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When Will the Me Too Movement Take on the New Age? (tags)
The New Age movement are some of the most prominent unrepentant abusers of women. Why has the Me Too movement not gone after them? Their pseudo feminism.
The leader incapable of leading has three characteristics that define his administration: arrogance, incompetence and cynicism.. According to attorney John Yoo, Bush can wage any war at any time against anyone without being bound to any laws.
Bush Is Cutting and Running Because Karl Rove Can Count (tags)
Nothing quite says "Blow off" like a George W. Bush promise. Pick an issue, any issue. Democratizing Iraq, liberating Afghanistan, preserving Medicare, protecting the environment, honoring free trade, funding education, caring for veterans, balancing the budget, any issue except those hallowed tax cuts -- on every one Bush called what seemed a determined play and promptly ran a misdirection. BushSpeak is more than amusing malapropisms or a looking glass of mental dishevelment. It is the most cynical politics ever practiced from the Oval Office.