fix articles 83970, quality education
The High Stakes Battles to Save Public Schools (tags)
Dr. Steven Strauss, Baltimore neurologist, former linguistics professor and Freedom Socialist writer will discuss why capitalism will not allow quality education for all, and how socialism can provide for everyone.
For May Day and Beyond: White People Step Up for Immigrant Rights (tags)
Open Letter to White Communities.
Fighting mad New Yorkers work to stop ‘doomsday’ budget (tags)
People are angry in New York City – and they have a right to be angry. Every day massive cuts in local and state spending appear more and more imminent. At the state level, revenues are 10 percent below what is needed.
I'm nothing if not fair and balanced. You decide. Do you like my definitions or BA's. We distort you decide.
Demonstration in front of San Diego School Board (tags)
Please join us in demonstrating our "Loss of Confidence" in the San Diego Unified School District Administration. The board's pattern of poor decision-making is costly and jeopardizing our children's education and safety. Do we really want education blackouts as well?