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Wheat Gluten May Cause Symptoms of Depression and Paranoia (tags)

The wheat lobby is responding to accusations that their product is causing allergic reactions in many more people than previously thought by expected deceptions and twisting of reality. Though the gluten-free movement may seem trendy, it is based on growing understanding that wheat gluten consumption may be causing illnesses and discomfort in many humans. If you take the gluten challenge and notice a difference, you could be susceptible to toxins in modern day wheat.

Longshore Struggle Brews on Both Coasts, Part 2 (tags)

In the Northwest, at the terminals on the Columbia River, Puget Sound, and Portland, Oregon, the membership of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) are on the defensive against the Northwest Grain Handlers Association (NWGHA). The conflict involves nearly 3,000 workers at terminals that handle a quarter of the nation’s grain exports.

Why We Defend the ILWU and All Workers (tags)

In recent weeks, a showdown has loomed on U.S. docks between the shipping bosses and port workers that has rattled the capitalist ruling class. On the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, the International Longshoreman's Association prepared to strike container shipping while the employers threatened to lock out 14,500 ILA members. On the West Coast, the grain shippers been demanding a giveback contract from the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), which would effectively bypass the union hiring hall, slash workers' vital safety protections and gut union power. Yet in the midst of the Northwest grain battle, an Occupy activist Peter Little publishes an article vociferously arguing against the call to defend the ILWU. While posing as ultra-left, this policy if actually carried out would aid the employers who are hell-bent on destroying ILWU union power on the waterfront. And blaming sellouts on the nature of unions lets the bureaucrats off the hook. We in the Internationalist Group say: all those who stand with the exploited and oppressed must come to the defense of the ILWU in this fight. And that defense includes forthrightly opposing the capitulations and betrayals by the labor bureaucracy which sells out vital union gains in the vain hope of an impossible "cooperation" with capital, endangering the workers organizations they preside over.

Planet could be 'unrecognizable' by 2050, experts say (tags)

A growing, more affluent population competing for ever scarcer resources could make for an "unrecognizable" world by 2050, researchers warned at a major US science conference Sunday.

Scientist Shows Risks of Glyphosate, Threatened by Monsanto (tags)

An Argentinian scientist publically discusses his research on impacts of herbicide glyphosate on amphibian fetuses, claiming results indicate glyphosate can damage brain, heart and intestinal tissues of the fetus. Monsanto is heavily dependant on glyphosate, and has verbally attacked the scientist with ridicule and personal threats..

Hunger, The Silent Tsunami (tags)

Rice, the main food for nearly half of the world's population, costs twice as much as in December. The economic policy of the World Bank forced on countries on account of neocolonial trade relations is responsible for the unproductivity, not only the traditional small farmer system.

"Stop the Biofuel-Madness!" (tags)

"The high oil price and the food crisis threaten the existence of over a hundred million people." (Walden Bello) "People in poor countries must starve so the rich can continue driving their cars." Growing plants for biofuels is a crime against humanity.

Hunger in Abundance (tags)

The price explosion has nothng to do with a shortage in grain. After the quasi-collapse of the US financial markets, international ivnestors floated a considerable part of their funds in raw material- and food branches.

Reviewing F. William Engdahl's Seeds of Destruction - Part II (tags)

Agribusiness giants aim to control food worldwide and make it all genetically engineered.

Leafy Green Sewage (tags)

Nina Planck is the author of "Real Food: What to Eat and Why.''

Global Poultry Industry is the Root of the Bird Flu Crisis (tags)

GRAIN says factory farmng cause of bird flu epidemic

Warning: This diet is not for everyone (tags)

Finding a quarter-billion acres for adequate feed grain harvests would mean at least a 7 percent increase in cropland worldwide at a time when farmers are already using most of the better land. Much of the newly plowed acreage would likely be marginal, subject to greater erosion and requiring extra generous applications of fertilizer and pesticides.

Zimbabwe: Imposed Hunger Stalinist Style (tags)

The latest from sunny Rhodesia! The Washington Post | January 2, 2003

take our Gmaize or starve (tags)

they call themselves humanitarian, but in pushing GM food on to third world countries they are opportunistically exploiting other peoples tragedies

EPA Releases Report on Biotech Corn (tags)

In a report to a panel of scientific advisers who meet Tuesday and Wednesday, EPA said testing by corn processors and seed companies have helped to dramatically reduce the amount of StarLink corn that could be in food.

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