fix articles 83250, babylon
Blooming Bush Demockracy *** (tags)
This is a Forum Topix post being removed everywhere. The only way that I could keep it posted was to keep posting comments on it. 3/14 Nazi Death Doctor fixes Governor's sexual problem. Oh gee! Plant a tree!
Justice and Peace: Globalization from Below (tags)
Free trade is one of the most important idols that rule over us in Babylon..Deregulation as the owners of the world call this lawlessness leads to new forms of impoverishment..The greatest terrorist is neoliberal economicorder
Nlson Mandela and the Resurrection (tags)
Babylon, captivity and estrangement is not only a place in the ancient orient..Those who wait for God can expect something other than the law of the stronger that economizes away the weakest....God gives us strength for the years in Babyon.
Phone Jam to Shut Down the Minutemen Recruiting Drive! (tags)
HATE GROUP TO MEET IN BABYLON, NEW YORK! Phone Jam to Shut Down the Minutemen Recruiting Drive!
falling 1 tyrant shows how to fall them all
Babylon comes at Full Assault (tags)
Have empathy for the devil- not sympathy.
a strong wind
Witness Historic Jupiter Sighting from Joshua Tree February 27th! (tags)
On February 27, 2005, at 6:05 AM JT time (6:21 AM PST), the place to be for the finest observational post this side of ancient history is Joshua Tree, California.
The Isaiah Crowd And How Their Neo-Christianity is Killing Us (tags)
Why Isaiah? To this writer's taste, Isaiah was a pretty bloodthirsty fellow, certainly not someone I would have wanted my daughter to bring to dinner. In separate verse, he foretold the deaths of the people of Babylon:
Iraqi Officials Say Looting of Ancient Sites Continues Despite Pleas to U.S. Troops (tags)
On a visit Sunday, three sites near here were pocked with freshly dug holes and littered with hastily abandoned shovels, indicating looting in the last day or two. At one spot, about two dozen people ran off when they saw approaching trucks.
US soon shall Wipe out Babylon of Iraq (tags)
"Babylon will be destroyed in an overwhelming judgment of fire, but it will be in the Tribulation, which may be near, but not now. This is why we see Saddam Hussein continuing to be such a problem today, and also why it defies reason, human or inhuman, as to why the job was not completed in 1991.