fix articles 83092, navajo nation
International Day of Solidarity with Leonard Peltier (tags)
Saturday, February 6, 2016
INGLEWOOD - In a day-long event, members of the Southern California chapter of the American Indian Movement, along with other members of the Native community and social justice activists, called for clemency for AIM activist Leonard Peltier, imprisoned since 1977 on trumped-up charges. The day featured speeches from well-known figures from the movement in defense of indigenous rights, musical and poetic performances, drums, and prayer.
6th Annual Mountain Justice Training Camp May 27- June 6, 2010 Kentucky (tags)
Mountain Justice Training Camp Location: Wiley’s Last Resort in Letcher County, Kentucky May 27th through June 6, 2010
January 28, 2010 Severe Ice Storms and Freezing Temperatures Have Knocked Down 3,000 Utility Poles – Tribal Residents Have Been Without Electricity, Heat and Running Water for Six Days.
The worst nuclear accident in U.S. history: July 16, 1979, Navajo Reservation (tags)
July 16th, 2009, marked the 30th anniversary of the worst nuclear accident in U.S. history, when, at 5:00 A.M., 1100 tons of uranium mining tailings, and 100 million gallons of radioactive water burst through United Nuclear's earthen dam, into the Rio Puerco, at a uranium mine in Church Rock, New Mexico, on the Navajo Reservation. Today, the Navajo Nation remains under toxic siege, by coal mining, uranium mining, and coal-fired power, even though an EPA doc already suggests that the entire reservation is a Superfund site. The Navajo Tribal Council, in 2005, passed a uranium mining ban, the Diné Natural Resources Protection Act, and thus won a Nuclear Free Future Award, but the ban has been under pressure since the day it was passed, and uranium mining claims now surround the Navajo Reservation like an advancing army.
The Political Rape of the Navajo (tags)
As a result, the people have become so demoralized with political misrepresentation they don’t even try to stop it from happening. Double-tongued fraud and deceit has become normal operating procedure for these disreputable elected politicians.
Tribes and Environmental Groups Join in Legal Defense of Sacred Mountains (tags)
Tribes and Environmental Groups Join in Legal Defense of Sacred Mountains Save the Peaks Coalition Caravan and Vigil in Pasadena, California
We stole their land and their water! (tags)
We stole their land and their water! The Navajos have been screwed by the American government and the American people!
Government the cause of the problem, not the solution to the problem!!! (tags)
Judge signs order lifting 40-year construction ban on Navajo land
Feds let Navajo put power and water in their home after 40 years. (tags)
This almost sounds like some punishment god gave the people in the bible. Force them to live for 40 years with out water or power. But nope it ain't the mean old testement god, its Uncle Sam who showed up 40 years ago and said "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you"
How the media often is lying with the truth (tags)
This is an interesting story because the media seems to be distorting the facts with the truth. The headline seems to imply that Senator McCain is some sort of hero for trying to solve a tribal dispute. The truth is the tribe claims to have been screwed by the government out of royalties of $100 billion and the only thing Senator McCain is doing is asking them to settle out of court for less then 10 percent of the damages. Hell any $200 an hour lawyer could do that.
Ongoing threat of radioactive depleted uranium (tags)
The nuclear threat of depleted uranium continues to plague US soldiers and Iraqi civilians experiencing illness and/or death from exposure to radioactive DU..
Why Peabody Coal fears solar energy (tags)
Some potential problem corporations causing the delay of solar energy availability and continued dependency on polluting petroleum/coal corporations as energy extortionists..
CLEAR LIES PART 2: King Coal: The Sell Out of America's Skies (tags)
The Clear Skies Initiative is a litany of lies concocted to justify the infamous Bush-Cheney Energy Plan. The cornerstone of this disastrous anti-human health, anti-environmental scheme: COAL.
CLEAR LIES PART: King Coal -- the Sellout of America's Skies (tags)
Assuming that Americans will be focused, open-mouthed and drooling over the mainstream media coverage of the Bush UK tour, the GOP goons in Congress are ramming through the Bush-Cheney energy bill -- the BIGGEST CORPORATE GIVEAWAY IN US HISTORY
Update on Family Spirit Walk (tags)
The Family Spirit Walk for Mother Earth is walking 800 miles from Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico to the Nevada Test Site, "taking every step in prayer" for every living thing affected by the U.S. military and the environmental damage caused by military actions globally. The walk will arrive at the Action For Nuclear Abolition Nonviolent Direct Action Peace Camp on Indigenous Peoples' Day, October 11th.