fix articles 78971, james forman
Feb. 2: Michigan Journal of Race and Law hosts Robert King, John Conyers, James Forman, Jr (tags)
On February 2, 2013, the Michigan Journal of Race and Law is hosting a symposium at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI. As described by the flyer posted below and the Journal's website, the all-day event will be held on campus in Room 1225, South Hall. The keynote address will be given by James Forman, Jr.
Never Turn Back: SNCC's 50th and the Ongoing Battle for Democracy (tags)
Full and firsthand report on the SNCC 50th Anniversary Gathering in Raleigh, NC, April 15-18 .
Mukasa - Willie Ricks (Black Power) (tags)
Mukasa (Willie Ricks), the inventor of the slogan Black Power will appear on TV on the Los Angeles area
Black Power -- Mukasa - Willie Ricks on television (more show dates) (tags)
Black Power! Mukasa (Willie Ricks), whom Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., called "the fiery orator", will be on Comcast cable television.
Mukasa (Willie Ricks) appearing on cable TV (tags)
Mukasa (Willie Ricks) appeared in Los Angeles, California on Saturday, February 26, 2005. Tune in to Comcast cable television to hear what he has to say about Africans in America, and their history.
James Forman, SNCC Leader, Passes On (tags)
"Accumulating experiences with Southern 'law and order' were turning me into a full-fledged revolutionary," -- James Forman
Mumia on Jamil al-Amin ( join the fight to free Jamil al-Amin) (tags)
This is a statement by Mumia on Jamil al-Amin. Jamil is the former civil rights leader H. Rap Brown who after converting to Islam, became a Muslim leader and powerful figure. He is serving a life sentence for a wrongful conviction.