fix articles 8178, serve
Power of One targeted for torture & death (tags)
Anyone targeted for torture, imprisonment and death by sleazy government assassins, stalkers and vigilantes has something to say in the matter:
The so-called War on Terror after the attacks of September 2001 was a mistake. There are more terrorists than before. Europeans are now taking the same measures after November 13. Instead of determining and tackling the causes of terror, they use the terrorists as a pretext for open war.
Serve the USA in combat and be falsely labeled a murderer by fbi/cia for such service (tags)
See my documentations of how the USA allows the fbi/cia to fraudulently discredit combat war vet.
Most Ukrainian Soldiers Don't Want to Fight (tags)
Jury draft can cause military draft (tags)
When old people are required to serve on juries some of them advocate requiring young people to serve in the U.S. military.
Israeli Persecution of Palestinians Unrelated to Defense (tags)
Obama Nominates Three Fed Governors (tags)
Those Women That Serve Us (tags)
When engaged in combat situations it only makes sense to say that the armed forces is a dangerous place to be. It only follows; people go in knowing this danger exists, though it is unlikely any person can be fully prepared for the horrors of war. The realities of bombs going off around them and the cries of the men and women fighting alongside them can't be prepared for with anything like even the most purposefully random drill or intensely real movie or video game. There are bullets, grenades and other devices being targeted at you with malicious intent, and there are no outcomes the enemy of the United States of America desires at that moment, but to see you dead.
Chavez Struggles to Recover (tags)
Uncertainty about Chavez's Health (tags)
The Banks Should Serve the Real Economy (tags)
Democracy, risk and liability are turned upside down when trillions bailout the banks and workers, unemployed and pensioners must pay the bill! We live from those who say No to trivialization of crisis, to the state being reduced to a trough or errand boy for the banks (Bill Moyers). The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity.
The market is a god that has failed (tags)
The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity and self-determination. The economy should serve humankind; humanity should notg serve the economy. Once 90% of investment was productive; now 90% of investment is speculative.
Subverting the Truth of Genocide (tags)
Attempts to recast the 20th century’s seminal instance of genocide only serve those who seek to subvert the truth of what happened to the Armenians.
COPS (Criminals On Patrol). The Global Menance to the People (tags)
COPS (Criminals On Patrol) don't protect and serve you the people. They protect and serve Your Enemies, The Rich Apostles of Satan on Wall St., and The Powers that be. From The Middle East to Europe, Asia, The Americas, and Austrailia. Cops are Your Enemies Agents on The Streets
Joseph Stiglitz: Harsh lessons we may need to learn again (tags)
"The best that can be said for 2009 is that it could have been worse, that we pulled back from the precipice on which we seemed to be perched in late 2008, and that 2010 will almost surely be better for most countries around the world. ,,"
KPFK's elections for LSB have few voters, so who represents us ? (tags)
Election Supervisor wrote on KPFK website: "Over 17, 000 ballots were mailed out to our eligible KPFK Listener-Membership. LESS THAN 1,200 BALLOTS HAVE BEEN RETURNED" So what does this mean about representation and who cares ? anyone ?
10 Ways To Creat Peace In Our World (tags)
"We have before us the glorious opportunity to inject a new dimension of love into the veins of our civilization," King said. Here are 10 real ways you can cultivate deep in yourself the loving peace you want to see in the core of the world.
MESA Program for Math and Science Kids To Close With Schwarzenegger's Budget Cuts (tags)
Highly Successful Program That Develops Math Skills in K- 12 is On The Block. Teacher David Meyerhof Gives a Video Testemonial.
PBS Documentary on “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” Airs June 16 (tags)
The PBS documentary “Ask Not,” dealing with the human cost of the “don't ask, don't tell” policy that excludes open Queers from the U.S. military, will be shown nationwide on June 16 and in San Diego June 21 as part of the “Independent Lens” series. The show depicts individuals thrown out of the military under “don't ask, don't tell” and the Queer community's fight-back against the discriminatory policy. In a May 3 preview screening at the San Diego Public Library, activists working against “don't ask, don't tell” discussed why even progressive people who generally oppose America’s wars should be concerned about this issue.
VIDEO: Agenda for a New Economy - David Korten (tags)
Let us be honest. We don't need to fix the old economy - We need to create a new economy. David Korten's new book, "Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth", has been in bookstores less than 10 days and I implore you to get this book and read it immediately. We have a unique opportunity to change this system and create a sustainable, life-affirming economy.
After the Meltdown: Economic Redisgn for the 21st Century-David Korten (tags)
"The task before us is to replace the culture and institutions of a twentieth-century economy designed and managed to serve financial values with the culture and institutions of a new twenty-first-century economy designed to serve life values.."
Global Crisis-Made in the USA (tags)
The ecdonomy should serve humankind; humankind should not serve the bankers.
America is now a hellhole
An Open Letter to Nancy Pelosi (tags)
Why I am glad that the bailout failed - for now, at least.
Chavez Revamps His Intelligence Services: The Corporate Media React (tags)
The anti-Chavez campaign continues.
Breaking the Silence - Israeli Soldiers Speak (tags)
They no longer will kill Palestinians
Did you hear about the armored tactical exercise in New Hampshire? Against a tax resister? Waco was a total cluster f**k so these exercises occur to serve as tactical refinement for incident control
It is my grave concern that American workers, especially Christian workers, and others who snub wisdom in spite of, or in lieu of faith, be paid on time, and on their regularly scheduled payday. Therefore I demand that Bush pay me what he owes me on time or God will surely torture him in hell for a minimum of 500 years. The current balance due would be about 100 million dollars.
An Australian corporate director who FAILED to perform was recently relieved of his position; he nevertheless was able to walk with a $30 million severance package. This case is not uncommon, directors who fail to perform ensure they win regardless of other factors. Public companies are milk cows for these unscrupulous types.
If after comparing actual events with posturing and rhetoric you conclude that Western governments serve minority corporate interests rather than the interests of the people, you would have discovered the lie that is democracy. You may also be surprised to discover that the majority of people who live in so-called democratic societies are actually compliant slaves! Governments that are SUBJECT to the rule of minority Corporate/Financial elites could hardly be expected to serve the interests of the majority if their masters specialise in inequity, disparity and the concentration of wealth in the fewest possibly hands. The appropriate response to any politician who states they are serving the interests of democracy, liberty or the people should therefore be, LIAR – unless of course you belong to the category of mindless slaves referred to above!
Joyce Lindorff's Impeachmint Punch (tags)
Be sure to ask for it in your local bar! Let’s get this drink on the map all over the country.
Wage War Against Regime, Attack Institutions, Nerve Serve, Nerve Salute The Regime (tags)
I am encouraging concerted and coordinated attacks against the regime and their democracy. We are better off dead. They are forcing injections and medical procedures on the innocent. Los Angeles and San Francisco are ground zero
G-8 SF Riot, Anarchist betrayed by the local IMC (tags)
let the sacrifice of our brothers in arms serve as a warning
the un isn't to be trusted.
"Managers Do Not Only Serve Shareholders" (tags)
"It is not legitimate to exploit every conceivable outsourcing chance. It is not legitimate to declare jobs superfluous to realize double-digit profits.. Profit cannot be the only maxim of good entrepreneural conduct.."
The Progressive Muslim Union, North America (tags)
Regarding the formation of the Progressive Muslim Union of North America
Refusing to Kill: Update (tags)
Israeli refuseniks come to London
Poem to the Israeli Government: "I Have No More Secrets To Tell" (tags)
The ambiguously free man, Mordechai Vanunu
Blackboxvoting to Serve Lawsuits to CA Couties - Need Volunteers (tags)
Bev Harris of needs help to take on Diebold and Electronic Voting in CA. She is planning on serving Lawsuits to many CA counties and she needs volunteers to help.
Ron Paul, anti-Patrtiot Act Rep (TX-R), wants Bush reelected (tags)
The "principled plain-speaking" Congressman Ron Paul, who has been perhaps the biggest opponent to the Patriot Act has just been a proud member of Bush-Cheney 2004 re-electoin team.
"FDA used to serve a purpose. A doctor could feel sure that a drug he was prescribing was as safe as possible. Now you wonder what kind of evaluation has been done, and what's been swept under the rug."-- Dr. William L. Isley, Kansas City, Mo.
Sign Military Families' Petition: Bring Reserve Troops Home (tags)
On September 9th, 2003, our loved ones, currently serving in the Iraqi theater, were delivered orders extending their overseas stay. They have been told that there is a chance they could be home in May 2004 with the possibility of an extension to January 2005. May 2004 is a minimum 16 month deployment for this Reserve Unit.
Pamphlet against the False Prophet, George W. Bush (tags)
"Sorry, Mr. president, you don't serve the God who liberates through grace and patience, love and affection. You serve a god with Texan features..You have dishonored thousands and tens of thousands of fathers and mothers.. Mr. president, be not anxious.".
thanx to Sweet
Schoedinger Raped by US President George Walker Bush (tags)
Mediation motion filed by plantiff on 1/06/2003. Notice to await sucessful serve to one Geo. W. Bush, US Pres. filed 1/07/2003. Seven day wait after successful serve for defendent response. That's likely tomarrow or in next few days. Fort Bend County Court, TX is court of concern.
The IDF Continues to force Palestinians to serve as (tags)
The IDF Continues to force Palestinians to serve as "Human Shields" for Soldiers in Contempt of High Court of Justice Injunction
On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (tags)
Offered in the spirit of Mahatma Ghandi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Ce`sar Cha`vez, & the Haymarket Martyrs of Chicago.
Hundreds of Israeli Army Reservists Refuse to Serve in Occupied Territories (tags)
Lt. Noam Wiener is a 27-year-old lieutenant in the Israeli Army Reserves and a law student who has signed the Courage to Refuse declaration. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Lt. Wiener about why he has refused to serve in the occupied territories and in so doing, risk imprisonment.
Israel-Palestine - Refusniks: the other side of the Truth (tags)
As of the latest count, 41 Israeli soldiers - conscripts and reservistsare at this moment behind bars, for refusal to serve in the occupied territories, guards over Palestinian prisoners, or serve in the Israeli armed forces altogether
Demonstration in Tel-Aviv under the title "The Occupation is Killing Us All" (tags)
Approximately 10,000 people attended a demonstration in Tel-Aviv on the evening of Feburary 9, under the banner "The Occupation Is Killing Us All" The main issues discussed were an immediate end to the occupation of Palestinian land and solidarity with the growing number of young Israelis who are refusing to serve in the military occupation force.
I'm told this recipie serves 5 People. I can't locate the hidden message?
Terrorism and the New World (dis)Order (tags)
Speaking of "chickens coming home to roost", this quote from former Port Authority of New York-New Jersey director David Rockefeller(made while involved in the construction of the WTC towers) should serve as a sufficient wake-up call-
FUCK AMERICANISM. Don't fight wars. Stand with humanity and win THE WAR. (tags)