fix articles 81249, ian anderson
Struggle for National Democracy (tags)
This book by Jose Maria Sison is a historical record of the legal struggle for national liberation and democracy against U.S. imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism in the 60s and early 70s. It was the principal legal study material in discussion groups and schools of national democracy which educated the youth cadres and militants from 1967 through the First Quarter Storm of 1970 to the declaration of martial law in 1972.
From God-damned Australia (tags)
Since You Have Censored The Word of have no rain!(Amos 4:17; Zech. 14:17) You have been serving sh*t-eating Nazis. I told you 7 years ago in "Fire! Rain! The Choice Remains!" And I don't think the sun fried your brains either! LA IMC is just as bad! Access blocked 6 days/week!
Jethro Tull singer blasts false patriotism (tags)
When Ian Anderson made statements against the miserable war mongers and their rape of Iraq... the troglodyte right-wing attempts to shout him down.