fix articles 8318, always Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : always


Les gogos stakhanovisés (tags)

Tout en effet y est peau de vache...

Paraphysique du globicide (tags)

C'est la pensée militaire pour tout gouverner...

Propriétarisme des us et coutumes (tags)

Du profit capitaliste, faux ruissellement...

Engrammes et niches environnementales (tags)

The peace teaching of Jesus of Nazareth is thrown to the wind (tags)

Jesus, the Christ, taught love of God and neighbor, nothing else, but this has to be learned. But if not even the clear teaching of peace of Jesus of Nazareth in the biblical Gospels is taken seriously and followed by Bible believers, then we can conclude that the Bible mix has caused enough mischief for long enough.

Talking to the left (tags)

Developing a common transformational project and building counter-power remains the central task of the left. Especially in areas of social infrastructure, such as housing and healthcare, profit maximization has a particularly devastating effect. The strategy of socialization, i.e. the transfer of private property into democratic structures, can provide orientation here.

Is it permissible to criticize the West? (tags)

Children in the West today are brought up to believe that the West is superior in every way to Africa, Asia, China, Russia: that the world outside the West is a garden of horrors...It seems almost paradoxical that the West, which sees itself as the inventor of Enlightenment reason against dogmatism, still arrogates to itself the right to have a monopoly on reason

Hope despite the mess! (tags)

There is broad agreement that freedom should not only be measured in terms of one's own well-being, but also in terms of others, especially the socially disadvantaged, and in solidarity with those who lack recognition. The strong welfare state is widely accepted, even by those who pay more than they receive.

Climate catastrophe and `freedom of consumption' (tags)

It is not five to twelve, but five past twelve, as philosopher Slavoj Žižek writes. The fact that climate change is a fact (the details may well be debated) and poses a serious threat to humanity is something that the last fool should have realized by now.1 It is also clear that the emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases must be radically and rapidly reduced.

The Work Fetish (tags)

There are already more cars than Germany needs, more smartphones, computers, servers, machines than anyone really needs...There is no compulsion to build and construct so that engineers can justify their jobs, and on the other hand, there is no longer a compulsion to grow, which always makes new developments necessary.

The selfishness virus (tags)

Wétiko could be cured. The afflicted man was given warmth, contact and enough to eat; he was given services to the sick and the elderly and to be with children, always in the midst of the community. And at some point he knew again what life was about and who he actually was: part of a social fabric, child of the earth.

The US empire and the complicity of intellectuals (tags)

Interventions have always been dictated by the geopolitical and economic interests of the country. In fact, the United States is no exception to this rule. On the contrary, every empire acts in this way (see, for example, the invasions of Russia by Napoleon and Adolf Hitler).

Militarization and rearmament must be confronted (tags)

Mysticism always fertilizes the political through its transcending power. What is meant by this is that it not only points beyond the status quo, but also questions the conditions in their foundations and overall architecture. Mystical thinking always introduces a hint of how things could be.

The American century was yesterday (tags)

"The people can always be made, with or without the right to vote,to follow the orders of the leaders. It is very simple. One need nothing to do but to tell the people that they are being attacked, and to reproach the pacifists of their lack of patriotism and putting the country in danger. This method works in every country." (Hermann Goering,1946)

The thought matrix expands (tags)

Who has followed the change of the Internet over the last 10 years carefully, will agree with me that the at the beginning very wide spectrum of knowledge, which was available to one in the www, became thinner and thinner.

Nato expansion or democracy expansion (tags)

The Nato eastward enlargement is for a long time the central - not the only - background of a development dangerous for the world. No justification of any kind for the crime of the war against the Ukraine by the Russian government can be derived from this statement!

The Fascism Construction Manual (tags)

Immediately after the proclamation of this pandemic, many elements of absolute all-around totalitarianism were put into effect in most countries of the West, even in countries that had previously been robust democracies. All of this happened very quickly and comprehensively.

Toledot: Jewish Genealogy (tags)

Indigenous Rights, Genealogy, Jewish History, Israel, "Palestine"

Trump's fight against the law (tags)

Trump stands for the rejection of the universalist traditions of the US, for the abolition of the rule of law and the reign of the lie.

The Divided Nation. White Nationalism in History and Society (tags)

Americans have always valued their liberal heritage and their political system which tends toward the vital center. Two souls dwell in the American breast to speak with Goethe. White privilege is a defining factor.

Five Theses on the Political-Theological Foundation of Church Asylum (tags)

Human rights did not just fall from the sky, but had to and must be fought for by those who are not granted them...This includes the unwritten human right to global freedom of movement.

End of a Career. Obituary The "Swabian housewife" (tags)

The "Swabian housewife" dominated politics. Now she was buried by her inventor. The state is not a business or a housewife but can borrow and become indebted to help present and future generations. System change, not climate change! Fight ignorance, not immigrants!

Al Nakba 2020: Girding up the loins of the mind By Zahir Ebrahim, Project Humanbeingsfirst (tags)

The way Palestine was stolen from the Muslim goy, at the barrel of a gun, is also the only way it shall be recovered. Words that capture profound thoughts always lay the foundation of all human endeavors, both hegemonic driven by primacy instinct, and benevolent driven by altruism instinct. These two facets of mankind have been at odds with each other from the very first creation of man, and shall continue until the end of mankind. And at every juncture when these have intersected, ironically, it has always been the club that has subdued hegemony, not benevolent words, not protest marches, not divestment scams, and certainly not matams (laments). Primacy only understands the club!

"We Gotta Get Out of this Place" (tags)

"Bourgeois theorists have always believed capitalism to be “everlasting” because, they claim, it is in accordance with “human nature.” For them, all crises are only cyclical and transient:" This interview is from, 2/23/2016

Please Oppose Warmonger, Execution and Torture Supporting Bush Operative Brett Kavanaugh (tags)

Kavanaugh worked with G W Bush for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and the torture of prisoners. He supports big business over employees, wardens over prisoners, the rights of the wealthy to steal elections. He refused a detained teen the right of an abortion. He ratified a DC agency forcing medical procedures on the disabled against their will.

Phone Privacy? (tags)

I'm guessing the big-dogs probably have a way to make private phone calls; so I'm wondering what kind of person I should ask about the successful methods. I mean, I could ask a PI, get to know a phone company technician and offer an honorarium for good info, etc. I'll bet some people still have privacy. How can I approach such people and ask the right questions?

Dr. Maryse Narcisse of Haiti Visits Southern California (tags)

“Despite their overwhelming responsibilities, the women are always there. [Applause.] We are a very patriarchal society, but very matrifocal. [Laughter.] They call the women of Haiti 'the central pillar.' The women don't let themselves get discouraged by crisis situations, and despite the very difficult two years of electoral struggle they never got discouraged.They always maintained the torch of struggle for liberation. [Applause.] They are examples by their actions. . . . It is clear that the Haitian people are bent on the struggle. More than ever they are fighting for dignity, democracy, freedom, and the respect of their rights.” – Dr. Maryse Narcisse, April 24, 2017

Brazil wants democracy back II (tags)

The character, the lack of it, the temperament of the coup and of coupists that toppled Dilma Roussef last year was signaled through their first or one of their first legislative measures: the legalization of pedals, an administrative measure more than routine, used and abused for all, since always, and that is to hold resources for short periods, in order to smooth the financial roll. These were the only accusations that the coup leaders were able to brandish to remove the re-elected president and to establish parliamentarism, without the authorization of the population, required by the constitution.

State Legislature is where it's at (tags)

I got this bit of self-promoting spam in my mailbox, and it's a good example of a few things I want to tell my Greens.

Five myths about tax havens (tags)

When tax havens assist kleptocratic elites in hiding their cash with impunity, they don’t guard against corruption and despotism — they help perpetuate them. Tax havens provide an escape route from laws that is available only to a rich minority that can afford to use it...

60 Years of Resistance to the German Army (tags)

Today more and more people say Without Us! The German army is filled with so much contradiction that we can be very hopeful we will become a country without an army. We should debate this today. Always saying yes accomplishes nothing.

A Modest Theoretical Proposal (tags)

...and where are all the geniuses who could offer suggestions on how to improve the human condition!

Thoughts On Modern Police Action Against Our people (tags)

The opposing forces of the police vs. the people is not being correctly addressed by the world.

Indymedia groups are often controlled by fbi assassins (tags)

The fbi/cia/mi6,et al, now seek to control or destroy many Indymedia groups in order to suppress evidence of global atrocities.

Netanyahu on the Ropes (tags)


State Extremism (tags)

“Only state extremists can claim the state has the right when the state,preserves the security of its citizens by restricting their freedom, protects their life by spying on their life, proceeds against journalist activity with anti-terror laws and punishes investigators of state criminality..."

Uncensored Manifesto from Retired LAPD Officer Christopher Dorner (tags)

Uncensored Manifesto of Christopher Dorner

IN PSYCHIATRY History Always Repeats Itself. (tags)

Watch the Excerpt “If some doctors harm—torture rather than treat, murder the soul rather than minister the body—that is, in part, because society, through the state, asks them, and pays them, to do so.

Forced Regression (tags)

People navigating unusually trying circumstances often need to dig deep to come up with responses and solutions to those predicaments that are equally unconventional, in order to effectively navigate those circumstances. There are so many ways we can be tried in life, and not one of us experiences the exact same test, or experiences a duplicate test exactly the same way another person’s does. Individual and singular, there will always be something peculiar to who we are that is introduced into everything we do. Dealing with adversity is no different, and it can bring about new responses to situations many others have previously been through, due to our uniqueness as individuals.

When Ed's Burn Their Bridges, Leave Them Burned (tags)

Being involved in harassment no matter who you are or where it happens can be difficult and then some. If it's really deep it can feel as though you're in a situation with few options and/or recourse to getting your head above the problem. You can feel trapped without a clue as to whom to trust within the situation you're in, or as though there are no people you can trust or rely on. You may feel like there is no real way to survive the situation you're in, but to quit, leave, flunk out, stop, drop out or whatever applies to your situation.

Remembering Russell Means (tags)


Economist criticizes "pathological allegience" to economic models (tags)

The crisis was born when Maggie Thatcher and then Bill Clinton deregulated the financial markets. The explosive force that was detonated was incalculable. Economics gave support because it provides models.

Occupy LA Response to Divisive CNN Article (tags)

CNN wrote an article saying there were splits between Occupy and the immigrants rights movement. This is untrue.

Police Questioning - Liars 101 (tags)

Always refused to answer any and all police questions by taking the 5th Amendment and refusing to answer police questions.

The poor: always with us, necessarily not us (tags)

The poor are just people without enough money. But a 'culture of poverty' gives the affluent a reason to blame them for it


The bellicose American elite has the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei your best ally.

The Invisible Hand Doesn't Help Any More (tags)

Neoclassicism starts from the assumpti8ons that people always act rationally and market processes always lead to optimal results on account of the price mechanism. The market fails. Its view of the person as Homo oeconomicus must be replaced by the Homo cooperativus.

To Get The 1% To Beg Us For Mercy. (tags)

Occupy has run it's course as a tactic

Criticism of Economists (tags)

Economists with their models could predict the values of economic variables but did not foresee the greatest worldwide economic crisis in 80 years. Mechanical-deterministic neoclassicism is a self-contained theoretical model offering simple answers.

War: The Wrong Jobs Program (tags)

We Pay for Their Crisis (tags)

Making a game sound appealing whose frauds are obvious is increasingly hard for the governments. The neoliberal vision was always a society of the asocial. The categorical imperative of neoliberalism was always an open and cynical attack on the working class.

The magical world of voodoo 'economists' (tags)

It?s not just the 21st century they want to turn the clock back on ? health-care reform, global warming and the financial regulations passed in the wake of the recent financial crises and accounting scandals.


Who looks to Brazil, it thinks that the Brazilians imitated the USA. But the truth is exactly the opposite happened always.

Tata Noah chief of Indigenous communities (tags)

My grandfather walked with a very long stick adorned with many allegories. Tata Noah told me long ago that it represented our true nation, which was all unknown, because many of those living in the village had given in to the viciousness of the white people and did not follow the customs of our fathers. That hurt my Tata, so when I arrived, he ever and ever told me many things and stories of our nation...


The America began to bleed.


The world is of upside down.

Coming Back to Earth for the Healing of Humanity (tags)

Someday I know you will see their name in lights, unitl then hold their light in your hearts and allow the faith and hope they shared to guide you out of the dark.


he Americans live in a state to the soldiers' service.

Obama – The Egyptian King (tags)

Before I get started id just like you to watch the following video. Just so that we are on the same understanding that Obama is playing out the role of the lying puppet that he was always supposed to be.


Brazilian writer more sold in the USA is not the best Brazilian writer.

Helen Thomas Is Not A Bigot À La 'Eric Cartman' (tags)

The problems of Palestine are religious in nature. The religions have become conflated, of course, with 'race' and ethnicity. But religions have always been nothing more than aspects of mass media. Before television, organized religions ~were~ the mass media, since people would assemble every Saturday or Sunday to hear the propaganda of the ruling classes who financed the temples.

Dealing with PSL and ANSWER #2 (tags)

General summation re PSL/ANSWER

Sexual Offender As Label Versus the Zealotry of the Self-Righteous (tags)

Sexuality and eroticism has always been “offensive” to somebody. Especially is this so in this land of the blue-nose, which descended here from a long Christian paranoia of anything erotic and unclean. But where is this psychology of “erotophobia” mentioned in California’s latest crusade against anything that falls under the rubric of “sexual offender?”



Anti-nazi, pro-liberation mobilization in Los Angeles April 17 (tags)

antiracistaction_la wrote this in March, explaining the events today. follow the link to get the complete essay and comments.

Steve Murphy Sentencing on Monday! (tags)

Please join us in the courtroom on Monday!

Pomona College Workers Share Testimonies (tags)

Saturday, March 6, 2010
CLAREMONT, California - Despite a drizzle, students from Pomona and other Claremont colleges held a follow-up rally in support of the unionization drive for food service workers. Last week, students, arm-in-arm with workers, delivered hundreds of petitions requesting card-check certification for an independent union to Pomona College president David Oxtoby. The petition also requested non-interference from the College during the unionization drive.

I have a dream (tags)

When the seeds of truth are sown, the grassroots truth revolution will blossom from the enlightenment"

How To Detect Infiltrators and Observe Covert Police Misconduct (tags)

I-HOW TO SPOT THEIR PEOPLE: It is significantly more difficult to detect police spies in the flesh, than in a vehicle laden with tradecraft, but it can however be done. There are four ways I know of to accomplish this. They are verbally, emotionally, behaviorally and visually.


Burning the bridges of the corruption.


Do what I say not what I do!

VIDEO: Joseph Stiglitz' "Freefall" on BookTV (tags)

"Incentives matter. Short-sighted behavior on an annual basis involved excessive risk taking. `Too big to fail' is ersatz capitalism socializing losses.


Once upon a time...


Do Americans dream to do with the Amazonian now the one what did with Mexico in the past?


Meditations "meditabundas" on the press.


“I was in the East End of London (a working-class quarter) yesterday I attended a meeting of the unemployed. I listened to the wild speeches, which were just a cry for ‘bread! bread!’ and on my way home I pondered over the scene and I became more than ever convinced of the importance of imperialism.... My cherished idea is a solution for the social problem, i.e., in order to save the ..........inhabitants of the United Kingdom from a bloody civil war, we colonial statesmen must acquire new lands to settle the surplus population, to provide new markets for the goods produced in the factories and mines. The Empire, as I have always said, is a bread and butter question. If you want to avoid civil war, you must become imperialists," quoted by Cecil Rhodes an English Stateman to a journalist in 1895. 1. V.I. Lenin, Imperialism the Highest Stage of Capitalism

Obama Praises Repub Bob Gates & Signs More War & Fascism Spending Bills (tags)

Honesty is always the best policy and Democrat Obama told the truth as to who he is on 10/28/09 when he praised Bush's War Sec, Republican Bob Gates as he signed the National Defense Authorization Act and on 10/29/09, a bill for the Gestapo, the "Homeland" Security Dept, giving $724 billion for war and fascism while we have poverty, no schools, no healthcare, no jobs. Democrat Obama ALWAYS WAS AND STILL IS a millionaire, warmonger, death penalty promoter. This is what you voted for when you voted either Democrat or Republican in November 2008.


A film that summarizes the culture that originated it.

problem with china: they NEED a war (tags)


Minutemen Terrorists "Neighborhood Watch" (tags)

Some 'neighborhood watch': Forde's Minuteman spinoff outfit was about 'starting a revolution against the government' -- with video

FBI Christofascists Fake "Terrorist Threats" (tags)

Every time the Christofascists proclaim another "terrorist threat" to have been thwarted, it has ALWAYS turned out to have been a fake, the Christofascist State egging on mentally unstable people.

Welch's Marvelous Transformation (tags)

Nearly all the excesses summarized unter the terms turbo- or casino capitalism are based on the ideology of shareholder value: the rule of financial markets over the real economy, the short-term and short-sightedness of shareholders and waves of rationalizations."

Unemployed ? some thoughts that may help. (tags)

Out of a job ? again ? or suddenly scared of losing that job you complained so much about just recently ? You are not alone. Some thoughts of an unemployed. Share your comments and suggestions here too.

"Fuel" (review) (tags)

I thought Fuel was very well-made, important, and informative--there's a lot to absorb. I don't agree with every point of view expressed in the film, but I realize the movie has to communicate to diverse people.

Wars & Depression Quickly Accomplishing the Corporate Agenda! (tags)

Wars & depressions are being artiicially fabricated and engineered expressly to rob the general public out of their wealth,their security and their hard fought for civil and human rights! In today's right wing system - You always LOSE - they always WIN! .......................................................................


Hi fellows, here is the very first draft translation in English of the first pages of our last review in French "Communisme" N°60. Sorry for the language but improvements will come later. Meanwhile, have a good reading and we are waiting for your comments and critics...

A Simple Solution to the States' Budget Crises (tags)

On February 16, in Salem, Oregon a rally of more than 5,000 students, teachers, parents, and social service workers assembled in front of the state capitol, demanding a solution to the state’s financial crisis. This was but one of many similar protests nationwide; and Oregon is par for the course when it comes to U.S. states neck deep in a budget crisis. It is estimated that, unless other sources of revenue are raised immediately, the state will make $800 million in cuts…by June. The projected deficit for the next two years is $2.5 billion.


Dear Brothers & Sisters, We all need to pray for one another, and to love oneanother. We should always pray for the safety, peace,love and brotherhood for people all over the world. Too bad we can't have an independence day for theentire world

Will Obama Start the Next Trade War? (tags)

While campaigning to be president, Obama gave the general impression that he would act “cooperatively” to solve international problems, moving away from the Bush strategy of irresponsible “unilateralism.” But Obama took an aggressive stance towards China even on the campaign trail, including the accusations of “currency manipulation,” “violating intellectual property rights,” and “devaluing their goods.” Of course, the average American cares nothing about these types of crimes, nor should they.

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 12.15.08 (tags)

Political Ammunition You Can Use

Continually updated news on the Greek riots (tags)

The Center For Strategic Anarchy blog is being continually updated with news, images, video, and accounts from solidarity actions around the world. Come get your piping hot Greek riot news:

Bad Hare Days for Jack Rabbits and Animal Rights campaigners in Ireland! (tags)

In Ireland, the public torture of jack rabbits (hares) is a pastime opposed by the majority of the population but supported by a handful of politicians who are turned on by the cruelty!

Long march to freedom (tags)

[ Like non-whites and women, queers must keep marching on a very long road.] .....

Crazed Scientology Gunman Murders Fellow Customer (tags)

In a phenomena human rights and civil activists have been calling, "Another satisfied customer" for the past 30 years, another insane Scientology gunman shoots and kills another fellow Scientology customer.

The Death of Capitalism (tags)

This latest crisis may be the last one that capitalism can survive.

Understanding that which can only be felt (tags)

Make sure you read to the end Hence always rid yourself of desires in order to observe its secrets; But always allow yourself to have desires in order to observe its manifestations

The Psychopathology of The Republican (tags)

Fear. Domination. The Reptilian Brain and the Non-Goodness of Man. The Republican party is a party of domination, not partnership. Dominate the earth-drill, excavate. Dominate Iraq, because they could someday dominate us.

Tarot Cards and the Left (tags)

How prognostications of doom encourage passivity over action

JFAV and the Filipino Community Salutes Companero Don White (tags)

We, in the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) were profoundly shocked and saddened on the news of the sudden death of Don White, a dear comrade and friend of the Filipino World War II veterans and the Filipino immigrant community. Don White, the Director of the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) in Los Angeles, 70, died of a massive heart attack in his apartment last Friday, June 20, 2008 in Los Angeles.

Companero Don White, PRESENTE! (tags)

Don White, PRESENTE! Don is an internationalist like Norman Bethune. He was ever present for Filipino-American issues like the anti-Marcos movement and the Oust Estrada campaign and the oust GMA movement. He always drew paralells with the brutal US-Marcos dictatorship and the atrocious El Salvador military dictatorship that existed at the same time.

Don White Presente...With Love (tags)

I have memories of Don....on a bus to a border event. Making sure that everyone had water. Making sure everyone on the bus had his cell number in case something should happen to anyone. Making sure that we were all accounted for on the way back.

Memorial Meetings For Ka Bel Held in the US (tags)

A simple, solemn and intimate memorial meetings by Filipinos. Filipino-Americans and international solidarity allies were held in the cities of New York and Los Angeles in the United States last May 27 and 28 as Ka Bel was laid to rest in the Philippines. Other memorial meetings are also slated to be held in Chicago, San Francisco and Seattle next week. Scores of activists from the Alliance-Philippines, Gabriela Network-USA and International solidarity groups like International ANSWER, Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), Justice for Filipino Americans (JFAV) and LAANE held the memorial meetings to pay their last respects to Ka Bel in Historic Filipinotown and Queens, New York.

Dont Be Net Neanderthals! (tags)

The world that you see is an interpretation product of your intelligence. The time of stinking steel-and-oil machines is over. Rejoice, the net will be your car, airplane and spaceship!

“Hunger riots”, it's the struggle of the proletariat! (tags)

on the path of light (tags)

Welcome to the mutual study of ancient wisdom, here we are exploring the limits of our reality. We are a group that goes by the name Procyonlotor, the majority of our group observes from the non-physical dimension

LA Time Opinion Piece Sells Tibet Down the River (tags)

LA Times Columnist Tim Rutten did a hatchet job on Tibetan human rights struggle with his April 9 Op Ed in which he claims that protests don't do any good and implies we should just let the tyrants have their Olympics of Barbarism unopposed.

Iraq : Are there any Tears Left? (tags)

In the Inquisition-scale horrors, inflicted upon Iraq, since a month short of five years ago, the ghosts of the Western-imposed human cull over the previous thirteen years - from life's dawn, to those in its twilight - sometimes, very temporarily, briefly flicker and fade slightly, in the light of another immediate atrocity of enormity. They always return, as they must, in a sight, a scent, a phrase, a 'phone call. Reminders of sins of overwhelming enormity in high places, as Washington and Whitehall bleat about their infantile 'war on terror' and 'rogue states'.


But, although I was getting better on one level, I still had severe problems from damage that had already been done to my organs (specifically, my heart). Losing weight just wasn’t enough to regain the health I had enjoyed as a younger man

War Has been declared (tags)

Yes the war has been declared. It has been declared against humanities freedoms, liberties and health. You have been unknowingly disarmed. You have lost the most powerful weapon. That weapon is knowledge of the truth. Society has been fed a diet of professional propaganda lies since before your birth.

"Israel's Policy Promotes Anti-Semitism" (tags)

Israel criticism per se is not anti-Semitism. That is wrong and leads us astray. How can open elections be demanded of Palestinians and then the results are not accepted?

what made Addington a fascist? (tags)

His abusive, authoritarian father, of course. And now we have to suffer the consequences.

The other (tags)

Karen Armstrong, the British theologian and author of numerous books on the great religions, has advanced the theory that fundamentalist religion is a response to and product of modern culture. A Catholic nun for seven years, she left her order while studying at Oxford University. She is one of the 18 leading group members of the Alliance of Civilizations, an initiative of the former UN General Secretary Kofi Annan, with the purpose of fighting extremism and furthering dialogue between the Western and Islamic worlds. Andrea Bistrich interviewed her for Share International.

Market Efficiency Hokum (tags)

Debunking the myth that free markets work best.

The High Social Cost of Low Corporate Taxes (tags)

It is now taken for granted that social services in the U.S. will be under-funded – if they are funded at all. This isn’t because average people think that such things are unimportant, but because we’ve been taught by “our” representatives in government that even a miniscule social safety net is economically impossible (it is never explained why – it just is). As this approach continues to dominate mainstream political life, the living standards of working people everywhere are being destroyed, and the meager reforms politicians have always promised us have devolved into even tinier crumbs and counter-reforms. Indeed, reforms that benefit the working class seem to be impossible in Washington now-a-days, precisely at a time when the wealth of the country has never been greater. To make sense out of such irrationality, one has to consider that this issue isn’t limited to the 50 states of the U.S. – it’s an international problem, and its cause is no accident.

baby abuse (tags)

is the in thing with the priests

The last (tags)


The Greater Wrong Of The Right (tags)



On this May 14 election week, the brutal Arroyo regime in the Philippines backed by the Bush administration is facing the people's judgment for "crimes against humanity." This essay reflects on themes and issues surrounding the crisis of the neocolonial polity in the context of Bush's war of terror and barbaric, predatory globalized capital's assault on the peoples of the world.

New Book Argues L.A. Country Music Culture Not Always So Conservative (tags)

While country music and SoCal's "Okie culture" are often thought to have been forever aligned with racial and social conservatism, this has not always been so true according to author Peter La Chapelle in his new book, Proud to Be an Okie: Cultural Politics, Country Music, and Migration to Southern California.

Helen Thomas Compares Bush’s White House to Watergate (tags)

White House reporter, Helen Thomas, gave a talk at McDaniel College, in Westminister, MD, on April 12, 2007. She labeled President George W. Bush Jr. as a very “isolated” individual, and said today’s White House reminded her of “Watergate,” with the “circling the wagons” and “siege” mentality, She denounced the Iraqi War as “illegal, immoral and unconscionable, “and asked: “Why do Americans tolerate such a dumbing down of our country?”

"The New Life Before Death" (tags)

"Second Life" is a new platform. The first platform of humanity's history was the biblical ark of Noah.. Now we can enter a parallel universe during life.. Peter Weibel is a media theoretician in Karlsruhe, Germany.

The Coming of Rebbi Yeshua and Maestra Maria (tags)

The significance of the tomb archeology.

Decline (tags)


Pinochet is dead! It is time to kill the system that spawned him! (tags)

The fact that the death of Pinochet on Sunday sparked off celebrations in Chile and around the world should surprise no one. He was a hated figure, a living symbol of the real face of the bourgeoisie. In "normal" times the capitalists prefer to govern through "democratic" parliamentary means, so long as their fundamental interests are guaranteed. But the capitalist system cannot always guarantee that its interests can be defended through parliamentary means. History is full of examples where the bourgeoisie has preferred to do away with the niceties of "democracy"... Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Suharto... the list is endless.

Why any true Liberal should support Steve Kubby for President (tags)

Why Steve Kubby is our best bet

Theologians of the Market Economy (tags)

Mandeville's thesis that private vices often change inadvertently into collective virtues as a bee collaborates in building a beehive is a literary construction. The market in Smith's explanation is nothing but a religious paradox.

Iraq’s Health Ministry Directed to Withhold Mortality Figures to United Nations (tags)

News Item: Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki’s office has instructed Iraq’s Health Ministry to stop providing mortality figures to the U.N. in an attempt to keep the number of civilian war dead a secret. This comes in the wake of an American epidemiologist study which indicates that 650,000 more people have died since the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq than would have died without the invasion. I have come into possession of a letter from U.S. Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, to the Iraqi Prime Minister on how to deal with this subject. Here is the letter.

Undeserved Forgiveness ? (tags)

Interesting story of forgiveness in the face of terror.



Pema Chödrön's The Places that Scare You: a videotape lecture (tags)

ema Chödrön's The Places that Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times A videotape series presented by Lynda Golan and Stanley Weiser at the Santa Monica Zen Center September 5 - October 10, 2006 September 5, 12, 19, October 3, 10 Tuesday 7:30pm Price: $10.00

The Activist Support Circle: Dealing with Activist Fatigue and Other Problems (tags)

Organizers and participants discuss this monthly gathering in Santa Monica.

Sensible Mandate (tags)

Peoples do not win wars, only governments. People only delight in war when they are poisoned by propaganda and indoctrinated by the school, media and religion.. War, this orgy of killing and destroying, is the absolute horror.

the Excuse of all who oppose us (tags)


US Media's "Rules of Political Correctness" (tags)

Dues to "our" Zionized US media...

Israeli Intellectuals Love the War (tags)

Dedicated to the too few Israeli intellectuals who do dare speak out against this war.

Abandonment (tags)

On the encounter among the abandonments, truthful history.

Politicians Lie? Say it Ain't So! (tags)

...All by its lonesome, the federal government extracts over Two Trillion Dollars from us every single year. Yet, with all this unthinkable wealth, it has been incapable of reducing poverty, improving our schools, preventing 9-11, catching those who perpetrated the attacks, making health care affordable, reducing crime, and so on. Going even further, each year, it passes new laws that make it legal to pry into your life even more...

African-Americans, Economic Well-Being, and Immigration (tags)

...while the concern for African-American well-being is well placed, the source of the problem is not always correctly located...

Populist #26 (tags)

Responsibility and War Powers

The Iran, Idaho, Paris Connection (tags)

There is a connection between Iran, Paris and Idaho that has been missed by Intelligence Analysts.

The Big Lie (tags)

Hitler and Bush have much in common...

General Michel Aoun to ‘Monday Morning’: (tags)

He has the gift of facilitating matters. With him formalities and ceremonial go by the board. The conversation is quickly under way with the “General” at his residence in Rabiyé, which was thronged with young people and retired Army officers who remain devoted to him. There, one found those who had remained faithful to him, who had waited patiently for 15 years for his return from exile. I saw myself propelled back 16 years to Baabda Palace, with the same images and sensations. But that was another time and place. The general himself seemed unchanged: as feisty as ever, the eternal resistance fighter. He has changed in one way, as he himself said: he has learned to be patient, to move slowly, which for him, unfortunately, is a waste of time. He has great aspirations for Lebanon, which still has much to learn in terms of democracy, human rights and the building of nations.

Land of the Puppet People (tags)

It oftentimes boggles the mind to try and understand the ease with which the Establishment can manipulate the American citizenry into another warmongering escapade..yet it is easy to comprehend this phenomenon, for we live inside the United States of Amnesia, a country where all semblance of the yesterday becomes but a haze of blatant forgetfulness and convenient whitewash.


Eco-Space interview with Yahel Chirinian by Noor Cipriani for Nova


Fashion Gurus names her "the most creative woman in design" and one trendsetter journalist ranks her as "the only female designer that can virtually guarantee originality and vision to a project ".

Bush's bitch (tags)

Bush id getting fed up with his Brit bitch.

My Brain Is Not Silly Putty (tags)

The term "paradigm shift" is used with increasing regularity in popular media. It describes a profound and usually irrevocable shift in the way people think. Despite its amazing overuse, I do like the term -- a change in the collective heart and mind is necessary in order for tangible change to occur.

SUPER TERRORISTS! 'Pollywood Studios' Latest Production (tags)

The Jordan bombing publicity has Pollywood (as in Pentagon's Hollywood) written all over it. Pollywood's favorite theme, after "THE NATION AT WAR" is "TERRORIST MASTERMINDS." The favorite script always stars a single villain, who is turned into a bogey man of superhuman proportions.

Not Martial Arts, cRuiciaL aRtS (visionary!) (tags)

Let's face it, today's society is a form of 'low intensity war'; we are a colonized lot, compelled away from our pre-colonized imaginations long ago. We are bred to fight, and we regularly fall back on all we know. Then, to evolve the situation, to "wage peace", some of us are going to go to a kind of "peace war". This war is the war of cRuciaL aRts, not Martial Arts. Sections include: intro scenario, a craZy sketch, then a realistic sketch; after that is 'seeking to articulate'

Ossama Bin Laden Makes Surprise Cameo Appearance in Beheading Video (tags)

Bin Laden Surprise Appearance

LA: Don't Just Protest, Organize! (tags)


Schwarzenegger's Dreams of Dictators (Read Before You Vote!) (tags)

In case you, your friends, or your family need another reason to vote "NO" on Propositions 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, and 78, consider these quotes from power-hungry Governor Arnold:

Local Sailor Killed in Iraq (tags)

On Monday, Allan Espiritu , a longtime Oxnard resident and a man of deep religious faith, was killed by an improvised explosive device in Iraq.

To Ángel's Baby in Heaven (tags)

My little brother Ángel, who's locked up in the Illinois correctional system, sent me this drawing and poem. It explains a very traumatic event in his life, and how his faith in God is helping him overcome his pain and straighten out his life. I will let Ángel's words speak for themselves.

Recreational killers in San Gabriel Mountains (tags)

I'm always disgusted and amused by these clowns.

There's an explanation for all this (tags)

“It will be a hard pill for many Americans to swallow--the idea of doing with less so that big business can have more...Nothing that this nation, or any other nation, has done in modern economic history compares with the selling job that must be done to make people except this reality.” (Business Week 10-12-74.)

Katrina: A Rorschach Test - (Send in the Clowns) (tags)

No Summary

Speaking Truth to Power (tags)

I would like to acknowledge the following professors for this dialogue and article about a sensitive issue in the Chicano movement: Mario Barrera of Berkeley, Noam Chomsky of MIT, Chuck O’Connell of UC Irvine, and Jorge Mariscal of UC San Diego.

Local Marine Killed in Iraq (tags)

Marine Cpl. Carlos Pineda, 23, Los Angeles; Killed During a Rescue in Iraq

Transformation and Rebirth (tags)

We are in a wonderful time of change.

Agressive Cops at the Minutemen Protest (tags)

A video clip of police thugs in action.

Babylon comes at Full Assault (tags)

Have empathy for the devil- not sympathy.

The Omniscience of Memory (tags)

Except for the recallable memory, especially the one in human beings, there is not a single entity in this universe that knows more about the changes taking place in this universe. This is so, because whatever the whole content of the universe is undergoing, it is but a "change of condition." The fact that man has the ability to recall the impressions of the "past condition" recorded in our brain as memory is indeed worth our admiration. If the claim that no other creatures, not even those from outer space, have recallable memory turns out to be true, we are definitely left with no other choice but to accept it as fact that man is the only creature capable of knowing the course of events of the whole content of the universe. Now, who actually is this creature that we call man?


M19 Peace March (tags)

A speaker from the A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition said on the microphone that they were about 20,000 people protesting the war in the streets of Hollywood, on March 19th. Certainly they were a lot of people in the streets, much more than the reportedly 4,000 quoted in the LA times. I was on the sidewalk watching the protesters passing by to try to size the number of people in the march and to see the end of the march, but after 30 minutes I gave up.

Quotes From Arnold Schwarzenegger (tags)

Quotes From Arnold Schwarzenegger

At home. (tags)


Saddam Hussein, Is, Was and Always Will Be the Genuine President of Iraq (tags)

Message of Peace (tags)

Message of Peace in to: Thank you and until always Luis Cernic

America in Decline (tags)

The greatest problem I have with America is not Bush in himself. Rather it is that people no longer seem to care what their political leader tells them or how many lies are spread.. Bush completely ignores Europe and Nato..



2 California Soldiers Killed in Iraq (tags)

Marine Cpl. Jeremiah A. Baro, 21, Fresno

Politicians and their Scapegoats (tags)

Politicians create scapegoats and use them for their goals. Politicians manipulate the population because it is easier to govern with scapegoats.

Local Soldier, Killed in Iraq, Laid to Rest (tags)

Gloria Salazar, middle, mother of Las Vegas Marine Cpl. William I. Salazar, is consoled by family member Sammy Acosta, left

Fair Expectations (tags)

George W. has always o­nly had to "exceed expectations", which are always set low to begin with. He has never actually had to "win" a debate; he wins by not losing, or in some cases, even by not losing badly.

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Marine Corps Sgt. Edgar Lopez, 27, Los Angeles; Killed in an Explosion in Iraq

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Cpl. Nicanor Alvarez, 22, was one of four Marines from Camp Pendleton who died Saturday during fighting in Al Anbar Province, Iraq.

If Bush Wins His First Election: A Not So Far-Out View of the Not Too Far-Off Future (tags)

So you think things are bad now? Well, they hella are. But you ain’t seen nothing yet if Dubya wins (or is re-appointed) November 2. For a grim peek at how things may look should John Kerry come a cropper on Election Day, read on.

The Present Time (tags)

All we can feel about our selves is that we are experiencing "the present time" on and on throughout our lifetime. Could all this possibly be a result of the fact that the basic matter that forms the contents of the universe is "always present" and that all it experiences is but a change of position?

Saul Alinsky told us there'd be days like this. (tags)

Government-approved and -directed marches will always end in some shameful pen.

Dispelling myths about gay activism (tags)

Wake the Fk Up: A Primer (tags)

Life is not fair. Accept that fact and deal with it. Government ain't going to make life fair, either. If you believe that GOVERNMENT is the answer to your problems, you need to be dragged off and shot.



Ending Our Oil Addiction (tags)

(There Was Much Wailing And Gnashing Of Teeth)

Racial Accountability (tags)

In this world, there are many races, and many people who are of mixed race. Still, how you act is always going to be construed as a part of your culture.

Un-manageable (tags)

Un-manageable Saturday July 24th 2004 at Flor y Canto 6 PM A discussion on the ways in which institutions have been using discipline and normalization as tools to mold the individual into docile and manageable bodies. The primary target of control is no longer just our body but also, if not primarily, our 'soul' ...




"Long before Howard Zinn wrote his 'A People's History of the United States', Pete Seeger sang it. Whether he's explaining just whom Casey Jones the Union Scab was or asking the question "Which Side Are You On?" or telling of the women workers' struggle in "Bread and Roses" or engaging in Leadbelly's story of racism that brings about "The Bourgeious Blues", or singing the mournful anti- war "The Crow on the Cradle", or offering an introspective celebration of the earth in "Sailing Down My Golden River", its all about us. All of us."

A Family Of Spies (tags)

An opinion piece on current elections using past events as a Point Of Reference.

Fedayeen as Vietcong: Iraqi Resistance is Rocking the Occupiers!!! (tags)

The Glorious Viet Cong of Our Era: Iraqi Armed Resistance Sending Occupiers Home in Coffins or Carrying One!!!

Message of Peace (tags)

To read Message of Peace and science fiction in: thank you and until always

7 Destructive Habits of Incompetent People (tags)

WARNING! If you want to have a fantastic life, never engage yourself in these 7 deadly habits that may ruin your life.

US military Bases Must Go: Radical Magazine (tags)

There is a pathertic disease of confused thinking - Its Called We Are Everywhere - or The Carnival of Resistance - It works for the Capitalists - becuase it is afraid of power. Noam Chomsky, Ralph Nader, Dennis Kucinich are proponents.

The Choices Are Clear (tags)

The Choices Are Clear: Either Tyranny Or Enlightenment, The Race To Rainbow Bridge

The man who helped us become a democracy (tags)

If it's not skin bigotry, it's sex bigotry, and if it's not sex bigotry, it's national bigotry. A lot of people just aren't going to give up their prejudices, no matter how many lives are lost.

Building Bridges Radio presents David Rovics (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Reports presents this 58 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK

Willie Nelson's new song (tags)

Willie, like the Dixie Chicks, is speaking his mind about this president and this war.

Closed War Tribunal Set up on, Saddam Captured on 12/13: Coincidence? Yeah, right (tags)

Saddam always vowed to expose the depths of his dealings with the Reagan and Bush I administrations if ever he were before a world court. But there will be no world war crimes court, thanks to hasty preplanning by Bush.

The Democratic Candidates Are Too Dumb To Be President (tags)

They say Bush is dumb. Duh!!!

Do the bankers and the politicians need $87 billion for the war, or do they need the war (tags)

WAR, WAR, WAR The fundamental dynamic of the American economy is war. It requires a constant expenditure of Federal Re serve interest-bearing credit to survive, and the best way to accomplish this requirement is war. The taxpayers can always be inspired to support war. It may be said that the public loves war almost as much as the bankers and their office-holding puppets.

Rat Pack Republicans (tags)

The old Republican conservatism, like that of Barry Goldwater, was essentially libertarian. But a new pack Republicans, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, are exuberant about issues the old gaurd deplored, like abortion and gay rights.

Surveillance Is Attack on Nonconformity (tags)

Check out Alex Jones (



What Liberals Believe (tags)

Rich Lowry is editor of National Review and he has a deep understanding of Democrats and Liberals

American Psycho (tags)

The matter and manner of Bush's speaking are always an ordeal for thinking people. He seems convinced that every audience deserves the same approach given the pathologically credulous at a revival tent meeting.

SMOG: Can you breathe free in a free maket? (tags)

When asked about smog in the LA basin, Nobel Prize Economist and Libertarian Milton Friedman claimed that; "the smog went back 200 years. There are stories of the Indians describing that as a smoggy area"

Not Caretakers - But Prison Guards (tags)

Apartments are now run by the State. The caretakers are now prison guards. People always love their slavery so they put up with it. They give ttheir money to the politicians, through forced taxes, they give their money to the criminals, they promote evil this way. That's how backwards humanity still is.

Hitler Knew Where the Jews Lived - Why? (tags)

Hitler could round up the Jews because he knew where everyone of them lived. Why did he know?

Al Giordano interviews Latuff (tags)

Exclusive interview with Brazilian cartoonist Latuff for Al Giordano's Big, Left, Outside.

War Crimes in the Name of Freedom: 227 Years.... (tags)

As Americans prepare to celebrate their Independence Day this July 4, 2003, with a grandiose glorification of ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—and wars from days past--it’s worth remembering those millions of civilians and/or non-combatants who have died at the hands of unconstrained and psychopathic American power.

DefenseWatch "The Voice of the Grunt": Loyalty to the Country Always (tags)

Like the Dixie Chicks, the Irish people aren’t afraid to sound off. Forever mindful of their hard fight for liberty, they don’t take freedom of speech for granted. And their stand-up-and-be-counted electronic media regularly – and righteously – go for their politicians’ jugular veins with a vengeance seldom seen in the USA these days. I suspect the reason for the difference is Corporate America’s control over our airways; the big guys are now shamelessly riding the same corrupting pork train as most Washington-based power players.

Self Liberating Spirit (tags)

Contemplation about liberation of humans from authority. - Individual freedom of all human beings is an indispensable condition for a just, peaceful and egalitarian harmony in their relations. At the present, only a tiny minority of people in the world is experiencing a life in the vicinity of what may be described as freedom to develop their natural capacity as humans and realize their dreams.

The Silencing of Dissent on Graduation Day (tags)

Text of the Rockford College, Rockford Illinois graduation speech by Chris Hedges Story published May 20, 2003

Through A Glass Darkly An Interpretation of Bush's Character (tags)

Bush never goes anywhere where his stage crew has not first assembled giant flags as background. He always wears a sizeable American-flag pin on his lapel. This kind of totemic, obsessive use of flags was absolutely characteristic of Hitler.

Proudhon and the Speculator's Manual in the Stock Exchange (tags)

Proudhon and the Speculator's Manual in the Stock Exchange

GOOD MORNING, MOSHE -- Thoughts on Israel, Palestine (tags)

There is no law that states Israel is set apart, that says it cannot be judged on its conduct, that it can kill at will, disregard international law, and moral, ethical and judicial conduct. So why is this tyrannical behaviour allowed to continue?

The Patriot Act and Persecution of Sherman Austin (LA Weekly article) (tags)


Proudhon: About the Education (tags)

Proudhon: About the Education

my apoligy to daveman (tags)

my apoligy to daveman

Capitalism: A Very Special Delirium (tags)

Capitalism: A Very Special Delirium an interview with Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari in: "Chaosophy", ed. Sylvere Lothringer, Autonomedia/Semiotexte 1995 with permission by the publishers

Capitalism : A very special delusion~G. DeLeuze (tags)

Capitalism: A Very Special Delirium an interview with Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari


The NeoCons just can't seem to get it right. The Government is not the Country; the people are the Country.



Don't fight Allies, says Ayatollah (tags)

A leading Iraqi Shiite Muslim has urged Iraqis to remain neutral and not fight the invading Allied troops.

How Strange (tags)

How strange that when Hitler's army laid ruthless siege to Stalingrad, and bombed and shelled that great city into rubble with unprecedented loss of life,

Peace protester's recruitment tactics (tags)

Endless arguments between pro and anti war folks are not helping. Read Street Warrior's Tactics 101


"Its about oil" everyone always says. Tired old argument with statistics for AND against it. Just bear with me. The truth is so simple.

The Great Propaganda Spectacle (tags)

War as a television spectacle filled with lying, distortions and fabrications

How They Keep Us Down (tags)

Ways they keep us down and miserable - so we won't fly. THey are afraid we may go beyond their little dreams.

Lawrence 'Ari' Fleisher Wants To 'Liberate' People With Arial Weapons Of Mass Destruction (tags)

Ari Fleisher defends Bush's 3,000 Weapons of Mass Destruction to be rained on Iraq in 48 hours. A UN report claims up to 100,000 Iraqi people will lose their lives. Is there sufficient reason for us to be killing this many people? And to maim a few 100,000 more?

Call To Action (tags)

From a Plaintiff in the Anti-War Lawsuit against President Bush being appealed in Boston and the widow of a Viet Nam veteran.



What more proofs ? (tags)

At right point of time

Shame Shame Shame (tags)

Shame on us all

Terrorist Power Always Ignores Its People, Yet... --with art! (tags)

According to Noam Chomsky and others, the USA is the leading terrorist state in the world. Since *Newspeak* is the Name of the Game, "our" government will always try to fool us with hype, and failing that, will *ram through* its policies anyway. One way we can remain vigilant is through a *resistance of consciousness*.

the most important anarchic thinker (tags)

The most important site on the most important anarchic thinker of always :Proudhon

The Deceptive Memory (tags)

There is no “past,” “present” or “future”! What is really happening is that we are constantly undergoing “a change of condition.” Apparently we are “being deceived” by those “impressions of the previous conditions” that have remained imprinted as our memories.

BUSH versus PROUDHON (tags)

BUSH versus PROUDHON The anarchic thinker of always :Proudhon

Counter-Realism (tags)

Social conflicts are always conflicts around terms and definitional power..Whoever has definitional power over what is reality and what is realpolitik dominates ideological semantics. Translated from the German

The most important site on the most important anarchic thinker of always :Proudhon (tags)

The most important site on the most important anarchic thinker of always :Proudhon Subjects of interest yesterday as today that they can be found in Join some of the works and articles, published and unknown, that the author of these pages had chance to write in these last sixteen years.

The Deceptive Memory (tags)

There is no “past,” “present” or “future”! What is really happening is that we are constantly undergoing “a change of condition.” Apparently we are “being deceived” by those “impressions of the previous conditions” that have remained imprinted as our memories.

The Deceptive Memory (tags)

There is no “past,” “present” or “future”! What is really happening is that we are constantly undergoing “a change of condition.” Apparently we are “being deceived” by those “previous conditions” that have remained imprinted as our memories.

Scenes of War: a Glimpse Behind the Curtain of Silence (tags)

War. It has come to be regarded as an ordinary event, scarcely meriting a thought. There is always some new enemy that the West must battle; always a simple contest of good versus evil...



Quote From History (tags)

Please Fwd This Vital Piece Of Information

Antitoxin or how to get an public enemy (tags)

Blair can't smell it and Bush can't catch it. It's on the move

Anarchism and the Labor Movement (tags)

The differences between Labor and anrachists need to be understood in order for any successful revolution is to take place

Out of Time (tags)

I don't know if this really belongs here, but this is the beginning of a short story I'm writing and I was wondering if any of you LA heads could critique it for me. I wonder if it's bad enough to get banned, heh heh. All good art should be banned at least once.

Tips on How to Be an Arafat Apologist (tags)

Tips on How to Be an Arafat Apologist

When Socialism takes over the education (tags)

Socialist State university education on Business is like your 14 old son’s first drive with your old van; he has always wanted to do it, and he thinks he knows everything related to driving already, just because he has sat next to you, while you have been driving.


Slaughter of the innocent bolsters view that this is war against Islam.

Happy Birthday Mahatma Gandhi! (tags)

Quotes from Mahatma Gandhi plus an essay by Nelson Mandela on Gandhi. Visit the official Mahatma Gandhi Website in India!

c'Love obituary (tags)

Local Artist, C'Love, Has Passed Away There will be a service for her at the Women's Center on the UCSD campus from 2 until 5 on July 22.

nbc 4 needs to be taught a lesson. (tags)

cristian flex apeal.

NBC 4 needs to be taught a lesson (tags)

The christian FLEX appeal.

Death Penalty Democrats (tags)

Death Penalty Democrat California Governor Gray Davis murders again, this time executing Robert Massie on March 27, 2001, who has been on and off Death Row for 36 years, courtesy us taxpayers. He was never rehabilitated, but was let out of prison, and thus killed again. Our tax dollars must go for rehabilitation, not punishment, if we are to solve any social problems at all.

Protesters vow to keep marching after Moreno Valley police shooting (tags)

Tyisha Miller, Irvin Landrum, Hector Islas, the list grows of police killings in the Inland Empire. The name of Dante Meniefield was added to this growing list last Saturday, and hundreds of demonstrators have marched daily to the halls of power, for justice in his name.

As you leave LA just remember that it is always much easier to be righteous than (tags)

As you leave LA just remember that it is always much easier to be righteous than it is to be effective

To the Protestors (tags)

Thank you!

gonzo for guns (tags)


Which pie do you want to be in - the always shrinking unconscionable pie or the ever-increasing homeless pie?

ignored tags synonyms top tags bottom tags