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Progressive Portal: (tags) is a progressive portal bringing together possible and concrete bills and laws striving for labor and environmental justice. is a vital counterweight to the notorious ALEC that for decades normalized rightwing, anti-labor and anti-environment laws.
"This is What a Clean-Up Looks Like!" (tags)
“In 1971, Occidental Petroleum was reinjecting their production waters back into the ground here in the United States and elsewhere where they were operating. [So] they had the technology—it was just more expensive to do it [in Peru], and no one was regulating them. This is environmental racism.” -- Mitchell Anderson, Amazon Watch
Cindy Sheehan to provoke the Second American Revolution July 4th, 2006-Hunger Strike in DC (tags)
Locals to join national fast for peace WOODBURY -- About 10 people are expected to participate in the July 4 "Troops Home Fast" -- a nationwide fast to end the war in Iraq -- by gathering outside a congressman’s Woodbury office. Participants will spend 12 hours, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, in front of the office of U.S. Rep. Robert Andrews, D-1, of Haddon Heights, according to members of the Coalition for Peace and Justice and the South Jersey Campaign for Peace and Justice. The office is at 63 N. Broad St. Nationally known celebrities and activists, led by Cindy Sheehan and Fernando Suarez del Solar, whose sons were killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom, will start their fast at 12:01 a.m. July 4. Some will continue their fast until Sept. 21, which is International Peace Day.
"Songs for Mahmud" - New David Rovics CD (tags)
"Songs for Mahmud" - new David Rovics CD, freely stream or download online.
Steve Cooley FBI report. From a viable source. Cooley's ties to terrorism. No justice for cooley vote him out in the primary election march 2 2004. Let alone failing to convict jeremy morse of assualting a handcuffed child with videotape evidence, he has set poison to his running mates in the election. From an FBI Source.
Prison Cells - alt xmas carol 3 (tags)
Just in time for the holidays! [1.09 MB in MP3 format (2 min 23 sec)]