fix articles 8368, sign Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : sign


Hoping that A.I. will restore homeless peoples rights to sit, lie and sleep outdoors. (tags)

Anti-homeless laws including L.A. 41.18 enforcement zones act of 2021 need to be repealed.


Hard evidence for the umpteenth NATO-scripted ww3-consensus-building psyop.


umpteenth bbc ww3-mongering fakery exposed

Don't Give Permission for Free Photos (tags)

The commercial blogs and some news sites try to get your content for free. Don't fall for it.

Staggering Turnout for Women's March L.A. (tags)

At one point, organizers reported a police count of 500,000. Later estimates were significantly higher. Messages on signs included, “See Jane overthrow patriarchy”; “Our descendants are looking back on us” (sign shaped like a pair of eyes); “Life is easier because of my white male privilege. That's not right”; “Stop Tweeting, start listening”; and “Abort Trump.” A number of signs had images of Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia; captions included references to rebellions being founded on hope. Some, including small children, even dressed as Princess Leia. (Additional signs are pictured following this article.)

KPFK'S rep to Pacific Bd Whitleblower -being kicked out ...plse sign petiton here (tags)

KPFK is losing a courageous whistleblower - one who dared to reveal secrets - that were requested by Atty General in a legal action - while pertinent & vital info was denied the AG by the Pacifica Na'l Bd members . So instead PNB conveniently wants to kick out a KPFK PNB member who complies with the investigation and laws ? what is going on ??? Since when is law-less-ness the better way to solvency ?

UCLA slammed for double standards (tags)

Chancellor Gene Block has released a statement to the UCLA community regarding the ethics statement, and the intimidation of pro-Israel and Jewish students on campus

10 Things Pres. Obama Can Do Right Now (tags)

The state has a social nature and cannot only be a power and security state. The time is right for alternative economics, reducing working hours, expanding the public sector, shrinking financial sector and community centers.

Fukushima Jesus Christ Return the Sign from Isaiah 28 (tags)

Fukushima Jesus Christ Return the Sign from Isaiah 28

New anti-solitary confinement petition to CA Gov. Brown (tags)

Please sign the petition to California Governor Jerry Brown: Stop the abuse of solitary confinement in CA prisons!

We Need 32 More Signatures for "End the DRONES" petition! (tags)

Please help us out, we need 32 more signatures for "End the DRONES" petition at the White House "We the People" website. There is a real concern that the staff at "We the People" is with-holding confirmation emails and subverting the petition process because the White House is embarrassed at how many children have been killed by Drone Strikes ordered by President Barack Obama.

Stop Sale of A123 (lithium battery maker) SALE TO CHINA (tags)

You can view and sign the petition here: Here's some more information about this petition: *Company received nearly $300 million dollars in bailout money from American Taxpayers! Stop the Sale of Lithium Battery Maker A123 to China. Stop US Government Sale of A123, (A Corporation specializing in the manufacture and distribution of lithium batteries) to the country of China.

The Central Intelligence Agency is Confused! (tags)

Does the Teachers' Union buy M155s? Does the Electrical Brothers' Union buy Goats? Why is the C.I.A. deploying un-manned Drone Strikes killing children and innocent civilians? How stupid can they be? Those job duties are NOT listed on their "Mission" statement!

Stop Killing Children with U.S. Military Drone Strikes! (tags)

Please sign this White House petition to stop killing children and innocent civilians in countries like Afghanistan with Un-Manned U.S. Military Drone Strikes. Remember, it's not just about the war they tell you about, it's about the war on drugs, the war on the best marijuana seeds that come from Afghanistan, and the "threat" that if marijuana is legalized in the U.S.A., that countries like Afghanistan will compete with Mexican and Canadian BC bud. But guess what? A lot of BC bud comes from Afghanistan seeds. Can you IMAGINE if U.S. Drones were striking Mexico or BC Canada? Show some compassion for children worldwide and sign this petition to stop DRONE strikes! Isn't it bad enough that Los Angeles has all those helicopters flying overhead?

Black neighbors who support Obama in an uproar over yard signs. (tags)

Black neighbors mad at hateful Obama yard signs wants to put an end to them.

Letter to Governor Jerry Brown from immigrant youth led groups across California (tags)

Governor Brown: Sign the TRUST Act! Don't sign a symbolic driver’s license bill.


The Senior Couple Has Been Referred To Foreclosure And They Need Your Help And Moral Support.

Sign the Petition for Trayvon Martin: Arrest the Killer George Zimmerman (tags)

The horror of racism in this backward country is again front and center with the 2/26/12 killing of an unarmed teenager, Trayvon Martin, in Florida, by an obviously criminally insane self-appointed vigilante, George Zimmerman, who has not yet been arrested for obvious murder, and the lack of notification of next of kin of Martin's death until his relatives filed a Missing Person Report. Please sign the petition to the district attorney, attorney general, police chief and Attorney General Eric Holder to have George Zimmerman arrested.

Petition to Cal Sec of State to list all Peace & Freedom Candidates (tags)

Secretary of State Debra Bowen has unilaterally decided to NOT list 2 of 4 presidential candidates for Peace & Freedom Party on the ballot. This illegal activity must end now. Please sign the petition to demand all 4 be listed immediately. Anyone can sign; you do not have to be a Peace & Freedom Party member or a Californian.

Sign the Petition to Save Troy Davis (tags)

Save the life of Troy Davis from execution in Georgia on Sept 21. Sign the online petition at Amnesty International. He happens to be innocent, and the fascist US Supreme Court says, just like the courts of Nazi Germany, that innocence is no defense! There are 310 million people in this country. Less than 1 million people have signed. SIGN TODAY.

ACLU of California: Sign the Petition: Bring Back Balance (tags)

Please sign this one from the ACLU on sentencing reform! We should be spending money on more constructive things than on locking up non-violent, low level offenders! Thank you!

Have you read about these political corruptions done in The American People's" name? (tags)

Move On listed more recent corruptions doccumented and verified that are seldom so succinctly listed nor admitted. No matter which side you want to identify with, these blatant corruptions of corporations and governent .Here is a list with comments about what needs to be done by each one of us...that means YOU too !

PHILIPPINES:10,000 march to press South Cotabato govt to sign environment code (tags)

KORONADAL CITY – Pressure has continued to build up on outgoing South Cotabato Gov. Daisy Avance-Fuentes as she bides for time before deciding on the fate of the Provincial Environment Code passed last week by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan which bans open-pit mining.

Fake May Day LA Photo Circulating (tags)

There's a fake May Day photo circulating on the internet. If you come across it, debunk it. There are people who actually believe it's real.

Protester Physically Attacked by Anti Nazi Censors (tags)

Angry Crowd Erupts In Judgement And Physically Attacks Non Nazi Counter Demonstrator / Photo Set 1 of 1

Irvine's Profane Memorial to Death (tags)

The city of Irvine is spending $150K on a war memorial for the Afpak invasions which aren't yet over. They estimate bodycount since it ain't over yet.

Demo for Mumia Wed 01-20, 5 PM downtown LA fed bldg (tags)

The previously called demonstration to save Mumia's life and free him will take place Wed Jan 20 at 5 PM outside the downtown LA federal building on Los Angeles Street (corner Temple). Be there ane let people know. Other info below from Mumia's lawyer:

Michelle Jackson: Sign-Language Interpreter, First Female San Diego Leatherboys President (tags)

Michelle Jackson knew she was going to be interested in languages from the age of five,when her father took her across the border from San Diego to Tijuana and she heard Spanish for the first time. In college she studied American Sign Language (ASL) and ultimately made her living as an interpreter for the deaf community. It was a job she took to interpret at a San Diego Leatherfest that led her to the Leather/kink/BDSM community — and she's become an energetic activist in it, serving as Ms. San Diego Leather 2005 and recently being elected the first female president of the San Diego Leatherboys.

Say NO! to Swine Flu Vaccine, Stop Big Pharma Fraud! (tags)

Please see the links below, and do your own research on this, don't just listen to the MSM on this, before getting a swine flu vaccination, or any vaccination for that matter. Help stop Big Pharma fraud and human rights violations! Sign petition to stop forced vaccination!

Inland Empire Resists Supreme Court's legitimization of Discrimination (tags)

In response to the California State Supreme Court's hate crime of a ruling upholding proposition 8, the homophobic proposition that repealed the right to same sex marriage, the community of the Inland Empire joined together to demonstrate our resistance to the decision with a boisterous rally.

Employee Free Choice Act Compromise No Compromise at All (tags)

Employee Free Choice Act ( EFCA) The Real Truth is Employers Don't want a Compromise they Just WantTo STEP on Workers RIGHTS - NO Compromise on the Employee Free Choice Act!

First interview (tags)

Maitreya’s first interview by the Master

Employee Free Choice (tags)

Unions grew under card check, and shrank under secret ballots.

Peace Activists At the MLK Jr. parade (tags)

Peace activists from around L.A. marched in the Martin Luther King Day parade. Activists drew big applause from the multitudes of spectators whom showed the peace sign and joined in with chants of "Goodby Bush" and "Obama's in the house.

Global credit crisis: support the London declaration (tags)

The recent international conference on Responsible Credit in London has made a declaration calling on governments and banks to take action to protect vulnerable people during the economic crisis.

Petition for a Comprehensive Immigration Reform in 2009 (tags)

Sign an electronic petition for CIR in 2009 - it will be delivered to the newly elected U.S. President and members of Congress on December 1, 2008.

Women denounce Sarah Palin in Carson and Costa Mesa (tags)

CARSON and COSTA MESA, October 4, 2008 Clouds grayed the sky, but did not hamper attendance at either of the two anti-Sarah Palin rallies. Hundreds of activists arrived at both events to denounce the vice-presidential hopeful for her misogyny, ignorance, pettiness, and anti-democratic tendencies. A diversity among attendees and willingness to communicate characterized the day, particularly in Costa Mesa.

Time for DISSENT is Now,=. Dont let OUR govt try to shut us up or out. (tags)

Why is Congress not receiving calls and emails suddenly ? Does OUR govt not have enough funds for a decent size computer or telephone service ? Could it be that it is 'closed' so as not to hear what we HAVE TO SAY LOUDLY ? "We dont want that bill passed to bail out financial & investment corps" it not shouted out loud and clear enough? by so many, in blogs, commentaries, and over many personal daily conversation.....

Urgent! Sign Bernie Sander's bailout alternative petition! Let the wealthy pay! (tags)

Please sign this petition from Bernie Sanders which outlines an alternative proposal to the Wall Street financial bailout, which taxes the wealthy rather than ordinary working Americans! Please forward and tell your friends! Thank you!! :-)

Signs that lie, signs that say nothing (tags)

Signs everywhere. Signs that lie! Signs that say nothing! Signs everywhere.

Hispanic Scholarship Fund should fund Undocumented Students! (tags)

Endorse the Association of Raza Educators Campaign To Open HSF Scholarships To Undocumented Students. Please - Sign the Petition.

Get Rid of Medicare Enrollment Penalties (tags)

Lifetime Penalties? Many newspapers recognize the absurdity that seniors are being forced to pay penalties for late enrollment under the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan; however, there is another similar and even larger issue no one seems to acknowledge or address.

Sign petition to lift travel restrictions on Palestinian journalist (tags)

Please sign this petition to help lift travel restrictions placed in this palestinian journalist.


"See You In The Streets" is a list serve which forwards announcements and wrap up's of animal rights protests throughout the Los Angeles area.

Easter Day Vigil in Highland Park (tags)

"Resurrect peace," "resurrect justice," "resurrect the planet."

Please Sign PETITION to save Dr. Gassan Sharif Khaled (tags)

But this is not just another of the 10,000+ prisoners but an attack on Palestinian higher education and universities in the West Bank, which is a crucial part of any Palestinian national presence.

Queer Marriage Advocates Launch "Decline to Sign" Drive (tags)

Faced with a well-funded campaign to permanently ban same-sex marriage in the California constitution, Queer and Queer-friendly Californians are joining forces to mount a volunteer campaign to keep marraige equality opponents from getting the signatures they need to get their initiative on the ballot at all.

NO MORE WAR FOR ISRAEL SIGN IN OCT 27, 07 LA ANTIWAR PROTEST (good to see the Ron Paul sig (tags)


Confederate Monument Denton, Texas: End Racism & Violent Military History In One Click (tags)

Confederate Monument Denton, Texas: End Racism & Violent Military History In One Click by Aron Duhon 1/23/2008

Cal Single Payer Healthcare Petition for Download (tags)

The California Health Security Plan, an outstanding single payer healthcare initiative for the November 2008 ballot, is ready for your download and signature. We need 1 million signatures and we need you to help yourselves put an end to this nightmare some call healthcare in the USA. Michael Moore's outstanding movie, Sicko, should be the distant past, not current, bitter reality.

Ron Paul sign at Rose Parade seen by a billion people (why didn't the WRC do similar with (tags)

9:00 AM - Scattered Rose Parade Demonstrations Now Under Way (tags)

There are reports of small groups of demonstrators at various locations along the parade route.


Paul Modrowksi, convicted of Murder 1 on an accountability basis for supposedly lending his car to a supposed killer -- who was acquitted -- seeks release from prison for Christmas.

Impeach Cheney -- take action (tags)

Please join 100,000 of us, sign Congressman Wexler's online petition calling for impeachment hearings.

U.S. isolated on the Human Rights Issue in CUBA (tags)

The recent Cuban decision to sign the International Pact on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Civil and Political Rights is a clear example of the island's conduct when it is not subjected to external pressures...

Urgent petition save graffiti memorial Carlo Giuliani & Davide Dax Cesare... (tags)

Milan, Italy In memory of Carlo Giuliani, murdered on July, 21th of 2001 during the repression of the protests against the G8 summit in Genova, has been realized in Milan a "No Justice, No Peace" graffiti.

Living Peace Symbol in Santa Monica to Celebrate Day of Nonviolence 10/2/07 (tags)

Join us to celebrate the first annual UN designated International Day of Nonviolence. This event will take place this Tuesday, October 2, at 6:30 PM, just North of the Santa Monica Pier, and will involve lighting up the beach with a living peace symbol!

No More Petitions - Just Action! (tags)

But take my word for it, if you want to see a change, GIVE UP ON CONGRESS doing the right thing. As it has been said, Democrats don't want to wrench excessive, ubiquitous, executive power away from the Republicans - they simply want it for themselves in just under two years.

Codex Magica by Texe Marrs e-book fixed link (tags)

Codex Magica: Secret Signs, Mysterious symbols and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati by Texe Marrs 2005

freEtech2007, City Heights, Sun, Mar25, flyer (tags)

If you care about creating and sustaining a technological culture that is accessible to everyone, instead of being accessible to those who have $1500 to blow on a 4 day conference, then help us create freEtech, a free and open unconference in San Diego on March 25th, the day before eTech begins. Free Computer Classes, Workshops and Skillshares! March 25th, 10am – 4pm At the City Heights Free Skool! 4246 Wightman St, in City Heights On the corner of Van Dyke and Wightman San Diego, CA 92105 Come to freEtech, a free and open (un)conference in San Diego on March 25th, the day before eTech begins. As people who live in San Diego and care about making technology accessible and who care about supporting Do-It-Yourself culture, our group and the collectives we work with will provide the space, power, computers, projectors and internet access. We feel that emerging technology comes from rich cultural exchange, community and passion, not from corporations. If you agree, then come hang out with us and lets share ideas and eat some pizza.

Al Gore Seeking 500,000 Signitures to Congress Tomorrow. Please Sign his Petition (tags)

Al Gore Seeking 500,000 Messages to Congress by the Time He Testifies There Tomorrow. Email from Al Gore, March 20, 2007.

Minutemen in Tinseltown (tags)

The hardcore Minutemen/SOS paraded down Hollywood Blvd. to protest the imprisonment of two border-patrol Agents. The LAPD were were out in large numbers, as were counter protesters who walked the sidewalks and interacted in varying ways with the anti-immigrant protesters.

Sign Petition to Stop open Field GM Crop Trials (tags)

On 31st January 2007 there's a major hearing in the Supreme Court in India on GM crops. The organisers of this petition want to be able to show that there's massive worldwide support for calling a halt to the problems being inflicted by GM crops on India. They can only do that with your support. PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION AND PASS THIS ON TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES

Personal Account & Photos of the Los Angeles J27 Protest (tags)

A firsthand account of the January 27, 2007 antiwar march in Downtown Los Angeles, with 12 photos taken on the route.

$25,000 Reward for Japanese Whalers’ Coordinates (tags)

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is offering a reward to any one person or group that can provide the coordinates of the Japanese Whaling Fleet presently operating in the Ross Sea.

Report: Peace Action at Rose Parade (tags)

PASADENA, CA January 1, 2007 – A small group of anti-war activists were able to get their message out at the New Year’s Day parade in Pasadena today. Peace activists succeeded in hanging a large banner which read “STOP WARS” along the parade route.

THE WORLD CAN'T WAIT! in Ventura (tags)

Bikes Not Bombs at the Oct. 5 Rally (tags)

Bring your Bikes to the October 5th World Can't Wait Rally. What better way to demonstrate against the Bush regime's war for oil and against it's deception on climate change and environmental issues, than on a bike?

California Election Protection Volunteers Needed (tags)

As you're probably aware, voting rights are still under attack, and we need your help more than ever this year. Many states experienced widespread voter suppression problems in 2004 -- and another election of national significance is just around the corner on November 7.

Peace Group Shuts down Army Recruitment Center in Hollywood (tags)

LOS ANGELES, September 25, 2006 – A coalition of faith based groups succeeded in closing the army recruitment center in Hollywood today.

Sign Petition: Save the Berkeley Housing Authority (tags)

The Berkeley Housing Authority is in a crisis and needs you help!

Filipino Workers reject US navy offer, insist justice be done first (tags)

The Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR), in support of the Filipino wokrers demands and just struggle, printed this news that appeared both in the Balita Weekend , a Filipino American news weekly in Southern California and in the Filipino Channel North American that featured the discrimination of Filipino civilian workers at the US navy facility here in San Diego. The Workers flatly rejected an offer by their manager to take them back in, saying it sweeps off their complaints against repeated abuse and discrimination and demands for better working conditions, and releases the US Navy from any responsibility in their dismissal.

Action Alert - US Intervention in Nicaraguan Elections (tags)

For twenty-five years United States policy toward Nicaragua has been directed by two goals: working against Sandinista efforts to hold or retain power, and forcing free market ideology on the country in the form of trade agreements and harsh loan conditions from USAID, the World Bank, IMF and other institutions. This is not the policy of the people of the United States, and we need to make that clear.

Gold Star Mother Urges Americans to Sign the Voters Pledge (tags)

No More Pro-War Candidates, No More Wars of Choice

Voters for Peace (tags)

Take a Stand by Signing the Voters Pledge!

Sign the Voter's Pledge (tags)

This time around vote your conscience!

The Lone Protester (tags)

A powerful statement can be made by one lone protester. People often think they have to wait to *follow* someone else leading a protest, or for someone else to *join* them, before they can protest properly. But my street performer mentality says there is no time like now to launch a protest.

More than 10,000 people rally for immigrant rights in downtown Santa Ana (tags)

A crowd of more than 10,000 people jammed the streets of downtown Santa Ana earlier this afternoon to demand full amnesty for undocumented workers and protest pending legislation going through Congress that would criminalize their presence within the United States.

Sign the Petition Demanding Full Rights for All Immigrants (tags)

DEMAND FULL RIGHTS FOR ALL IMMIGRANTS! ¡Exijo Derechos Plenos para los Inmigrantes! Sign the Peoples Petition / Firme la Petición Popular

Support Indigenous Rights: Sign the Free Grassy Narrows Petition (tags)

In Ontario, Canada, an indigenous community called the Grassy Narrows First Nation are being subjected to human rights abuses. Logging companies, Weyerhaeuser and Abitibi are clear-cut logging their land without the community’s consent. This exploitation is poisoning their waters with toxins, robbing the community of economic opportunities, and destroying their way of life. Sign the petition -

Txtmob action alerts to save SCFarm! (tags)

Receive action alerts to save south central farm via text message! Just created a group at

Veggie Pride : May 20th 2006 in Paris (tags)

Are you veggie for the animals ? Come to the Veggie Pride !

Peace and Freedom Party Members in the 29th District Re-Connect (tags)

Register- Re-Register- Sign my Petition for Congress! See you there!

1/20: Please Sign the Petitions to Oppose Anti-Immigrant Bills! (tags)

We are asking you for your help in collecting signatures for a petition addressed to the Los Angeles City Council requesting they adopt a resolution in favor of the immigrant community.

Mexican comic character -- lovable or loathsome? (tags)

Many Mexicans refer to dark-skinned persons, both Mexican and non-Mexican, as "negritos," or little black people

Santa Monica Counter-protest: Don’t Teach Your Children Hate (tags)

Mobilizing overnight, the Santa Monica Chicana/o Community Shuts Down the Minutemen.

MinuteMenSos Rally in Burbank (tags)

Join Minutemen and their supporters this Saturday at a Minuteman Rally* at NBC Studios, Burbank, CA

Hilton Workers Fight for a Better Future (tags)

After just over a year of secret underground organizing, workers at downtown Glendale Hilton hotel make their campaign for better working conditions and union recognition public.

War of BIG words: Anti-War activist attacked (tags)

Anti-war activist Ford Greene faces opposition from right-wing extremists

San Anselmo anti-war activists calls out activists (tags)

Local anti-war activist calls out for solidarity in the face of a Town Council that passed a new regulation specifically designed to silence his anti-war billboard.

Republinazis want _others_ to kill babies (tags)

While Republicans wage war against innocent people and slaughter innocent children in their beds, the war mongering racist bigots are finding their victims fighting back. So now the Republinazis refuse to sign up and ship out while they advocate war crime atrocities against humanity yet _still_ support and defend their mass murdering baby killing Fuhrer George W. Bush.

Analysis of government propaganda (tags)

[Line by line analysis of government propaganda and damage control (Subject text repost from Yahoo)]

Traffic Police Taser Pregnant Motorist (tags)

Police use a taser on pregnant woman in her 8th month. The reason, she refused to sign the citation.

Arnold's Hired Thug Petition Workers and Scare Tactics (tags)

The conduct Erica describes constitutes a violation of Penal Code Sec. 422 -- "terrorist threats" . The statute punishes threats of bodily harm which are so unequivocal and immediate as to cause the person threatened to be in sustained fear for her safety.

Bush sending propaganda to local news (tags)

This is an article from the NYC IMC by Stop the propaganda sent by the Bush administration to your local news channels!

Sign Petition- Save Housing Assistance Programs (tags)

Sign Petition To Save Low-Income Housing!

Sign Petition- Save Social Security From Bush! (tags)

Feel Free To Sign Petition To Save Social Security From Bush!

A Petition To Ask For Rumsfeld's Resignation (tags)

Please sign the petiton by visiting the link & forward it to everyone you know.


The Voter Bill of Rights is a list of 10 essential steps for improving our electoral system.

what to do next (tags)

Millions of us turned out to oppose George W. Bush. We stood in lines for hours, in the rain, as part of the largest electoral turnout in our history. Bush received a record number of votes. So did John Kerry. I am asking you to turn out again.

Perry Homes Signs Are Changing Into Kerry '04 Signs (tags)

Bob Perry, resident of Houston and owner of Perry Homes, has donated more than one million dollars to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth have bought expensive mass media airtime and distributed misleading information about Senator John Kerry's military record in order to aid the George W. Bush campaign.

Michael Moore Thugs rough up protester (tags)

While Michael Moore spoke at the UCLA tennis center today, his hired security roughed up a sign carrying protester.

Kerry's Militaristic Intent (tags)

I watched the first of the Presidential Debates in Florida with amazement. Amazement, not at John Kerry's eloquence or George Bush's stuttering comments, but at the audacity of the remarks I was hearing. If I was unaware of the record of George Bush on civil rights and illegal maneuvers that he has made while in office, I would have actually thought that Bush, not Kerry was the lesser of two evils.

Truckers Join IWW, Win 2-Day Strike (tags)

More than 200 Stockton owner-operator truckers working out of the rail yards in California's Central Valley have joined the IWW since July and won several victories.

Save Tom's job -- sign the Wild Oats petition! (tags)

Tom Kappas was fired over a couple of bananas (or so they say!)

10 things all Americans should do (tags)

Rules to live by.


Communiqué from the Asociación Diáspora Vasca inviting you to sign in behalf of the freedom of the six Basques nationalists detained for over a year in Mexico.

Recalim the Parks in Modesto CA (tags)

Central Valley march and park occupations against police harassment of homeless, and lack of permenant shelter.

Petitions on Justice in the Timor Sea (tags)

You are invited to sign two petitions aimed at securing East Timorese rights to oil and gas. In Sep the Melb NGO Group petition will be presented to Australian Prime Minister John Howard and the Timor Sea Justice Campaign (Sydney) petition will be tabled in Parliament.

Yard Sign Project (tags)

The invitation below has been sent to artists, friends, writers, activists, and strangers. Yard Sign Project is online at, allowing individuals to freely print a larger, full-resolution image.

Yard Sign Project (tags)

Yard Sign Project Red, white and blue signs, approximately 1.5' x 2', are to be placed in front yards and other public locations.

is there a link to footage of the latest LAPD beating? (tags)

IF anyone has a link to the footage, please post it here. CNN makes you sign up for a pay service to access it. They're making money on it.

Yard Sign Project (tags)

An invitation to artists, writers, activista and hacktivists.

Bicycling on the Freeway (tags)

Biking on the freeway can be fun until CHP come along and tell you that you can't do that. Now what's the problem officer? My civil rights include me riding my bike for transportation, oh, sorry, forgot this was a police state..

Spray-painted swastikas are signs of the times (tags)

The Rev. Maurice Gordon, who doesn't mind being provocative himself, put up a sign for all who travel South Colorado Boulevard to see: " 'Jews Killed the Lord Jesus' " 1 Thess. 2:14, 15."

Freedom of Speech Bush Style (tags)

So this is America???

Code Pink briefly terminates Arnold (tags)

Code Pink briefly terminates Arnold

9-11 / Reichstag Fire - Contoversial Sign seen in Calgary (tags)

Photos taken recently in Calgary of a sign that has caught some people's attention.

Free Speech Zones? (tags)

As Bush spreads lies throughout the land, dissenters are corralled into “Free Speech Zones” –- is this America?

OnGoing Anti-Bush and Peace Vigil in Woodland Hills, CA - WE NEED YOUR HELP! (tags)

We have continued this Weekly Vigil Every Sunday in Woodland Hills, CA Against Bush and For Peace... WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! EVERY SUNDAY 6:30 PM - 8 PM NORTH EAST CORNER OF TOPANGA CANYON AND VICTORY ** MEET UNDER THE WESTFIELD TOPANGA MALL SIGN ! SEE YOU THERE!

West Valley Needs You (tags)

Sundays weekly vigil in Woodland Hills met with super white conservative pro bushies.

STOP US MILITARY AID TO ISRAEL! (please sign petition) (tags)

Please sign and circulate

Gov Davis' Thugs Terrorize Democracy (tags)

Gov Davis' organized crime thugs are busy terrorizing recall petitioners, who are enabling us to exercise our democratic right to sign a recall petition. The Recall procedure was won by progressives about 100 years ago, and we cannot let any fascist attack it for any reason whatsoever, regardless of who is paying for the recall.

Are all the regulars here now working? (tags)

It must be demoralizing to know that the job will either go to you or to a piece of tape.

Add Your Name or Organization to A Statement Condeming Bush's Agression Against Cuba! (tags)

Statement against perpetual war and in support of Self-Determination.

Warner Bros. CENSORS peace image from movie ads (tags)

The Associated Press reported on April 1st. that Warner Brothers Studios is CENSORING its poster for the movie, "What a Girl Wants." This is an instance of Orwellian mind control where even the past must be edited and "corrected" in order to shape public opinion.

Petition to Stop US Military Aid to Israel [please sign] (tags)


Peace Vigil For George Bush (tags)

Tuesday Peace Vigil for George Bush

Peace Vigil Sat & Sun (tags)

Come to Brea in Orange County to hold a sign for peace Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 noon to 6:00 pm. On the corner of Imperial Hwy. and Brea Blvd. in Brea

missing peace sign pix (tags)

missing: peace sign

Report from Wash DC: Attempted murder of a peace protester (tags)

We saw what happened yesterday at the Oscars. The police are stepping it up all over the country, especially at the White House, where fortifications and police actions make it look like a third world dictator's palace.

Best 'Bush = Nazi' sign from Hollywood 3/22 (tags)

A Brilliant Sign !

Sign Long Beach 03-21-03 (tags)

Sign from small anti-war demonstration in Long Beach.

Arts In Action Open (tags)


Peace Sign w/ Cala Lily (tags)

A peace sign with a symbol of death, a cala lily. launcehes emergency petition to Security Council (tags)

Please spread far and wide Dear friends, We've launched an emergency petition from citizens around the world to the U.N. Security Council. We'll be delivering the list of signers and your comments to the 15 member states of the Security Council on THURSDAY, MARCH 6.

SIGN ON - Int'l call Boycott US war Iraq (tags)

This is an international call for a boycott of the US war economy. The American economy is directly linked to the war on Iraq. Oil companies and arms companies, in particular, stand to make huge profits from a war on Iraq. The Bush Administration is prepared to go to war unilaterally, with or without a UN resolution. Consumers worldwide can say "NO"

"Veteran Will Work For Food" (tags)

idea for a protest sign

Santa Monica Protest Results In Closure of Chevron and Shell Stations Two (tags)

Community Demonstration Highlights Iraq War/Oil Connection

9-11 BUSH DID IT Sign In Calgary (tags)

A sign reading "9-11 Bush Did It" was up in downtown Calgary for 8 days in November.

Newhall Land's policies raise questions for stricter enforcement (tags)

From the LA Times Monday Dec.16th, 2002


HELP US get some attention about the anti-war movement in the media by signing this petition, please!! web link

report from 'Asian Fever' protest (tags)

response from passersby overwhelmingly positive

Not In Our Name - Peace Sign (tags)

LA Not In Our Name - Youth Gives The Peace Sign

URGENT -- Protect CA renters! (tags)

Call the Governor and ask him to sign AB2330! Protect California renters!

please sign and distribute (tags)

anti war petition; deadline fast approaching

Capitalist politicians divided whether US imperialism is good idea (tags)

BOGOTA -- Opposition to a U.S. order for Colombia to back immunity for U.S. troops before the International Criminal Court could spell difficulty for newly inaugurated White House representative Alvaro Uribe.

Bush Daddy Finale (tags)

Can any good come of the bad?

Israel and the U.S. sign mutual pact to avoid criminal court proceedings. (tags)

Is U.S/Israel guilty of war crimes? Hitler and Mussolini had something like that, didn't they? An agreement to restrict the extradition of their citizens to the International Criminal Court in the Hague is to be signed Sunday by Israel and the United States.



Bush in Paris (4) (tags)

This Parisian carries a sign in English that refers to Bush's foreknowledge of 9-11. Many Americans living in Paris joined the anti-Bush march... some even forming a contingent that marched behind a banner reading "Americans Against Bush." Photo by JJ Méric.



Hand-SIGN = 1M, Words, UNITE PEOPLE of PLANET, HAND-SIGN, STOP ALL WARs, click (tags)

Can You Do the... EARTH CITIZEN HAND-SHAKE, Hand-sign For People... Around the Planet... Together with the Peace Sign...


CO-FOUNDER OF UNITED FARM WORKERS JOINS KPFK PROTEST Dolores Huerta, who along with Cesar Chavez, founded the United Farm Workers (UFW), came out to protest KPFK's pulling of the "Seditious Beats" radio program.

Hegemony-Look It Up (tags)

Images from Jessica Lawless

Hegemony-Look It Up (tags)

Images from Jessica Lawless



o13 Peaceful Sign of Protest (tags)

A buncha people got together and made a peace sign in the sand. People sang songs, greeted strangers with open arms and the cops helped. The Mayor was there and other Santa Monica government officials. They were'nt there to yell at us. It was nice. I left feeling more positive and optimistic....

United for Peace - L.A. demo./22nd (tags)

One of 400 protestors opposed to War in the Middle East.

PEACE PLEASE - L.A. anti-war Demo. (tags)

Protestors carrying signs reading, "PEACE PLEASE" and "NO MORE VICTIMS."

Echo Park Spontaneous Flag Party (tags)

A little street style flag-wavin up in echo park or Now if they only had peace signs.

Castro comes back after collapse (tags)

President Castro climbs to make his latest speech

Thought of The Day (tags)

As we yell so loud, it remains buried in the sound of silence.

Photo: State Budget Surplus Stolen! (tags)

Photo: Union Activist at "Stop Rolling Blackmail!" Protest with sign reading "State Budget Surplus Stolen!"


A protest sign used at Bush's appearance at the Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, May 29th.

ENRON HOG (tags)

A protest sign used at Bush's appearance at the Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, May 29th.


A protest sign used at Bush's appearance at the Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, May 29th.

Fair Trade Sign Thru Chain Link Fence -- Hidden For Strawman (tags)

Fair Trade Sign Thru Chain Link Fence -- Hidden For Strawman

Update From Century City Protest (tags)

200-300 Angelenos gathered outside the Century Park Hotel to greet Dubya with a simple two word request: PRICE CAPS.

A7 we need your help (tags)

A big protest is being held April 7th to stop the adventure pass, we need your support. sign a petition at

Bill Lockyer to Riverside: sign agreement or go to court (tags)

California's state attorney general bill Lockyer issued an ultimatum to Riverside's City Council: sign an agreement to reform the police department or he'll see them in court. Mayor Ron Loveridge urged the council to sign but council member Ed Adkison says he'll have to think about it.

REVOCATION of Henry Kissinger's Nobel 'Peace' (tags)

Sign an international petition!!! *DISTRIBUTE WIDELY* please!

KLL YR LCTRL CLLG: Sign Ideas For Protesting The Bogus Vote (tags)

...just some sign ideas. please kick in more...

Call on Al Gore to DROP OUT and support Nader to stop GWB from a victory! (tags)

Progressives are calling on Al Gore to drop out and support Ralph Nader.

LAPD officer throwning away "Free Mumia" sign (tags)

A police officer outside of the Red Line (next to Twin Towers) takes the sign from a passenger on the train. He said there was a sign in the station that sayed that there were no signs on sticks aloud in the train. Check my site for more photos.

Tucson protests the DNC (tags)

Solidarity Protest in Tucson attracts activists and police, but not press.

Lone Sign at Rage Concert (tags)

Minutes before a Rage Against the Machine concert started in the protest pit Tuesday afternoon, a lone Mumia sign could be seen in the crowd.

Police Presence at D2KLA March (tags)

The massive police presence on Monday night increased the chances of violent action by boht the police and the protesters. After anticipating riots at this convention for many nonths, the police officers are primed to overreact.If the police admittedly plant infiltrators into protest groups, we have to consider the fact that they could be inciting violence within these groups. Fires Seattle Employees for Refusing to Sign Waivers (tags)

Seattle -- An estimated 20 employees were fired yesterday for refusing to sign paperwork that would have allowed the company to perform background checks on their personal lives.

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