fix articles 78706, sander hicks
11 years since 9/11 Inside Job (tags)
As we commemorate the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 Inside Job, the 9/11 Truth Movement is bigger and better than ever, with the movie of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, "9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out" shown on PBS and now going viral, so that the belief in science, which means knowledge, is affirmed in this society. Much work remains to be done.
10 Year Since 9/11 Inside Job (tags)
September 11, 2011 is the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 Inside Job, the American Reichstag Fire, perpetrated for the same reason the Nazis burned their government building, the Reichstag: to perpetrate war and fascism so as to maximize profits for the capitalist class, the primary goal of capitalism, the greatest profits being in oil and munitions. Only a labor movement capable of carrying out a general strike can finally put an end to the private profit system, thereby saving the earth and humanity.
Rt Mjr Gen Stubblebine Blows Whistle on 9/11 Inside Job (tags)
For those of you who have been waiting for someone from the establishment to speak out, here it is on video: Rt. Army Major General Albert Stubblebine says a plane did not hit the Pentagon and the Twin Towers & Building 7 were brought down by controlled demolition. A second video provides the scientific evidence of the controlled demolition.
Why is Peace & Freedom Party Attacking 9/11 Truth Movement? (tags)
While looking for those who correctly oppose the entire May 19, 2009 California ballot, as does Peace & Freedom Party, you will come across a strange article front and center on the Peace & Freedom Party website by a Bob Maschi entitled "Conspiracy Behind Conspiracy Theories? What is this garbage attacking the 9/11 Truth Movement doing on a socialist party's website?
CNN Fears 911 Truth - Cancels Ed Asner's Appearance (tags)
author: someone Infowars received an email from author and publisher Sander Hicks this afternoon indicating that the interview with Ed Asner scheduled for this evening on Showbiz Tonight has been cancelled. Hicks, a published author on the 9/11 cover-up as well as a Green Party senatorial candidate in New York was slated to appear with Asner on the program to discuss 9/11. Infowars confirmed with sources at CNN the segment was cancelled because another guest who had agreed to appear as an opposition voice to Hicks and Asner refused to participate the interview at the last moment. The CNN source further indicated that the opposition guest was none other than a former member of the Keene 9/11 whitewash Commission.
The Butcher of New Orleans (tags)
9-11 Insider & Director of "Homeland Security" Michael Chertoff
Hunter Thompson, Bush, and Jeff Gannon and much more... (tags)
If the secrets lie with Thompson, he is no longer able to talk about it. Now, there will have to be some gonzo guerilla journalists to pick up where Thompson left off.
Saudi Entrepeneur Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists (tags)
Saudi businessman Adnan Khashoggi, an Oliver Nort h intermediary in Iran-contra, surfaces yet again - this time in connection with Huffman Aviation, the trainin camp for Mohammed Atta's suicide-cult terrorist cell ...
New anti-war/anti-Bush music (tags)
Three new/revised songs protesting the Iraq war and Emperor Bush. For truly patriotic ears only.