fix articles 80317, wcw
lamamiento a traductores y traductoras (tags)
Bush Regime's Terrorism Against America Continues (tags)
This fascist terrorist regime's crimes and treason against America continues
Seattle Anti-Imperialist Committee Statement on "World Can't Wait" (tags)
The following is a statement from the Seattle Anti-Imperialist Committee on "World Can't Wait" (WCW), the organizers of tomorrow's "Bush Step Down" protests.
World Can't Wait organizers put out call for documentation, stories of Nov. 2 protests (tags)
Call by WCW organizers for documentation and stories from participants in the November 2, 2005 demonstrations in Los Angeles.
From WCW website: "--Montebello HS: all week long, students have been wearing WCW armbands. Today, 40 students didn't go to school but gathered close by the school and had a march down Whittier Blvd. in ELA, carrying signs and chanting "Ya Basta" "Fuck Bush" "Bush Lies, 1000s Die" "Queremos Paz, Quermos Justicia." Then they got on buses to go to Alvarado; when they told the bus driver what they were doing, she let them all ride for free."