fix articles 8175, science Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : science


How Religious Fundamentalism Hijacks the Brain (tags)

In moderation, religious and spiritual practices can be great for a person’s life and mental well-being. But religious fundamentalism—which refers to the belief in the absolute authority of a religious text or leaders—is almost never good for an individual. This is because fundamentalism discourages any logical reasoning or scientific evidence making it maladaptive.

Covid Myth Busting Before It Was Fact Using Some Commonsense - Get Ready for 2024 (tags)

Commonsense trumps real science - which needs real data, not commonsense... and that empirical data comes too late sometimes as a consequence of nefarious policies and disguised political agendas. There'd have been no covid injuries and vaccine uptake would have been near zero had the vast majority of public worldwide exercised some shrewd commonsense and recognized snake oil for what it was / still is. Modernity's greatest hijacking through behavior control is co-opting public's commonsense. Even coercion requires a measure of public's consent. How not to withhold consent is the entire edifice upon which oligarchic controls rest. Understanding this gets back to the public using their commonsense to preempt the dystopic oligarchic agendas.

The Poetization of the World and Behind the Curtain (tags)

When the poet says "autumn," he can mean a season but at the same time he can also mean melancholy, farewell, decline, the dying of a happy love affair (inside). Schelling had already praised this capacity "What we call nature is a poem that is locked in secret, wonderful writing."

The modeling of the human and Final victory of materialism (tags)

Birgit Naujeck, clearly opposes 5G, transhumanism, any eugenics, and the disembodiment of our language, which leads to the rewriting of history and gender. The Final victory of materialism coincides with its implosion!

La soumission ou l'angoisse (tags)

La cyprine des sociétés...

The pulverized humanity (tags)

Endless lockdowns, police-enforced quarantines, travel restrictions, compulsory vaccinations, the suppression of scientific data and scientific debate and large-scale censorship are consistently examples of dehumanizing measures.


The alleged discovery of the alleged sars cov 2 virus was a mockery of science

Pour vous déplaire (tags)

Puésie paraphysique...

The media response to Putin's conciliatory essay (tags)

On the exact 80th anniversary of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, which cost that country nearly 27 million lives, the Russian president himself published an essay in the former flagship of détente whose title already signaled a willingness to reconcile.

San Francisco Parents (tags)


A warrior Biologist is asking for Help (tags)

Crusade to help a brave Biologist with achondroplasia to pay his hip replacement surgery

CA Safe Schools Honors Earth Day Heroes (tags)

“In honoring these phenomenal individuals on Earth Day, we are acknowledging their hard work and commitment to protect current and future generations,” said Robina Suwol, founder and executive director of California Safe Schools.

Paraphysique du catastrophisme (tags)

Le capitalisme affiche son mensonge partout...

Trump and Climate Change (tags)

Human activities have contributed to the ice loss in the Arctic. In his short term in office, Trump and his accessories in the government rescinded two dozen regulations to protect the climate and the environment. The climate, peace and anti-racism movements must join forces.

Video: Science in the New Dark Age, 28 min (tags)

Our guest is Dr. Martin Donohoe, adviser to Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility and author of "Public Health and Social Justice". The topic is "Science in the New Dark Age". What is the New Dark Age? What is science? How has science been attacked in the past?

A Generation is Lost (tags)

Thousands upon thousands of researchers demonstrate for the freedom of science and research funding. Public policy isn't a wrecking-ball or a sledgehammer. Democracy isn't following autocratic orders without compromise, negotiations and countermeasures

Tom Marino Drug Czar; Another Prohibitionist Profiteer! (tags)

Trump's pick for drug czar Tom Marino (R-PA) is another Reagan-era drug warrior looking to continue the revolving door of prohibitionist policies.

Video: March for Science, April 22, 2017, 4 hours (tags)

The March for Science rally took place on the National Mall in Washington, DC. The event was one of more than 500 planned rallies held across the U.S. and overseas. The speaking program featured remarks by Bill Nye, Earth Day principal organizer Denis Hayes along with scientists...

DEA Failure to Comprehend Science when Scheduling Drugs (tags)

The recent decision by the DEA to keep cannabis on schedule 1 status while meth is a schedule 2 drug draws into question their scientific knowledge. Other reasons for such scientific negligence on the part of the DEA is the profit motive; protecting pharma from legalized medical cannabis competition.

The Crisis of Economists (tags)

The mainstream economy doesn't know what an argument is any more. Claims or assertions are made. This neoclassicism is not a science but resembles a religion that proclaims dogmas. The economy is a social science that offers interpretations.

Paraphysique de l'algolagnie (tags)

Le sadomasochisme du capital...

Fbi and the public are an emerging criminal enterprize (tags)

See how the fbi joins with the public in a now real, formerly science fiction enterprize.

Paraphysique du catastrophisme (tags)

Spectacle de la catastrophe, la catastrophe du spectacle...

Spiritualists, Science and Subjective and Objective Realities (tags)

Spiritualists and Scientists seem at regular odds with one another, but maybe that is because each is dominant in a different part of human existence. This essay examines their areas of domain and muses on whether the two can operate symbiotically

Israeli-Palestinian Science Organization (IPSO) Struggles for Peace (tags)

IPSO is a non-political, not-for-profit organization based in the city of Jerusalem. IPSO’s mission is to foster and sustain cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians and to promote dialogue and interaction among scholars and scientists in the two communities. IPSO seeks out and supports high quality research in science and learning, involving cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian scientists and scholars.

Soft Science, Hard Time: The Expanding Sexual Regulatory State As Facilitated By Science- (tags)

Periodic social upheavals as a result of moral panic seem to be the norm for humanity, with large segments of society reacting, or overreacting, with almost virally propagated outrage to perceived threats. The moral panic of our current age, an obsession with sexual inviolability, illustrates our continued susceptibility to emotional and irrational fears.

Karl Marx Birthday (tags)

May 5th is the birth date of Karl Marx, one of humanity’s most influential theorists.

New Research Links Climate Science Denial To Conspiracy Theories (tags)

Professor Stephan Lewandowsky, a cognitive psychologist at the University of Western Australia (UWA), is about to publish research which shows that a strong indicator of the rejection of climate science is a willingness to accept conspiracy theories.

BTL:Former EPA Adviser Comments on Recurring Conflict Between Science and Politics (tags)

Interview with Paul Anastas, former EPA science adviser, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

San Pedro: Science Center Endangered/Tongva Village Site Revitalization (tags)

Jacob Gutierrez, a Tongva, is trying to preserve two valuable Indigenous and environmental areas in San Pedro.

United Nations Webcast on Sustainability (tags)

Interactive Panel: "Scientific findings on the impacts of human activities on the functioning of the Earth System" and Closing.

Considering Your Religion (tags)

In a humanity with the reason to reflect, to confirm oneself with the truth and decide for the good.

Faith Heals Reason (tags)

"There is a beautiful fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen where the devil builds a mirror that distorts everything beautiful and good into nothing. The most glorious countrysides appear like boiled spinach, the best persons are repulsive or without torsos.."

Beyond the Homo Economicus (tags)

The Homo economicus is a kind of calculating machine on two legs that incessantly calculates personal benefits and profit. His conduct follows the model of rational expectations. Incursions of the state will make possible more social equality.

The Cycle of fear (tags)

The Cycle of fear is my second article on hate and fear

BTL:Greeks Fight for Alternatives to Austerity Policies Provoking Economic Hardship (tags)

Interview with Peter G. Prontzos, professor of political science at Langara College, conducted by Scott Harris

Zahir Ebrahim's Comment on Judy Wood's 'The New Hiroshima' and 'Where did the towers go?' (tags)

Therefore, for those attempting to study 9/11, it is primarily a forensic case for a Sherlock Holmes and a Hercule Poirot who can draw on expert opinions as pertinent and set aside other expert opinions as false, rather than some some simplistic noble minded (and Nobel minded) scientists and self-ascribed scholars of truth assuming that the only thing false about 9/11 was the false-flag operation of demolishing the towers, but everything else is straightforward including the “evidence”. Nothing is straightforward. A criminal mind that can plan and execute the 9/11 as 'Operation Canned Goods' for creating the pretext for “imperial mobilization” is certainly also diabolically smart enough to realize that it also would require cover stories and the subsequent spins, including leaving a trail of enticing red herrings right at the crime scene. If an overzealous detective picks up one or more of these red herrings as if they are real clues, and creates his erudite analysis on this “evidence”, you know where he ends up – in the woods! No pun intended.

BTL:GOP Proposes Deep Cuts for Regulating Food, Health and Safety Standards (tags)

Interview with Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

Economics is not a Science (tags)

"Observations are central in a subject like economics where experiments are not possible.. Mathematics is misused to transport a certain ideology, the neoclassical theory of the market.. Capitalist crisis phenomena have made a fool of the harmony theory of the market.."

Peace through Education (video) (tags)

This is a video for anyone who’s struggling for a better education, especially immigrant students. I’ll go toe to toe with Glen Beck to see who knows what about life any day.

Leftist Sci-Fi Writer China Miéville Comes to San Diego (tags)

China Miéville isn’t exactly your typical multiple award-winning science-fiction writer. He’s also a Left-wing political activist, a member of the British Socialist Workers Party and former candidate for Parliament. Miéville came to San Diego for the July 22-25 Comic-Con, and took a detour for an afternoon question-and-answer session at the San Diego Public Library Sunday afternoon, July 25, during which he discussed his novels — notably his latest, “Kraken,” and his “New Crobuzon” series (“Perdido Street Station,” 2000; “The Scar,” 2001; “Iron Council,” 2002) — his politics and how the Internet has made the already difficult business of making a living from writing even harder.

Gulf Oil Spill: A Hole in the World (tags)

The Deepwater Horizon disaster is not just an industrial accident – it is a violent wound inflicted on the Earth itself. In this special report from the Gulf coast, a leading author and activist shows how it lays bare the hubris at the heart of capitalism

Who Wants to Take over the Education System? (tags)

I was a volunteer in the War on Terror and I come from a large family of teachers. A lot of people are trying to do something about the education system. This is a blueprint of science education in America anyone can use to prove how the "education" system trains Americans to depend on imperialism.

USA recruits young to do the ciberwar (tags)

USA war company.

Animal Liberationists Needed to Disrupt UCLA's Rally to Promote Vivisection (tags)

This is an alert regarding the co-founders of UCLA’s Propaganda for Science Network: Animal Mutilators J. David Jentsch, Dario Ringach, Lynn Fairbanks, Kathy Wadsworth, Megan Wyeth, Jennifer Perkins, and their Mascot, Tom Holder. Comprehensive information about this ongoing campaign is available at

United Against Pro-Test for Science (tags)

The Pro-Test for Science vivisectors torture and murder animals, manipulate public opinion, consistently refuse to debate "real" scientists, and repress & demonize activists. This is no longer acceptable.

Czech President Klaus: Global Warming Not Science, but a 'New Religion' (tags)

As the Copenhagen Climate conference comes to a conclusion amidst riots by demonstrators and scrambling by policymakers, Czech President Vaclav Klaus has a message for the world: Global warming is a "new religion," not a science.

Climategate (tags)


The Science Of Hostility (tags)

Directable Hostility, Electronic Mind Control, and The Disposable Veteran

MESA Program for Math and Science Kids To Close With Schwarzenegger's Budget Cuts (tags)

Highly Successful Program That Develops Math Skills in K- 12 is On The Block. Teacher David Meyerhof Gives a Video Testemonial.

The Physics of the Impossible: Sci-fi tech as attainable dream or approaching nightmare (tags)

Teleportation. Force-Fields. Invisibility. Faster than light travel. Contact with alien and robotic intelligences. Are these things possible? Do we even want them? Presented in conjunction with a fund-raising AUCTION of books, autographs, sci-fi collectables, and more.

Alex Rivera Discusses His Film Sleep Dealer (tags)

Twelve years after its inception, Alex Rivera's first dramatic feature opens in major U.S. cities on Friday April 17 and may spread in ensuing weeks. Last week Rivera took questions from alternative media.

Alex Rivera Discusses His Film Sleep Dealer (tags)

Twelve years after conceiving Sleep Dealer, Alex Rivera's first feature film opens in major U.S. cities on Friday April 17 and may spread in ensuing weeks. Last week Rivera took questions from alternative media.

The Future Is Nearly Here: Do We Want It?? "The Physics of The Impossible" (CalS (tags)

Time travel. Teleportation. Other intelligences. According to Michio Kaku's recent bestseller of the same title, some of these things are on the verge of becoming real. But should they??? Do science fiction novels and movies present us with a dream of the future, or a nightmare to be avoided at all costs? Do you really WANT to live in Star Wars or Star Trek??

Zapatista University Chapter 5: Science and Religion (tags)

Here’s another free science lesson for Third-World farmers. The complete book can be read on my site. The complete audio book is on my site now also, and the printed book can be ordered by mail. My Spanish isn’t good enough to translate a whole book, but I know there are plenty of people who can.

Missing Links: An Intellectual Bailout (tags)

The financial crisis has killed the claim that economics deserves to be treated as a science. The measure of a science is its capacity to explain, predict, and prescribe. And most economists not only failed to anticipate the nature and evolution of the catastrophe, but their conflicting recommendations exposed the unreliability of their knowledge.

Zapatista University Chapter 4: Science versus Politics (tags)

Here’s another free science lesson for Third-World farmers. The complete book can be read on my site. Feel free to translate it into Spanish or any other language.

Zapatista University Chapter 3: How Science Works (tags)

Any Third World farmer knows more about biology than the president of the United States, because farmers spend all day working with plants and animals. Here’s my ongoing series on the biology of imperial politics. The complete book can be read on my site. Feel free to translate it into Spanish or any other language.

Former Prof Speaks on Religion/Science/Democracy Conflicts (tags)

Former UCSD professor Lew Perry spoke to the Humanist Fellowship of San Diego November 16 on the conflicts between religion, science and democracy. He said that conflicts are inevitable because when religion makes statements about the physical world -- like the Bible's claim that the earth is fixed in space -- scientists can and must challenge the religious understanding of physical reality.

The Nature of the Christian Faith and the New Atheism (tags)

New atheism fights against fundamentalism, human religion, sees all violence as the product of faith, doesn't recognize the positive good in the church and theology and conflates all faith with fundamentalist literalism and reductionism. That Jesus is the way means no mone is alone.

I Wish More Science Fiction Films Were Like This (tags)

Throughout the universe, likening someone to an Earthling “is almost the worst insult you can level at someone.”

US Media's 'Left Wing' Agenda and the Public's Knowledge of Climate Science (tags)

You've heard it many times. --The 'left wing' U.S. media is 'scare-mongering and alarmist' about climate change. They are frightening the people of the U.S. about the affects of global warming without having enough facts and research to back up their statements. -- The statements from researchers 'on the ground' ARE very alarming, no one can dispute that. Here are a few of the past year or so from separate, independent, long-term scientific studies. [Links to the report that these statements are ripped from are provided below.]

"Science in the White House": David Baltimore (tags)

"The White House and the US Congress have shown little respect for science in the last years. The government obviously does not understand the importance of independence for science. Unfree scientific thinking does not work."

Free Online Video on Climate Science (tags)

An excellent presentation by the University of California at San Diego on the science.

How Bad Is the Climate Situation ...... Really? (tags)

I became aware of the power of the climate decades ago in college classes that were the most interesting that I had. The professor was not talking about 'Global Warming' or 'Climate Change' at all, only about the immensity of the oceans and their affect on the climate and weather.

Science in the Bush: When Politics Displaces Physics (tags)

he majority of us accept as fact that the current administration manipulates science for political ends.

Scientists mobilizing to fight President Bush (tags)

More than 60 influential scientists, including 20 Nobel laureates, are mobilizing scientists and citizens alike to push for reforms that will protect our health, safety, and environment. The Scientific Integrity Program from the Union of Concerned Scientists

Charlie Rose Science Series Episode #7 - July 24, 2007 (tags)

Giuen Media

Competition and the Legal System (tags)

Competition is not always a fountain of economic development..Certain academic findings are dangerous for the functioning of norm systems. The critic becomes the delinquent. Several wicked mosquitos may be criticized, not mosquitos in general.

Antarctic Glaciers Moving To Sea Faster (tags)

The British Antarctic Survey team studying 300 glaciers found that they are flowing into the sea at a faster pace than scientists have ever seen. As the glaciers melting is accelerated, the melt water contributes to the faster movement.

US Climate Science Reduced to a 'Pack o Lies' (tags)

by Don Beck "It seems more like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union than the United States" - Dr. James Hansen, NASA climatologist Keep the facts of global warming away from the American people.....they can't handle the truth. That is the message we are getting from this Administration who have placed political appointees to head key agencies in order to filter and even alter the scientific facts. In February, the leading climatologist at NASA, Dr. James Hansen testified to a congressional committee in a hearing looking into the Bush

Protest MacArthur Park Police Brutality at CSULA (tags)

Protest police brutality, the war machine, and racism at the grand opening of the Criminology Lab at CSULA on Friday, May 11th, at 2pm. The site of the grand opening is at Cal State Los Angeles, on the corner of Eastern Ave and State University Dr. It is expected that many politicians (including Arnold) as well as the who's who of law enforcement will be present. Say no to their fascist plans!

Twilight and Dawning (tags)

The paradigm defining conventional social science, history, economics, social psychology needs to be changed. This article sets out a few of the needed pieces

Gallo does Bush inpersonation in court (tags)

I just got finished reading Bob Gallo's testimony in the Parenzee case. For all the good his testimony will do, the prosecution might as well have called George W. Bush to the stand. I get the feeling that Gallo unwittingly associated himself with Bush in the eyes of the court.

Bush Admin being sued for suppression of Global Warming Science (tags)

Sen. Kerry and Rep. Inslee Join Conservation Groups in Global Warming Lawsuit Against Bush Administration

My Big Prank on President Bush (tags)

Three years ago I stumbled into the midst of a new scientific movement. So I set out to turn the tables on President Bush myself. It was a long shot at the time. I never realized how many people were going to be trying to impeach him by now. Here’s my story…

The Police have framed many people for arson using junk science (tags)

Across the United States, prosecutors have won convictions in arson cases by relying on outdated science — and as a result, uncounted people may be imprisoned for crimes that were never committed, including a man who lost both his daughter and his freedom to the flames.

The Evolution of Morality (tags)

Scientists who study human evolution have discovered the evolutionary origins of morality. The concept of morality exists in every culture on Earth, but the morals themselves are different, which causes a lot of conflict in the world. Now that the Democrats own Congress, I’m sure that conflict is about to get very interesting…

Global cooling, again and again (tags)

The lesson to take from this is the obvious one: not to take your science stories from the mass media if you can possibly find better sources.

655,000 Iraq War Deaths (tags)

The report on the mortality rate published in the Lancet journal last week is sound science.

Interview with John Whitfield, author of In The Beat Of A Heart (tags)

In the Beat of a Heart combines biography, history, science and nature writing to capture the exciting advances—and the people who are making them—that are triggering a revolution as potentially important to biology as Newton’s insights were to physics.

Turning the Tide on Religious Fundamentalism— Free Lecture (tags)

I’ve been invited to give a lecture at Arizona State University this fall on evolutionary science and its uses in progressive activism. The version of the lecture I wanted to give turned out to be 4 hours long, so I recorded that version in 13 tracks and posted it on my website for free download at


Why would a political force hell bent on dominating global government, commerce, energy, water, and consumerism itself want to bump scientific ideas in favor of old religious myth at low levels of education? How does this further the interests of industry? Thanks to Jimmy the Greek, PT Barnum, and a story by Kilgore Trout that was burned in manuscript form, I submit to you;

One Man’s Direct Opposition to World War III (tags)

Religious fundamentalists' use of religious dogma as political ideology is quickly escalating from evolution vs. inelligent design to World War III and Armageddon. FREE audio book on how evolutionary science can be used to turn the tide against religious fundamentalism.

Flt 77 Image Meltdown (tags)

Let's see how the lackys of the gangster state, in the main stream (o sh*t ) commercial media have had to deal with 9-11 - Science Fiction Theatre!

BTL:Bush Administration Accused of Distorting Science Like... (tags)

...No Other Administration ~ Interview with Lexi Shultz, Washington representative for Scientific Inquiry, at the Union of Concerned Scientists, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Right/Left Complicit in Perpetuation of War (tags)

How? Never exposing the reigning bigoted assumptions of the privileged and resulting meta policies against we, the "stupid" masses, for one. Article quotes from Noam Chomsky and the little known Christopher Simpson, author of Science of Coercion.

Academic Collapse and Bureaucratic Despotism in Argentine Culture. Letter to Kirchner (tags)

In order to reach an international audience the Document has to be written in the english language, and to avoid its contamination with apocryphal signatures a neutral institution like PetitionOnline has to be searched. The lack of a free academic discussion of that deficit --due to a climate of fear-- is not possible within CONICET, neither in the rest of institutions that are concerned with education and culture. The present invitation has been signed by a committee of six members.

Mental "Health" as Stealth warfare--a radically critical approach (with art) (tags)

Radical's radical comments on the widespread way in which so-called mental "health" ideology has integrated itself into the very psyches of those claiming to see the value of dissenting from all manner of corporate hold on people. Question: is psychiatry and formal therapy, corporate? anti-copyright.

Carl, host of Cyberpunk Radio (tags)

Carl is a subversive multimedia artsit who hosts the podcasts Cyberpunk Radio, Mental-Escher and Hack VTV as well as heading the PluriMedia Group and the Microcasting Alliance.

Karl Schroeder, scifi/fantasy writer (tags)

Interview with Karl Schroeder about scifi/fantasy, the end of the Modern/Postmodern age, Foresight Studies, health care, the world is getting better.

Arm Wrestling with Darwin (tags)

I am convinced by the evidence of natural selection and treasure Darwin’s theory because it promotes an interconnectedness of all living things, but I hold that the intense battle to keep ID out of the classroom is misguided.

In Memory of Dr. Eugene Mallove (tags)    

small WORLD interview with Vernor Vinge, science fiction writer (tags)

Interview with Vernor Vinge, science fiction writer

small WORLD Interview with Rudy Rucker (tags)

Interview with novelist and popular science writer Rudy Rucker.

Foucault and the Iranian Revolution (tags)

This is an extraordinary radio interview that aired on KPFK Pacifica Radio in Los Angeles last Monday, on the Iranian Revolution and French Philosopher Michel Foucault, who embraced it. A new book by Janet Afary and Kevin Anderson about this historical situation has great relevance today for our understanding of political Islam, religious fundamentalism and the attack on science and reason.

Republican Congressmember Investigates Climate Scientists (tags)

The Chronicle of Higher Education is reporting that the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce is investigating three professors whose work suggests that the earth's climate is warmer now than at any time in many centuries

Another Doomsday, Another Dollar: Shifting Science towards Peace and Ecology (tags)

Science must be urged to climb those mountains which promote sustainability, peace and ecology rather than those which place our planet in peril.

Christian Fascists At Air Force Academy Threaten Humanity (tags)

Christian fascists are making the publicly-funded science college, the Air Force Academy, a bastion of superstitition and fascism, putting the military in the position of endangering all of humanity with their belief in the "second coming" and "end time" and their access to nuclear weapons. It was the US Air Force that made possible the 9/11 Inside Job.


A salute was published today on indymedia Houston as the new world political elite continue to prove that they can treat each other with respect. A little late but intel moves kinda slow these days. The staff and editor of THE AMERICAN bLASPHEMER was so moved he is considering putting the blog back online.

Mars. Red planet, Misread planet. (tags)

The finest data and the worst interpretation in the history of Science

TOMORROW! "Social Change in Venezuela" (Musical Parade and Talk at Cal State L.A (tags)

Come to CSULA this Monday for a Venezuelan musical parade followed by a lecture on recent developments!

Fluid Genome: Collapse of the Biotech Empire (tags)

Mae-Wan Ho's book "Living With the Fluid Genome" exposes the biotech corporation's faulty science of genetic determinism and other outdated neo-Darwinian eugenics theory..

BTL:Shocking History of Voter Disenfranchisement Based on Race Still Haunts.... (tags)

...U.S. Electoral Process ~ Interview with Khalilah Brown-Dean, assistant professor of African-American Studies and Political Science at Yale University, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

The Web: New views on the 'digital divide' (tags)

This is a great story on the problems of the digital divide.

Global Warming Research (tags)

New research tools (book and website) on corporate cover up of global warming

AIDS Apologists VS AIDS Dissidents, The Truth! (tags)

WHAT IS AN AIDS DISSIDENT? AIDS dissidents (better known as AIDS Denialists who are AIDS dissidence, dissidence is anti-establishment like, against science and progression, argumentative) deny HIV causes AIDS and claim the medications kill the patients (AZT "over use" alone started this myth in the late 80s, but medicine combo/therapies are working today in the year 2000+).

Bush and Science at Loggerheads (tags)

Barriers to research and claims of suppressed data sully interactions between researchers and the Bush administration.

Profit over Science (tags)

"The shortsighted criminality of capitalist society is clear. Mentally deficient and motor handicapped babies will be born becauwse the political state is an instrument of powerful industrial interests.."

Viewing Chairman Avakian's speech in the heart of the barrio (tags)

On May 1st, in a restaurant in the Pico-Union section of Los Angeles, a group of a dozen Latino proletarians and others gathered to watch the video clip of the historic speech by Chairman Avakian, "Revolution: Why It's Necessary, Why It's Possible, What It's All About."

An Investigation into the Bush Administration's Misuse of Science (tags)

"Withholding of vital environmental information is getting to be a bad habit with the Bush administration." -- Republicans for Environmental Protection

U.S. Is Losing Its Dominance in the Sciences (tags)

U.S. Is Losing Its Dominance in the Sciences

20 Nobel winners decry Bush's misuse of Science (tags)

62 of the nation's leading scientists, including 20 Nobel laureates, signed a statement decrying the Bush administration's misuse of science -- documenting more than 30 examples involving the major environmental concerns of our century.

Message of Peace (tags)

To read Message of Peace and science fiction in: thank you and until always

BTL:Leading U.S. Scientists Condemn White House Censorship and Distortion of... (tags)

...Science Data. Interview with Dr. Kurt Gottfried, chairman of the Union of Concerned Scientists, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Wierd Science (tags)

The President Is Subverting The Basic Elements Of Government Science And Research

PROTEST Schwarzenegger's Elimination of Minority Science Program (tags)




Consider That a Divorce (tags)

Total recall of Governor Gray Davis, a veteran California politician to replace him with a science fiction actor called “The Terminator.” Science fiction has become science reality in the mythical paradise that early Spanish explorers called “California.”

Research as a Weapon: Manipulating, Falsifying and Repressing (tags)

"The American oil economy which the Bush administration represents also profits from scientific falsification. Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton declared that Arctic oil drilling would not endanger cariboo."Trans fr German

False Prophets, fake skeptics: Holocaust denial (tags)

Those who deny Nazi genocide have created a pseudoscience called Holocaust Denial. Whether they are cognizant con artists, or illogical true believers, they distort facts to a desired end in the guise of skepticism.

Psychology - Infant Science Only (tags)

Ayn Rand says psychology is in infancy as a science. But the State-run media says it is real. It is all a lie. Don't believe the creeps. They are evil, because they force their crap on you. So they can drug you and put nonsense into your head. See "Disease Mongers" by Lynn Payer.

Science Fictions (tags)

‘ Science Fictions is about scientists behaving very, very badly. Crewdson’s research is thorough, his writing brisk.’ — Edmonton Journa

Homeland Security official has bogus computer degrees (tags)

A SENIOR OFFICIAL at the Homeland Security Department bought her degrees in computing science from a diploma fabrication plant, it has emerged.

Independent Science Panel Report On GM In Food (tags)

8.98 million farmers adopted sustainable agriculture practices on 28.92 million hectares in Asia, Latin America and Africa; reliable data from 89 projects show higher productivity and yields: 50-100% increase in yield for rainfed crops, and 5-10% for irrigated crops; top successes include Burkina Faso, which turned a cereal deficit of 644 kg per year to an annual surplus of 153 kg, Ethiopia, where 12 500 households enjoyed 60% increase in crop yields, and Honduras and Guatemala, where 45 000 families increased yields from 400-600 kg/ha to 2,000-2,500 kg/ha.

GAO Triples Estimates of Gulf War Fallout (tags)

So the truth comes to light 10 years later. I guess it will be another 10 years before they post the truth about Iraq War II Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, June 3, 2003; Page A21

Professional Resume of Key KOBE Member (tags)

We have now found a smoking gun. This is the professional resume of a KOBE leader. He works for SAIC, a defense contractor working with John Poindexter. We can also connect Cycorp, another defense contration working with John Poindexter, to KOBE.

Brat 10- Stupid Liberal (see what I told you?) (tags)

Be secure, confident, and watch the jealous ones go after you!

BTL:Rising Opposition to Occupation of Iraq Threatens Bush Agenda for... (tags)

...Restructuring the Oil-Rich Country. Interview with Mansour Farhang, Bennington College professor of political science, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris


this is an article that was up on the cs monitor website plz read and leave comments Title: Economist tallies swelling cost of Israel to US Author: David R. Francis Publisher: The Christian Science Monitor Date: Dec 9, 2002 Copyright © 2002, The Christian Science Monitor



Proudhon and the Condemnation of the Charity (tags)

Proudhon and the Condemnation of the Charity



Chemtrails: Michel Chossudovsky on HAARP (tags)

They want/ed to patent life forms and they did attempt to control the food chain through the Terminator Seed ( Monsanto ) - why WOULDN'T they sell nice weather. We ARE talking about megalomaniacs after all.

Capitalism = Self-Destruct Anarchism = Self-Construct (tags)




Faith Heals Reason (tags)

"There is a beautiful fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen where the devil builds a mirror that distorts everything beautiful and good into nothing.. I asked myself whether or not Andersen meant scientific reason.." This sermon is translated from the German.


A Scientist has been forced to deny his work because it disproves the Global Warming Theory - the Inquisition returns!!!!


Marathon westside teach-in explores peaceful solutions to, and examines roots of, terrorism.

Politics, Profits Increasing Risks of Biotech Foods (tags)

"I have questions about whether the scientific community has prepared for this era" of genetically modified crops, he told the conference, sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Mutiny at San Diego Harbor (tags)

On Sunday June 24, 2001, BioJustice Activists rowed out to sea in a tiny row boat and demonstrated against the Conference going on on shore at the San Diego Convention Center.

Why U.S. Medical "Science" Doesn't Work! (tags)

- I hope this rushed survey reaches you in time - and that Boing is telling them some-what the same thing inside! - The article doesn't begin to describe the far-reaching activities in this new field: even Livermores' big output this year was a new Hydrogen Storage Tank, based on this physics! The message? The ERA OF "BIG SCIENCE" is OVER!

Fired UCSD Janitor @ UCSD Rally, with Student (tags)

Alejandra Rodriguez, who was fired for trying to organize a union among subcontracted UCSD janitors, attended the rally. She is in the middle of this photo, next to Dan, a student from the Cognitive Science Department. Alejandra worked in the Cognitive Science Building.

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