fix articles 7907, gail shephard
9/28 Injured Movie & Downey Kaiser Workers To File Complaints At LA DA (tags)
On 9/28/201 injured movie and Kaiser Downey workers will be filing complaints with the Los Angeles District Attorney Workers Comp fraud unit and evironmental crimes unit to prosecute Downey Toxic Developer Stuart Lichter who is owner of the IRG company. Lichter has poisoned and contaminated workers at the privatized "brownfield" super-fund toxic dump site where a Kaiser hospital was also built
"I Want My Dues Back" Injured SEIU UHW Downey Kaiser Hospital Senior Orthopedic technician (tags)
Injured Kaiser Downey Hospital Senior Orthopedic Technician on the resignation of SEIU president Andy Stern and why she should get her dues back.
4/29 LA-Downey Workers Memorial Day (tags)
On Thursday April 29, 2010 at 4:15 in Downey, there will be a Workers Memorial Day event to commemorate workers who have been killed on the job and those who have been sickened on the job including many at the Downey toxic dump site where injured movie workers, Kaiser workers and Los Angeles County Department of Education work.
US House Chair Henry Waxman Ignores Appeals From Injured Downey Workers-Cover-up Continues (tags)
Henry Waxman, Chair of the House Committee of Energy and Commerce has refused to respond to a letter from the injured Downey Movie and Kaiser workers at the former US military toxic dump site that was privatized as a "Brownfield" site. Injured workers have requested that Waxman push the Energy Department pay for a NIOSH epidemiological study but Waxman is playing hide and seek. He refuses even to meet the workers but has called hearings on steroid use and Toyota. How about having a hearing about injured workers and community members on former military industrial sites which have been privatized. Apparently the developers have a bigger grip on Waxman than his constituents and public who he is supposed to represent.
LA Congressman Waxman Challenged By Injured Downey Movie and Kaiser Workers (tags)
Environmental activist Sharon Kramer talks about the role of the corporate industry trade group ACOEM in preventing the treatment of workers injured by mold by writing into workers comp laws rules eliminating treatement for mold. She also reports that former US Senator Edward Kennedy eliminated a study exposing the conflict of interest by ACOEM and other corporate controlled groups on US workers comp policy
The Downey Toxic Hell Hole: Injured Workers, Liability And The Business Of Stuart Lichter (tags)
Comment on "Health complaints linked to former NASA site in Downey" from the L.A. Times. August 2, 2009
Health complaints linked to former NASA site in Downey - Injured Workers Fight For Healthc (tags)
Dozens of film workers at the Downey studio which was built on a highly toxic radioactive dump have been seriously injured and the developer Stuart Lichter is fighting to prevent being held responsible for their injuries
Injured Workers Speakout On Workers Memorial Day At Downey Kaiser Hospital on the Toxic Du (tags)
Injured workers and their supporters held a memorial and speakout in front of the Downey toxic radioactive site that now houses a Kaiser hospital complex and Downey movie studio
LA Area Downey April 19, 2009 Workers Memorial Day Events (tags)
The international commemoration day Workers Memorial Day will be held in Downey on Sunday April 19 at 3:00 PM in front of the Kasier Hospital in Downey at the Downey toxic site. Injured movie and hospital workers along with other injured workers and their families will speak out about health and safety.
The Downey Toxic Hell Hole: Injured Workers, Liability And The Business Of Stuart Lichtn (tags)
Toxic site developer Stuart Lichter who has developed the Downey site in the Los Angeles area without properly cleaning up the site. Now hundreds of workers are sick and fighting for healthcare and some have been sued by Lichter for going public about the health dangers at the site.
LA Downey Brownfield Toxic Site Developer Sues P&F Congressional Candidate &Injured Worker (tags)
Lichter is on the left in his corporate jet traveling around the country making deals to develop toxic sites. Downey Toxic Brownfield site developer Stuart Lichter has sued Peace and Freedom party Congressional candidate Dina Padilla, Vicky Travis of and up to 1000 injured workers for exposing a corrupt swindle involving the development of the Downey Brownfield site. Movie industry workers and Kaiser workers have been sickened by toxins and mold at the highly dangerous site. Lichter who formerly worked for the GSA has schemed to develop these toxic sites without properly cleaning them up and is also now is suing Dreamworks over liability for injuries on the movie production site. Stuart is one of the owners of IRG.,0,2356057.story