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Change Links April 2018 (tags)
April 2018 calendar published
See Sicko and Win Trip to Europe/Canada (tags)
Sicko, the outstanding movie exposing the bankrupt US healthcare system and supporting single payer healthcare a la Canada, Britain, France and Cuba, is now playing at 500 more movie theaters and director Michael Moore promises you a trip to Europe or Canada if you see Sicko this weekend, July 20-22, 2007.
Crucial Week for Sicko 200 More Cities July 3 and 100 More July 6 (tags)
We, the millions of people who saw Sicko on its first weekend, were successful beyond all expectations! We packed so many movie theaters across the nation that it will now be shown in 200 more cities starting July 3 and 100 more cities starting July 6. This is a Make it or Break It Week for Sicko! Go there with everyone you can find over age 10 and then you and everyone you bring should sign up for your state's single payer health care plan campaign now! Ticket information, Single Payer bill SB840 websites and Mike's letter are below.
No On HR 1999! Save Section 8! (tags)
Save Section 8!
Social Security Tele-Truth Campaign (tags)
Join the Social Security Tele-Truth Phone Campaign to call the DIRTY THREE!