fix articles 85137, reparations now
VOTE PSL in 2008: Reparations Now! (tags)
The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is fielding a slate of candidates in the 2008 U.S. presidential elections: Gloria La Riva for President and Eugene Puryear for Vice President. La Riva/Puryear demand that the Black community be compensated fully, with interest, for the historical racism and wrongs forced upon them by capitalism.
celebrate & build on leimert park victory! (tags)
ted hayes has return permit behind reparations activist john peoples to reassemble the forces of obfuscation. drive the nail in the coffin!
ted hayes returns to crime scene (tags)
ted hayes has new permit for crenshaw/leimert march
Black Americans Choose: Minutemen Go Home (tags)
More than three hundred Crenshaw District residents joined two hundred migrant rights' supporters and linked arms to keep the minutemen out of Leimert Park, the heart of Black Los Angeles.