has been cleared by by Juan Cole, and midwifed by Christopher Hitchens!

Dangerous Times Ahead (tags)

Bush is losing support even in his base. Impeachment is closing in. The danger is that he and Rove will react with another war, or another 9/11.

"The Days of the US Empire are Numbered" (tags)

"I love the US but I hate the American empire.. The US cou9ld escape a sudden downfall if it recognizes economic equality, appears as one country among others and abandons its military presence in the 140 countries where it presently stations troops.:"

Help Save Stanley Tookie Williams from execution (tags)

ON DEC. 13 at 12:01 a.m., Stanley "Tookie" Williams, who helped found the Crips gang in Los Angeles at the age of 17, is scheduled to die in the execution chamber at San Quentin Prison. His only chance to escape death by lethal injection is a grant of clemency from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The NIH Scandal and the Future of AIDS Research (tags)

Why isn’t the NIH interested in competitive AIDS research? That’s the billion-dollar question. That is, if inexpensive micronutrients and competitive disease and treatment models prove more successful than the current research, it will represent a loss of billions for the AIDS drug and research industry.

A Network At War (tags)

Since ostensiblly winning a campaign to recapture the small progressive Pacifica network that spanned years, involving at one time three seperate lawsuits, and 10's of thousands of its active listerners, the tiny network is once again at war with itself.....Having, along with senior producer Ryme Kakthouda, joined in filing complaints of discrimination on basis of national origin and ethnicity at the last meeting of our national board in NYC, ( and with women angry about sexism, and the networks failure to do anything more than deny its existence, planning an actual march on Berkley to file similar complaints next month, all matters likely to head into litigation within a matter of weeks now, this seemed like a good time to carve up all the sacred cows.

Bernard Eastlund -- How to Rip Off Tesla & Wreak Environmental Havoc (tags)

This is so good for you you are going to grow another foot and never need food, air, or water again! So-called physicist Bernard Eastlund proposes using microwave beams to prevent tornadoes.

Depopulation of a Planet (tags)


The War Against the People: US Scholars Denounce Killings and Calls for a World-Wide Actio (tags)

Northampton, MA - The Critical Filipina and Filipino Studies Collective (CFFSC) condemns the growing spate of killings and human rights violations of political activists, peasant rights advocates and sympathizers, lawyers and priests in the Philippines. The Philippine military is targeting and murdering leftist activists and civilians under the pretense of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo regime’s “War on Terror.” The U.S.-backed Arroyo regime’s campaign of surveillance, abduction, torture, and execution is a campaign of terror against the Filipino people.

Grand Council of Guardians (tags)

Manhattan Borough Presidents Candidate Forum

*PRICELESS*!: Israeli history professor rhetorically gives the ADL 'the *finger*'! (tags)

Hebrew University Israeli history professor Moshe Zimmerman compares Israel's IDF (military) to the Nazis! Conservative kneejerk gadfly Jewish ADL -- Zionist domestic spy & harassment organization -- head Abe Foxman butts in, as usual, to demand apology. (Many prominent Jews, both contemporary and historical figures, have compared Israel/Zionism/IDF to *NAZIS*!) Israeli history professor Moshe Zimmerman retorts: "Regarding the involvement of ... [Abe] Foxman in the affair, he says, "I don't have to respond to every barking dog in the street"! A comment that's long overdue!

"Abstinence and sexual fidelity have played virtually no role" (tags)

Abstinence and sexual fidelity have played virtually no role in the much-heralded decline of AIDS rates in the most closely studied region of Uganda, two researchers told a gathering of AIDS scientists here.


Message from Ramsey Clark "Bush can run, but he cannot hide from the Constitution" "The election does not pardon the President for past, or future "high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Genocide of African Americans (tags)

Approximately 50,000 African Americans are dying each month in America, according to the National Vital Statistics Report.

George W. Bush, The Neocons, & The Nazis: Ties That Bind (tags)

There are numerous connections between the Bush family and the Nazis. Moreover, the philosophy of the neocons within the Bush administration has already been connected with fascism. However, no article has attempted to present an overview of the fascist connections within the Bush administration.

The Fortune 500 are thinking Green (tags)

Global warming is becoming a major concern for businesses like Allianz Group, AON, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Johnson & Johnson and BP. They say it's a risk too costly to ignore.

Building Bridges Radio:Columbia Grad Employees Strike & N.Y.U Adjuncts Protest (tags)


Media Coverage of Iraq Called “Shameful” (tags)

Media Coverage of Iraq Called “Shameful” By Peers

TURNING THE TABLES ON CRYPTOME.ORG: SPY PHOTO OF THEIR HQ (tags) ( ) says it wants to be "the most disreputable site on the web," and it pursues this goal by publishing declassified government memos and information about Government officials, including the names of FBI agents and pictures of officials' houses - the so-called "Eyeballing" series of photos. Here we have turned the tables on Cryptome operator John Young, "Eyeballing" his own abode.

Students call for Coke boycott (tags)

The Coca-Cola Co. is trying to stop a boycott of its products that has been spreading across Ireland for the past month and becoming more visible on college campuses in the United States

More Vietnam Atrocities (tags)

Nick Turse has done a great job in proving that the My Lai and Tiger Force atrocities were not isolated incidents, but he misses something important. For a guerrilla war to be successful against a superior military, popular support is necessary. Disappearances, hideous methods of torture, mutilations, severed heads on pikes, leftists pushed out of airplanes over the ocean and chainsaw dismemberments are a US counterinsurgency strategy to diminish popular support by mind-numbing brutality and intimidation-shock and awe.

Students challenge employer (California State-Fullerton student paper) (tags)

Group says Vector Marketing / Cutco knife vendor misleads prospective workers with false claims.

US to the 3rd World: ''Do as I say, not as I do'' (tags)

Emerging markets like Brazil, India, and Mexico should not strive for a mythical free-market economy (which never existed, nor follow the encomiums of US special interests -- for they preach free markets but rely on the government to advance their aims.

Paul Robeson honored with postage stamp (tags)

CHICAGO – Bowing to a six-year grassroots campaign, the U.S. Postal Service has announced that it will issue a stamp commemorating the life of Paul Robeson. The announcement is being greeted with joy in the ranks of those who fought for its issuance.

Dignity, Solidarity and the Penal Colony (tags)

The Last Essay. I am honored to post with my name and hopefully await what respect Real Democracy teaches by its practice in a civil society.

Bush re-elected? NOT! (tags)

The president's approval ratings soared following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. In recent weeks, those numbers have dropped to the lowest levels of his presidency, with approval ratings of 49 percent in an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll out Wednesday night and 50 percent in a CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll released Monday. HA HA HA!!!

On how to make enemies  (tags)

What attracted my attention to this article was the idea of the existence of a US bureau whose sole purpose is to propagate ideas which effectively create new enemies of the US.

You Führer G.W.Bush (tags)

It is commonly assumed that there (US) is no aristocracy, let alone a nobility, in America. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In his work, Ancestors of American Presidents, Gary Boyd Roberts of the New England Historic Genealogical Society reveals 19 presidents descended from Edward III. John Galt, in a soon to be published work, The Genealogy of the New World Order, has traced the royal ancestry of George Bush, which traces from Charlemagne and Alfred the Great, all the way down through George's 32 presidential cousins!

You Führer G.W.Bush (tags)

It is commonly assumed that there (US) is no aristocracy, let alone a nobility, in America. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In his work, Ancestors of American Presidents, Gary Boyd Roberts of the New England Historic Genealogical Society reveals 19 presidents descended from Edward III. John Galt, in a soon to be published work, The Genealogy of the New World Order, has traced the royal ancestry of George Bush, which traces from Charlemagne and Alfred the Great, all the way down through George's 32 presidential cousins!

Terror and the Empire (tags)

"Globalization is daily terror. Every seven seconds a child under 10 dies of starvation. Every four minutes a person loses eyesight on account of Vitamin A deficiency. Over 100,000 die every die of hunger..(while) world agriculture could feed twelve billion."

Extremists on Campus (tags)

Extremists on Campus

Democratic Party History: a Revealing Rap Sheet (tags)

A history of the Democratic Party's role in co-opting and diverting independent political movements, while advancing the agenda of the global capitalist police state. This and similar pieces can be found at

An economic `menu of pain' - US government is going broke (tags)

Laurence Kotlikoff is chairman of the Dept of Economics at Bostin University and Jeffrey Sachs is a professor of economics at Columbia University.

U.S. Government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich (tags)

How has the secretive U.S.-based IMF/World Bank economically enslaved poor countries?

RW: U.S.: More Kids In Extreme Poverty (tags)



It is difficult enough to try to stop people from hating you; you can try to be nice to them; that might work. But what about when people like you - or love you? Is it possible to stop them from feeling this? Sure it is, but to what end would anyone do that?

RW: Lost Treasures of Humanity (tags)


Bombs in the Building: World Trade Center 'Conspiracy Theory' is a Conspiracy Fact (tags)

Before beginning this article, I met Auxiliary Lieutenant Fireman and former Auxiliary Police Officer, Paul Isaac Jr. at the World Trade Center Memorial. Paul, along with many other firemen, is very upset about the obvious cover-up and he is on a crusade for answers and justice. He was stationed at Engine 10, across the street from the World Trade Center in 1998 and 99; Engine 10 was entirely wiped out in the destruction of the towers. He explained to me that, “many other firemen know there were bombs in the buildings, but they’re afraid for their jobs to admit it because the ‘higher-ups’ forbid discussion of this fact.”

The truth about the CROWN (tags)

You are a slave Neo, born into a world of bondage, a prison for your mind, blinded by a world that has been pulled down over your eyes to blind you from the truth...

Ex Friends - Casualties of the War (tags)

I'm shocked at some of my friends!

Act of Congress Needed for Iraq Invasion, Suit Says (tags)

A federal appeals court is weighing on a rare and expedited basis a lawsuit challenging the president's right to wage war on Iraq without a formal declaration of war by Congress.


This is an interesting analysis of Billionaire finanical predator, George Soros, and his covert funding and sponsorship of the pro-establisment "Peace movement" in the USA. Soros' empire not only has its tentacles in the Peace movement but also in the (cough, cough)"Alternative" media outlets which have desperately tried to downplay and smear any questioning of US government sponsorship/involvement in 9-11 as "conspiracy theory." Soros has also provided funding to Indymedia(!) with its contribution to LA Indymedia during the protests at the Democratic Party convention in 2000.

BTL:Conservative Democratic Leadership Council Biggest Loser in 2002 Election (tags)

Interview with Manning Marable, professor of history and political science at Columbia University conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris.

“US Foreign Policy and Iraq: Making the Case for Peace” (tags)

Phyllis Bennis, an expert on Iraq, will speak in a public forum on Saturday, 10/19 in Pasadena. After her presentation, “US Foreign Policy and Iraq: Making the Case for Peace”, there will be a teach-in and book signing.

9.11.02 176 Peace Events in Seven Countries (tags)

Here's a short summary of a few of the events closer to home.

Sachs says: 'Forget Debt, Spend on AIDS' (tags)

Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs says poor countries should simply stop making debt service payments and spend that money on health & education instead. As Jubilee South says, "Don't Owe, Won't Pay."

Short Scenario from web research (tags)

The following is a list of participants and events going down at the world economic forum in NYC. The list does not pretend to contain the entirety of the event, or the be %100 accurate- as it was a result of late night research. For a more accurate view, go to scenerio planning websites such as or then click on convergence online.

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