fix articles 8115, does not Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : does not

does not


"covid" does not exist :

Society of the self-righteous and Realizing Love (tags)

Love does not want to be owned. It does not allow itself to be put in chains or locked up in a museum. Love does not belong to anyone. It is there for everyone. The more we give it, the greater it becomes. We don't have to do anything but open the door to it. Our own resistance alone can keep love out.

Everyone wants peace (tags)

The visions of a possible peace in Ukraine differ among all parties. For Russia, it is a matter of ensuring that Ukrainian territory no longer poses a threat to its own security. Therefore, it primarily wants to achieve the demilitarization of Ukraine. It must not become a deployment area for NATO.

The definitive end of the commons as we know it (tags)

What we are witnessing is the end of the polity as we know it. The ultimate extinction of public spirit. Parallel societies will remain. We will probably have to live with division. And die.

We need a real debate on the Ukraine war (tags)

The longer the war in Ukraine continues, the greater the risk of a nuclear accident or incident. And given the strategy of U.S. President Joe Biden's administration to "weaken" Russia through large-scale arms shipments. The United States and NATO are in a proxy war with Russia.

Can an offer from the West bring peace to Ukraine? (tags)

Ukraine is being crushed The consequences of war are dead, injured, displaced, destroyed lives, social communities torn apart, broken infrastructures and homes, misery and years of revenge. Yet no one stops this terrible war. It is unbearable to watch.

The Inner Sanctuary and The Uprooted Generation (tags)

Contemplation does not directly change the world, but it does change people by bringing them closer to themselves again. Our situation in a facade democracy with a compliant majority, with rigid state power, and with laws that are almost always against us, is not unlike that in a prison - a prison with larger cells, perhaps.


the ultimate evidence

The media response to Putin's conciliatory essay (tags)

On the exact 80th anniversary of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, which cost that country nearly 27 million lives, the Russian president himself published an essay in the former flagship of détente whose title already signaled a willingness to reconcile.


sars cov 2 does not exist : proof

The complementary reality (tags)

Where we cannot completely displace the mainstream, we should first try to supplement it with our own more humane concepts.

From the irrationalism of the market to the irrationalism of life in neoliberalism (tags)

Reason is not allowed to question the market but accepts it as a neutral and objective authority. The market takes the place of reason on a collective, social level. By definition, compulsion does not come from the market.

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 24 (tags)

anne frank´s diary amounts to commercial fraud

Paraphysique du microcosme macrocosme (tags)

Tout se relie...

Debunking Some Anti-Prop 10 Propaganda (tags)

The opposition is out there spreading half truths. I have nothing to do with the Yes on Prop 10 campaign, but feel compelled to address these simple fabrications that the opposition has made.

The West Must Take the First Steps to Russia (tags)

Russia acts out of a strategic defensive and does not pursue an aggressive, expansive policy. It will defend itself against a policy of Nato that sees it as aggressive... That Nato is willing to rethink must be one of the visible signs.

Paraphysique de la vie (tags)

L'objectivité n'existe pas...

Brazil wants democracy back! (tags)

The coup of 2016 double hit democracy in Brazil: it overthrew an honest president from power, without being able to point out against her rigorously no wrong attitude, thus trampling the constitution, which does not admit this alternative, and passing, in practice, the presidentialist regime to The parliamentarian, without consulting the population, a hypothesis that is also forbidden by the Magna Carta.

Breaking: Miller On Bakersfield Incident (tags)

On the issue of the trailer of bomb-grade nuclear waste scheduled for military recycling which traffic controllers found abandoned at a Bakersfield refill stop last night, there is environmental crisis manager Winston Miller on the line.

Strategic Emergency Declared Upon Eastern Europe (tags)

In a statement at Moscow International Relations School (Mirsch), newly appointed Unitednations chairman Antonin Guderez today declared the condition of formal strategic emergency over the region of Eastern Europe. According to the body‘s charter, this means that the Secretary General has vetoed any form of military or political confrontation taken by any member or non-member states, and made change an unavoidable precondition for his own activity there. The short statement was delivered at the end of a question and answer session of a lesson on the history of the Soviet Union, which the politician has attended as a guest. Over the recent days and weeks, the region has seen a rush of deployments and tactical material shipments far beyond the usual conflict hotspots.

Paraphysique du préjugé et de l'idée reçue (tags)

Toute idée est une idée reçue...

Planned Crises or Alan Greenspan's "Tsunami" (tags)

Greenspan knew his policy would create a financial bubble that ultimately had to burst. The subsequent crisis was consciously accepted since it speeded up the process of creative destruction. Lessons from the 2008 financial meltdown include shrinking the financial sector and expanding the public sector.

Palestinians: We Are the New Nazis (tags)

Bassam Tawil is a scholar based in the Middle East.

On the End of Capitalism (tags)

The bridge from capitalism to the new "post-growth economy" is lacking. Hardly anyone reflects about the process of transformation...If the climate should be spared, flying cannot be a human right. The R-word will be unavoidable again: renunciation.

Tao Te Ching (tags)

The Tao Te Ching translation is by Derek Lin has survived millennia... it is the way of water

US/Israeli No Palestinian State Solution (tags)


The "Cleaning Up" of Venice (tags)

LA City is wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars to criminalize and harass unhoused people. This does not solve anything!

The Myth of the Unexpected Crisis and Security (tags)

Many knew the rise of housing prices had to end some time or other... Four theses explain why the Fed was not active during the real estate boom: power of lobbyists, market ideology, trust in abstract academic models and inflation targeting.

Capitalism and War: Pope Francis (tags)

Pope Francis was interviewed by the “la Vanguardia” newspaper from Catalonia. In the dialogue, Francis spoke about the state of reforms in the Vatican, Benedict’s retirement and prayer for peace on Pentecost.

The State as a Human Cage (tags)

"Personal performance" always depends on the work of past generations and state interventions. The 1% stylize inequality as a motor to innovation, growth and development. Exploding inequality is the end to public spirit and interdependence.

This economy kills!: Pope Francis (tags)

The Cold War in internal church policy may be coming to an end. A religion without mysticism is merely a philosophy. Mysticism is a specifically modern form of faith. God's presence is no longer self-evident or plausible to the entire world. Francis' church is a hospital under the open air.

The unconditional basic income as a postpatriarchal project (tags)

"The unconditional basic income does not provide a readymade solution to the imbalance of genders that has grown over the centuries. Rather it is a postpatriarchal project in a strict sense as it does not present a magic bullet but counts on the freedom and ability of women and men..."

RADI.MS The media you were waiting for will soon be born A new world from integral revolu (tags)

A new media is in the making. Springing from a spirit of rebellion, from everywhere, anywhere and nowhere. A quality media, because being an activist does not mean giving up being a journalist. An independent media, because being a journalist does not mean giving up being a revolutionary A creative and surprising media, because being reliable does not mean being boring.

The NSA and “Having Nothing to Hide” (tags)

"Bow down before the one you serve, you're going to get what you deserve."

The State Should Rescue the Market Economy (tags)

A balance recession is more than a temporary slump of the economy. During a balance recession, private economic actors try to reduce their debts. The cheap money seeps out on the financial markets where it leads to new bubbles. The labor market does not function like other markets. Falling wages did not lead to more employment - as claimed for decades.

Justice served with stiff penalties against fraudulent teacher recruiter (tags)

We, members of the Filipino community and different Filipino-American groups here in the US, extend our congratulations to the hundreds of Filipino teachers for their victorious struggle against their deceitful recruitment agency Universal Placement Inc. (UPI) and its owner Lourdes Navarro. We are happy that after four years of brave and sustained efforts on different fronts and winning different battles along the way, the case has reached the federal court which found these defendants liable for engaging in fraudulent practices.

The Social State: A Wondrous Promise (tags)

The social state is an instrument of social pacification. It was a reaction to the extreme social and political dislocations. While Europe sank into chaos and fascism, Roosevelt developed the social state in the US that was exported after the war to Western Europe.

Separate and Unequal in Israel (tags)


Better Instead of More (tags)

Economics could be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing self-determination and creativity. Economics changes with the times. Once saving was the elixir and then spending was the elixir. Frank Rotering in "Needs and Limits" discusses "ecological overshoot."

Criticism of Economists (tags)

Economists with their models could predict the values of economic variables but did not foresee the greatest worldwide economic crisis in 80 years. Mechanical-deterministic neoclassicism is a self-contained theoretical model offering simple answers.

Get a secure email account (tags)

Get a free data secure web mail and pop email account at

The Ostrich Strategy (tags)

The word crisis describes a turning point where a decision about direction must be made. A dramatic turning point where business as usual is not an option does not correspond to our picture of an ordered world.

Does Money Buy Happiness? (tags)

A new article in Science Daily says money does not by happiness.

The Attack of Corporations and the Rich on the Rest of Society (tags)

In the last decades, wealth has concentrated in a few hands. The increasing inequality does not offend us; this inequality is the result of an active policy. The rich prevail; they are subsidized and relieved from contributions to the social infrastructure while social benefits are cut.

The Dangerous Doctrine of Justification (tags)

While religion can make people happier by giving connection to a larger whole, it can also make them blind and neurotic. Self-righteousness is the grand delusion distorting life in the church and outside the church (cf. Eberhard Juengel).

A North American call out for a day of action against prisons in the New Year of 2011 (tags)

Noise demos outside of prisons in some countries are a continuing tradition. A way of expressing solidarity for people imprisoned during the New Year, remembering those held captive by the state. A noise demo breaks the isolation and alienation of the cells our enemies create, but it does not have to stop at that.

A Different Kind of Tea: Some Tea Partiers May Support Pot Legalization (tags)

Proposition 19, which would legalize and tax marijuana in California, may have some unexpected supporters in the conservative tea party movement, reports Leo E. Laurence, associate editor of Zenger’s magazine and a former deputy sheriff who's campaigning for the measure as a member of the group Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (L.E.A.P.).

"Ttopia can become Reality on the Internet!" (tags)

"We wanted to create an optimistic vision of the Internet without veiling the dangers and weaknesses of the system. Everything possible that happens today appeared utopian a few years ago. Our virtual country survived a dark period of its history and changed.."


he PESANTE NEWS learned last March 12 taht the NDF or the National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas reacting to statements by the 8th Infantry Division and Eastern Samar Gov. Ben Evardone, said today that there already two governments in the country and the revolutionary movement does not simply accept bribes to let reactionary politicians win in the election.

Social State as Home (tags)

This society cannot afford to dismantle the social state. The social state guarantees inner peace. The strength of a people is measured by the well-being of the weak, those not born with a silver spoon. Solidarity, social justice and equal opportunities are key words and open doors.

Freedom of Speech at Universities (tags)

Events this week in both the USA and the UK have once again shown the double standard for free speech at universities

God's Power and Powerlessness (tags)

"The stock market conditioned destruction of jobs widens into a new atom bomb of our days through which the social and cultural peace in the one world is destroyed..Jesus told parables, lives as God's parable and enables believers to be God's parables.."

Neoliberal Definitional Power (tags)

"What is central is ending the constant expropriation of employees, not the expropriation of entrepreneurs." Market fundamentalists stylize every tax as expropriation as though they had no responsibility for paying for roads, schools, health care, police, fire departments and water-food supervision.

Israel No Victim (tags)

from, 12/31/08

Bush and Cheney wore the flag to appear patriotic. (tags)

Obama does not need to follow.

Bankruptcy of the Last Utopia (tags)

The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity and self-realization. The economy should serve humankind; humanity should not serve bankers, SUVs and sports stadiums. The same Chinese letter represents crisis & opportunity.Will future be more human?


Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing yourself is Enlightenment


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) coordinator Arturo P. Garcia expressed this stand and say they are seriously disappointed with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Bob Filner, head of the House of Representatives Veterans Committee who said that "S. 1315 is dead because the democrats do not have the 2/3 majority votes needed to pass it." JFAV also expressed disenchantment with the democrats when Filner further said, "Speaker Pelosi can crack the whip for the 40 or so Democrats holding out but she won't. She is concerned that their (40+ Reps) re-election bids will be affected by this vote. [Filner] does not agree but [he] does not have the whip.

U.S. Economy doing well? Think again. (tags)

Hold on to your shorts and wallets!

Conscientious Objector Status—Who Should Decide? (tags)

It is a fallacious and legalistic straw man ploy for any society or organization (such as the Department of Defense) to arrogate, as definition, that an individual must oppose “all” war on religious or ethical grounds to be considered a “conscientious objector”. Simply to be “conscientious” means to act from one’s “own” conscience—not from the collective hearsay of any particular group or on legalistic grounds of some corporate presumption. The individual conscience is the moral compass of conscientious authority.

"Science in the White House": David Baltimore (tags)

"The White House and the US Congress have shown little respect for science in the last years. The government obviously does not understand the importance of independence for science. Unfree scientific thinking does not work."

Bern does not need US permission (tags)

Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey says her country does not need Washington's permission to advance its strategic interests.

Only Tigers Survive: Scientology (tags)

As Erich Fromm would say, scientology fits in the world of the marketing character and the "unproductive I-orientation." Scientology is the glorification of an American ego-trip. Life is a game! Everyone plays for himself! Everyone can be a winner! Wars are only part of this game!

The End of Capitalism As We Know It: Book Review (tags)

Capitalism needs a pension. The time for a dissolution of the historical phenomenon of this special economic form is overdue. The good old capitalism now appears as a development-brake and catastrophe-accelerator because monopolies are impractical and inflexible.

Gay Hip Hop Tour Winds Down in L.A. (tags)

the first ever tour of Gay and Lesbian rappers concludes it's historical 2007 run in L.A.

When Is Torture Not Torture? (tags)

"Luban regards terms like "enhanced interrogation techniques" or "robust interrogations" as euphemisms bordering on Orwellian, or worse: "The Gestapo used the phase 'sharpened interrogation techniques.'"

Convicted felon blacksmails President (tags)

Congress to investigate

We will advance with the blitzkrieg (tags)

when our missiles are in place

Weaken All the Fronts! (tags)

The wildest threatening scenarios are often nothing but hallucinated analogies.. Whoever accepts everything as a supposedly lesser evil will justify evil and monstrosities.

Expert witness says HIV 'doesn't exist' (tags)

A PERTH medical researcher has told an Adelaide court that Africa does not have an AIDS crisis because HIV does not exist. Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos today told the South Australian Court of Criminal Appeal that no one had proven that HIV exists.

A good reason to legalize pot (tags)

Hemp has many uses but remains illegal to grow without permit

US nuke goes off in iraq -- VIDEO (tags)

this was to be used for yet MORE israeli false flag terror like 911 and so many others

Sieg Heil (tags)

It does not take much to get the Germans going, again

Brazil: the perfect electoral crime (tags)

The election was totally clean? Was there fraud in the election? God only knows. And some corrupt ones, also. Specialists warn: the security and the allegiance of the result of the electronic ballot box are not fidiciary.

Alan Dershowitz's Sinister Scheme: Paradigm? What Paradigm? (tags)

Dershowitz's claim that civil liberties require new government powers is eye-catching and remarkable for its initial appearance of absurdity. But tiresomely enough, he never resolves the apparent absurdity. There is no reconciliation of civil liberties with the kind of measures Dershowitz proposes. We can accept Dershowitz's defence of freedom, or his advocacy of new and rather sinister government powers. But we cannot accept both. One of these angles is there for appearance, one for content. It does not take much analysis to work out which is which.

Why Heloisa (tags)

Our existence, as sovereign Nation and organized society, is in danger. Since 1981, the national income for inhabitant stopped to progress. An entire generation never saw Brazilian development. About 65% of our young people, between 14 and 24 years, they do not study nor work.

Another lame ass federal government program to steal from us??? (tags)


Ivo Lesbaupin is a sociologist and professor of the School of Social Service of the UFRJ. He studied at a Dominican seminary, contemporary of frei Beto, frei Tito and others.


Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes in every waking moment of their lives to remind them that the lie of their inferiority is accepted as truth in the society dominating them. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Protect Your Rights - Stop Alito's Confirmation (tags)

Take action now to protect your constitutional rights by helping stop Alito's confirmation.


The Mehlis report on the Hariri assassination is just another dodgy dossier. In order to lay the blame for the assassination at Syria's door it specializes in innuendo and unverified allegations by anonymous persons. The only named individual purporting to possess information incriminating Syria turns out to be a multiply convicted swindler who was paid handsomely for his revelations by a Syrian dissident.

"George Bush DOES NOT CARE About BLACK PEOPLE!" (tags)

Rapper Kayne West SPEAKS OUT / DEFIES THE LIES THE WHITE MAN TOLD HIM TO SAY, to Speak Truth about black people in this country.

Keep Poseidon Corporation out of our public ocean! (tags)

The Poseidon Corporation, a multi-national water privatization company, wants to build a desal plant in Huntington Beach, but it isn't needed, will add to pollution and will give multi-national corporations a new foothold on the California coast under internatiional treaties.

Triumph of Spirit: Israeli Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu April 2005 (tags)

It is one year since Israeli Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu was released from a cruel and barbarous imprisonment into a 1948 British Mandate that keeps him further imprisoned by a state that does not want him but does not wish for him to go free or live free.

America's Preventive War as Ultimate Risk (tags)

Never before has a democratic state threatened so openly to repudiate the basic norm of all law, the prohibition of violence.. Apart from self-defense, no war is legal.. The American government does not feel bound to the fundamental norms of law and ethics.

MOVE and the Abuse of Animals (tags)

MOVE and the Abuse of Animals

What is an Anti-Zionist Jew? (tags)

In Response to such asked question.

"We Refuse to be Buried by Globalization" (tags)

"The theory of the end of work is nonsense. It is part of an ideology. We are not in a crisis but in a process of change in which the whole labor force is no longer needed.. Our problem is that we stubbornly cling to an old concept of work.."

US Senate Endorses Torture (tags)

US Senate Endorses Torture

Slavery Still Legal In Many Places (tags)

When an environmental disaster strikes, such as the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and resulting tsunamis on December 26, 2004, many of our species will sit and wait for food, water, and shelter, and even die when it does not arrive on time. They have been falsely trained to believe that they are truly helpless, except for prayer.

For the Neo-Cons, the War in Iraq is Already Won (tags)


post 9/11a subjective review of the state of the global world 2005 (tags)

post 9/11a subjective review of the state of the global world 2005

Film ‘Soldier’s Girl’ Echoes Violence Toward Transgenders and Their Loved Ones (tags)

Calpernia Addams, subject of the film "Soldier's Girl," shared her thoughts on society's perception of transgenders.

Does Wal-Mart Destroy Communities? (tags)

In a recent poll on the CNN website, viewers were asked the "poll" question of whether or not they believed that Wal-Mart stores were "good" for the "community." Perhaps it is not surprising that a large majority answered "no."

Passion review in Haaretz (tags)

"....the message here is that the Jews can bend even a representative of a world empire to their will. And perhaps there is a heavy allusion here to our own times, and to what has been said about the Jews' control of the American administration and its moves."

'Gay rights' are (not) civil rights (tags)

A homosexual has the same rights as any citizen. Just because a person cannot marry another person of the same sex does not take away from this fact. There are many potential "marriages" that are forbidden by law.

The New White Supremacy in the Corporate Media (tags)

With NBC publishing their full-page color ad in The New York Times today illustrating who and how MSNBC will be covering what the ad titled as the "Battle for the White House" NBC has illustrated their commitment to news by whites and therefore, for whites. It wouldn't be so bad if the ad and NBC's news reporting practice illustrated a reasonable balance of coverage but it most certainly does not and for that matter nor does any other corporate network broadcasting America today.

NION's Statement Regarding Saddam Hussein (tags)

Not In Our Name is an Anti-War group nation wide. Our LA chapter just released this statement in regards to the capture of Saddam Hussein.


ONE DOES NOT GET ATTACKED SO FOR BEING OFF COURSE. I am publishing sensitive material, sensitive to the Bush cartel, hiding behind a facade of national security. This is it folks. This is the information that the international order, the group that smacked our psyches upside the head on September 11, 2001, does not want out there.

Aztlan and Cascadia (tags)

We do not recognize Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor. The Nation of Aztlan (formerly SoCal) and the Republic of Cascadia (formerly NorCal) does not bow down to Nazi Arnold!!

Anti-Semites? Who, Us? (tags)

Say what? Anti-Semites? Who, us anti-Zionists? Us? We have nothing against Jews as such. We just hate Zionism and Zionists. We think Israel does not have a right to exist. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such. Heavens to Mergatroyd. Marx Forbid. We are humanists. Progressives. Peace lovers.

Defending Dean against the Mean (tags)

Dean may or may not be right in arguing that we should stay in Iraq, but it doesn't mean he is hypocritical and it definitely does not make him worse than Bush! Your arguments against Dean resemble those of the warmongering patriots.

A Message About Sherman (tags)

A message about Sherman.

Government Owns U.S. Media (tags)

Government owns the It's run by the gatekeepers, the editors - and the U.S. government runs them. They are all part of the click, the elite group now. They are just a bunch of high school bullies - stealing our money through taxes.

'I simply don't believe the whole thing was a lie' (tags)

"In the Iraq debate, my conscience was overruled by loyalty but I doubt I'd vote the same way again. The sole reason I backed the government amendment was because we were given very clear indications there were weapons of mass destruction and that these could be used against neighbouring countries. As far as I'm concerned, that was the only legitimate reason for going to war.

Iraq is a battle, not the war: A call to action (tags)

A call to action



What Bush Doesn't Know About Palestine (tags)

Yasser Arafat established a Constitution Committee in 1999, long before either George Bush or Ariel Sharon came to power and assumed the right to tell Palestinians how to run their affairs.

What does Not In Our Name mean to you? (tags)

What does "not in our name" mean to you? I asked this question to people at the June 6th demo at Pershing Square.

Update: Bomb Sharon not Saddam (tags)

If America is to bomb people based on evilness, we should be bombing Sharon and not the less evil Saddam.

Statement from Muhammad Ali (tags)

Former Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the World, Muhammad Ali, gets in the ring with racists and haters of Islam.

Abstinence Until Marriage - The Most Dangerous HIV Myth (tags)

George W. Bush has claimed that abstinence until marriage will prevent the spread of HIV and unwanted pregnancies. This is a reckless lie and it is the strongest attack yet against women and their reproductive rights.

Anarchism does not mean bloodshed; it does not mean robbery, arson, etc. (tags)

"Anarchism does not mean bloodshed; it does not mean robbery, arson, etc. These monstrosities are, on the contrary, the characteristic features of capitalism. Anarchism means peace and tranquility to all." -- August Spies, Haymarket protester

Students Storm Office, Deliver vote of no confidence to School Adminstration (tags)

Students Press for Adminastrative Reform and demand Alternative Models.

what is democracy? (tags)

what is a democracy? an investigation into american representative democracy on the eve of another election.

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