fix articles 8116, dictatorship Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : dictatorship


August 2019 Honduras Coup Update (tags) This August in Honduras.. the education sector students and staff strikes continue as had the repression, and after 18 months, political prisoners Edwin Espinal and Raul Alvarez were released on bail, while Rommel and Gustavo remained locked up. Developments about to kick off to build luxury apartments on the outskirts of Tegucigalpa on the national park La Tigra attempting against the environment and the water supplies of the many, so resistance was growing against these. At the same time, attacks against the Guapinol community that has for many months resisted mining company Inversiones Los Pinares was horrifying, with reactivation of capture orders against environmental defenders - of some 32, 7 went to court to try to fight the charges there and put an end to them only to be taken into custody and refused bail, and in under a week, one of those who chose not to attend court was assassinated. See the details in chronological order in the summary

Neoliberalism and Authoritarianism - A Symbiotic Pair (tags)

Rightwing populist parties mix the conventional rightwing authoritarian political style with neoliberal economic ideas emphasizing the free unregulated market and the sleek but strong state. For Hayek, unions allegedly threaten democracy and force a just redistribution policy.

February 2018 Honduras Coup Again update (tags)

Much repression continues as the fraud dictatorship JOH regime continues in Honduras as does resistance against it. At least 3 have been assassinated this month, including a 40 years old community leader, a 33 year old organised farmer, and a 16 year old environmental activist. Read on for details about these and other attacks against a people resisting this dictatorship

Part 5: Honduras Coup Repeat Update: 16-31 January 201 (tags)

This fortnight of 16-31 January in Honduras. The dictatorship took possession. People never stopped blocking the roads, determined to not live under a dictatorship. Several assassinations against people of barricades. More political prisoners including Edwin Espinal locked up in La Tolva maximum security prison. Teargases. Gunshots. As well as calling for JOH to get out, farmers are taking land, banana workers are on strike, communities are blocking machinery of dam companies from destroying their rivers

PHILIPPINES: Call for a National Conference Against Dictatorship (tags)

Since he assumed office, President Rodrigo Duterte has still failed to fulfill his promise to “provide for those who have little”: Workers still continue to receive low wages and experience job insecurity because he has failed to fulfill his vow to end contractualization.

Philippines: Unity Statement by February 25 Coalition (tags)


Democracy and socialism (tags)

Democracy is the most popular word in the vocabulary of politics but also the most brazenly abused.

Yoane Sanchez in Brazil (tags)

We do not like friends of criminals in Brazil.

Navigating Egypt’s Revolutionary Crisis (tags)

As chaos again envelopes Egypt, the revolution is evolving in new directions, along contradictory and confusing channels. It’s tempting to immediately support the “opposition” to the Muslim Brotherhood’s apparent “power grab,” but the situation in Egypt is more complex. The recent events in Egypt are not simply signs of a healthy revolution, they include immediate dangers.

PHILIPPINES: Akbayan pushes for institutional teaching of Martial Law atrocities (tags)

On the 40th year commemoration of the declaration of martial law, Akbayan Party filed a resolution urging the institutional teaching of the atrocities committed during martial law under the late dictator Ferdinand E. Marcos in all levels of education.


he Former beauty queen-turned-activist Maita Favis Gomez died on Thursday from a heart attack, a family source said. Gomez won the 1967 Miss Philippines beauty pageant and represented the country in the Miss World contest in the UK. She was also a model for local fashion designer Pitoy Moreno and was even compared to the British model Twiggy.. She was married to a top San Miguel Corporation executive. But even before the declaration of martial law, she was very active in women’s causes led by the group, MAKIBAKA who picketed beauty contests during he First Quarter Storm. (FQS)

Economic Dictatorship (tags)

In the crisis, there was a paradigm based on the belief in unlimited economic growth on a planet with infinite resources. This paradigm identifies happiness with wealth, well-being with accumulation of material goods and progress with consumerism.


The USA military taught Brazilian state agents to practice torture in the past and even today torture is used because no one was punished because of what happened during the Brazilian dictatorship imposed in Brazil by USA.


Workers Party (PT) repeats in Brazil the old companions' of Party German Nazi infamous betrayal.

PHILIPPINES: Akbayan Lawmakers want Marcos declared ?enemy of democracy? (tags)

Coinciding with the 39th year anniversary of the declaration of Martial Law, Akbayan lawmakers today filed a resolution urging the House of Representatives to officially declare former dictator Ferdinand Marcos an ?enemy of democracy.?

Why Obama Fears Democracy in Egypt (tags)

Raising Lazarus from the dead would be easier than reviving the Egyptian President. So Obama is on to plan B. And as it turns out, plan B looks a lot like the status-quo, minus a change of face. The new face is a man handpicked by the U.S., Mohamed ElBaradei, a UN bureaucrat who hasn't lived in Egypt in decades and is virtually unknown by the Egyptian people. Placing ElBaradei in power will take behind the scenes political maneuvering combined with military repression, a plan that will collide with the revolutionary demands of the people.

Open letter from ANONYMOUS to the people of TUNISIA [HQ VIDEO] (tags)

Congratulations on your brave stand against your dictatorship! You have won! Well - You have defeated the dictator - now you must defeat the dictatorship! Keep up the fight for freedom! RCD members are everywhere, with bloody hands...


The Brazilian journalists are abusing the freedom of press.

The Chicago Conspiracy West Coast Tour 2010 (tags)

Social struggles, reclamation, occupation, and combatant youth culture in Chile. Film showing, photo exhibit, and discussion in LA in early May

The U.S. is the Country of the Tonton Macoutes (tags)

It was proven that those that had nothing could have less on Tuesday January 12th.The earthquake in Haiti devastated the little reconstruction that was done by the U.N. forces which are still controlled by the regional power with global intentions: Brazil.


It is necessary to pull the dictators of their graves.

U.S., French, & UK Imperialist Hands off Niger! (tags)

In Niger human rights organizations, trade unions, and opposition parties (including the Niger Party for Democracy and Socialism) are all supporting the coup. 10,000 people rallied in support on February 20th. Meanwhile the US, France, UK, UN, and African Union all have been quick to condemn the coup. Tandja did the bidding of U.S. imperialism. Meanwhile, according to the UN Development Program’s 2006 Human Development Index, Niger is the poorest country in the world. Sixty percent of the population lives on less than a dollar a day, life expectancy is only to 45-years old, and adult illiteracy is 71%.

Chomsky as Chávez’s Clown (tags)

* This article criticizes the weak and untenable posture the celebrated North American linguist and essayist holds in support of the current Venezuelan government. It was originally published in Venezuela’s anarchist newspaper El Libertario, issue # 57.

Medical marijuana gets a boost from major doctors group (tags)

Medical marijuana gets a boost from major doctors group

Push to legalize marijuana gains ground in California (tags)

Push to legalize marijuana gains ground in California

Economic recovery underway - a cruel deception (tags)

Filipino workers say "Never Again" (tags)

Workers belonging to the Coalition Against Contractualization (KONTRA) today marched to Mendiola to mark the anniversary of the signing of Proclamation 1081 that imposed Martial Law 37 years ago and to reaffirm their vows to never again let the country slip into darkness.


Chronicle of a shit country.

Endangered species listing sought for Arctic reindeer (tags)

Endangered species listing sought for Arctic reindeer


Chronicle of a country that doesn't punish torturing and that it presses their defenders.

Fed refuses to disclose recipients of US $2-trillion (tags)

Fed refuses to disclose recipients of US $2-trillion

A billion to go hungry with food prices back on rise (tags)

A billion to go hungry with food prices back on rise

Iran's marine mammals endangered (tags)

Iran's marine mammals endangered

600,000 seniors about to lose their homes (tags)

600,000 seniors about to lose their homes

CA now faces budget cuts "beyond draconian" (tags)

CA now faces budget cuts "beyond draconian"

US Army prepares to occupy Iraq for another decade (tags)

US Army prepares to occupy Iraq for another decade

Schwarzenegger plans to completely eliminate welfare for families (tags)

Schwarzenegger plans to completely eliminate welfare for families

Free market and democracy are incompatible (tags)

Capitalism = McCarthyist dictatorship

Interior upholds rules designed to make polar bears extinct (tags)

Interior upholds rules designed to make polar bears extinct

CA Governor asks 'what if pot's legal and taxed?' (tags)

CA Governor Schwarzenegger asks 'what if pot's legal and taxed?'

US escalates threats against Pakistan (tags)

US escalates threats against Pakistan

The international monetary system's breakdown is underway (tags)

The international monetary system's breakdown is underway

Honeybees in danger (tags)

Honeybees in danger

Ice-free Arctic Ocean possible in 30 years (tags)

Ice-free Arctic Ocean possible in 30 years

Marine mammals will die in Navy warfare testing program (tags)

Marine mammals will die in Navy warfare testing program

Iraq puppet government prepares to execute hundreds of gays (tags)

Iraq puppet government prepares to execute hundreds of gays

America loses 23,000 jobs every day (tags)

America loses 23,000 jobs every day

Gaza hospitals are overwhelmed (tags)

Gaza hospitals are overwhelmed

Arctic melt passes the point of no return (tags)

Arctic melt passes the point of no return

Iran to send relief ship to Gaza (tags)

Iran to send relief ship to Gaza

Greece – Commemoration day of the student revolt in 1973 turns to Riot (tags)

Greece – Commemoration day of the student revolt in 1973 turns to Riot

Not "Fascism or Obama": Fascism and Obama (tags)

It is all too obvious that anti-fascism renounces revolution. But anti-fascism fails exactly where its realism claims to be effective: in preventing a possible dictatorial mutation of society. The fight for a democratic state is inevitably a fight to consolidate the state, and far from crippling totalitarianism, such a fight increases totalitarianism's stranglehold on society.

US military admits killing 33 civilians in Afghanistan air strike (tags)

US military admits killing 33 civilians in Afghanistan air strike

US faces the F-16s it supplied to Pakistan (tags)

US faces the F-16s it supplied to Pakistan

NATO air strikes killing more Afghan civilians (tags)

NATO air strikes killing more Afghan civilians

The Aquino Assasination, August 21, 1983, 25 years Later (tags)

Twenty-five years ago today, August 21, 1983, the armed minions of the US-Marcos dictatorship shot and killed Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. after arresting him inside the plane that took him home from his exile in the United States. Many articles have been written and will be written singing paeans to the late opposition leader and extolling him to high heavens but without understanding the reasons he went back to face his death in the Philippines.

Companero Don White, PRESENTE! (tags)

Don White, PRESENTE! Don is an internationalist like Norman Bethune. He was ever present for Filipino-American issues like the anti-Marcos movement and the Oust Estrada campaign and the oust GMA movement. He always drew paralells with the brutal US-Marcos dictatorship and the atrocious El Salvador military dictatorship that existed at the same time.

Before Trillanes was Vizmanos, the ‘original rebel soldier’ (tags)

efore the likes of Antonio Trillanes IV, there was Danilo “Ka Dan” Vizmanos, the quintessential “young rebel officer” who fought against martial law and continues to wage the good fight. A retired Navy captain, Vizmanos resisted Ferdinand Marcos’ dictatorship despite torture, crusaded against US military bases on Philippine soil, and campaigned to terminate the RP-US Balikatan war games in the South. “Ka Dan is the original rebel soldier,” said Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) secretary general Renato Reyes Jr.

How business starves the world's poor (tags)

How business starves the world's poor

Toxic e-waste pouring into Third World (tags)

Toxic e-waste pouring into Third World

$100 fill-ups arrive at gas pumps (tags)

$100 fill-ups arrive at gas pumps

Hunger plagues Haiti and the world (tags)

Hunger plagues Haiti and the world

US looking at lead levels in artificial turf (tags)

US looking at lead levels in artificial turf

US undermining Afghan trials (tags)

US undermining Afghan trials

US lawmakers invested in Iraq, Afghanistan wars (tags)

US lawmakers invested in Iraq, Afghanistan wars

Bush to veto bill curbing waterboarding (tags)

Bush to veto bill curbing waterboarding

Infragard - Martial law enforcement has been privatized (tags)

Martial law enforcement has been privatized

FQSN-USA Statement on the 38th Anniversary of The First Quarter Storm (FQS) “Battle of Men (tags)

We the activist from the First Quarter Storm Network-USA remembers that thirty-eight years ago, on January 30-31, 1970 fought the Philippine police and army forces who attacked the progressive forces in what is now known in history as the Battle of Mendiola. Two years after, on September 21, 1972, President Ferdinand Marcos declared martial in the Philippines and plunged the country into 14 years of dictatorship and blatant fascism. Today, Philippine president Gloria Macapagal –Arroyo is trying to institute another kind of martial law, an undeclared martial law in the guise of fighting the “US war Against Terror”. FQS activist like Randall Echanis, Elizabeth Principe, Philip Limjoco, Leo Velasco and others were arrested without charges and held in jail. Militant activist who are serving the people are being thrown in jail and incarcerated.

Galloway points finger at Musharaf... (tags)

"The professionalism of the assassination, the way in which the killer managed to get within pistol range of the opposition leader, the decoy "suicide bomb" story.. all point to the intelligence apparatus of the dictatorship being involved."

Iran halted nuclear program in 2003 (tags)

Iran halted nuclear program in 2003

Sao Paulo (Brazil) is under a disguised dictatorship (tags)

It’s a disguised dictatorship, with press freedom, but no freedom for public demonstrations.

Cuba 2007: Speaking with the Cuban Libertarian Movement (MLC) (tags)

* Interview by the Russian newspaper SITUATION from libertarian collective Autonomous Action regarding the current political picture in the island. A Spanish translation was published in El Libertario #50, Venezuela, 2007. For more info go to: -Cuban anarchist website- and

COUNTDOWN to DICTATORSHIP - 25 days left! (tags)

Bush Outlaws All War Protest In United States AMERICA - YOU ARE 25 DAYS FROM DICTATORSHIP & TYRANNY

911 EPA oversight hearings taking place (tags)

911 EPA oversight hearings taking place

New Haven approves ID cards for illegal immigrants (tags)

New Haven approves ID cards for illegal immigrants

Company will track and fingerprint its content on the Web (tags)

Company will track and fingerprint its content on the Web

Want to STOP Amerikan Fascism? Then STOP supporting it! Tax Rebellion 2007 (tags)

Then stop supporting it. Simply stop paying federal fees, taxes, debt and other ransoms from neo-feudalism. Starting now! Highway Blog, spray paint, banner drop, tell friends, call up family, shout it out to neighbors, leave leaflets at pubs and cafes, hand write it in big letters on that wall or across the window. "STOP THE WARS, NO MORE TAX PAYING!" "STARVE THE BEAST!"

Services sector overtakes farming (tags)

Services sector overtakes farming

New Orleans police setting up overnight checkpoints (tags)

New Orleans police setting up overnight checkpoints

Pinochet, chief of the mass murderers, dies (tags)

His death does not mark the end of Pinochetism. People are declaring themselves admirers of his work. Some more shamefully than others, they declare themselves his admirers, his followers, his heirs. They must pay for his entire legacy. The indictment for the crimes of Pinochet's dictatorship, which the human rights organizations have upheld valiantly and tirelessly for years, against his civilian and military collaborators, does not expire with the death of their leader.

violent video game effects linger in brain (tags)

violent video game effects linger in brain

Iraq conquest longer in duration than WWII (tags)

Iraq conquest longer in duration than WWII

Scientists fret over missing grey whales (tags)

Scientists fret over missing grey whales

Fewer polar bear cubs survive in Alaska (tags)

Fewer polar bear cubs survive in Alaska

Marijuana, the anti-drug (tags)

Marijuana, the anti-drug

Insurance companies looking to outsource health care (tags)

Insurance companies looking to outsource health care to the developing world.

US to screen all who enter, leave country (tags)

Stop Illegal Republicans! (tags)

US casualties mount in Iraq and Afghanistan (tags)

US casualties mount in Iraq and Afghanistan

Water for millions at risk (tags)

Water for millions at risk as glaciers melt faster than expected

Navy officer tapped to head LA schools (tags)

Navy officer with no experience tapped to head LA schools

The Dow's phony new high (tags)

The Dow's phony new high

Chicago plans to add 100 stealth cameras (tags)

Chicago plans to add 100 stealth cameras

Border fence could spell environmental disaster (tags)

Border fence could spell environmental disaster

Earth may be at warmest point in million years (tags)

Earth may be at warmest point in million years

Corporate America's uncashed check: slave labor (tags)

Corporate America's uncashed check: disgorging the ill-gotten gains of slave labor:


We activist of the First Quarter Storm Network (FQSN)- USA commemorate the thirty-fourth year declaration of martial law in the Philippines that plunged the country into 14 years of dictatorship. Today, on the 34th year commemoration of martial law, we have to struggle against another tyrant who wanted to impose the same dictatorship under another label. We have to fight on! We still have to fight a war to win –the war against forgetting and revisionism. We have to wage a protracted war to remember, relive and reaffirm with our collective memories, our struggle for national democracy and the social liberation of our people.

IMF out of the Philippines and South countries now, protesters demand (tags)

On the occasion of the Annual Meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) together with the World Bank in Singapore, the Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC) and other civil society organizations blame “the Fund” for being the single most influential factor for the worsening poverty in the Philippines and other countries in the South.

Why Democracies evolve into Dictatorships (tags)

It took only six years with Bush Jr. as President to give birth to a new generation of radical political activists, journalists, and commentators, whose main concerns are subjecting the insane policies of the President to exposure and condemnation; this, it seems, constitutes the foundation for nearly the entire realm of real political opposition in the U.S. The strategy here is limited to educating people about the destructive policies of the Republicans and hoping that in response, a protest or political movement will evolve powerful enough to either reform or displace those in power. Education of course, is absolutely crucial in transforming any dissident organization into an entity capable of action and results. However, by focusing only on the policies of the Republicans, without explaining the larger framework from whence they came, political education is greatly hindered, limiting the potential for effective action.

Who's next? (tags)

THIS morning, I received a text message from a friend based in Baguio City. I'm translating the text: "Update from those who visited Chandu. He's OK now. Can communicate. Hope he'll pull through." That was the uplifting part, but the text ended: "Alice's burial on Friday." Chandu is Dr. Constancio Claver, a physician working in the Cordilleras and chair of the Bayan Muna party-list group in Kalinga province. Last Monday, his family was ambushed by armed men on board two vans. Chandu and a bystander suffered gunshot wounds and both are now recovering. Sandy, their 7-year-old daughter, was in the van and was spared but suffers from shock. Alice, Chandu's wife, died from her wounds.

Judge bars Navy sonar (tags)

Judge bars Navy sonar

US House votes to cut the estate tax (tags)

US House votes to cut the estate tax

Anti-Cha-cha protests mark Independence Day (tags)

AJLPP reprinted the news on the mass actions in Manila and the rest of the Philippines against Charter Change and the escalating human rights violations and attacks against personages and members of the people's organizations and party-list leaders and members in the Philippines. Several thousands of protesters joined the protests against Charter change, June 12. In Manila, about 10,000 protesters participated in an Inter-Faith prayer rally at the Liwasang Bonifacio. Members of Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) and its allied organizations marched from two assembly points – Welcome Rotunda and Quirino avenue corner Taft avenue --toward the Liwasang Bonifacio, 4 pm. Former Vice President Teofisto Guingona Jr., National Artist for Literature Dr. Bienvenido Lumbera, Senator Jamby Madrigal, Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay, San Juan Mayor JV Ejercito, Manila Vice Mayor Danny Lacuña were among the personalities who attended the rites.

Three prisoners commit suicide at Guantanamo Bay (tags)

Three prisoners commit suicide at Guantanamo Bay

Swiss injection rooms lead the way (tags)

Swiss injection rooms lead the way

covert operations underway in Somalia (tags)

covert operations underway in Somalia

News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/02/06) (tags)

Death of an Iraqi professor

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/28/06) (tags)

A great email about 911 truth tactics.

Bush regime seizing prescriptions ordered by US citizens (tags)

Bush regime seizing prescriptions ordered by US citizens

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/22/06) (tags)

Drug prices rise under Medicare plan

Major bird flu summit coming in six days (tags)

Major bird flu summit coming in six days

Fakey, flakey 911 footage (tags)

Fakey, flakey 911 footage

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/16/06) (tags)

US/Israel puppet government of Iraq declares "bird flu alert".

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/15/06) (tags)

Israel to encircle Palestinian state.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/14/06) (tags)

Bush regime just might kill Amtrak.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/11/06) (tags)

US trade deficit reaches all-time high

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/9/06) (tags)

US military attending upcoming bird flu conference.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/8/06) (tags)

Military coup d'etat brewing in Washington?

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/6/06) (tags)

Homeland Security Contracts for Vast New Detention camps.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/27/06) (tags)

New Orleans could lose 80% of its Black population

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/23/06) (tags)

As profits soar, oil companies pay less for gas rights.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/21/06) (tags)

Washington uses New Orleans to push for dismantling of public education.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/19/06) (tags)

Warmer seas will wipe out plankton.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/18/06) (tags)

Latest Bush dictatorship mega-catastrophe is now pharmaceuticals.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/12/05) (tags)

Big Box Mart

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/11/05) (tags)

The global death squad of George W. Bush.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/29/05) (tags)

Burying college grads in debt.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/27/05) (tags)

Xymphora - The ground war in Syria has begun.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/21/05) (tags)

US jobless growth at 10-year high

With Gladys – We’ll win a thousand times (tags)

SANTIAGO, Chile — It was with a heavy heart that I arrived in Chile. Compañera Gladys Marin, president of the Communist Party of Chile (CPC), had died March 6 of a brain tumor. She was 63. Communist and workers party representatives came from around the world to pay tribute to this revolutionary heroine. My party — the Communist Party USA — asked me to represent it at Marin’s funeral.

The Path to Absolute Power (tags)

"Whenever you have an efficient government, you have a dictatorship." -- Harry S. Truman

"We Refuse to be Buried by Globalization" (tags)

"The theory of the end of work is nonsense. It is part of an ideology. We are not in a crisis but in a process of change in which the whole labor force is no longer needed.. Our problem is that we stubbornly cling to an old concept of work.."

The Achilles’ Heel(s) of the US War Machine (tags)

- John Doraemi publishes Crimes of the State, at: -

Venezuelan March for Sovereignty: Caracas January 23 2005 (tags)

Tour of the Revolution II: Photo Essay Venezuelan March for Sovereignty: Caracas January 23 2005 "En Defensa de la Soberanía"

Mankind's Unmentionable Secret (tags)

A family counselor told me that a family's 'real' problem is always the one that is unmentionable.

"Imagined Pasts: National Identity in the Dominican Republic" (at CSULA) (tags)

Under the Trujillo dictatorship, a glorious and partly imaginary Indian past was exalted, while Blacks were ignored.

Of Satans, Bush and financial dictatorship (tags)

Using "Bush Logic" George Washington and all of the Founding Fathers who fought in the Revolutionary War were Terrists'. Think about it.

Maoist Debate: Free Speech under Socialism (tags)

The following exchange was taken from the website over the question of Freedom of speech after revolution.

Empathy, Sympathy and Objectivity (tags)

of global relevance

Again a dictatorship (tags)

The Iraq was designed artificial by colonial power with arbitrary choice of borders.

Fascism, Farm Subsidies and Suicide (tags)

As the fascists in the White House celebrate the success of the tragedy they helped make happen on 9/11 (September 11, 2001) on this day September 11, 2003, Lee Kyung-hae, a Korean farmer (who has been put out of business in Korea by cheap imports from the U.S. Global Economic Dictatorship) lies dead in a hospital morgue in Cancun, Mexico.

Collateral Damage (tags)

Let's talk about "Collateral Damage". Where did this term come from? How did collateral damage become the description for civilian deaths in what have been illegal wars perpetrated by America?

War Dictatorship (tags)

"The US attacked Iraq. The US dictated this war to the whole world. They showed they considered nothing but their national security and their national interests.. This war dictatorship is the dictatorship of arbitrariness and unpredictability."

War Dictatorship (tags)

"The US attacked Iraq. The US dictated this war to the whole world. They showed they considered nothing but their national security and their national interests.." Translated from the German in Utopie kreativ, May 2003

Wisdom and Foolishness in the Mideast (tags)

read on

The Handmaid's Tale Proceeding on Schedule! (tags)

My fellow Canadian, Margaret Atwood, could not have predicted what we're now going through more accurately.

The hidden goal of war (tags)

The final goal of american strategists through the war against Iraq is to seek the worst terrorist chaos we ever seen in order to justify their future military dictatorship upon the entire world.

Dictator Watch Manifesto (tags)

Now, or never?

Quote From History (tags)

Please Fwd This Vital Piece Of Information

Antitoxin or how to get an public enemy (tags)

Blair can't smell it and Bush can't catch it. It's on the move



Chaos Analysis Questionnaire (tags)

Give it a try!

Chaos and Violence (tags)


Who Aree the Terrorists? (tags)

"The Secret War, Strategy of Terror" was what the cloak & daggar crowd branded the war in Central America staged in Honduras during the 1980s.

The Democratic Trickle-Down Theory of Capitalism is Actually A Dictatorship (tags)

The Trickle-Down Theory of Capitalism is Actually A Dictatorship of Capitalism for the "Super Rich". (Good capitalism is a "trickle up" theory for the "Super Rich".). The Trickle-Down of Patriotism, Nationalism, and Capitalism. Corporations get billions for "Bailouts", Employee's get pink slips..... USA trickle-down theory, and practice; In a capitalist stock market. A PEACEFUL WORLDWIDE HUMANITARIAN PROTEST AGAINST WAR AND U.S. NATIONALISTIC ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENTAL WAR POLICY.

The "Democratic" Trickle-Down Theory of Capitalism is Actually A "Dictatorship" (tags)

The Trickle-Down Theory of Capitalism is Actually A Dictatorship of Capitalism for the "Super Rich". (Good capitalism is a "trickle up" theory for the "Super Rich".). The Trickle-Down of Patriotism, Nationalism, and Capitalism. Corporations get billions for "Bailouts", Employee's get pink slips..... USA trickle-down theory, and practice; In a capitalist stock market. A PEACEFUL WORLDWIDE HUMANITARIAN PROTEST AGAINST WAR AND U.S. NATIONALISTIC ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENTAL WAR POLICY.

Coup Watch: Has Bush Jnr declared the dictatorship ? (tags)

A man who has signed the death warrants of almost 150 people has no right to joke about dictatorship !

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