fix articles 81442, tyrant
Recall Arizona tyrant Russell Pearce (tags)
Russell Pearce is the racist police state government tyrant in Arizona who wrote Arizona's racist SB 1070 law. It's time to recall Russell Pearce
They want our hearts and minds, but they just deserve our contempt.
Prayer For The Death Of The Tyrant (tags)
Macro Augmentation of Psi
Both the Oligarch and Tyrant Mistrust the People, and Therefore Deprive Them of Arms (tags)
From the book "The State vs. The People" by Claire Wolfe.
Saturday's television "news" was filled with the story of an Iraqi "execution camp" having just been found by U.S. forces. Every single news channel referred to the "grisly find", describing the "mutilated human remains" as proof that "something evil" had happened at the site. Alternately called a possible "death camp", "execution camp", and "torture center", the corporate media did their best to make the facility look like a Nazi concentration camp liberated by the Allies.
“Israel has crossed all red lines” (tags)
He expressed his fears when remembering the Israeli soldiers who take picture on top of the Palestinian dead and rubble, saying that he is certain that Sharon has proven beyond all doubts that he is a military, heartless and inhuman Tyrant.