fix articles 85380, daughters
Needed: More Daughters of Zelophehad in Israel Today (tags)
Explores Jewish Women's Leadership in the Redemption of the Jewish People.
Palestinians frocibly sterilize women with disabilities (tags)
Palestinians forcibly sterilize women they feel are unsuited to be mothers
Religious extremism acts to defy logical thinking (tags)
The rhetoric from religious extremism found in Christian Zionism (CUFI) and Islamist groups (Sunni Wahhabists) acts to prevent logical thinking and encourages meaningless sacrifice of life and limb from impressionalbe and vulnerable youth turned soldiers.
PGC CELEBRATES 80th B-Day of Lola/Nanay Lydia. (tags)
Sons and daughters, relatives and the whole Gaviola-Espiritu clans celebrated the 80th birhday of Lola Lydia S. Espiritu last May 8 at Golden Coast Buffet in Alhambra, CA. Present were all her grandsons and grandaughters and great grand daughters with their nephwes and neices from all over California. Also present were her only living sister Penafrancia Sals and sister-in laws Luzviminda Espiritu from LA and Carmez Zita from San Diego. Musical numbers, dances and games were given for her honor.
'I didn't see any of my girls, just a pile of bricks' (tags)
Israeli air strike kills five daughters from one family as Gaza death toll passes 300. The family house was small: three rooms, a tiny kitchen and bathroom, built of poor-quality concrete bricks with a corrugated asbestos roof, in block four of Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza. There are hundreds of similar homes crammed into the overcrowded streets, filled with some of the poorest and most vulnerable families in the Gaza Strip.
Gumanoy sisters’ mom maintains daughters were kidnapped (tags)
The mother of two sisters allegedly abducted by the military maintained that her daughters were kidnapped and accused the military of “manipulating” her daughters to “cover up” the incident. In a statement on Friday, Maria Gumanoy, mother of Rose Ann and Fatima and the wife of slain peasant leader Eduardo Gumanoy, said her daughters were only pressured by the military to deny the alleged abduction. Maria also accused the military of “drugging” her daughter Fatima, 17, who was confined at the AFP Medical Center in Quezon City.
Why aren't the Bush daughters in Iraq? (tags)
The president's family has set an appallingly bad example for wartime sacrifice.
Can I buy my son a gas mask? (tags)
US troops have no protection from America’s poisonous uranium gas in Iraq by Bob Nichols Project Censored Award Winner
Premier Film Screening Makeda’s Daughters (tags)
Friday April 15, 2005, 7:30 p.m. in South Los Angeles, Radical Women screen a new documentary that chronicles the artistic achievements of five Black women artists
Military Families Speak Crap (tags)
An open letter to the Military Families Speak Out Organization
Communique from The Jah (Department of Environmental Protection) DEP/The Sons and Daughters of Liberty RISE UP! Stop Being the Bitches of the Corporation Masters of our stolen Nation! The Free, Immaterial Data Edition of the underground classic ‘The Jah DEP: True Possession of Place in the Time of the Indian Casinos,’ will soon be available at . The book narrates a comically and tragically failed attempt to establish The Jah DEP.
Bring'em Home - Not Send'em Off (tags)
I have worked for years with veterans of other wars living under bridges, in abandoned cars and empty tenements. Forgotten cannon fodder-kicked to the curb. War is about, and always has been, despite the Public Relations propaganda; power-greed and conquest; with the poor doing the dirty work of filling rich men's coffers. No politician's sons or daughters are over there, and President Bush's daughters (for all his "Bring'em On" bravado), won't be joining young, beautiful NH Commander Mary. I rest my case. Jude Moriarty
I Will Not Subsidize Big Oil with the Blood of My Sons and Daughters. (tags)
Take the pledge "I Will Not Subsidize Big Oil with the Blood of My Sons and Daughters" and e-mail it to all the parents you know, especially those that have son's and daughters being shipped to the Gulf as we speak
EVICT BUSH from PUBLIC HOUSING for Daughters Drug Use... Click here... http://ww (tags)
Australian troops for US wars (tags)
In a blunt message to Australia, US warhawk Richard Armitage said that Australians were expected to die alongside Americans in the event of a conflict with China over Taiwan.