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Militarization of our police (tags)
In the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Mo., an unarmed 18-year-old black man was killed by police in broad daylight. By now, what's happening in Ferguson is about so many second-order issues— the militarization of police with systemic racism, and how citizens can redress grievances, among other things—that it's worth remembering what actually happened...
This economy kills!: Pope Francis (tags)
The Cold War in internal church policy may be coming to an end. A religion without mysticism is merely a philosophy. Mysticism is a specifically modern form of faith. God's presence is no longer self-evident or plausible to the entire world. Francis' church is a hospital under the open air.
Another Side of Israel: The Impact of Tikkun Olam (tags)
A side of Israel we never hear about
Iowa’s Choice: Dr. Paul or U.S. bankruptcy, more wars, and many more dead soldiers (tags)
Top Republican presidential contender U.S. Rep. Ron Paul has been endorsed by former head of the CIA’s “Bin Laden Unit” Michael Scheuer, reports Revolution PAC. In his endorsement, Scheuer backs Paul’s longstanding non-interventionist foreign policy views and warns of bankruptcy and increased hostility toward Americans both at home and abroad should current bipartisan foreign adventurism continue.
EPA Hydro-Fracking Hearing Begins In Binghamton, NY (tags)
9/13/10 - Binghamton, NY - EPA hearings discuss safety issues surrounding hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking" when related to pollution of groundwater. Fracking is the newest source for some natural gas pipelines like the one in San Bruno that recently exploded. Many older pipelines have serious safety concerns yet many more new pipelines are built each year due to expanded fracking of shale deposits without any clear oversight from federal regulators at PHMSA.
The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution (tags)
"In the same month, the highest-ranking general in the United States, “Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ranks the financial crisis as a higher priority and greater risk to security than current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.” He explained, “It's a global crisis. And as that impacts security issues, or feeds greater instability, I think it will impact on our national security in ways that we quite haven't figured out yet.”[22] Rest assured, they’ve figured it out, but they don’t want to tell you."
Another DC Stand Down-As Radioactive Groundwater Due to Hit Chesapeake Bay (tags)
Not 1 or 2 but fully all the nuclear power plants in the Chesapeake Watershed are leaking radioactive water. What's going on? Why is this a big deal for all of the US?
Employee Free Choice Act Now - Union Civil Rights Activists Vow to Keep King’s Dream Alive (tags)
by James Parks, Jan 19, 2009 Union civil rights activists this weekend celebrated the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., by commiting to hold the new administration and Congress accountable and carry on the work they did in the 2008 election to mobilize workers in support of a strong progressive agenda.
South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Lauds D.C. Money Launderer James Dale Davidson ! (tags)
'But his( South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford's)career took a dramatic turn after he heard James Dale Davidson, founder of the National Taxpayers Union, give what Sanford recalls as an "apocalyptic" speech about excessive government spending. Sanford decided to run for Congress, pledging to end the deficit, eschew pay hikes and serve only three terms.' - Dec 01, 2008 McClatchy-Tribune Information Services
some useful info for those with alzheimers
Human Evolution and Religion—A Global Truce through Anthropology (tags)
Every religion in the world was created to serve the needs of humans who are evolutionarily equal, and therefore, have asked the same questions about life. Anthropologists have identified a number of universal constants of religion, and have discovered that different religions aren’t so different from each other after all.
Recruitment Center Closed for Peace (tags)
Thursday, Dec 7th 8 AM - 11:50 AM Signs & Presence for Peace on Colorado Blvd. 12 PM - 1 PM Student Rally on Pasadena City College Campus Meet at Sculpture Garden 12:45 PM Press Conference @ Armed Forces Recruitment Station 1 PM - 8 PM Support Members Engaging in Direct Action And Candlelight Vigil @ Recruitment Center
Former Bush Economist Slams Administration On 9/11 (tags)
Former Bush Economist Attacks Bush Administration on 9/11
Evolutionary Science as an Implement of Personal Empowerment (tags)
Scientists who study human evolution have made great discoveries into the origins of human emotions and how they affect people and interpersonal relationships. People can put these discoveries to use in their everyday lives—if they learn about them.
The Filipino American Community Problems on the Pilipino Language (tags)
August is usually the National Language Week ( Linggo ng Wika) in the Philippines. Pesante-USA presented this paper this week for Filipinos in the Philippines and America to ponder. Its an irony while the Philippine government ( US-Arroyo regime) is reverting to the colonial mendicancy of propagating English to compete in the international market for labor exports, Filipinos abroad and Filipino Americans in the U.S are advancing the propagation of Pilipino in the United States. This is an important development we should monitor and work on. The more than 3 million Filipinos in the United States might be away from their homeland but their patriotism is afire and will never forget their roots.
THE MCKINNEY AFFAIR – by Glen Ford and Peter Gamble (tags)
In the aftermath of McKinney’s run-in with a Capitol Hill police officer, we have witnessed an orgy of unadulterated defamation that is actually directed at Black women in general. ...So virulent and shameless have been the attacks on McKinney – spewing caricatures of the six-term lawmaker that reflect whites’ own hallucinatory visions of Black people – it leads us to conclude that racists are conducting a kind of ritual, an exorcism to cast the “militant Black” out of the national polity, once and for all. Disgustingly, a number of Black voices have joined mob, in order to prove that they are reasonable and trustworthy Negroes who won’t intrude on white folks’ illusions of innocence. ...Most distressingly, the McKinney affair dramatically demonstrates that the Congressional Black Caucus has been eviscerated as a body. ...CBC Chair Mel Watt, Nancy Pelosi's poodle, attempted to enforce his mistress's wish that McKinney appear utterly isolated and alone.
On 9/11: Was the Asbestos-Laced World Trade Center "Disposable"? (tags)
Millions in the U.S. and worldwide now know there is evidence that 9/11 was an "inside job"; "false-flag," state-sponsored terrorism to provide a pretext for a premeditated war. But in exposing this evidence, the 9/11 Truth effort is also shedding light on a significant story-within-the-story: that the World Trade Center (WTC) was obsolete and asbestos-laced, and that its destruction on 9/11 may, for certain interests in the U.S., have been both desirable and profitable--independent of any interest in war.
Iran’s Oil Exchange threatens the Greenback (tags)
"The Bush administration will never allow the Iranian government to open an oil exchange (bourse) that trades petroleum in euros. If that were to happen, hundreds of billions of dollars would come flooding back to the United States crushing the greenback and destroying the economy. This is why Bush and Co. are planning to lead the nation to war against Iran. It is straightforward defense of the current global system and the continuing dominance of the reserve currency....."
Iran’s Oil Exchange Threatens the Greenback by Mike Whitney January 24, 2006
Bush's Obscene Tirades Rattle White House Aides (tags)
"I’m not meeting with that goddamned bitch," Bush screamed at aides who suggested he meet with Cindy Sheehan, the war-protesting mother whose son died in Iraq. "She can go to hell as far as I’m concerned!"
“I have a large population of people who have chosen not to take any anti-retrovirals. They’ve watched all of their friends go on the anti-viral bandwagon and die.” – Dr. Donald Abrams, MD, Director of AIDS Program, San Francisco General Hospital (“Lecture to Medical Students,” Synapse, 1996)
Aids & the Weaponized Anthrax Mailings - Common Origins (tags)
Aids and the weaponized AMES strain anthrax mailings of 2001 are both creations of scientists at SAiC-USARMIID, Ft. Detrick. BioPort, Bayer and VaxGen manufacure anthrax "vaccine" - what we've seen this far is contaminated and ineffective against the Ames strain - and each has a roots in Nazi Germany and have their own histories of illicit human experimentation.
"Self-defense" is a right and a responsibility (tags)
“Freedom” is only a concern of the living! Feel free to contact Jacksonville ABC ( or myself ( for more info.
Political Divisions in the White house (tags)
Jerry Harris, Professor of History at DeVry in Chicago, summarizes political groupings in the Bush White House. It's a new piece, posted along with new art work by Diego Rivera, ar the web site
The Usual Spin on JFK Assassination Unspun (tags)
The Presstitutes and Media Whores of the "Mainstream" have a variety of tactics they use to support the party line and cut off rational exploration and conclusions from the available data. Here's one example of shooting holes in their crap.
LAX in your future? X-Rays may be used on you (tags)
this article is disturbing; furthermore, there is no such thing as a "save" level of ionizing radiotion exposure and any statement or claim to the contrary is a flat-out lie. Don't take my word for it. Look at what John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D has written -- he is one of the founding fathers of nuclear physics and medicine, an old "cold warrier" that has come out in the open with truth ... he is the Professor Emeritus of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California (Berkeley) and former Associate Director of the Livermore National Laboratory (1 of our countries two leading labs for nuclear weapons development), and author of four scholarly books on radiation health effects. So please, all you fucking trolls out here .. get a grip... this is real science and for once, put your body before your distorted idea of what is love of country -
More Civilian Casualties (tags)
US Hands off Sadam!!!