fix articles 83304, noise
Los Angeles NYE Noise Demo (tags)
Call out for New Year's Eve Noise Demo outside Metropolitan Detention Center, Downtown LA
Los Angeles NYE Noise Demo (tags)
In response to the global call-out for New Years Eve's noise demos at prisons, jails, and detention centers around the world, we are calling all rebels and opponents of the Prison-Industrial Complex to convergence on the Metropolitan Detention Center in Downtown Los Angeles December 31st.
Jets Fly Over Residential Neighborhoods, So, Will DRONES Be Accepted? (tags)
News reports say that DRONES wil be flying in the same domestic air space as passenger jets. Is that O.K. with you? Is a DRONE just an up-graded super-cop helicopter with missles instead of guns?
PHILIPPINES: “Truth Action” in Support of Whistle Blowers (tags)
On Monday, members of Akbayan (Citizens Action Party) will conduct a creative action in Philcoa, Quezon City to support former Commission on Audit (COA) Auditor Heidi Mendoza and former military budget officer George Rabusa. The group will also condemn the prevalent corruption inside the Armed forces of the Philippines (AFP) which it said involved "GMA generals."
Wurstkutche aka Wilson Pitruzzelli Investments sued for Late Night Disruption by Neighbor (tags)
Wurstkuche Restaurant aka Wilson Pitruzzelli Investments LLC, is being sued again for Disrupting their Artist Neighbors late into the night.
A North American call out for a day of action against prisons in the New Year of 2011 (tags)
Noise demos outside of prisons in some countries are a continuing tradition. A way of expressing solidarity for people imprisoned during the New Year, remembering those held captive by the state. A noise demo breaks the isolation and alienation of the cells our enemies create, but it does not have to stop at that.
Wurstkuche Restaurant Fights For The Right To Disturb Their Neighbors. (tags)
Joseph Piruzzelli and Tyler Wilson owners of Wurstkuche Restaurant continues to Disturb Their Neighbors into the night
Arts District Artist Wins Law Suit For All Artist's Rights - Wurstkuche Restaurant Looses (tags)
Court ruling in case # LAM 10M07169 against Wurstkuche Restaurant said: "Nighttime operations causing excess noise constitutes private nuisance even if the use is permitted by city." A ruling in David Goldner's favor.
Radical Theatre: Ulysses' Crewmen w/ Peter J Woods (tags)
Insurgent Theatre and noise musician Peter J Woods bring their two radical and complementary projects to Echo Curio on Thursday, July 15th.
Activists Stand Against UCLA Primate Vivisection (tags)
Los Angeles: September 21st, 2008 The most recent UCLA demos against those who imprison, cut up, assault and kill non-human primates for a living was, on the one hand rather frustrating, yet on the other, EXTREMELY satisfying. The frustrating part was having the police constantly violate activists' civil rights to seek redress of their grievances by legally picketing on public side walks and chanting political speech to educate neighbors, as they exposed the selfish greed and self-promotion of UCLA primate killers.
Blackwater California Bid is Withdrawn (tags)
Blackwater Worldwide dropped its plans yesterday to build a military and law enforcement training camp in East County, San Diego, ending a storm of controversy over the security contractor's presence in the county.
Blackwater pulls application for Potrero training center (tags)
Blackwater Worldwide officials have announced they are pulling their application to build a training center on an 842-acre site in the East County community of Potrero.
7th Day in Oaxaca - A Report (tags)
At 9 am i arrived at Radio Universidad, ready to give another 1st aid class. Everyone was very enthusiastic about the class last night, and 9 am was the only time we could meet because of the women's march at noon.
Animal Activist NOT GUILTY (tags)
Media Alert! (Here's some accurate information regarding recent raids and repression against AR activists)
Protest held today at Mexican Consulate (tags)
20 adherents of la otra campaña protested earlier today at the Mexican consulate in downtown san diego to support vendors in Texcoco.
California Artist Fights For Noise Control (tags)
California artist and anti-noise advocate offers noise-free event.
Protest: Jan 31, Bush Step Down (tags)
On Tuesday, Jan. 31, as Bush delivers his State of the Union address, throughout the country, we will bring the noise and drown out Bush's lies
Drown Out Bush! -TUESDAY, JANUARY 31 - 5:00 PM (tags)
5:00 PM - Gather at Hollywood & Highland 6:00 PM - Noise & March - Drown out Bush! 7:00 PM - Rally at CNN (Sunset & Cahuenga)
Noise of Resistance! Jan 22 , 06 (tags)
Noise of Resistance! Music, Mobilize, Organize, Build, Resist!
Bush Step Down-Massive Protests Jan 31 & Feb 4th (tags)
Hotel Workers Picket Lines in SF (tags)
Cops step up harrasment of picketers at Palace Hotel. Now passing drivers can't honk in support.
Police State Shutting Down LB REACH Center! (tags)
Exploiting the Religious Title: Costa Mesa's Trinity Broadcasting Network Fights To Annoy (tags)
Costa Mesa's Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) attempts to overstep its bounds in using the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 to conduct church services and taping outdoors -- nearby residents outraged.
SUPPORT LB REACH CENTER (infoshoppe)!! (tags)
PRESS RELEASE: LBPD trying to shut down REACH Center; Command Post for Cop Watch. (tags)
Long Beach Police Trying to Shut Down LB REACH CENTER! (tags)
LBPD vows to shut down REACH Center.
zsee a merry kin spare it (tags) (the last third of this 84K file is about the terror attack; the tenor of comment on which I liked at www.indymedia where I have practically lived for months (posts in double digits) but the increase in traffic makes it practically unreachable so I hope yall will welcome me here (not all indy's pipe through the same peep rite?).
Echo Park Spontaneous Flag Party (tags)
A little street style flag-wavin up in echo park or Now if they only had peace signs.
Waterscooters and Muscleboats - our noisy enemies (tags)
What a noisy place our earth is today.