fix articles 786, syrian Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : syrian


Syrian People Suffe after years of Russian Air Bombings and Attacks by the Syrian Army2018 (tags)

The Syrian people over the past years have been enduring attacks by their government and the Russian air force with precision bombing of apartments and high rise buildings

The Shortwave Report 07136/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK Japan.

With U.S. Backing, Turkey Invades Kurdish Syrian Afrin (tags)

U.S. and Turkish Troops Out of Syria!

U.S. Proxy War Update, Syria (tags)

[Photo: Syrian L-39 Albatros. One was shot down by U.S. armed, trained, & financed Jabhat al-Nusra (al-Qaeda) forces on December 26, 2017 using a man-portable air-defense system. The U.S. proxy jihadists captured the pilot, slit his throat, and shot him twice in the head. Like ISIS, who are almost identical ideologically and were a split from their forces, Jabhat al-Nusra posted their barbarity online to brag of it.]

The Shortwave Report 06/30/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.

The Shortwave Report 06/23/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and NHK Japan.

The Missile Attack Ordered by Trump is a Serious Crime (tags)

Assad's regime defends itself against an international alliance that seeks his overthrow in violation of international law. Whoever wants to see Assad overthrown should answer the question whether we would rather see the Nusra Front in power.

The Shortwave Report 04/14/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Sputnik Radio, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK Japan.

Ethnic Cleansing in Syria (tags)

A guide to who's who.

Latest NYT Big Lie: Russia Responsible for Syrian Refugee "Surge" (tags)


Obama Rejects Fighting Terrorism (tags)


Solidarity in Moscow Against US-Supported Terrorism (tags)


Assad in Moscow (tags)


European Council Backs US Imperial Policy on Syria (tags)


Putin Is Right Saying US Officials Have Mush for Brains (tags)


Putin's Righteous Syrian Mission Continues (tags)


Were Deadly Ankara Blasts a False Flag? (tags)


Putin Checkmates Obama (tags)


Obama Abandons Scheme to Train Nonexistent Syrian Moderates (tags)


The Latest Presstitute Big Lie About Russia in Syria (tags)


Russia and Syria on the Offensive Against ISIS (tags)


Anti-Russian Propaganda War Rages (tags)


NYT Falsely Claims Russia Sending Troops to Syria (tags)


The Latest NYT Propaganda Piece on Syria (tags)


Polar Opposite US/Russian Agendas in Syria (tags)


Obama Irresponsibly Bashes Putin (tags)


Obama's Phony War on ISIS (tags)


The Anti-Russian Lying Machine in Action (tags)


China Joining the Fight Against ISIS (tags)


Daily Israeli Violence (tags)


Vladimir Putin: Peace Champion (tags)


The Big Lie About Russian Forces in Syria (tags)


Putin v. Obama on Syria (tags)


The Russians Are Coming, Again (tags)


US Drones Attack Syria's Military (tags)


Irresponsible Western Media Russia Bashing (tags)


Syrian Refugees Call Israel Their Main Enemy (tags)


US Media Ignore US Responsibility for Refugee Crisis (tags)


US-Led Western Nations Plan Escalated War on Syria (tags)


Propaganda alert: 6 weeks after nuclear deal: "Israel more ready than ever to strike Iran" (tags)

Only weeks after signing a “historic” nuclear agreement with Iran in Vienna on July 14th, the NATO axis and its prime ally Israel are already escalating their threats of an overt multi-front war on Iran, Lebanon and Syria. Meanwhile, the brutality of NATO- and Israel-led genocidal overt and covert wars on Yemen, Syria and Iraq reaches new extremes...

Israel Bombs Syria (tags)


Israel Planning Ground Operations in Syria? (tags)


Obama Heads for Full-Scale War on Syria (tags)


Straight Talk on Syria (tags)


UK Special Forces Fighting Assad in Syria (tags)


Obama Orders Airstrikes to Defend ISIS in Syria (tags)


Assad Honors Syria's Army (tags)


Balkanizing Syria Planned (tags)


Assad Vows to Defend Syria's Homeland (tags)


Britain Covertly Bombing Syria (tags)


Turkey Mobilized to Invade Syria? (tags)


Russia Vows Continued Support for Embattled Syria (tags)


ISIS: US Proxy Foot Soldiers (tags)


Mission Creep in Syria (tags)


US-Supported Islamic State Terrorists Seize Palmyra (tags)


Putin and Assad Address Western Imperialism (tags)


8-year-old Yemeni Child Dies At Hands Of 40-year-old Husband On Wedding Night (tags)

International Women's day story

War crimes alert: U.S. Foreign Minister: “Military pressure may be needed to remove Assad” (tags)

"Ultimately, a combination of diplomacy and pressure will be needed to bring about a political transition [in Syria]. Military pressure particularly may be necessary, given President Assad’s unwillingness to negotiate seriously." [U.S. Foreign Minister John Kerry, joint press conference with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal, Riyadh, 5 March 2015]

Turkish Forces Attack Syrian Troops (tags)


No Breakthroughs in Syrian Peace Talks (tags)


Israel's Latest Aggression (tags)


Israel Partners with Obama's War on Syria (tags)


Israel's Gaza War Continues (tags)


Assad Affirms Syrian Sovereign Independence (tags)


US and Israel: Partners in High Crimes Against Peace (tags)


US & EU 'govt' & 'news' media Aleppo war propaganda debunked as criminal legal nihilism (tags)

The entire spectrum of US & EU government propaganda machine pointedly avoids the self evident fact that Hezbollah, and the Syrian and Iranian governments are the only axis of any kind of actual resistance across the Middle East to the legal nihilism of Genocidal US & EU ‘governments’.

UN and The Guardian whitewash attempts to illegally smuggle EU weapons into Syria (tags)

In legal terms, the British government and the Guardian and Independent 'news' media have been caught in the act of trying to cover up the illegality of attempts to smuggle weapons from European governments into Syria. This article documents evidence that can be used in a court of law, which shows the British government working with the 'news' media in their attempts to illegally smuggle weapons from European governments into Syria. At no time has a member of the British government provided -legal grounds- for weapons supplied by European governments to the Iraqi peshmerga in Iraq, to be smuggled through Turkey into Syria.

Down with the Imperialist War in Iraq and Syria! (tags)

In early August the American government decided to launch a limited “humanitarian action” – in the form of mass bombing! – in Iraq, after an international campaign to mobilize public opinion over the plight of the Yazidi and Christian minorities who have been threatened with “genocide” by the advance of Islamist rebels of “the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant” (better known by the acronym ISIS).

How Obama's Rumors About Pres. Al-Assad Led to ISIS Growth (tags)

Since the beginning of the Syrian coup against Pres. Bashar Al-Assad the growth of fundamentalist terrorists in ISIS has grown exponentially in power every month. The seeds of the rebellion against the legitimate president of Syria originate in the rumor mill of the U.S. military-industrial complex under the reigns of one Barack Obama.

Propaganda War on Islamic State Militants (tags)


Obama's Phony War on Islamic State Militants (tags)


Israel Part of US Anti-Syrian Coalition (tags)


Obama Launches Naked Aggression on Syria (tags)


Dueling Ideologies: Lavrov v. Rasmussen (tags)


ISIS Destroys Memorial & Church of Armenian Genocide in Der Zor, Syria (tags)

ISIS has destroyed the on-site monument to the Armenian people who perished in the deserts of Der Zor in the Genocide of 1915. The church and memorial contained irreplaceable bones of the martyred dead.

Humanitarian disaster unfolding today: IS encroaches on Kobane on five fronts (tags)

Dire news from northern Syria: The Islamic State is waging a massive offensive against its most hated enemy in Syria, the YPG (People's Defense Units) of Rojava, because they are anticapitalist, open to all religions, they invite women to participate at all levels of the organization, and have been collectivizing northern Syria into councils and workers' cooperatives since the Syrian government withdrew from that region in 2012. The YPG was inspired Kurdish leaders' reading Murray Bookchin and therefore seeks to be nonhierarchical and democratic. They are, incidentally, also the forces who actually rescued the Yesidis from Mount Sinjar, long before the first US airstrike. They truly are the Zapatistas of the east, and they deserve our support.

Anti-Assad Extremists and Obama Plan Coordinated Attacks on Syria (tags)


Flashback to 2013: Obama: "I am ready to bomb Syria" (tags)

The front pages below from August 2013 constitute a vivid example of the relentless and utterly deceptive war propaganda against Syria. Now, with utmost impunity, the perpetrators of the genocidal war on Syria are declaring their plan to bombard Syrian territory under the guise of "collaborating" with the Syrian government against the "terrorists" who, in reality, are NATO's mercenary death squads.

What we're being told about ISIS just doesn't add up (tags)

A few debate-changing points of information about ISIS:

Israel: the only nation with balls (tags)

Israel launches airstrikes in Syria after teen is killed Israeli police identified the boy as Mohammed Karaka, 14, of the Arab village of Arraba in northern Israel. Local media said he had accompanied his father, the truck driver, to work.

Propaganda & censorship alert: NATO countries' media coverage of the elections in Syria (tags)

The June 3 presidential election in Syria was a massive defeat for the NATO countries which have been collectively waging a genocidal war on Syria since 2011. Apart few exceptions, this momentous event was conspicuously absent from the front pages of US, British, French, German, Italian and Turkish newspapers. Those few that reported it on the front page did so in the habitual propaganda format. Meanwhile, few others went as far as publishing anti-Syria propaganda reports on their front page without making any reference to the presidential election.

Syrians Vote (tags)


Disgraceful Security Council Resolution on Syria (tags)


Irresponsible Syria Bashing (tags)


Upcoming Syrian Presidential Election (tags)


Propaganda alert: US and UN object to the holding of presidential elections in Syria (tags)

Both the Obama administration and the United Nations are fully aware that the June presidential elections in Syria will, in all likelihood, result in a landslide victory for President al-Assad and thus pave the way for a decisive end to the three-year long NATO-led genocidal war on Syria.

Escalating War on Syria (tags)


NATO and Turkey’s genocidal war on Syria (tags)

Cem Ertür’s account of the crimes committed by Turkey and NATO in the ongoing war against Syria is laid out in meticulous detail and supported by a rich and credible bibliography. Much of this important information is from his reading of original reports published in the Turkish language which English readers would never otherwise hear. This report provides a convincing, up-to-date indictment of the governments of Turkey, other NATO countries and Israel for their savage, furtive war against the Syrian people and government. Cem’s spotlight illuminates a cross-border stage, exposing those hiding in the shadows of the media’s deceptive and confusing language.

Another False Flag Chemical Weapons Attack Planned (tags)


Turkey’s Latest Jihad on Christian Armenians (tags)

Far from being repentant of the Armenian Genocide, Turkey, under the leadership of Prime Minister Erdogan, is again, like its Ottoman forbear, targeting Armenians; is again causing their death and dislocation.

Armenian Homes in Kessab Looted, Occupied (tags)

Two thousand Syrian Armenians find safety in Latakia; International and Local organizations providing support

Heading Toward East/West Confrontation (tags)


Israel Bombs Syrian/Lebanese Border (tags)


Obama Plans Intervention Against Syria (tags)


Preordained Failure in Geneva (tags)


Syrian Opposition Regime Change Plans (tags)


Duplicitous Geneva Diplomacy (tags)


Syrian Peace Talks Resume (tags)


UN Report Unfairly Bashes Syria (tags)


WMD Deception: Pretext for War on Syria (tags)


Obama Planning War on Syria? (tags)


Deadlocked Syrian Peace Talks (tags)


Fake Syrian Peace Talks Continue (tags)


Syria Peace Talks: Rocky Start (tags)


Sham Syrian Peace Talks (tags)


"Syria's holocaust": The British media totally lose the plot (tags)

At no time in history has the perversion of the truth been so extreme. Once the NATO-led genocide on the people of Syria comes to an end, The Guardian and the entire British media establishment must be tried for crimes against humanity.

Malicious Syria Bashing (tags)


Syrian Peace Talks: DOA (tags)


Shaky Syrian Peace Talks (tags)


Talking Peace, Waging Wa (tags)


Obama Sabotaging Syrian Peace (tags)


Media lies while Syrians die: Media disinformation and the Syrian war (tags)

Months after the events took place, Pulitzer prize winning journalists and others are finally reporting about the lies and manipulations of the US government regarding the recent chemical weapons attack in Syria. Far from shining a light on the true situation in the country, however, these reports continue to avoid the underlying causes and explanations for what is happening in Syria, and the forces that are behind it. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about the Syrian war coverage of the mainstream media is not its underlying bias—that was always to be expected—but how remarkably ineffective that coverage has been in convincing the public of the need for military intervention in the country. After nearly three years of relentless propaganda attempting to convince the public of the virtue of the terrorist insurgency and the incomparable evil of Assad, the seemingly inevitable march toward war in the wake of the Ghouta chemical weapons attack faltered after public opinion overwhelmingly came down on the side of non-interventionist policies. Perhaps reading public sentiment, many mainstream outlets even took to pointing out the media bias on the war and trying to retroactively position themselves against military intervention. This has to be credited to a remarkable, global, grassroots phenomenon of independent citizen media breaking through the layers of propaganda to provide true, cogent analysis of the situation on the ground in Syria.

Making War, Not Peace, in Syria (tags)


US Death Squad Diplomacy in Syria (tags)


UN’s Syria “Aid” Appeal is Bid to Relieve Trapped Terrorists (tags)

As the UN prepares to flood the Syrian conflict with another 6.5 billion dollars, tales of how “aid money” is ending up facilitating the activities of terrorists inside and along Syria’s borders suggest the UN is not trying to provide mercy for the Syrian people, but perpetuate the tragedy further still. Should the UN decide to truly care about ending the ongoing catastrophe that is the proxy invasion of Syria by foreign-backed terrorists, it could always point out the true nature of the conflict and hold those responsible for it, NATO and its regional axis, fully accountable. Anything less is but a criminal rouse meant to intentionally perpetuate the conflict and give the West yet another chance to end it on terms they find favorable.

US supported Death Squads Massacre Syrian Civilians (tags)


Targeting Iran in Beirut (tags)


The Times sinks to new depths: "Assad's snipers target unborn babies in wombs" (tags)

Despite a worldwide awakening on the scale of the longstanding propaganda against the Syrian government, the British media is still peddling monstrous lies to the public.Despite a worldwide awakening on the scale of the longstanding propaganda against the Syrian government, the British media is still peddling monstrous lies to the public.

Anti-Assad Committed Atrocities (tags)


Der Spiegel Interviews Assad (tags)


Saudi Arabian Backed Insurgents Responsible for Ghouta Chemical Weapons Attack (tags)


Lavrov: Insurgents Have Chemical Weapons (tags)


Syrian Chemical Weapons Deal: What Follows? (tags)


Deal Reached on Syrian Chemical Weapons (tags)


Decriminalizing Bashar al Assad: Towards a more effective anti-war movement (tags)

Building a phoney case for imperialist regime change is, of course, not unusual. What is really curious is that the leadership of the anti-war movement in the west – the people whose clear responsibility is to build the widest possible opposition to war on Syria – has been actively participating in the propaganda and demonisation campaign. Whilst opposing direct military strikes, they have nonetheless given consistent support to the regime change operation that such strikes are meant to consummate.

Assad Fears US Aggression (tags)


WaPo Interviews Lavrov (tags)


Syrian National Coalition Spurns Peace (tags)


Fabricated US/Israeli Intelligence on Ghouta Gas Attack (tags)


Syrian Insurgents Battle Each Other (tags)


Evidence Shows Insurgents Responsible for Gas Attack (tags)


Anti-Assad Death Squads Responsible for Gas Attack (tags)


Syria Gas Attack: Assad Wrongfully Blamed (tags)


Media Scoundrels Wrongfully Blame Assad for Gas Attack (tags)


UN Inspectors Gas Attack Report: A Manipulated Fraud (tags)


Washington and Israel Conspire to Oust Assad (tags)


Obama's War Plans on Syria Unchanged (tags)


Assad Pledges Full Cooperation for Peace (tags)


Putin Challenges Obama Responsibly (tags)


Undermining Russian/Syrian Peace Deal (tags)


Obama's War on Syria Delayed, Not Deterred (tags)


Obama’s War Grows as Support Shrinks (tags)

Some careful listening has exposed the lie that a U.S. attack (war) against Syria would be, as Obama put it, “a shot across the bow,” i.e. a “tiny war.” But even before the first missile is launched the birth of Obama’s baby war began to grow, and when it’s eventually unleashed it will resemble any other fully matured war, complete with massive destruction, the death of untold innocents and yet another Middle Eastern nation torn to pieces.

Lavrov Calls Kerry's Bluff (tags)


Congress Asked By Obama To Ignore The Will Of The Peace Loving People of the US (tags)

As Barbara Boxer votes against the people of California and force missile strikes against the Syrian people in the Senate Committee, puppet Obama urges Congress to kill and ignore the people's peaceloving will

Russia on Syria: Alternative to Peace is Bloody Chaos (tags)


The War on Syria and Noam Chomsky (tags)

A careful reading of the “Left” liberals’ response to the Western-backed terror in Syria, reveals that the “Left” liberals have display a staggering level of complacency, complicity and outright hostility to the Syrian people. Representatives of the milieu of the “Left” liberals led by the like of Noam Chomsky have lost credibility. Their arguments are part of the standard propaganda talking points that serve Israel-U.S. Zionist ideology.

Israeli Lobby Urges War on Syria (tags)


Putin Says Kerry Lied About Al Nusra's Links to Al Qaeda (tags)

Russian Pres. Putin called out U.S. Sec of State John Kerry for lying about the known connections and support between Al Nusra and Al Qaeda. It is likely that the Syrian rebel groups are are by now hopelessly interwoven with the Al Nusra Front and thus any attacks on the legitimate Syrian government of Pres. Bashar Al Assad by the U.S. will encourage the growth of Al Nusra and then in time their attacks will turn on U.S. soldiers and civilians.

NATO Chief Urges War on Syria (tags)


Britain, France, Germany and Israel Lie for Obama (tags)


Declaring Syria Regime Illegitimate Sends Strong Human Rights Message and Exposes Lenders (tags)

Over the last year, a religious antipoverty organization has met with U.S. Treasury and White House officials to encourage them to declare the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad an illegitimate government. This action would impose restrictions on lending to Syria that supports its military or the needs of the Assad regime. When governments or financial institutions make this declaration it lets lenders know that if they lend to Syria they may not receive a return on their investment. Types of lending and financing that could be affected are arms contracts with Russia and oil investment from Iran.

Why Was Syria Attacked? (tags)


Obama's War on Syria: Dissent in the Ranks (tags)


How the U.S. Political Left is Failing Over Syria (tags)

It’s now painfully clear that Obama’s war on Syria is a replay of Bush’s march to war in Iraq, both built on lies. Zero evidence has been put forth that proves the Syrian government used chemical weapons. On the contrary, evidence has been recorded that suggests the U.S.-backed Syrian rebels are responsible for the attack.

US State Terror Targets Syria (tags)


Lies, Damn Lies and John Kerry Lies (tags)


Nobel Peace Laureate Obama Plans War on Syria Based on Lies (tags)


Obama's War on Syria Based on Lies (tags)


War With Syria and Its Repercussions (tags)

A U.S. invasion of Syria could be the first war based on a YouTube video. After a video was released showing victims of an alleged chemical weapons attack, England immediately declared the Syrian government responsible, while Obama began drawing up military plans, saying there was “little doubt” the Syrian Government was at fault (zero evidence currently exists to suggest this). An extra U.S. warship has already been deployed in response.

John Kerry's Colin Powell's Moment (tags)


Cheerleading War (tags)


Imperial Madness (tags)


Imminent US War on Syria? (tags)


False Flag Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack (tags)


Drumbeat for War on Syria (tags)


IS-Backed Death Squads Massacre Hundreds of Syrian Kurds (tags)


Duplicitous Committee of Inquiry on Syria (tags)


Why No Revolution Exists in Syria (tags)

The era of Arab Spring euphoria is long ended, having devolved into doubt, confusion or wholesale rejection. Libya and Syria put an abrupt end to the Arab Spring celebrations, with the current situation in Egypt adding to the frustration.

Waging the Battle of Syria (tags)


Syria Discovers Terrorist-Used Chemical Weapons Factory (tags)


Syrian Opposition in Disarray (tags)


How Egypt Killed Political Islam (tags)

The rebirth of the Egyptian revolution ushered in the death of the first Muslim Brotherhood government. But some near-sighted analysts limit the events of Egypt to a military coup. Yes, the military is desperately trying to stay relevant — given the enormous initiative of the Egyptian masses — but the generals realize their own limitations in this context better than anybody else. This wasn’t a mere re-shuffling at the top of society, but a flood from the bottom.

How Edward Snowden and Syria Will Change Obama’s Foreign Policy (tags)

When the National Security Agency (NSA) spying scandal broke, so did the illusion that President Obama was significantly different than his predecessor, Bush Jr. Obama’s meticulously crafted image was specifically created as an alternative to Bush: Obama campaigned as a peace candidate who loved civil liberties and wanted to work with the UN instead of unilaterally launching wars.

Trafficking in Lies about Syria (tags)


Enemies of Syria Plan Escalated Aggression (tags)


Syria Is Becoming Obama's Iraq (tags)

In perfect Bush-like fashion, President Obama has invented a bogus pretense for military intervention in yet another Middle East country. The president’s claim that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons — and thus crossed Obama’s imaginary “red line” — will likely fool very few Americans, who already distrust their president after the massive NSA spying scandal.

High-Level Opposition to Escalating Syria's Conflict (tags)


The CIA, Qatar, and the Creation of Syria’s Jabhat al Nusra (tags)

Sending arms to the FSA is equivalent to helping the same group that planned the 9/11 attacks against the U.S. In our hurry to play hero and topple the Assad government of Syria by arming the rebels the U.S. government is providing material assiatance to the al Nusra organization that is itself allied with al Queda.

"Turkey urges stronger stance against Syria after US accusations of chemical weapon use" (tags)

Turkey's long-standing propaganda campaign against Syria turns into a complete farce.

Who Killed the Syrian Peace Talks? (tags)

The long awaited Syrian peace talks — instigated by power brokers Russia and the United States — had already passed their initial due date, and are now officially stillborn.

Syria's Qusair Victory Matters (tags)


Syria’s Fake Sectarian War (tags)

The fate of Syria and the broader Middle East balances on a razor’s edge. The western media is giving dire warnings of an impending sectarian war between Sunni and Shia Muslims, a war that could drown the Middle East in a flood of blood.

Anti-Syrian Blame Game Escalates (tags)


Washington Criticizes Syrian Self-Defense (tags)


Israel Threatens Syria (tags)


How Obama and Al-Qaeda Became Syrian Bedfellows (tags)

For a president that is executing Bush’s “war on terror” against Al-Qaeda and “its affiliates,” it seems odd that President Obama has targeted the secular Syrian government for “regime change.”

The Shortwave Report 05/24/13 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, the Voice of Russia, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and NHK World Radio Japan.

Syrian foes move towards talks but fighting rages (tags)

Syria's opposition and the government of President Bashar al-Assad seem to be preparing to take part in an international peace conference against a background of some of the worst fighting this year.

Israel Threatens More Syrian Attacks (tags)


Syria Endgame Approaching Fast (tags)

The tempo of events in Syria has increased in recent weeks. The government forces have scored significant battlefield victories over the rebels, and this has provoked a number of responses from the U.S. and its anti-Assad allies: a mixture of war provocations and peace offers.

Turkey: US Imperial Tool (tags)


Another Anti-Assad False Flag (tags)


UN Human Rights Council Duplicity (tags)


America and Israel: Imperial Partners in Crime (Part II) (tags)


America and Israel: Imperial Partners in Crime (tags)


False Flag Chemical Attack on Syria (tags)


Tiptoeing Toward War on Syria (tags)


What's Ahead for Syria (tags)


Syria: Upping the Stakes (tags)


Obama and U.S. Military Divided Over Syria (tags)

Has Syria crossed the “red line” that warrants a U.S. military invasion? Has it not? The political establishment in the United States seems at odds over itself. Obama’s government cannot speak with one voice on the issue, and the U.S. media is likewise spewing from both sides of its mouth in an attempt to reconcile U.S. foreign policy with that most stubborn of annoyances, truth.

US False Flag Pretext for War on Syria (tags)


Target Syria: Allegations of Chemical Weapons Use (tags)


How Obama Chose War Over Peace in Syria (tags)

With Syria on the brink of national genocide, outside nations have only two options: help reverse the catastrophe or plunge this torn nation deeper into the abyss. Countries can either work towards a peaceful political solution or they can continue to pour money, guns, and fighters into the country to ensure a steady gushing into the bloodbath.

Washington Escalates War on Syria (tags)


Washington Escalates War on Syria (tags)


Escalating Syria's War (tags)


The Torture of Syria's children (tags)

Syria's children are perhaps the greatest victims of their country's conflict, suffering "layers and layers of emotional trauma", Save the Children's

Syrian Death Squad Invaders Seize UN Peacekeepers (tags)


Obama Wades Deeper Into Syria’s Morass (tags)

The recent announcement that the United States would increase its “non lethal” military aid to Syria’s rebels shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. Some speculated that Obama — having been repeatedly proved wrong about the Syria government’s stability — would leave Syria in silent humiliation.

Kerry Supports Anti-Syrian Government Terrorists (tags)


Washington Backs Syrian Anti-Government Terrorism (tags)


New York Times Misinformation on Syria (tags)


Int'l Day of Protest in front of Turkish Embassy (tags)

We will protest in front of the consulate to demand that Turkey STOP supporting terrorism and STOP intervening in Syria.

Washington OK's Israeli Aggression on Syria (tags)


Premeditated Aggression: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Washington's War of Aggression on Syria (tags)


Navi Pillay Targets Syria (tags)


Western Sponsored Aleppo Mass Murder (tags)


Western Media War on Syria (tags)


Foreign Terrorists Wage War on Syria (tags)


New UN Report on Syria (tags)


Beating Up on Iran and Syria (tags)


Moscow Talks on Syria (tags)


The Syrian Revolution: Another Madness to Bring the Sharia Law (tags)

The so-called Syrian Revolution is being led by Wahhabist extremists against the rational secular government of Bashar al-Assad. The U.S. backed Wahhabists are seeking to overthrow the stable government of al-Assad to further escalate tensions between Iran and Israel. Once again U.S. foreign policy is in the same filthy gutter of deception where the GW Bush regime left off. Some change, eh?

Syria's Liberating Struggle Continues (tags)


Piling on Syria (tags)


Obama’s War on Syria and Its Implications (tags)

The Obama administration has already declared war on Syria, even if it isn’t “official” yet. Consider the facts, all of them acts of war: The U.S. now recognizes a group of Syrian exiles to be the official government of Syria; the U.S. is providing direct support for rebels attacking the government; the U.S. has coordinated with NATO to place advanced missile systems — and 400 U.S. troops — on Syria’s border with Turkey; Obama has drawn a “red line” that, if Syria crosses, would result in U.S. direct military intervention. If any other country made similar moves toward the U.S., there would be no question that war had been declared.

Washington Targets Syria and Iran (tags)


Islamofascist Killers Threaten Syria (tags)


The Shortwave Report 12/14/12 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, the Voice of Russia, Radio Havana Cuba, China Radio International, and NHK World Radio Japan.

America and Israel Wage War on Humanity (tags)


Syria: Tightening the Noose (tags)


Syria Boils (tags)


Obama Nudges Syria Toward Regional War (tags)

Humanitarian catastrophes are surprisingly easy to predict. Take Syria for instance. Like Iraq, Syria has a complex mix of ethnicity and religion, with a long history of conflict. Enter the United States, who comes with guns and cash that it doles out to certain ethnic/religious groups, and not to others. The ensuing bloodbath is not a surprise, but a strategic plan to dismember the Syrian government.

Syrian Opposition Unity Deal (tags)


Israel Shells Syria and Gaza (tags)


Obama's Post-Election Militancy (tags)

police state

Overreach: America's Imperial Waterloo? (tags)


Caught in the Act (tags)


Beware Post-Elections (tags)


Latest Beirut Bombing Indicent (tags)


Washington Plays Hardball with Russia on Syria (tags)


Turkey's High Risk Game (tags)


The Shortwave Report 10/12/12 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, the Voice of Russia, and NHK World Radio Japan.

NATO Edges Closer to War on Syria (tags)


Syria on the Boil (tags)


Turkish False Flag on Syria (tags)


Pressure Builds for Full-Scale War on Syria (tags)


Boycott arab american day festival (tags)

Stop complicity in the Syrian genocide

Top US general: Turkey is facing an immediate threat to its Syrian border (tags)

In the face of mounting domestic and global dissent, Turkey’s service to NATO imperialism persists ever more blatantly.

Syria's Divided Opposition (tags)


Assad’s fall will renew the Arab spring (tags)

As this phase of Syria's revolution closes, the debate about the future of this part of the world should also enter a new phase. Much of the debate about Syria, in the US at least, characterised the Syrian campaign as “liberal interventionism”. So people argued about that, based on what they already thought about the notion. Though fed by some of the rhetoric, especially from the US government, that framing of the argument was misconceived. As I argued earlier this year, it was – and is – a mistake to see the Syrian case as a generic case for or against liberal interventionism.

Assad’s fall will renew the Arab spring (tags)

As this phase of Syria's revolution closes, the debate about the future of this part of the world should also enter a new phase. Much of the debate about Syria, in the US at least, characterised the Syrian campaign as “liberal interventionism”. So people argued about that, based on what they already thought about the notion. Though fed by some of the rhetoric, especially from the US government, that framing of the argument was misconceived. As I argued earlier this year, it was – and is – a mistake to see the Syrian case as a generic case for or against liberal interventionism.

Let's Have Another War (tags)


Anti-Iranian Rage (tags)


Media Scoundrels Promote Permanent Wars (tags)


Assad Resignation first Step to Peace and Democracy in Syria (tags)

Akbayan Party strongly condemns the continued violence and terror perpetrated by Bashar Al-Assad and the Syrian government forces against Syrian citizens who have long demanded democracy and freedom from Assad’s authoritarian leadership. The Assad regime’s aggressive crackdown on pro-democracy forces has emboldened elements within the opposition to respond in a similarly destructive manner and has left Syria in a virtual state of civil war.

Anti-Syrian Blame Game (tags)


Syrian False Flag Planned? (tags)


The geopolitics of the Syrian uprising/insurgency (tags)

The continuing mass uprising against Syria’s Bashar Assad dictatorship on the one hand, and the growing intervention by the reactionary Gulf monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, along with Turkey, on the side of the growing armed insurgency on the other, has led to a situation where many on the left are sharply divided over who to “support”.

The Syrian revolt enters a new phase (tags)

The armed segments of the revolution appear to be inflicting blows on sections of the security apparatus and taking over major cities: the revolution is turning a corner. Robert Fisk reports that a crucial dynamic now is the fracturing of an alliance between the Sunni middle class and the Alawite regime, signalled by the spread of the revolt to Aleppo. And defections from the state-capitalist power bloc continue. Indeed, Juan Cole has suggested that such divisions must run deep in the Syrian state for the opposition to be capable of planting a bomb that can kill a senior minister.

Syria: Assad regime close to over amid rising violence (tags)

The 50-year rule of the Ba’ath Party in Syria looks to be effectively over.

What Next in Syria? (tags)


Full-Scale War in Syria (tags)


Death Squad Atrocities in Syria (tags)


Syria’s “Liberated” Future: Ethnic-Religious Cleansing and Genocide (tags)

A fascinating shift has happened in the U.S. mainstream media: After a year of anti-Syria war propaganda and lies, glimmers of truth are making their way into the public’s view. This may be too little too late: the country is being torn at the seams into the nightmare of ethnic-religious cleansing and massacres.

Day of Infamy at General Assembly (tags)


Libya and Syria: When Anti-Imperialism Goes Wrong (tags)

Reflexive opposition to Uncle Sam’s machinations abroad is generally a good thing. It is a progressive instinct that progressively declined in the 1990s, as presidents Bush Sr. and Clinton deftly deployed the U.S. military to execute “humanitarian” missions in Somalia, Haiti, and the Balkans and progressively increased in the 2000s, as Bush Jr. lurched from quagmire to disaster in transparent empire-building exercises in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Washington's Total War on Syria (tags)


STOP Imperialist War against Syria (tags)

We, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS), condermn in the strongest terms the duplicitous scheme of the US and NATO in instigating, funding and arming the so-called Syrian National Council and Free Syrian Army to seek the violent overthrow of the Assad government in Syria and at the same time pushing a “peace plan” and then a “transitional government” under the auspices of the UN in order to politically outmanuever the Assad government and the anti-imperialist and democratic forces.

Major Media Admit Presence of Foreign Militants in Syria (tags)


The Next Stage in the Destruction of Syria (tags)

The U.S. media has made its intentions clear: the 'rebels' attacking Syria's government must have more support to advance Syria's "revolution.” This was the result of the much-hyped advance of Syria's rebels into the country’s two largest cities, which the western media portrayed as a defining moment in global democracy. But "journalists" like these have blood on their hands, with much more in the works.

Permanent War: Official US Policy (tags)


Preventing More Middle East Wars Tops All Priorities (tags)


War Without Mercy in Syria (tags)


US Proxy Al Qaeda Death Squads in Syria (tags)


East-West Geopolitical Battle Being Waged in Syrian Civil War (tags)

Interview with Ron Jacobs, author, "Syria Through the Looking Glass", conducted by Scott Harris

Intense Anti-Assad Propaganda (tags)


Syria Threatens No One (tags)


Washington's Plan B for Syria (tags)


Security Council Showdown Afternath (tags)


Syria Roulette (tags)


Propaganda War on Syria (tags)


Strategically Timed Syrian Massacre (tags)


Scoundrel Media Warmongering (tags)


Pressure Building for More Middle East War (tags)


Clinton: Assad's Days Are Numbered (tags)


Bullying, Bluster and Imperial Arrogance 101 (tags)


US secretary of state warns Russia, China over Syria (tags)

A meeting about the Syrian crisis attended by representatives of more than 100 countries, including the United States, big European powers and the Arab nations, called in its final statement President Bashar al-Assad to step down as part of a transition in the crisis-torn nation.

US Intelligence Says Turkish Warplane Downed in Syrian Waters (tags)


Reports of Troop Movements Near Syria's Borders (tags)


Duplicitous Human Rights Council Report on Syria (tags)


State of War in Syria (tags)


Advancing the Ball for War on Syria (tags)


Syria Blamed for Turkish Provocation (tags)


War of Words Over Turkish Aircraft Incident (tags)


Gulf of Tonkin Redux? (tags)


Turkish Plane Reported Shot Down in Syrian Airspace (tags)


CIA Arming Syrian Insurgents (tags)


UN Monitors Spy for Washington (tags)


Washington's Imperial Brinksmanship (tags)


Stepped Up Russia Bashing (tags)


Non-Intervention: A Foreign Policy for the American Citizen (tags)

The policy of interventionism as practiced by CIA drone attacks with 17% civilian casualites is part of the reason why recruitment for Al Queda and the Taliban is on the increase.

Pressure Builds for War on Syria (tags)


Insurgents Named Responsible for Syrian Massacres (tags)


Stepped Up Media War on Syria (tags)


More Syrian Blood on Obama's Hands (tags)


Heated Anti-Assad Rhetoric Promotes War (tags)


Risking Global War (tags)


Obama Prioritizes War (tags)


Obama Plans War on Syria (tags)


BBC Wages Propaganda War on Syria (tags)


Anti-Syrian Propaganda Promotes War (tags)


Syria and Iran in Focus (tags)


President Obama threatens Iran and Syria: "I will always stand with Israel" (tags)

Ever since the 2008 presidential campaign, President Obama has been using the Holocaust to justify his his war threats against Iran and “unshakeable commitment to Israel's security”. Mr Obama's latest Holocaust remembrance speech on April 23rd targeted Syria as well as Iran.

Preventing Peace to Wage War (tags)


Media Scoundrels Promote War on Syria (tags)


Security Council Authorizes 300 Syrian Monitors (tags)


Worrisome Security Council Syrian Resolution (tags)


Syrian Insurgents Violate Ceasefire (tags)


Calm Before Greater Storm in Syria (tags)


Media Scoundrels Promote War (tags)


The Winds of War (tags)


Friends of Syria Subvert Peaceful Resolution (tags)


Friends of Syria Declare War on Assad (tags)

class war

The View from Istanbul (tags)


Obama Plans Regime Change in Syria (tags)


What's Next in Syria? (tags)


Washington Admits Aiding Syrian Opposition (tags)


No Letup in Western-Backed Syrian Violence (tags)


Keeping the Syrian Pot Boiling (tags)


Worrisome Security Council Presidential Statement on Syria (tags)


"Assad’s secret emails": Guardian and Independent's war propaganda shifts into higher gear (tags)

Although suffering from a plummeting credibility, The Guardian and The Independent are still escalating their sustained propaganda campaign against Syria.

Washington Plans War on Syria (tags)


NATO Intervening in Syria (tags)


Lies, Damn Lies and Major Media Scoundrel Journalism (tags)


Planned Regime Change in Syria (tags)


Syrians Overwhelmingly Approve New Constitution (tags)


Soiling for War on Syria (tags)


Escalating Syrian Tensions (tags)


Wrongheaded UN Vote on Syria (tags)


Turkish daily: Turkey’s plan to finish off Assad (tags)

Launched in late May 2011, Turkey’s policy of naked aggression against its neighbour Syria reaches a new height after the veto of the UN Security Council resolution on Syria.

In new window Print all Turkish daily: Turkey’s plan to finish off Assad (tags)

Launched in late May 2011, Turkey’s policy of naked aggression against its neighbour Syria reaches a new height after the veto of the UN Security Council resolution on Syria.

Targeting Syria and Iran (tags)


Russia and China Veto Syria Resolution (tags)


New Syria Resolution: Better but Still Flawed (tags)


New York Times-Style Journalism (tags)


Washington's War on Syria (tags)


Arab League Arrogance (tags)


Planned Regime Change in Iran and Syria (tags)


Target Syria (tags)


Targeting Iran and Syria (tags)


Is Syria Next? (tags)

regime change

Falsified New York Times Middle East Reports (tags)


Destabilizing Syria (tags)


Lies, Damn Lies, and Liberating Wars (tags)


Turkey?s final warning to Syria: Tomorrow may be too late for reforms (tags)

What is unfolding in Syria is an armed insurrection supported covertly by foreign powers including the US, Turkey and Israel.

Turkey cancels participation in Free gaza Flotilla (tags)

Turkey has disallowed local participation in teh Free gaza Flotilla, scheduled for late June

Al Jazeera's War on Syria (tags)


US Intervention in Syria (tags)


Israel needs peace now (tags)

Before it's too late

No nuke material in Syria (tags)

Show us the evidence

US, Israeli LIES About Syrian Attack Exposed (tags)

Note how this phony story has taken the place of any real debate on Israel's Act of Aggression, its illegal attack on a sovereign country. So then ... what was the true purpose of this illegal Act of Aggression? This appears to have been a 'back door' attack on Iran, since Syria and Iran have mutual defense agreements. If action isn't taken against the Extremists in the Knesset, they WILL plunge us all into a destructive war, from which we may never recover.

Nuke Lies in Syria Attack (tags)

Update from Syria on the false claims of nuclear WMDs in Syria

Damascus: IAF planes dropped live ammunition on Syria during flyover (tags)

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said Monday that Israel Air Force warplanes dropped live ammunition during an alleged violation of Syrian airspace in the early hours of Thursday.

War for Water on the Golan Heights (tags)

Talk with a Syrian General on likelihood of Israel-Syria war QUNEITRA, Syrian Golan Heights Trucks of every size were queued up for miles and some hadn't budged in days. At the end of the line, drivers resigned to a long, hot ordeal set up camp waiting for inspections. Talk with a Syrian General on likelihood of Israel-Syria war QUNEITRA, Syrian Golan Heights Trucks of every size were queued up for miles and some hadn't budged in days. At the end of the line, drivers resigned to a long, hot ordeal set up camp waiting for inspections.

Human Rights Activist Sentenced to Five Years (tags)

AIPAC and ADL to merge (tags)

Dagan, the head of Mossad, has ordered his two security service in the US to merge and go after Pelosi.

U.S. bars victim of torture from entry to receive award (tags)

The American police state is starting to look more and more like the police states of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union gulag and the iron fist rule of Red China.

Peace with Syria, Lunch in Damascus (tags)

THIS AFFAIR throws some light on the complex relations between Israel and the United States: who is wagging who--does the dog wag its tail or the tail its dog?

Diplomatic roads lead to Damascus (tags)

"Israel is losing this war," said Ralph Peters, a staunch pro-Israel columnist and military expert with the neo-conservative New York Post. "Israeli miscalculations have left Hezbollah alive and kicking."

Funeral for Lebanese Journalist Turns Into Anti-Syrian Demonstration (tags)

BEIRUT - Tens of thousands of Lebanese bid farewell on Wednesday to anti-Syrian publisher and lawmaker Gebran Tueni, turning his funeral into an outpouring of anger against Damascus, which they blame for his murder.

Lebanese information department denies Houssam allegations (tags)

Syrian President Bashar Assad's brother-in-law and Syria's overall intelligence chief Assef Shawkat was not among the five Syrian officials interrogated Tuesday by German prosecutor Detlev Mehlis in Vienna, a source close to the probe into the murder of former Premier Rafik Hariri said:

Syrian Witness in U.N. Inquiry on Beirut Killing Reports Bribes (tags)

BEIRUT, Lebanon- A man claiming to be a former Syrian intelligence agent in Lebanon has said on Syrian state television that Lebanese officials tortured him and offered bribes to persuade him to present false testimony against Syria to a United Nations commission investigating the assassination of Rafik Hariri, the former Lebanese prime minister.

The Threats Against Iraq and Syria and the Option of Resistance (tags)

The Threats Against Iraq and Syria and the Option of Resistance

Man sought by Hariri probe reportedly in Syrian custody (tags)

BEIRUT - The best friend of a missing Islamist who recorded a videotaped claim to have assassinated five-time Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri has been detained in Syria for the past two months, a human rights activist said Tuesday.


The Mehlis report on the Hariri assassination is just another dodgy dossier. In order to lay the blame for the assassination at Syria's door it specializes in innuendo and unverified allegations by anonymous persons. The only named individual purporting to possess information incriminating Syria turns out to be a multiply convicted swindler who was paid handsomely for his revelations by a Syrian dissident.

Condoleezza Rice Makes Surprise Visit to Lebanon (tags)

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made a surprise visit to volatile Lebanon under heavy guard Friday to encourage a new democratic government outside Syrian control ,

Minister survives Beirut car explosion (tags)

Lebanon's caretaker Vice Premier and Defense Minister Elias Murr survived an assassination bombing ambush

Ex-army chief wins Lebanon vote (tags)

Lebanon's former army commander and his allies have handed other opposition groups a surprising defeat in parliamentary elections

Bashar Assad ordered the death of Rafiq Hariri (Bill Clinton ) (tags)

People in the media should stop making up infantile excuses by saying the real power behind Bashar Assad killed Hariri. Assad is the power

London Times Says it Garnered 'Clear Evidence' that Syria Assassinated Hariri (tags)

British newspaper has claimed to have found "clear evidence" that Syria assassinated ex-premier Rafik Hariri in an attack that has plunged Lebanon into political chaos.

Syria's Spies Evacuate Beirut, Ending 15-Year Reign of Terror (tags)

Syria has pulled all major spy centers from Beirut, ending a 15-year reign of terror and leaving the Lebanese capital to breath free from the watching Moukhabarat eyes and listening ears for the first time since the end of the civil war.

Al-Asad: Withdrawal to Bakaa Valley (tags)

Syrian President Bashar al-Asad has addressed parliament and said his country's troops will first withdraw to the Bakaa Valley before redeploying along the border with Lebanon.

UN sets April deadline for Syrian pullout (tags)

U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan has warned Syria it must withdraw all its forces from Lebanon by April in the latest escalation of tension between the international community and Damascus. The hardening of attitude comes as Syria said it will "redeploy" all of the 15,000 troops it has stationed in Lebanon to the country's eastern border with Syria in a last ditch attempt to defuse increasing international pressure against it.

former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri 'Hama Rules' (tags)

NY TIMES:About two weeks ago, a friend of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri stopped by my office to update me on Lebanon and pass on a message from Mr. Hariri, whom I have known since reporting from Beirut in the late 1970's. The message was that the Lebanese opposition to the Syrian occupation was getting united - inspired both by the example of Iraq and by the growing excesses of the Syrian occupation. Mr. Hariri, his friend said, was planning to use the coming Lebanese parliamentary elections, and a hoped-for victory by the opposition front, to send a real message to the Syrians: It's time for you to go.

Wendy Campbell: See Syria For Yourself With This Documentary (tags)

If you can't make the trip to Syria in person, this is the next best thing. See for yourself the exquisite archeological treasures and beautiful countryside of Syria, and meet the friendly people who live there.

Lebanese students vow to hold protests, despite ban ISF will try to stop demonstrations (tags)

Lebanese opposition groups asserted Thursday their intention to protest on Friday against what they call the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, despite an official ban by the Interior Ministry.

Can Assad Halt Syria's Diplomatic Slide? (tags)

Syria's young president, Bashar Al-Assad, has been sailing along oblivious to the dangers his government has been courting. Now he's waking up fast.

Syria-S Trouble (tags)

One key to stabilizing Iraq isn't even in the country, but next door in Syria.

New extremist terrorist group born in Lebanon (tags)

A new extremist terrorist group was born in Syrian-occupied Lebanon. The group made its debut in Lebanese territories where the Lebanese security forces are “banned” form entering, while the Lebanese authorities are paralyzed by the Syrian occupation troops. Here are the details per Nahar newspaper (the most renowned newspaper in Lebanon):



Syria Trains Arab Youth for Iraqi Jihad (tags)

The Kuwaiti daily Al-Rai Al-Aam reported: "Kuwaiti Islamist missionaries (Du'aat) enticed Kuwaiti teenagers with the idea of Jihad, urged them to take part in the Iraqi resistance against the Americans, and arranged their passage to Syria. There, the teenagers met clandestinely [with trainers] who prepared them for combat and secured their crossing into Iraq via the Syrian border.

New evidence: Saddam's WMD in Lebanon (tags)

Weapons transferred to Syria before war, then to Bekaa Valley Over the last few months, the U.S. intelligence community has received new evidence a sizable amount of Iraqi WMD systems, components and platforms were transferred to Syria in the weeks leading up to the U.S.-led war in Iraq, reports Geostrategy-Direct, the global intelligence news service.

The curious lack of curiosity about WMD (tags)

Syrians, 'equipment' were in N. Korea train blast (tags)

Syrian technicians accompanying unknown equipment were killed in the train explosion in North Korea on April 22, according to a report in a Japanese newspaper.

U.S. Sanctions May Hurt Syria Politically (tags)

DAMASCUS, Syria - Syrians brushed aside the significance of economic sanctions imposed by the United States, but some worried Tuesday about the long-term political ramifications of an escalating confrontation with a superpower.

Report Back from Syria (tags)

Shattering Zionist myths...

Issue of detainees in Syria 'a tragedy' (tags)

A human rights activist said Monday that the issue of Lebanese who were victims of arbitrary abduction and detention by Syrian forces was a harsh humanitarian outcome of the civil war.


Israel's Foreign Policy toward Syria should be built on the demands that it leave Lebanon unconditionally, end it's support for Hezbollah and "Palestinian" terror groups, dismantle it's Weapons of Mass Destruction, and keep it's hands off the Kurds. Israel's greater regional policy should be based on supporting the rights of minorities in the area. Only that way, based on democratization, liberation from oppressive regimes, and encouraging freedom, will the Middle East and North Africa be transformed into a region worthy its millennia old history.

Human Right Violations In Syrian Occupied Lebanon Must Stop (tags)

In a savage reaction against the Lebanese students’ peaceful demonstration protesting the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, the Syrian installed Lebanese regime use of barbaric force sent several youngsters with broken bones to hospitals on Friday, March 12, 2004.

Terrorist Organizations Syria supports (tags)

State sponsored terrorism is synonymous with Syria and more closely with the Assad regime. During the reign of Hafez al-Assad, and continuing with his son Baschar, Syria's al-Baath Party has embarked on strengthening its political hand by using the crudest of methods: Terrorism.

Syrian authorities break up rare protest. U.S. diplomat, journalists briefly detained (tags)

DAMASCUS, Syria -- In a capital awash with Syrian flags, banners of support for President Bashar Assad and pamphlets declaring his party's achievements on its 41st anniversary, the paper banner raised by about 20 human rights activists urging freedom for political prisoners did not fit in.

Solidarity With Arab Student Union and Syrian Student Union!!! (tags)

January 12 Letter of Solidarity With Arab Student Union and Syrian Student Union!!!

Chemical bombs and rocket systems components destruction weapons hide Iraq in Syria (tags)

AMSTERDAM - The Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, which was the main reason for the United States to unleash the war last year, seem correct. And in Syria. A high Syrian information officer detailed data have played on about this to a compatriot in exile.

Editor of Kuwaiti Daily: Syria's Secret Service is Behind the 'Iraqi Resistance' (tags)

08 December, 2003 The Middle East Media Research Institute The November 1, 2003 conference of foreign ministers of the countries neighboring Iraq yielded numerous articles in the Arab press condemning Syria's pro-Saddam stance. Among the authors were editor of the Kuwaiti daily Al-Siyassa, Ahmad Al-Jarallah, and Iraqi opposition member and political commentator Dr. Riyadh Al-Amir. The following are excerpts from the articles

Lebanese Farmers and the Syrian Occupation (tags)

"It is in exchanging the gifts of the earth that you shall find abundance and be satisfied. Yet unless the exchange be in love and kindly justice, it will but lead some to greed and others to hunger."[1] Lebanese poet Khalil Gibran, 1923

Syrian PM criticizes U.S. presence in Iraq (tags)

The threatened U.S. sanctions will have no effect on Syria, and the Syrian government will never endorse the American presence in Iraq, Prime Minister Naji al-Otari said in remarks published Friday.

Lebanese Peaceful Revolution Against Syrian Occupation (tags)

The Lebanese universities youth, engineers, physicians, lawyers, workers and all society members are leading a peaceful revolution to implement the UN Security Council resolution 52O that calls for Syrian pullout of Lebanon. Hundreds are being arrested, tortured, imprisoned and even killed.

Does Syria sponsor terrorism? (tags)

Syria, a secular dictatorship with one of the worldâ??s worst human rights records, has been on the State Department list of countries sponsoring terrorism since the listâ??s inception in 1979

US Deploys 20,000 Troops Near Syrian Border/Beijing threatens war over Taiwan (tags)

US Deploys 20,000 Troops Near Syrian Border/Beijing threatens war over Taiwan

Pining for Freedom: Syrian occupation suffocates Lebanon (tags)

Syria's government, with its jackboot system, foul prisons, ruthless repression of dissent and support (in joint venture with Iran) of Hezbollah terrorists based in Lebanon, is utterly unfit to run Syria itself, let alone Lebanon. "All our intelligence agencies are under Syrian control," former Lebanese president Amin Gemayel tells me. Lebanon's Maronite Christian patriarch says that the entire Lebanese government has become "a creature of Syria." Lebanon is being transformed into a police

Lebanese Farmers and the Syrian Occupation (tags)

it is in exchanging the gifts of the earth that you shall find abundance and be satisfied. Yet unless the exchange be in love and kindly justice, it will but lead some to greed and others to hunger."[1] Lebanese poet Khalil Gibran, 1923


Syrian whispers: The lack of press freedom in Syria causes more speculative rumour than it prevents


Here is a part of what the Syrian Baath regime have been committing in occupied Lebanon

Next Stop: Lebanon (tags)

The Bush Junta and company's tirade would be getting old at this point, if it weren't for the thousands of innocent people getting needlessly slaughtered.

Lebanese groups issue human rights warnings against Syria (tags)

Three human rights groups issued a joint communique stating that Syrian authorities continue to deny the imprisonment of Lebanese citizens, despite the findings of several international organizations. Now they fear Syria may be hiding mass graves...

Reflections on why the United States and Israel are threatening Syria (tags)

As if to underline this warning, the US bombed the Syrian Trade Center in Baghdad and closed the oil pipeline from Iraq to Syria. Syria’s valuable trade with Iraq ú which totaled about $5 billion in the period 1998-2002 ú has been cut off. This is a serious blow to the Syrian economy since Iraq had in recent years become Syria’s main trading partner.

Make Peace with SYria (tags)

Nuke em!

Hell on Earth (tags)

The American Left's anti-semitism and hate of Democracy exposed by John Perrazzo. Muslims killing muslims? Yawn. Jews from Isreal killing muslims? Throw up the barricades!

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