fix articles 79730, global election systems
Doebold & ES-S owned by Urosevitch bros, count 80% of US vote (tags)
Elections are a privatised monopoly in the US
From: Bev Harris Subject: All Black Box Voting files confiscated, including personal info on activists Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 02:11:26 -0700 (PDT) Also Diebold Insiders have been dumping their stock. ????????
People as soldiers too, are actually, for real dying, no longer laughing, for no known reason but to criminally profit the demon bush gang on hopes for the next fixed election cycle, at the further victimization of Humanity suffering today. Falling US all for continuing with bush's embarrassing blunders, silly hijinx, and silently condoned murder rampages
Computer voting is open to easy fraud, experts say (tags)
The software that runs many high-tech voting machines contains serious flaws that would allow voters to cast extra votes and permit poll workers to alter ballots without being detected, computer security researchers said yesterday.