fix articles 8173, math Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : math


Women's Groups Unite to Discuss Misogyny of Judge Thomas J. Lo (tags)

Women's Groups, concerned about a loss of rights and lives for female litigants, call for monitoring of Judge Thomas J. Lo's cases

Hate and Misogyny From the Bench: JudgeThomas J. Lo (tags)

Orange County has a serious judicial problem in which the hatred of vulnerable women by a Superior Court Judge is endangering lives.

Explaining the Wealth Gap to "Poets" (tags)

Humans naturally see the world logarithmically, according to a Radiolab episode, Numbers. By addressing this issue, we can ease the understanding of the wealth gap.


GPS navigational operations use the following correction factor: 1/Idiot X 1 idiot = corrected math. Then some other one told a lie about Einstein and the time dialation. Math, gravity, inertia, and the idiot, can easily be expressed with easy math from Babylon.


trying to put a comment today to a Wikileaks article, the site repeatedly says "wrong anser to math question" when "one and four" is listed as FIVE ... 3X attempted same only to be rejected as if I could not add right, write ? hmmmm anyone else have this problem today 12/15/10 @ 1:20 pm... secret word would be "five" but site refuses to take it as 4+1=5 that my 3rd grade artithmetic teacher claimed to be "true"... hmmmmm? what is going on here ?

MESA Program for Math and Science Kids To Close With Schwarzenegger's Budget Cuts (tags)

Highly Successful Program That Develops Math Skills in K- 12 is On The Block. Teacher David Meyerhof Gives a Video Testemonial.

This civilization is rotten to the core (tags)

The Vatican and its primary cohorts are the secret rulers of Planet Earth and their primary tools of governance are secrecy and the deceptive triangle formed by money, religion, and politics. It is beyond obvious that monetary, religious, and political leaders will never solve humanity’s persistent problems. To do so would free you from their deceptions and put them out of work…

The Enron of School Systems: (tags)

... or We Didn't Leave the Child Behind. We Just Lost the Paper Work.

Hitler Said It Best (tags)

If we hold any hopes for a return to the America of our Founding Fathers, and to accurate interpretations of the US Constitution, we must act now, each of us teaching and leading as Elders, as in The Giver, and take back our educational decision-making roles

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