fix articles 81807, s. please
Anti-war protests expected next week (tags)
Obama is expected to announce an escalation of the US war against the people of the Middle East next week. The only possible good that might come from this would be renewed anti-war actions in the US. Please consider organizing to take direct action to stop the war by any means necessary!
UNDERSTANDING CHRIST - Death of a President (tags)
Exit strategy: Outlaw lawlessness. Murder, rape, and the thieving of billions from America.
To Defend the Innocent they Target for Mass Murder (tags)
Bushite as enemies to Humanity, are TRULY ungodly, and worth destroying to defend the innocent they target for mass murder as Satanic liars. Death to the bushite, death to Humanity's purposeless cowardly enemies of Johnny, God and Life. Death to the pro-bush torturers, rapists, and war profiteering THIEVES. So would say, my America.
Marc Debbaudt - Candidate for Superior Court Judge Office 95 (tags)
As a voter in Los Angeles County, I’ve seen little information on those running for the more local elective offices. No one to whom I’ve spoken has any idea who the candidates are for judge or what they stand for. Mr. Debbaudt is running in response to his belief that the incumbent, Judge Oki, failed in his duty to public safety.