fix articles 82428, diego garcia
The Guardian: Britain prepares to take part in US strikes against Iran (tags)
Once again, The Guardian takes the lead in promoting war propaganda...
Hell's Angels Boss Killed in Casino Gunfight (tags)
Witnesses to the casino shootout described chaos erupting after a group of Vagos club members was confronted by Hells Angels members at the Nugget. Daniel Sharp, of Stockton, Calif., told the Reno Gazette-Journal that within five minutes, shots rang out: "It was mayhem."
War Is A Crime Preparation for Feb 7, 2012 Cal Primary (tags)
California will be part of Super Tuesday on February 7, 2012 when Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, Montana Republican caucuses, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Utah have their presidential primaries. The two peace parties on the California ballot are Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party. Below is a partial list of the war crimes and human rights violations of the current Democrat in the White House.
Notable WikiLeaks cables worth reading... (tags)
Join the world in reading some of the notable WikiLeaks cables that are freely available for your reading pleasure. No matter how much the right-wing war mongers cry out in anguish against the release of these documents, step right up, and read them while you still can...
Fabricating Terrorism: Victims of UK Injustice (tags)
Britain and America partnered for injustice
America's Secret Prisons (tags)
America's global gulag
America's "Bases of Empire" (tags)
imperial America's global face
Peace and Freedom Party Pledges Prop 8 Overturn, Human Rights Fight in 2010 (tags)
"The fight for human rights is back on the ballot for 2010, and if it fails, then 2012," says Peace and Freedom Party State Chair Kevin Akin. Reacting to the California Supreme Court ruling upholding Proposition 8's ban on same-sex marriage, Akin reports that his party's State Central Committee is dedicated to whatever work is needed to wipe the constitutional amendment from the books.
Legitimizing Permanent Occupation of Iraq (tags)
Washington plans to stay
U.S. Navy steps up fuel deliveries to Gulf forces (tags)
LONDON, Nov 23 (Reuters) - The U.S. military has stepped up chartering of tankers and requests for extra fuel in the U.S. Central Command area, which includes the Gulf, shipping and oil industry sources say.
U.S. Secret Air War Pulverizes Afghanistan and Iraq (tags)
News from the 4th Reich military forces: According to Associated Press, there has been a five-fold increase in the number of bombs dropped on Iraq during the first six months of 2007 over the same period in 2006. More than 30 tons of those have been cluster weapons, which take an especially heavy toll on civilians. Balad, which currently conducts 10,000 air operations a week, is strengthening runways to handle the increase in air activity.
The Shortwave Report 10/26/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.
Senator Feinstein's Iraq Conflict (tags)
As a member of the Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee, Sen. Feinstein voted for appropriations worth billions to her husband's firms
More war ahead to save a criminal president
The US military attack on Iran is now on track for 4 AM on April6,writes the well-known Russian journalist Andrei Uglanov in the Moscow weekly "Argumenty Nedeli." Uglanov cites Russian military experts close to the Russian General Staff for his account.
George Bush's Samson Option (tags)
George Bush's reckless agenda to plunge the Middle East in total war
surviving the bush democracy (tags)
New U.S. Maneuvers on Iran: Tactical Shifts, Escalating Threats, & Continued Danger of War (tags)
For the first time in over 25 years the U.S. government has agreed to negotiate directly with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The talks would also include Britain, France, and Germany and would focus on Iran’s purported nuclear weapons program; the U.S. will participate only if Iran first halts its uranium enrichment program.
The violent actions of the West ultimately gave birth to more suicide assassins, not peace.. In 1953, the US overthrew the iranian Prime Minister Mossadegh in a military coup because he insisted on nationalizing Iranian oil. Decades of the Shah dictatorship followed
An Immoral War Coalition (tags)
Waging a new war that would exceed all the wars since the Vietnam War with the reason that Iran could produce nuclear bombs in ten years is even more absurd than the lie of weapons of mass destruction with which the Iraq war was justified.
how much is enough? how much is enough (tags)
read and learn
buy a dog it cheaper then selling Guns
White Washing War Crimes, by Mumia Abu-Jamal (tags)
Who will solve these war crimes?
British Colonialism - Spanish Colonialism / Las Colonias de Gibraltar, Ceuta y Melilla (tags)
Análisis y documentos sobre los enclaves coloniales en Andalucía y Marruecos
"Your Honor," Rosemarie Jackowski addressed the court at her sentencing hearing, "How can it be that a Nation, that is itself in violation of the law, can then hope to impose the Rule of Law on its citizens?"
Taken from the Mainstream media, here is a wonderful report on how our nation is, yes, using secret detention during this current War of Terror.
Andalucía: Contra la Constitución española - Andalusia: Against Spanish Constitution (tags)
Artículos de análisis sobre el Régimen español y sobre Andalucía - Más sumarios y enlaces // ANDALUCIA LIBRE - FREE ANDALUSIA: Left nationalist newsletter. A perspective of Andalusia how a Nation from the nationalist left; a world perspective from andalusian left. Independence - Republic - Socialism
Current U.S. Intervention in the Philippines* (tags)
Over the past century, the U.S. has been the leading interventionist power in the world often victimizing small independent countries and national liberation movements and using the military as its chief instrument. In many cases, U.S. interventionism leads to wars of aggression. Other methods used are: political and diplomatic pressures; economic pressures and trade sanctions; covert operations; media manipulation; and others.
Bush - Torture - The Inhuman Stain (tags)
All of the above facts -- each of them manifest violations of international law and/or the U.S. Constitution -- have been cheerfully attested to, for years now, by the organs' own apparatchiks, quoted in numerous high-profile, mainstream publications, including The New York Times, The Economist, Newsweek and others. The stories appear -- then they disappear. There is no reaction. No outcry in Congress or the courts -- the supposed guardians of the people's rights -- beyond a few wan calls for more formality in the concentration camp processing or judicial "warrants" for torture. And among the great mass of "the people" itself, there is -- nothing. Silence. Inattention. Indifference. Acquiescence. State terrorism -- lawless seizure, filthy torture, official murder -- is simply accepted, a part of "normal life," as in Nazi Germany or Stalin's empire, where "decent people" with "nothing to hide" approved and applauded the work of the "organs" in "defending national security."
Global Eye -- The Inhuman Stain (tags)
There is a horrible scandal eating away the heart of the American body politic. Among the many corrupted currents loosed upon the nation by the Bush Regime, this scandal is perhaps the worst, for it abets all the others and breeds new pestilence, new perversions at every turn.
War, Ignorance, and Disinformation (tags)
To what degree do people actually make their decision to support or oppose Bush's War based on actual facts? How many base their conclusions on propaganda perpetuated by the PressWhores?
BTL:Reports of U.S.Complicity in Torture of Prisoners Triggers Demand for... (tags)
...a White House Investigation. Interview with Jamie Fellner, director of U.S. Programs at Human Rights Watch, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Rule of the pirates, the $ 200 billion payday – exposing Bush, Cheney and Halliburton (tags)
The figure had been bouncing around think tanks and Capitol Hill for months, and on Dec. 1 made the front page of The Washington Post: Bush’s invasion and occupation of Iraq will cost the American taxpayer between $100 and $200 billion.
basic stats for US imperialism (tags)
a reference guide for activists.
Massive Military Cargo Ships Leave U.S. Ports (tags)
Massive military cargo ships leave US ports: three enormous U.S.-military owned cargo ships capable of carrying tanks have left US shores in recent days, a US navy official said on Monday, amid mounting evidence Bush is building up firepower to attack Iraq.
Interview with Jose Maria Sison, target of the U.$. "war on terrorism" (tags)
Text of an interview with Philippine professor and activist Jose Maria Sison, alleged by the U.$. to be a "terrorist." Brief update on his situation, links to petitions and a longer audio interview.