fix articles 82852, chained
First Time in History; Democrat Cuts Social Security with Chained CPI (tags)
The upcoming cuts to Social Security are being done by a Democrat President who is supposedly the party of the elderly, the disabled, veterans and the poor. The cuts to Social Security under President Obama include the "chained CPI" that would reduce the regular cost of living increases to the checks each year depending upon the rate of inflation. There is a bipartisan effort to block the latest Social Security cuts being led by Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont who has a petition on his website telling Pres. Obama "NO CUTS to Social Security!"
just received update from companera at protest in front of Los Angeles ICE building, about 100 people protesting with 14 chained together blocking entrance or exit of ICE buses. Civil Disobedience against deportations and SB 1070
Why We Chained Ourselves to the Israeli Consulate (tags)
On January 14, 8 Jewish Angelenos — including us — chained themselves to the Israeli Consulate on Wilshire Boulevard in protest of Israel's attacks on the people in Gaza.
VIDEO: Protest at Ford Motors' Dealership (tags)
WEST LOS ANGELES, April 19, 2006 - Anti-war and environmental activists joined forces today in a protest that targeted a Ford Motor Dealership in West LA. At issue is Ford Motors’ role in contributing to global warming and the current oil wars in the Middle East, Africa, and elsewhere. Uploaded is video from the protest. (Download time 1 to 3 mins. depending on connection, high res compressed, wait for streaming to load, then hit play)
Greek animal welfare law in action is a joke! (tags)
Transcript of a TV report concerning around 25-30 dogs which were rounded up, dumped into a truck and driven 'out of sight' ... then chained to trees and left to their fate ....
US flies suspects to Cuba base (tags)
A first group of al-Qaeda and Taleban prisoners being held by US forces has been flown out of Afghanistan, headed for a prison camp at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.