fix articles 7788, earth Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : earth



but Jehovah's calculation failed because he expected the two chickens to grab hold of the mucus to eliminate each other, but since they were afraid they preferred to attack the dwarf, that is, Germany because compared to the territories that the gringos and the Russians stole, almost half of them were stolen in the world, but even with all the disadvantage THE NAZIS made them eat shit for every combat they fought, but drop by drop the barrel spilled until finally Germany surrendered, while Adolf Hitler paid for his escape by lining the soldiers with gold. cowardly gringos and their no more companion from the Russians.


In other words, when we talk about The Introduction, we are referring to the themes that are to come regarding the why of all things and being able to touch, feel and look at a gallant universe that has given birth to us in a lie. disguised as mercy and granted by I don't know how many stories and with the permission of no one.

Permaculture, toilettes sèches, ou No future (tags)

Les archives de la Terre...

When everything tips over (tags)

So it's high time for the left to break out of its shock paralysis, to start politicizing knowledge again and to develop its own models and approaches that are both bigger and smaller than the warning about the end of humanity. First, by taking into account the economic structures.... And on the other hand, by going into the painstaking, everyday detail work.

The selfishness virus (tags)

Wétiko could be cured. The afflicted man was given warmth, contact and enough to eat; he was given services to the sick and the elderly and to be with children, always in the midst of the community. And at some point he knew again what life was about and who he actually was: part of a social fabric, child of the earth.

Curiosity, aller sur Mars, pourquoi faire ? (tags)

Le capitalisme à l'intergalactique...

Ecosocialist strategy: industrial restructuring (tags)

The findings of international climate research and the IPCC are clear. World society is heading for tipping points that will abruptly change the earth and climate system. As a result, several billion people will lose their previous livelihoods in a few decades.

The planet is bursting (tags)

It's not the number of people on Earth that matters, but how they live.

Earth Democracy (tags)

We are part of the universe and the earth and must live in accordance with the laws of the universe as well as the earth. The most basic law is the realization that we share the planet with other beings and that we have a duty to care for our common home.

The Humanity Simulation (tags)

"Everything faded into mist. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth" - George Orwell. "The struggle of the people against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting" - Milan Kundera. Erasing, obliterating is an essential element in building the money machine and the illusion of democracy.

Is Green Growth the Solution? (tags)

Just as every millimeter of social progress must be fought for against capital interests, the protection of nature and climate must also be won against the rulers. In these struggles lies the future of the planet.

The interior of Uranus (tags)

The interiors of Uranus contain about 50,000 times the amount of water in Earth's oceans...

Let's talk about Uranus (tags)

"Uranus personifying the sky" they say regarding greek mythology...

Myths and hidden Links listed: Schwarzschild universe, Naziufos and Secret Societies (tags)

While the world facing Boka Chica turning to a "Gate to Mars" we should review what is discussed rare regarding Extraterrestrials and the Roots of Spacetravel. While more nazi based conspiracy theories about a Kabala (pedophile Freemasonry and Satanism, etc.) going viral, we need to remember there were also Freemason Astronauts and leading Satanist representing the better Side of Humanity... to go to places no human were before inside the observable universe. You'll be surprised like the guy that "calculated that Schwarzschild radius of the black hole with the mass of visible universe is equal to the radius of the visible universe (13E9 ly).", will you?

Some Satellite Energy Artifacts Caught On Camera (tags)

Bernard Eastlund, Inventor of HAARP (High Frequency Active AURORAL Research program), from his Patent # 4,686,605 “...This invention relates to a method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region normally existing above the Earth’s initially transmitting electromagnetic radiation from the Earth’s surface... ...By altering solar modification is possible... for example, altering upper atmosphere wind patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device...A moving plume could also serve as a means for focusing a vast amount of sunlight on selected portions of the Earth...HIGH INTENSITY, WELL CONTROLLED ELECTRICAL FIELDS CAN BE PROVIDED IN SELECTED LOCATIONS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES...(caps ours, ed.)”....eavesdropping....

CA Safe Schools Honors Earth Day Heroes (tags)

“In honoring these phenomenal individuals on Earth Day, we are acknowledging their hard work and commitment to protect current and future generations,” said Robina Suwol, founder and executive director of California Safe Schools.

THE JESUS LIE . 1 (tags)

jesus christ did not exist

Capitalotest, amalgamisme, confusionnisme, dépolitisme (tags)

Du morcellement généralisé...

Google Abuses: Worldwide Spying, Censorship, War Promotion, Spying On Children, Etc (tags)

There is growing opposition to Google, the world's biggest censor.

Google, World's Biggest Censor, Was Founded By The CIA (tags)

Google censors by totally erasing some search links, hiding others in the back pages, designing algorithms to generate more negative than positive links, placing old data first,

The US, the Dollar, IS and Saudi Arabia (tags)

The US treats IS and the Saudi royal house differently. For decades, Saudi Arabia has been the US' closest ally in the Middle East and therefore enjoys Washington's unrestricted solidarity despite all its crimes.

Winner takes all (tags)

Demonstrates how capitalism works using the board game Monopoly as an example. CC-BY-NC-SA

Video: March for Science, April 22, 2017, 4 hours (tags)

The March for Science rally took place on the National Mall in Washington, DC. The event was one of more than 500 planned rallies held across the U.S. and overseas. The speaking program featured remarks by Bill Nye, Earth Day principal organizer Denis Hayes along with scientists...

An humble opinion (tags)

My Thanksgiving Message Follows.

Fear is used to control the people (tags)

My conclusions after 30 years of assaults by fbi and their operatives followThe:

Recipe for Peace; Close U.S. Foreign Bases and Stop CIA Meddling (tags)

The only sensible foreign policy platform is to close down all U.S. military bases on foreign soil and disband the Central Intelligence Agency. By ending CIA tampering with foreign governments the people of other nations will have self determination and economic stability. Our military is for defense only, not for policing the world.

Ockham's Razor (tags)

Pollution, wars, crime, terrorism, drugs, diseases, disasters, etcetera, are all related with each other and deliberately created with the same goal.

Pope Francis: Pope Of The Poor, Of Mother Earth, Of Prisoners (tags)

Pope Francis is working to make the Catholic church a church for the poor.

Obama Risks WW III (tags)


43 Ways To Save Earth By Helping Trees (tags)

Meat is the food which most harms the earth. Fruit is the food which most helps it. Vegetables are linear. Fruit and nut trees are spherical.


On February 20 a Federal Court of Appeals in Washington DC rejected an attempt by Pacific Gas & Electric and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to quash a lawsuit filed by environmental group Friends Of the Earth (FOE).


For the ones robed in light separated by the long night. May Allah be pleased; the torch passed on by the Prophet Bob Marley this work is dedicated. This is that light. To all the warriors not stepping upon the dawn of the new day and to all those souls who persevered along the path narrow we all started around the year of change that time the prophet departed orb-ship earth, and Stevie wonder stood in the shoes of Martin Luther king to petition the powers that be to honor him. The Holy Book of Wonder is essence of that journey. We give thanks to the almighty for his mercy endurth forever. I’m overjoyed to be alive, chosen to present to the world at this time my life’s work. Bob Marley was a runner in this relay of information from the divine who successfully delivered the baton as torch of light. His influence on the musician Stevie wonder allowed This miracle to be, for he sang in a song “I don’t want to wait in vain for your love”(SPEAKING TO HIS AMERICAN Negro audience) and the message in the music was received by the Rastafari poet Ital Iman I 33 years ago,(1/15/1981) the Holy Book of wonder is that narrative. a metaphysical experience in our life time, we honor the prophet Marvin Gaye who saw it and sang it in a song called "praise" where he acknowledges the divinity of the blind seer Stevie wonder on the album “in our life time “shouts go out to Frankie Beverly who help us journey through the maze of these changing times from that time making the connection “right on time” from the album (we are one)for everything is on the one the Mother- ship will fly like it always does as we were told in song by George Clinton, the prophet Maurice white of earth wind and fire with his guru spirit revealed the light of Egypt informing us truth is written in the stone (great pyramid)from album I am…give thanks also to the foundation mystic Mr. lee scratch Perry Author of the music 23rd dub the foundation of it all ,blessings for Mr. Kenney gamble (Bro Luqman Abdul Haqq)

Tao Te Ching (tags)

The Tao Te Ching translation is by Derek Lin has survived millennia... it is the way of water

Ninos Perdidos del Sur (tags)

“Who are you that you fear mortal man, that you were in dread constantly the whole day long on account of the rage of the one hemming you in?” (Is. 51:12-13). Pict. - My Mom - Mother of Israel, born in San Francisco 1919. and they already removed this.

Israeli-Palestinian Science Organization (IPSO) Struggles for Peace (tags)

IPSO is a non-political, not-for-profit organization based in the city of Jerusalem. IPSO’s mission is to foster and sustain cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians and to promote dialogue and interaction among scholars and scientists in the two communities. IPSO seeks out and supports high quality research in science and learning, involving cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian scientists and scholars.

The Word (tags)

A country in a moment! A nation in a day!

The Earth a Common Treasury for All (tags)

A meme for Earth Day.

Myriad Google Crimes (tags)

Some Categories Of Google Crimes: Promoting Illegal Wars, Worldwide Sleuthing, Censorship, Spying on Chidlren

Les neurones miroirs (tags)

La création sans imagination est sans imagination pour la création...

Nostradamus Fukushima Prophecy (tags)

Nostradamus Fukushima Prophecy

Pope Francis Fukushima Anti Nuclear Pro Environment Tirade (tags)

Pope Francis Fukushima Anti Nuclear Pro Environment Tirade

Fukushima Corium Removal Technology Does Not Exist (tags)

Fukushima Corium Removal Technology Does Not Exist

Dorothee Soelle: Teacher of God and Prophetess (tags)

Twenty years ago Dorothee Soelle warned of that totalitarian religion in North America that is in power today. She spoke of “Christo-fascism” and meant the “Christian” glossing over a capitalist system that goes along with murder, exploitation and destruction.

Congressional Candidacy Responds to Earth in Crisis (tags)

Veteran Earth First! organizer, pioneering anti-GMO direct action activist, and medical marijuana protester Congressional candidate Andy Caffrey opens 2014 campaign office and Earth First! event center in Humboldt County.

America: Addicted to War (tags)


42 Ways To Help Trees Which Cool The Earth (tags)

Tree destruction is the main cause of global heating

San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station to close permanently (tags)

The San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station will close permanently, Southern California Edison announced today. The Center for Biological Diversity, Friends of the Earth and other environmental groups have opposed restarting the leaking plant.

Pasadena Street Art Ride (tags)

Join C.I.C.L.E. for a bicycle ride through Pasadena to see the city's incredible Street Art! The event is in partnership with the Pasadena Earth and Arts Festival on Saturday, April 20th.

L.A. Participates in Protesting the Keystone XL Pipeline (part 1) (tags)

A report back and photo coverage (part 1) of a march and rally held in Los Angeles on February 17, in solidarity with the protest in Washington, DC.

San Francisco Critical Mass 20th Anniversary Interstellar Ride (tags)

San Francisco Critical Mass 20th Anniversary Interstellar Ride, Friday September 28th from 6PM onward.

GLP Mag-Lev Train and Floodwater to Drought Pipeline Alleviates Drought and Flooding (tags)

The Green Liberty Party (GLP) solution to seasonal flooding and drought concerns is to construct a pipeline that can regularly transport large amounts of water from flood prone regions to drought prone regions. This differs from current SNWA plans to drain northern Nevada's aquifers with a pipeline.

Support Oakland Occupy Patriarchy (tags)

Everyone is invited to come to Oakland and participate in furthering the Oakland Occupy Patriarchy agenda, to remove the psychotic patriarchal plutocracy and establish a brand new civilization, based on spiritual (not materialistic) reality!

United Nations Webcast on Sustainability (tags)

Interactive Panel: "Scientific findings on the impacts of human activities on the functioning of the Earth System" and Closing.

fbi routinely sets up plots & then foils them fo publicity (tags)

Sosbee's Tribute To Our Brothers And Sisters Jailed Anywhere On Earth

Worldwide Children's Revolution proposed to lead May Day protest marches (tags)

The idea of the worldwide Children's Revolution on May Day is for the women and children in the environmental movement to lead the marches all over the earth, and show that the World Revolution is peaceful and will save humanity from being driven to extinction by the burning of fossil fuels. The proposal for the worldwide Children's Revolution is for kids' marches to be at the front of all the protests during the global General Strike, and for everyone else to lend their support by displaying banners reading “CAN YOU SAVE THE HUMAN RACE?” to help ensure the survival of future generations.

Bob Brown on Global Democracy and World Parliament (tags)

Bob Brown delivers the 3rd annual Green Oration

2012 Magnetic Pole Reversal; Doom or Hoax? (tags)

The Mayan calendar predicts what scientists call a magnetic pole reversal every 800,000 years or so. Nobody really knows what will happen, from the doomsayers to the relaxsayers. The truth is usually in the middle. Get ready anyway, no harm in being prepared.

Mary's Revolt for Life (tags)

The civilization made and guided by men seriously threatens survival on the earth. The song of Christmas is not a sweet lullaby but a feminine rebellion against the world of death worshipers. The gifts of this earth do not belong to us.

Occupy the Machine- Together we can halt the destruction of our only home (tags)

Our planet is dying, and there is no mistaking the cause... Industrial civilization must me confronted as the machine of death that it truly is. The Occupy Movement has the makings of a revolutionary struggle, but it will only succeed if we can properly align our actions with an honest assessment of the predicament we face.

BTL:U.S. Senate Defeats Plan to Eliminate Billions of Dollars in Big Oil Tax Subsidies (tags)

Interview with Ben Schreiber, climate and energy tax analyst with Friends of the Earth, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

Re-visiting Uncle Ted & A Few FC Targets (tags)

Revisiting writings of Ted K, whether we disagree with his actions or not is irrelevant. The point is there are lessons to be learned in strategy and where the collective eco-activist movement is heading.

One different Easter (tags)

Those indigenous children they have schools that teach them to be westerners and consumers. It's necessary for not seeing them, that all of them will not have a future: Their farms infected by cyanide that destroys everything green that exist in our Mother the Earth.

Join Robina Suwol, Founder of California Safe Schools at Earth Day Festival (tags)

Carson Eartth Day Festival Friday, April 15th 3:00-6:00pm Dolphin Park

"Only the one who cries for the Jews may sing Gregorian" (tags)

Crying and singing, ethical engagement and praising God belong together. The great events of world history should be seen from below, from the perspective of the dismissed, suspicious, mistreated, powerless, oppressed and mocked. God's honor is the person who lives.

BTL:Plutonium Found in Soil Near Stricken Japanese Nuclear Complex; Groups Demand Radiatio (tags)

Interview with Tom Clements, Southeastern nuclear campaign coordinator with the environmental group Friends of the Earth, conducted by Scott Harris

Japan's Earthquake: Natural or Engineered? (tags)

nuclear disaster

Shakti Cluster Callout WB/IMF Dayz of Dis 4/14-17 (tags)

Callout for an earth warrior cluster during the World Bank/International Monetary Fund Days of Dissent April 14-17 in Washington D.C.

"Globalize the Struggle, Globalize the Hope!" (tags)

No to market-based business deals proposed by the governments of industrialized countries and transnational corporations, the thousands of solutions to the climate crisis are in the hands of the people.

The Dangerous Doctrine of Justification (tags)

While religion can make people happier by giving connection to a larger whole, it can also make them blind and neurotic. Self-righteousness is the grand delusion distorting life in the church and outside the church (cf. Eberhard Juengel).

With Earth and Each Other (tags)

Supporting peaceful co-existence in the Middle East

Coming Back to Earth for the Healing of Humanity (tags)

Someday I know you will see their name in lights, unitl then hold their light in your hearts and allow the faith and hope they shared to guide you out of the dark.



Economy in Service of Life (tags)

The 2004 Accra confession of the Reformed World Alliance emphasizes justice in the economy and the earth. "The ideology of neoliberalism penetrating all areas of our life is incompatible with our Christian faith.. and does not serve life."

Capitalists, Global Warming, and the Climate Justice Movement (tags)

(This essay was published in Anarcho-Syndicalist Review, #54, Summer 2010, pages 23-28. For this internet edition I've made a few more changes and additions). An urgent analysis of the climate crisis and call to action.

a mesage from jean Victoria Norloch (tags)

wish you all to find the wisdom within your hearrts to heed the warnings of our brother - there will be safe haven is the planet declares war on the people

WIKILEAKS needs every thinking person's SUPPORT please (tags)

check out for recent interviews with WIKIPEDIA's spokesperson. The questions and answers are clear, pertinent, informative and more than mass media ever gives us.

Gulf Oil Spill: A Hole in the World (tags)

The Deepwater Horizon disaster is not just an industrial accident – it is a violent wound inflicted on the Earth itself. In this special report from the Gulf coast, a leading author and activist shows how it lays bare the hubris at the heart of capitalism

Global Cooling Is Coming -- and Beware the Big Chill, Scientist Warns (tags)

Contrary to the commonly held scientific conclusion that the Earth is getting warmer, a scientist who has written more than 150 peer-reviewed papers has unveiled evidence for his prediction that global cooling is coming soon

"Guerilla Gardening and Learn to Grow Your Own Urban Food" @ L.A. Greens for Earth Day (tags)

Celebrate Earth Day with L.A. Greens: Vegetarian potluck and 3 guest speakers: "Guerilla Gardening and Learn to Grow Your Own Urban Food." Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 7pm, Peace Center, 8124 W. Third St., Los Angeles

Earth Day Film Festival - The Antarctica Challenge (tags)

The Antarctica Challenge: A Global Warning was the only film to be officially invited to screen to world leaders attending COP15, the climate change conference in Copenhagen last December. On Saturday, April 24, the award-winning documentary will make its Los Angeles premiere as part of Earth Day celebrations.

“Earth Day at the Park” on April 22 at Carson’s Dolphin Park (tags)

The Environmental Justice Network of Southern California (EJNSC) will hold their Annual Earth Day celebration on April 22, 2010 from 3;30 PM to 6;30 at the Carson Dolphin Park at 21205 Water St. Carson, CA 90745 The “Earth Day At The Park” celebration has been an annual event of the Environmental Justice Network of Southern California (EJNSC). It consists of other environmental justice organizations, community members, professionals, ethnic organizations, faith-based groups, and youth clubs, established by People’s CORE in the South Bay in 2003. Some goals of the Earth celebrations is to educate community members on ways to be more environmentally friendly and promote environmental justice advocacy.

Celebrate Earth Day with the Green Party! (tags)

Join the Los Angeles Greens for vegetarian potluck and a talk on "Guerilla Gardening and Learn to Grow Your Own Urban Food" by Ramona Merryman, aka The Mistress of Soil, a permaculture designer and teacher.


Land reform in Brazil it commemorates 25 years.

Climate Summit + Food Sovereignty Delegation to Bolivia: Be part of history (tags)

Be part of history! Celebrate Earth Day and attend the Peoples’ World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth’s Rights in Cochabamba, Bolivia . Social movement leaders, scientists, academics, and representatives of governments that want to work with their citizens to save our planet will be in attendance. (Conference is scheduled for April 19-22, 2010 - more info at

Humanists Memorialize Giordano Bruno (tags)

The San Diego Humanist Fellowship commemorated the 410th anniversary of the execution of Giordano Bruno at their February 14 meeting. Bruno, a 16th century philosopher, monk and scientific scholar, was killed by the Holy Inquisition for denying the Trinity, the divinity of Jesus, the virginity of Mary and the dogma that the earth was the center of the universe.

Humanists Memorialize Giordano Bruno (tags)

The San Diego Humanist Fellowship held a program on February 14 to commemorate the life and death of Giordano Bruno, the 16th century Italian philosopher and scientific theorist who was burned at the stake by the Holy Inquisition in 1600 for (among other things) arguing that the earth orbited the sun and there was an infinite universe.

Medics, Mediators, Cooks etc. still needed for EARTH FIRST! OC/WR in SB Feb. 11-15!!! (tags)

This is a quick shout-out to let everyone know that the EARTH FIRST! Organizers' Conference and Winter Rendezvous is still happening next week in Santa Barbara. All are invited, but people with skills are especially needed to come down and help make this party a reality. The OC is Feb 11-13 and the WR is the 13-15. Check out more info at

The Fateful Geological Prize Called Haiti (tags)

"A US military occupation of Haiti under the guise of earthquake disaster ‘relief’ would give Washington and private business interests tied to it a geopolitical prize of the first order. Prior to the January 12 quake, the US Embassy in Port-au-Prince was the fifth largest US embassy in the world, comparable to its embassies in such geopolitically strategic places as Berlin and Beijing.[17] With huge new oil finds off Cuba being exploited by Russian companies, with clear indications that Haiti contains similar vast untapped oil as well as gold, copper, uranium and iridium, with Hugo Chavez’ Venezuela as a neighbor to the south of Haiti, a return of Aristide or any popular leader committed to developing the resources for the people of Haiti, -- the poorest nation in the Americas -- would constitute a devastating blow to the world’s sole Superpower. The fact that in the aftermath of the earthquake, UN Haiti Special Envoy Bill Clinton joined forces with Aristide foe George W. Bush to create something called the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund ought to give everyone pause. According to Marguerite Laurent ('Ezili Dantò') of the Haitian Lawyers’ Leadership Network, under the guise of emergency relief work, the US, France and Canada are engaged in a balkanization of the island for future mineral control. She reports rumors that Canada wants the North of Haiti where Canadian mining interests are already present. The US wants Port-au-Prince and the island of La Gonaive just offshore – an area identified in Aristide’s development book as having vast oil resources, and which is bitterly contested by France. She further states that China, with UN veto power over the de facto UN-occupied country, may have something to say against such a US-France-Canada carve up of the vast wealth of the nation."



Haiti's Earthquake: Natural or Engineered (tags)

technology can cause earthquakes


The Earth First! Organizers’ Conference (OC) and Winter Rendezvous (Rondy) will be held in the beautiful mountains of Santa Barbara. Traditionally, this conference is a time for members of radical environmental campaigns to come together to discuss ideas and strategies, ideally creating a stronger, more unified front. We expect this year’s gathering to help connect and strengthen existing campaigns within the movement, as well as look at how current social and political trends impact the biosphere in increasingly devastating ways. We hope the conference will inform and inspire new comrades to join the struggle in defense of the Earth—along with eating good food and doing a bunch of hootin’ and hollerin’!



Earth First! Roadshow traveling thru California Jan. 12th - 24th!!! (tags)

From the loose network of affinity groups that brought you the 2009 Round River Rendezvous, comes the first annual Earth First! California Roadshow! We will be presenting skill-shares, music, history and theory of direct action and radical ecology in events up and down the state.

Behind Scientology;The Lies, Deception and Beliefs (tags)

Behind Scientology;The Lies, Deception and Beliefs


A call to unite and confront the converging global crises of our times, replace the trade and investment pacts and related juggernauts of the corporate-driven global economy, and start building a sustainable economic future together.

Dr. Helen Caldicott Speaks in San Diego (tags)

Dr. Helen Caldicott, a powerful international activist against nuclear weapons and nuclear power for over a quarter-century, spoke at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego October 23 and painted a picture of global warming as an imminent apocalypse that requires immediate action to develop alternative energy sources and stop using fossil fuels. She also denounced the public-relations campaigns aimed at convincing people that global warming isn't a threat, and said climate-change deniers like Rush Limbaugh directly threaten the survival of the earth and therefore should not be allowed to broadcast.

Resistance, Journal of the Earth Liberation Movement Hits Store Shelves Today (tags)

Resistance Magazine was created as a vehicle to inform, inspire, and energize the earth liberation movement. Humans have pushed the earth to the brink of catastrophe and each day that passes brings us one step closer to a planet that can no longer sustain life. The question has now become not what we can do, but what we must do; not what we are comfortable with, but what we are fully capable of; not what is convenient, but what is completely necessary to stop the destruction of our home.


Who likes to dream with the empty belly?

prediction for 2010 (tags)


What I am going to share with you now is known through your I AM Presence and is recorded within the deepest recesses of your heart

Resistance, Journal of the Earth Liberation Movement has returned (tags)

The question has now become not what we can do, but what we must do; not what we are comfortable with, but what we are fully capable of; not what is convenient, but what is completely necessary to stop the destruction of our home.

Allah Hammers Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in the Muslim Bible (tags)

The Supreme Leader fiddles as Tehran burns.

Is it just me or is it getting warmer? (tags)


Global Warming (tags)

A Weakening Magnetic Field is the REAL Cause of Global Warming and the REAL threat

New standards for growing soy will destroy forests, livelihoods and the climate (tags)

New standards for growing soy will destroy forests, livelihoods and the climate

WorldFest, LA Green, Compassionate Music Fest (tags)

Created out of the desire to bring a compassionate and earth-friendly lifestyle to the broadest possible audience, WorldFest is expected to welcome over five thousand visitors. The day-long festival will be filled with music, celebrities, environmental speakers, a health hut, educational booths, kids’ activities, animal adoptions, a poetry festival, beer and wine garden and a vegan, earth-friendly food court.

2012 Revisited by Ralph Miller (tags)

Ralph Miller has worked with people from all over the world in an experiential journey which he calls Heart of the Initiate as a way for people to remember their "authentic selves

Dancing with Kali (tags)

Philosophical impetus for engaging in climate justice direct action.

A Mass Awakening in Process (tags)

WE Love you with the Highest Love, Honor and Respect. WE Love you Unconditionally. Love Mother and Father God/Amon Ra, ALL your Family of Light, ALL your Angels

Scientist-Astronaut Edgar Mitchell: "UFOs are real and we are not alone" (tags)

Edgar Dean Mitchell, who flew on the 1971 Apollo 14 mission to the moon, says there is extraterrestrial life, and that it’s being concealed by the United States government, among others.

Press Release - ELF Press Office to Obama: Release U.S. Political Prisoners (tags)

Free U.S. Political Prisoners

Summitry and Punditry (tags)

The truth is, none of the 20 leaders gathered in London has the slightest idea how to 'solve' the economic problems facing the globe....this is a crisis endemic to capitalism, where markets swallow markets and wealth is made by con games that would make the Mafia blush, by the biggest banks on earth. The latest economic summit was PR, amidst the flames of chaos.


Fossil fuels have no place in our future. If we continue to burn them at the current rate, two things will happen as sure as night follows day.....our economy will be disrupted beyond repair, and our planet, likewise, may be damaged sufficiently to induce global catastrophe. The question arises, what right does the musician have to lambaste the innocent listener with radical environmental warnings?

LA Greens Earth Day event: Water Justice and Preparing for Peak Water (tags)

For Earth Day 2009, the Los Angeles Greens, a local group of Green Party members, host a panel of experts discussing important and timely water issues in California.

Earth Without Stocks (tags)

This struggle demands more than setting up wind turbines, buying more economical cars and rehabilitating houses. An historically unique pact is necessary between North and South, between industrial countries and threshold and developing countries.

Media Release: ELF Press Office Applauds the Removal of General Motors' CEO Rick Wagoner (tags)

Force GM into Bankruptcy!

Messages of love~ listen to your heart (tags)

Ah, what a great gift this angel has given you, the gift of silence, a treasure beyond all imagining, and the power to give it to yourself whenever you choose.

Earth First in Orange County (tags)

Earth First Roadshow stop at the UC-Irvine campus // Saturday 2/21 11am in Founder's Grove (near Humanities) // Organized by the Radical Student Union at UCI


Lansing, MI - The North American Earth Liberation Front Press Office (NAELFPO) responded today to the nearly 22-year sentence handed to environmental activist Marie Mason, calling it "cruel and unusual punishment."

Media Release: ELF Press Office Condemns FBI Hunt for Environmental Defenders (tags)


Religion and the Military are Ungodly (tags)

Religion is UNGODLY because it separates God's children. God made everything, therefore everything is God. "Satan" symbolizes the aspect of God we do not understand

seek the light (tags)

Our enemies sought to harness the energy of the largest and most radiant of the 10 spheres. In their blindness and greed, they have scorched the planet and sped gleefully towards death

mesage from atmos (tags)

Our connection to you is stronger than ever, as your energies reach up and join with ours. The result is that the strength of the Light upon Earth is permeating all around it, affecting the dark energies and lessening their power

Rev. Billy on Black Friday (tags)

this is something he sent out. it's not related to the man who was killed at walmart.

Live, Love, Unite!" (tags)

live love unite follow your heart and make it right

Former Prof Speaks on Religion/Science/Democracy Conflicts (tags)

Former UCSD professor Lew Perry spoke to the Humanist Fellowship of San Diego November 16 on the conflicts between religion, science and democracy. He said that conflicts are inevitable because when religion makes statements about the physical world -- like the Bible's claim that the earth is fixed in space -- scientists can and must challenge the religious understanding of physical reality.

ELF Press Office Decries FBI Manhunt for EcoDefenders: Calls the Pursuit Hypocritical (tags)

See the top 20 Ecoterrorists in the United States at

Media Release: ELF Press Office to Obama - Protect the Environment or the ELF Will (tags)

Earth Liberation Front Press Office Returns... (tags)

Working for a Community of Life (tags)

Today Boff doesn't speak of liberation but of life protection for the excluded. Sixty years ago Gandhi explained the earth has enough for all people. That is still true today. But the earth will never produce enough for the squanderers.

Words of wisdom (tags)

The Past exists only for a practical purpose. It is never the cause of any trouble or suffering. Success is not measured by what you have accomplished but it is ascertained with what you are able to understand

addressing the global crisis (tags)

The evidence in support of these predictions has now begun to accumulate so massively that meteorologists are hard-pressed to keep up with it.

The short history of the 21st. century (tags)


Anti-Authoritarian People of Color at the Earth First! Rondy (tags)

Shout out to ALL Anti-Authoritarian People of Color for a caucus or two at the Earth First! Summer Rendevous! All Anti-Authoritarian People of Color (APOC) are invited to attend two proposed caucuses at the Earth First! Summer Rendevous in Athens, OH. The first proposed APOC caucus is for Friday, July 4th starting at 12 PM noon (during lunch) and the second on Saturday, July 5th (during lunch). Shout out to Anti-Authoritarian People of Color for a caucus or two at the Earth First! Summer Rendevous!

Second Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes (tags)

This is the Invitation to your Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes. Please feel free to forward and/or post and/or publish to all appropriate people and places.

I Wish More Science Fiction Films Were Like This (tags)

Throughout the universe, likening someone to an Earthling “is almost the worst insult you can level at someone.”

San Diego Earth Day Hosts Local Candidates (tags)

Though poorly attended, the candidates' debates at San Diego's Earth Day in Balboa Park April 20 offered useful insights into how the aspirants for mayor, third district city councilmember and city attorney might use their jobs to help protect the city's environment — or not.

Green Scare State Terrorism (tags)

Targeting environmental and animal rights activists.

Earth Day Vigils 2008 (tags)

On the weekend preceding Earth Day, the Eagle Rock and Highland Park vigils focused on Earth Day.

Bob and Sarah Dylan and Paul McCartney on Saving the Environment (tags)

It’s all just common sense.

Exponential Growth: A Dogma to be Overcome (tags)

Energy will become more expensive and unaffordable for a large part of humanity. If the american way of life is non-negotiable, the Iraq war will be the prelude and not the end of resource wars. The name of the sickness is exponential growth.

Commander Adama's Update Regarding Elections (tags)

Hello and Greetings once again. Today, a message of significant importance needs to be addressed. Not only to the people in the United States of America, but to the people throughout the world as well,

Some God Awful Truth about James Randi (tags)

It's comedy, folks.

Int'l Womyn's Day Celebrated (tags)

Quotes from thoughtful womyn, to help us remember who we all are and what we do....

When the Center Collapsed (tags)

The year 2007 may well be remembered by future generations as the year the Earth tipped,the moment when this 30,000 generation-long experiment of ours on Planet Earth suddenly veered out of control.

CO 2 'Follows Temperature Rises' in Past Climate Changes (tags)

This is unequivocally true. The three ice cores of Greenland and the Antarctic have all shown this to be a fact.

Barack Obama Al Gore Bob and Sarah Dylan on Global Warming (tags)

We are now turning the corner on world peace and climate change.

Community Centers: Learning from O Canada! (tags)

The mosaic works in Vancouver, B. C. Community centers provide a buffer and cushion from the brutal and commodifying market. In happier days before Reagan and market fundamentalism, the Carnegie Center was bursting with activity, counseling, classes and circles.

Climate Change George Bali Bush Knifes the Earth in the Heart (tags)

All that glitters is not gold.

Think Not 'Global' Warming - Think 'Oceans' Warming (tags)

Global warming seems mysterious to most of us. A 1 degree rise in annual global temperature sounds minuscule, doesn't it....... until you remember that the oceans are involved ........ ... very heavily involved. The oceans are simply unfathomably immense! Their mass is actually incomprehensible, being 70% of the earth's surface (310 million cubic miles). If you could stack water 100 cubic miles long and 100 cubic miles wide, that column would reach 31,000 miles into outer space. That is truly an astronomical amount of water!

Bill and Hillary Clinton did Irreparable Damage on Global Warming (tags)

Are you going to let them continue until we are no more?

North Coast Earth First! Media scam. Accused of embezzlement, fraud, and activist treason! (tags)

NCEF! Media in Humboldt County, Ca. is accused of fraud and donation embezzlement. Caution! Do not support this lone wingnut's scam! Other legitamate groups exist in the area. Caution! Do not be fooled by NCEF! Media and his fraudulent outreach. Shunka Wakan exists completely seperate from any active affinity group. Read about how he perpetuated a lawsuit under the guise of EF! against a legitamate environmental nonprofit:

Al Gore Urges Masturbation to end War and Global Warming (tags)

It’s more convenient than going extinct.

American Environmental Activist Valerie Morse Jailed for Terrorism in New Zealand (tags)

Valerie Morse, a well-known Wellington environmental activist and one of the 17 arrested in the police 'anti-terror' raids, previously published a book on the effects of the 'war on terror' just six months prior.

Muslim Scholars and Leaders move towards The World Peace Religion (tags)

A giant leap in the right direction.

North Coast Earth First! needs your help (tags)

North Coast Earth First! outreach and plea for support!

Hillary Clinton from Barking Idiotic Warmonger to Jerry Lewis (tags)

The woman who changed her image.

The Temple of Love Endorses the Global Green Parties (tags)

It’s a matter of survival.

Nostradamus Third Anti Christ Name Revealed by Peru Meteorite Crash (tags)

The Peru meteorite crash was the awaited sign of the advent of Nostradamus’ third anti Christ. Learn his real name.

Lindsay Lohan Suffers from Americanitis (tags)

The solution to your problems is right in front of your nose.

Angels Don't Play This HAARP e-book by Begich and Manning (tags)

This is Jeane Manning and Nick Begich's explosive book Angels Don't Play This HAARP - Advances in Tesla Technology (2004) which exposes the "dark" side of one of the most ambitious high-tech projects ever built on american soil - the HAARP facility in Alaska. The U.S. Government has a new ground-based "Star Wars" weapon which is being tested in the remote bush country of Alaska. Controlled by "Big Oil" HAARP is blasting billions of watts of high frequency microwave energy at our protective ionospheric shell which surrounds the earth. As the authors explain, this new system manipulates the environment in a way which can: disrupt human mental processes, jam all global communications systems, change weather patterns over large areas, interfere with wildlife migration patterns, negatively affect your health and unnaturally impact the Earth's upper atmosphere. The U.S. military calls its zapper HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project) but this skybuster is not about the Northern Lights. This mysterious device will turn on lights never intended to be artificially manipulated. Their first target is the electrojet - a river of electricity that flows thousands of miles through the sky and down into the polar icecap. It will become a vibrating artificial antenna for sending electromagnetic radiation raining down on the earth. The military can then "X-ray" the earth and talk to submarines. But there's much more they can do with HAARP. Several acres of Alaskan land have been dedicated to its construction but it's real purpose runs from the practical (X-ray the earth to look for enemy submarines and secret underground bases) through the hard to believe (transmission of electrical power without wires - Tesla's wireless) through the insane (the complete disruption of global communications and mucking with weather patterns by shifting the jet stream). This unique book is so well documented, often citing documents published by the US government itself, that it is absolutely convincing and frightening. As a front-cover story, HAARP began to be revealed in September 1995. This amazing book is the rest of the story. And remember - their offical reason for building HAARP is "to see what it does". 220 pages, many pictures. A must read for everyone.

G4 process is undemocratic, No WTO deal in Potsdam! (tags)

Trade ministers of the G4 countries (the European Union, the United States, Brazil and India) are meeting in Potsdam, Germany, this week try to stitch together a trade deal to which each of them could agree.

Hymn to the Aten (tags)

Live Earth

Largest Swastika on Earth. (tags)

This one is BIT TOO MUCH! The largest Swastika on earth, right here in California. Has Arnold been shown around wearing his death's head SS belt buckle?

Pascal.Tesson: The Pride of Quebec (tags)

Although my account of Operation Desert Sabre lasted three days on Wikipedia, a Pascal.Tesson, an apparent Bush Nazi of Quebec City removed it. I guess that proves that Wikipedia is little more than the empty-headed reasoning of brainless Bush Nazis. >

Worst Case Climate Scenario? We've Got It! Times 2 (tags)

Two paragraphs from the British newspaper The Observer about a Pentagon study: "A secret report, suppressed by US defense chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world." "The [secret] document predicts that abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies. The threat to global stability vastly eclipses that of terrorism, say the few experts privy to its contents."

Dr. James Hansen Amps Up Language on Climate (tags)

A report to the British Royal Society was released Tuesday in which America's top climate scientist and five others spoke with stronger feelings about the climate situation than their usual drab scientific findings. They were, of course, trying to wake people up to the seriousness of the problems of our climate's future.

Comeupance! (tags)

In line for their own deaths.

Resource Wars - Can We Survive Them? (tags)

Resource wars will destroy all planetary life.

Ecoactivist Daniel McGowan sentenced to 7 years (tags)

Daniel McGowan of New York City, was sentenced to seven years in prison today and designated a terrorist for his role in two acts of environmentally motivated property destruction in 2001.

NASA - Greenland Ice Melting at Increasing Rate (tags)

NASA released two reports today on climate change. A research team has been in Greenland measuring the ice sheet and glaciers for three weeks with new laser and radar equipment. They say that "Greenland has experienced a significant loss of ice." " ...the ice sheet and glaciers have been melting at an increasing rate over the past several years."

A Plea to Moms on Mother's Day (tags)

The time and effort required for a new-born child is immense and truly only known by moms. Constant care and nurturing of a completely helpless baby is no easy task and one that is mostly forgotten and unknown, except on this one day a year when we give thanks to our moms. A mother's care is a special gift that is taken for granted most of the time. And, sadly, that is the way man is concerning Mother Earth. We have been taking and taking from her with barely any regard.

Honoring Antler, honoring the strength of intuitive depth charging! (tags)

The resurgence of the intuitive ancient within us all. To decolonize your mind-set, to inspire your imagination beyond the pale of same old again. To activate our dared imagination and begin going into the "heavenish" (great spirit) you want. This is an honoring to a poet by the name of Antler and to all of the solemn dear deer people!

the EPA insists are destroying the Ozone (tags)


Time for a Revolution (tags)

This is the time for a revolution, not for half-hearted actions, said retiring French presi-dent Jacques Chirac..Despite higher prices, energy still has an aura of inexhaustibility. Renewable energy has an 18% share in worldwide electricity production.


One scientific report which was published the day of the IPCC report shows that the sea level rise will be much more than stated by the IPCC. Here are excerpts from an excellent article posted to the Monthly Review:

Barack Obama says American Alcohoilism is the Cause of Iraq War (tags)

The solution to our problems is simple.

Earth First Enemy, Pacific Lumber Co. files bankruptcy (tags)

Posting of a news story from the Santa Rosa California Press Democrat: about Pacific Lumber Co. filing bankruptcy. That is the lumber company that Juli Butterfly Hill was tree sitting about as an Earth First advocate. The question of Pacific Lumber spending too much money when they funded a recall campaign against the Humboldt County District Attorney that had charged them with fraud, is also posed. With a link to "Red Collar Crime" that is documenting the "political fallout" when criminal charges are filed against a corporation. at

Yehovah Jesus Allah Call for an End to Judaism Christianity and Islam (tags)

It's repeated over and over right in your Holy Bibles.

The World Peace Religion is the Middle East Solution (tags)

The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion is the Middle East Solution and the solution for everlasting peace on Earth.

The Great Emergency: Global Warming, Mass Death and Resource Wars in the 21st Century (tags)

"We are the watchers. We are the witnesses. We see what has gone before. We see what happens now, at this dangerous moment in human history. We see what's going to happen, what will surely happen unless we come together---we, the Peoples of all Nations---to restore peace, harmony and balance to the Earth, our Mother." --Chief Arvol Looking Horse, from White Buffalo Teachings

Plato's Vomitorium (tags)

don't read this. exhume deleuze. god is in the details, nietzche is dead. -- grandma

Mythic Figures Spooking Dubya (tags)

President George W. Bush, the quintessential warmonger, is on the defensive! If you look close enough, you can see the fear in his eyes. Since 2005, Cindy Sheehan, an “Earth Mother,” has been challenging him to a face-to-face meeting. The cowardly Bush has declined. Meanwhile, other splendid activists, like the “Hero/Patriot” from the mythic past, are demanding the impeachment by the U.S. Congress of both Bush and V. P. Dick Cheney.

World Peace Religion Lambastes U.N. Report of Alliance of Civilizations (tags)

Once again the UN drops the ball.

Against the Despisers of the Body: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Today (tags)

We need Bonhoeffer's earth piety today. A new ecological theology must oppose religious and practical world denial. We humans came from the earth and belong to this earth. There is no salvation for humans without the salvation of the earth.

Heart of Israel (tags)

Final edition: I tried posting this in comment section, and it wouldn't take.

Reign of Terror and the Heart of Israel (tags)

This article arises from attempts to retrieve an article, Dwelling of Violence from UK Indymedia.

'we' = agency, thank's for the conformation. (tags)

Profiteering (tags)


Armageddon and the Apocalyptic "Holocaust" (tags)

Originally Chriistianity was community opposing the idols of war and wealth. In the 20th century, Chrisitanity in the US was corrupted to a prosperity religion. To end-time fundamentalists, the worse it becomes the better.

Apocalypse No! an indigenist perspective (tags)


Apocalypse No! (tags)

“The time of warnings, passive resistance and conformity is already passed. All of us are now confronted with an enormous challenge: SURVIVAL" - Council of Indigenous Elders and Priests of the Americas

Another World is Possible! (tags)

Globalization from above is a barbaric system impoverishing the majority of people and destroying the earth. We need another economic globalization, a globalization from below in the interests of the earth and the poorest.

50 things I've learned about the Arab-Israeli Conflict (tags)

50 things I've learned about the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Visiting the SCF: Report Back (tags)

Impressions from my second visit to the farm (I'm from Sonoma County)

Earth First! blockades Virginia coal plant (tags)

Early this morning, activists with Earth First! and Rising Tide North America set up a non-violent blockade of American Electric Power's (AEP) nearly 50 year old Clinch River coal fired electric facility. Emitting millions of pounds of pollutants yearly, the Clinch River coal plant threatens the health and lives of thousands of downwind residents and the surrounding environment. Burning coal is not only a primary factor behind global climate change, but also drives the expansion of large scale strip mining. Large scale surface mining destroys forests, streams and communities as it alters the Appalachian landscape forever.

The Language of Life: Reflections on the South Central Farm (tags)

"...The root cause of the problems that threaten life on earth is the concept of land title acquired and maintained by force. Since modern civilization is based on this concept, it does not hold the key to peace." - Hopi Elder Martin Gashweseoma

The True Cause of Global Warming (tags)

With things warming up, no one is getting more hot under the collar than the president and vice-president it seems as a scenario not unlike "The Day After Tomorrow" begins to unfold on a global scale.

Time Is History (tags)

People have often questioned why the Mayan calendar ends in 2012. This paper presents a possible solution to the conundrum.

The Most Important Place (tags)

"They can’t take away the Farm”, a child had told her, “because where will the lizards go”?

July 15 No G8 International Day of Action Against Climate Change (tags)

July 15th will be an International Day of Action Against Climate Change. As G8 energy ministers promise trillions in new subsidies to the industries destroying our planet and our future, we will take action to shut them down! This is a call for autonomous, decentralized actions appropriate for your town, city, or bioregion. Use this international day of action to support local struggles against oil refineries, gas pipelines, strip mines and coal-fired power plants. Disrupt the financial backers of the fossil fuel industry. Host teach-ins to spread sustainable post-petroleum living skills. Find a weak point in the infrastructure of resource exploitation and throw a literal or symbolic wrench in the works. Visit your local polluters and give 'em hell!

On an Altar of Dust: Lessons from the Farm (tags)

She thinks, “This is all we need: Land and community. It doesn’t matter what we believe, or what our differences are; if we can listen, the land itself will teach us what we need to know.”

Igniting A Revolution: Voices in Defense of the Earth = by Anthony J. Nocella, II (tags)

Igniting A Revolution: Voices in Defense of the Earth = A conversation and lecture by Anthony J. Nocella, II & other guests

A little perspective, please (tags)

Forget the Middle East: North America Harbors the World's Most Dangerous Terrorists

Biodegradable Eating Utensils, Alternative Energy, and Indigenous Culture at Eco Maya (tags)

“The paper goods are made from [materials] like corn, rice, and sugarcane, and they are all biodegradable. Even the trash bags are biodegradable. What we’re trying to do is change the way that festivals are produced.” – Carmelo Alvarez, event co-organizer

Punk benefit at the South Central farm earth day. (tags)

The Seventh Generation collective is organizing an event on earth day April 22nd at the South Central Farm. It will be a conscious anarco-punk/grind/crust show including Resistant Culture, Sin Remedio, Industrial collapse and more. Please join us in our efforts to bring conscious punk and this struggle to defend the land together.

Liberation Theology and Globalization (tags)

Economic globalization leads to the exclusion of the masses..When world hunger increases, we must change the nature of the world economy to survive..We are all enslaved by a paradigm that makes us enemies of nature.

Christian Zionists support nuclear militarization of Israel (tags)

On the third year anniversary of Rachel Corrie's death by Israeli Defense Forces, author attempts to expose right-wing Christians as a financial/political source of Zionist Israel's apartheid and military oppression of Palestinians. Also examines the role Christian fundamentalists play in the escalation of environmental destruction..

PTL EARTH (tags)

ptl ya'll....

Exposing agenda of Christian right w/ satire (tags)

Satire piece shows possible future if Christian right extremists take control of US. Added comment shows reality behind satire, from war on the environment, women's rights and Palestinians..

Exposing agenda of Christian right extremists with satire (tags)

Satire piece shows possible future if Christian right extremists take control of US. Added comment shows reality behind satire, from war on the environment, women's rights and Palestinians..

Six Lies About Immigration (tags)

An interesting take by a white guy who mostly gets it.

Rod Coronado: Howling Like a Wild Wolf: Overcoming Fear and Undermining the Invader (tags)

It's hard to judge the radical environmental movement by the last 25 years, but if I had to, I'd say that I'm very disappointed. Twenty years ago, when I discovered the Earth First! movement, I thought that the generation of Earth warriors I shared this country with had a fighting chance.

mr (tags)

The war machine of the United States can be stopped

More Insights into the Bush-Cheney-Vatican lie machine (tags)

The first version of this holiday gift was delivered December 23-25 to various sites worldwide. This New Year's adjunct sharpens the vision, so compare and contrast, both are valid and complimentary! The next four paragraphs offer a purposely verbose verifiable seal of authenticity, that will be further validated in space-time. Understand clearly, the sage's stone is a multi-dimensional unique key. Purposeful misuse leads to great peril. Pay very close attention to my instructions!

verdict in on mtn lion trial (tags)

Earth First! Activists Found Guilty on All Counts in Hunt-Sab Trial

The Plague Upon Eden (tags)

excellent critique of humanity and our role in the destruction of the environment and the acceleration of global warming

Save "Tookie" Williams (tags)

Stanley "Tookie" Williams should not be executed.

Why the South Cent (tags)

The time is NOW--the urgency is BOILING over, to make a stand for LAND and DIGNITY.

To save the Bay of La Paz & Gulf of California (tags)

This is an effort to save the most biologically diverse body of water on earth.

3 Symptoms if directed energy attax (tags)


Central Valley Earth First!ers organizing (tags)

Earth First!ers are needed to organize in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley (aka Central Valley) to bring visibility to corporate logging corporations like Sierra Pacific Industries, suburban sprawl in wetlands habitat, potential extinction of endangered species as loss of vernal pools continues, effect of toxic pesticide drift used by corporate agribusiness, dams blocking anadromous fish migrations, etc..

The Passive Terrorism Of The bush Crime Syndicate (tags)

Destroying Large Parts Of The Atmosphere With ENMOD



Theological Reflections on Econmic Values (tags)

"The quality of a society is measured in its relations with the weakest..The economy exists for the sake of people..God's economy aims at the survival capacity of planet earth and its people..Our life is connected with all life.."

Republican Congressmember Investigates Climate Scientists (tags)

The Chronicle of Higher Education is reporting that the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce is investigating three professors whose work suggests that the earth's climate is warmer now than at any time in many centuries


A look at the human condition from outside the box - a imaginary report filed by benevolent time travelers from another dimension whose sole mission is to identify the truth as they find it on Earth today.

venus transit (tags)

The Maya daily news : A message to the world from the Mayan Elders about the coming Venus Transit:

Bernard Eastlund -- How to Rip Off Tesla & Wreak Environmental Havoc (tags)

This is so good for you you are going to grow another foot and never need food, air, or water again! So-called physicist Bernard Eastlund proposes using microwave beams to prevent tornadoes.

A Reply to the SOS *********** (tags)

A Chican@ / Indigenist reply to the threats of impending "civil war" by the Euro-racist organization "Save Our State."

Enron, ENMOD, and the so-called Global Warming (tags)




NOEXOTICWARFAREZONE -- A Resolution for Your City Council (tags)


dont let freedome go away (tags)

Welcome to the Wind's path Placid ocean's dream, carrying thoughts to oblivion can you come with me? can you let go of the self? can you follow the wind's path,to heaven.. Like the raindrop in the river you must ride the currents of shugyo, do what you should, and continue on in perserverence.This is it, this is your chance, to embrace the song. Warning: This site is for earth people, people who care for the land and all that live on it. The stone people who are the bones, the plants, the animals, and the elements The earth needs your help, the air makes us sick, the water is poisoned..Can't you hear the birds crying,can't you hear the song. "The violence man commits is self destructive."--Soke Masaaki Hatsumi 34th Grand Master of the Togakure Ryu.

Abandon Affluence (tags)

The party is still raging like mad. The drunks and the addicts and the gangs are sending out for more pizza, more booze, and more drugs and they are killing people to do it. Some of us are sobering up and waking up. We are starting to see the damage that has been done and we are whispering to each other, “We have to kick the criminals out”.

South Central Farmers (tags)

There’s a farm in the middle of the city! A real farm; where people grow food to eat and plants to heal. A place where people feel connected to the earth and to their community.

Earth Day Comes Alive! Audubon Center at Debs Park (tags)

Earth Day Comes Alive! Audubon Center at Debs Park Saturday April 23, 2005 9:00am to 4:00pm 4700 North Griffin Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90031

Greenpeace Cofounder in L.A. April 20: "Sustaining Activism" (tags)

The LA Greens will host accomplished writer, activist and Greenpeace co-founder Rex Weyler for a lecture and discussion in honor of Earth Day on April 20, 2005. Author of the newly published "Greenpeace: How a Group of Ecologists, Journalists and Visionaries Changed the World," Weyler will speak about keeping our commitment to the Earth, organizing and fostering social and political action.

Earth Day LA (tags)

Join thousands at the 35th Anniversary of Earth Day on Santa Monica's 3rd Street Promenade, Sat, April 16, 10 am - 7 pm. FREE!

National Grassroots Animal Rights Conference (March 31st - April 3rd, NYC) (tags)

This national conference (March 31st through April 3rd in New York City) will be the first of its kind. It intends to: empower the grassroots; promote discussion and skill sharing; be affordable, accessible, and inclusive; challenge oppression WITHIN the animal rights movement; have an open and participatory structure; develop a broader analysis of the social and economic context of animal oppression; promote abolition, not reform; and support cross-movement alliances.

CNN's ... Melting Point... [global warming] (tags)

"The confusing debate over climate change has given way to a new scientific consensus: The Earth is getting warmer."

National Grassroots Animal Rights Conference, March 31st - April 3rd, NYC (tags)

This national conference (March 31st through April 3rd in New York City) will be the first of its kind. It intends to: empower the grassroots; promote discussion and skill sharing; be affordable, accessible, and inclusive; challenge oppression WITHIN the animal rights movement; have an open and participatory structure; develop a broader analysis of the social and economic context of animal oppression; promote abolition, not reform; and support cross-movement alliances.

The Evolution of Revolution: Part III: Expelling the Demons of the Opiate (tags)

must read analyis, commentary and criticism of human religion. If you haven't read this three part series do yourself a favor. Very thought provoking stuff!

Where Flags Do Not Rise (tags)

excellent analysis of the nation state in this, part two of The Evolution of Revolution

God's Message To The World Today (tags)

God's concern for mankind, his views on current events, and suggested solutions.

FRUIT TREE TOUR 2005 (tags)

Fruit Tree Tour is a traveling educaitonal program that runs from February to April, from San Diego to Willits (California), and consists of 1000 fruit trees, 20 volunteers, over 50 drums, and 4 recycled vegetable oil powered vehicles.

The Evolution of Revolution: Part I of III: The Human Animal (tags)

must read analysis of the human condition

The Powers That Seem (tags)


Remembering Dorothee Soelle by Renate Borger (tags)

The fate of love in the middle-class world is its reduction.. The language of love is often destroyed by institutions like the family and the church.. Love is reduced to a private, helpless and sentimental affair.

Returning To The Ancient Ways (tags)


What is Progress? (tags)

Progress is understood today as the approach to European norms and the standard of life of Europeans. The new Bolivians demonstrated their emancipation with sentences like We don't want your progress of assets accumulation. We want harmony with pachamamma, mother earth.

How does it feel to have a blade at your throats? (tags)

You know it's there but you don't want to see it. From inside the black labs of our over funded weapons contractors and or universities, supposably directed at America's enemies, we as taxpayers have created hefty stores of these banned technologies as per the 1972 treaty.

Globalization & Civilization Teach-In (tags)



In just over one weeks time, on the 26th of October, 2004, a young man will go on trial accused of Earth Liberation Front activity. If found guilty of all the charges placed against him, this young man faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 35 years imprisonment.

Ther obsenity of power Repeat as needed. (tags)

Insure that life is a cancerous deformed hell. Wipe them off the earth. Good riddance.

New Book on Earth Liberation Front (tags)



A gathering to build community in Southern Orange County, meet new people, and share our concerns.

Natural Disaster As Means To Cancel Elections (tags)

Hurricane Charley in Florida is just a warmup---it is well within the capabilities of the bush crime government to send most of California into the sea, and do not think they will not do it, if they are thwarted in their efforts to pervert America...

Orange County EF! Forest Activsts Need Your Help (tags)

Support Needed immediately! 16 Activists arrested Saturday night!

Abused Women (tags)

I cry in darkness within these realms I shall never forget. I continue to carry the scars of unity wouldn't link. Humility to reap, Hands of divinity, which he turns his head? Conversions that falls upon his children's head. Following flocks, but not the Shepard who brings great love. I remind my self the dead is not dead. My body that fights the battle upon my spirit, the begging words lord protects me from my self. Thy conscious that stands before me, the weakness of the earth that trembles my bone. The spirit cries for the nutrients of Spiritual growth.

matthole protest (tags)

Corruption in earth first Corruption in earth first

Reversing Global Warming. (tags)

if we all do our part we can save the earth.

So Cal Earth First Call to action! Save North county coyotes! (tags)

Coyotes in San Diego are being trapped and poisoned in a ten day period starting Monday 7/26/04.

Truth Beyond Michael Moores Movie. (tags)

Dear Friends and Truthseekers, Does Michael Moore's recent movie, Fahrenheit 911, seems to be a brilliant display of truth unloaded in mass upon the American and world public - or does it still leave you bewildered and without any sort of ultimate and clear direction? Does it seem to leave something out? Because it did, appearing quite intentional to those who have been researching and discovering the true nature of problem we all face, that is, the forces behind the international banking controllers abominable quest to create a "New World Order" for their selfish benefit, that is the same New World Order that Hitler often proclaimed. Please read this 217 page downloadable PDF book available at and other places around the world wide web.

Verhoeven's Black Leather Sci-Fi Aesthetic: Starship Troopers Re-Reviewed (tags)

A re-review of Paul Verhoeven's 'Starship Troopers', adaptated from a Robert A. Heinlein novel.

Lib weekend harassment already started. (tags)

Radical conference in LA is greeted with a weekend of harassment against innocent activists.

Liberation Weekend - Bringing the revolution home May 15th... (tags)

A forum on Earth and Animal liberation, with a serious discussion about building a revolutionary movement in the U.S. The weekend will explore past failures and future struggles, as we search for the direction our movement needs to take to end the system's assault on life.

Random thoughts on the passing scene (tags)

Liberation Weekend - Bringing the revolution home May 15th... (tags)

A forum on Earth and Animal liberation, with a serious discussion about building a revolutionary movement in the U.S. The weekend will explore past failures and future struggles, as we search for the direction our movement needs to take to end the system's assault on life.

at least 33% of Republicans are morons (tags)

Their beliefs are bonkers, but they are at the heart of power US Christian fundamentalists are driving Bush's Middle East policy George Monbiot Tuesday April 20, 2004 The Guardian

Nettles, Nettles, Everywhere: Collect wild herbs! (tags)

Stinging Nettles grow like weeds in the canyons and woods all down the West Coast. Spring is the time to collect them. You can dry them, or make oil or vinegar infusions, tinctures, hair tonics, teas...

FBI in the classroom no to bush (tags)

Authorities searched Caltech classrooms and tracked the e-mails to Cottrell Why is the racist fbi in our classrooms!!!

Peak Oil, a plea to learn about it, teach, and press for responsible leadership (tags)

Post-peak oil production, or “Peak Oil” is possibly the most important issue of our time. The decline of oil production and the increase in demand is at or near a very critical threshold. It will shake the foundations of human life on planet Earth

Activists Hit Hummers in Arkansas (tags)

In recent months, Hummers and other SUVs have become frequent targets of the group?s activities because of their extremely poor fuel efficiency. Additionally, the environmental advocacy group, Sierra Club says Hummers produce at least twice the amount of pollutants as most smaller vehicles and get half the gas mileage.

WE QUIT:Response to US Empire (tags)

How do we chant down Babylon system of oppression? End corporate imperialist US empire global domination?

Earth First Orange County targets Irvine Company (tags)

Earth First! was founded in 1979 in response to a compromising and increasingly corporate environmental community. We believe that it is not enough to simply preserve some of our remaining wilderness. We need to preserve it all and take steps towards rehabilitating what we have already destroyed. In this effort, we utilize everything from grassroots organizing and involvement in the legal process to non-violent civil disobedience and other forms of creative resistance. Get involved! Help us build a movement: e-mail or call (949) 370-9894. For additional information, log onto "Pay your rent: Work for the Earth!"

The Danger of Space Junk (tags)

by steve olson few are considering the environmental hazards that space travel has begun to create in the biggest ocean of all

UFCW "Salt of the Earth" Benefit (tags)

Please join us this Thursday, January 22nd in Santa Monica for a benefit screening screening of the classic, blacklisted 1954 film, "Salt of the Earth." All proceeds will go to the strike funds of the UFCW Locals 770 and 1442. Tickets are $20, and advance tickets are available online at,012220041930,5,59,NR

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: The Top 11 Reasons Bush Wants to Go to the Moon and Mars (tags)

Bush can't pull off a trip to eat turkey in Baghdad - yet thinks he can pull off a mission to Mars. What's his motivation?

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: A Never-Too-Late Xmas Tale and Song (tags)

In 1864, America was torn in two by the violence and hatred of the Civil War. Yet one man, struggling with his own personal tragedies, still found hope among the we in today's world of seemingly endless hatred and violence must also try to do.

New Willie Nelson song condemns war in Iraq (tags)

New Willie Nelson song condemns war in Iraq 31 Dec 31 2003 Reuters DALLAS (Reuters) - Country music icon Willie Nelson has written a Christmas song with an edge -- a protest against the war in Iraq that he hopes will stir passions in those who hear it. Nelson, 70, told Reuters on Wednesday he wrote "Whatever Happened to Peace on Earth" after watching the news on Christmas Day and will play it in Austin, Texas on Saturday at a concert to benefit Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich.

Lord of the Rings: Philosophical Poison (tags)

The righteous anger of the ancient Ents is unleashed upon Saruman's tower -- leafy Luddites who wreck machinery, kill workers, and wash away the blight. The message is hard to miss. It is right out of the Earth First! ideological handbook.

Where is the peace on earth and goodwill toward men? (tags)

We should always strive to develop solutions that are fair for all - rural and urban, black and white, rich and poor, liberal and conservative. But that means we must listen to others and eliminate the "my way or the highway" attitude.

ONE GLOBAL COMMUNITY. com - Now On-line (tags)

Global Network of Community Centers In... Every Neighborhood, Village, Town, Tribe, City... All Around the Earth... All Connected Together... Creating... One Global Community

Environmental racism and petroleum (tags)

Environmental racism is injustice against people of color from polluting industries. The smog from oil refineries and petroleum combustion after GM/Ford paved over LA's trolley trax causes more traffic, more smog, more asthma.

History-makers reflect on Salt of the Earth: ‘Even more relevant now’ (tags)

Anita and Lorenzo Torrez were a young married couple thrown into the midst of the Empire Zinc strike in Hanover, N.M., in 1950.

Scientific Fact: The Earth is Flat (tags)

Come and join us for our annual Flat Earth Society meet-up day.

Dirty South Earth First! Call To Action, Oct 17-19, Houston TX Confront Maxxam (tags)

Dirty South Earth First! sponsors ROCKTOBERFEST in Houston. Check out the or call 713.291.4328

National Security or Skin Cancer? (tags)

The US military is one of largest users worldwide of CFCs. They have exempted themselves from the worldwide ban. Must be something about national security...

$10 a month fundraiser for North Coast Earth First! (tags)

Simple mass-participation fundraiser to help support the non-violent civil disobedience and direct action campaign of North Coast Earth First!, in Humboldt County, CA, to save some of the last Old Growth Redwood and Douglas Fir forest left on Earth! Call to Action for Gypsy Mountain!

GM Crops Failing In The Fields And Harming Farmers And The Environment (tags)

A new study published today by Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace demonstrates that the growing of GM crops in Spain is causing contamination of organic crops, producing low yields and its benefits are grossly overstated. The report is also highly critical of the Spanish Government for failing to properly control or monitor the situation. [1]

Climate Change Endangers Growth of World Economy (tags)

"The solar architect Rolf Disch in Freiburg sold the first solar-energy-plus houses that produce more energy with the help of the sun than is consumed in these energy-houses. Every homeowner becomes an energy-seller. Economy and ecology harmonize.."

Possible Link Between Geophysical Weapons and The Pyramids? (tags)

its all about energy...

Pamphlet against the False Prophet, George W. Bush (tags)

"Sorry, Mr. president, you don't serve the God who liberates through grace and patience, love and affection. You serve a god with Texan features..You have dishonored thousands and tens of thousands of fathers and mothers.. Mr. president, be not anxious.".

The 9-11 Hoax, the Federal Reserve and the World Bank (tags)

Scientific calculation shows that the amount of time and energy invested by nature to produce one gallon of petroleum converted into kilowatt-hours at the present commercial rates at which electricity is sold amounts to approximately $1 million per gallon....

Metaphysical Didactical Armor with Biblical-Analogy basis presented in Anarchistic format (tags)

If I were to tell you a story which held up in many instances and proved useful, while not hindering your efforts at leading a normal sane life... why would you mind? Here is a thought that occurred to me, the latest in my internal discource on Lucifer, Satan, God, Jesus, the fall of man, all that good stuff. I am an bona-fide anarchist, so my sources and assumtions follow that bent--there are law, rules and common sense, but no authority outside of those things. (Laws but no ordained rulers. That kinda thing.) ...enough said here, read on!

Introduction to a bastard's manifesto (tags)

An analysis of identity politics and the role it can play in transforming America into a more progressive, democratic society.


if you still as yet have not heard the news... here is another excerpt from the work of art entitled... THE SUN ASCENSION... don't be the last to know... 1LOVE 1PEOPLE 1DESTINY in PARADISE...

Earth First! Call to Action against Wal-Mart (tags)

The Tennessee Valley faction of Katuah Earth First is asking you to support their campaign to prevent the building of yet another Wal-Mart.

You Want a Showdown? (tags)

This is a notice to all you preachers out there that have run ahead and call good evil and evil good. Time to eat your words. BE A MAN AND STEP OUT AND DEBATE OPENLY.

Book published on the Earth Liberation Front (tags)

Dont believe what the government and mass media say about the ELF, find out for yourself!

$10 a month plan to help support North Coast Earth First! (tags)

The $10 a month plan was designed for people who want to help save the last of the Old Growth Redwood and Douglas Fir forests, in Humboldt Co., CA, yet cannot be here physically to help do so. If just 100 or more people from LA could committ to participating, we would be fully rocking the revolution!

Overcoming Violence (tags)

"I compare this new movement with the early battles for the abolition of slavery in the 18th century..At that time a hundred years were needed to abolish slavery, end child labor and introduce minimum wages..We need a different economic globalization from below..

Press Release: Environmental Activist Addresses MAXXAM Shareholders Meeting (tags)


Evacuation of Los Angeles (tags)

Los Angeles must be evacuated immediately because of severe earthquakes and tidal waves expected May 27, 2003 due to a planetary pole shift. Magnetic forces from the approaching red comet Niburu are expected to make Earth's core separate from its crust. President Bush's administration plans to flee inland but is afraid to alert the public.

May 23-26: Earth First! Western Rendezvous in So. Oregon (tags)

Memorial Day Weekend, Western eco-activists will host an Earth First! Rendezvous in Southern Oregon with location to be announced. The event kicks off Cascadia Summer, a coordinated call to action to protect Casacadia’s ecosystems.

Green Party at Santa Monica Promenade Earthday (tags)

Green Party at Santa Monica Promenade Earthday

Earth Day Cancelled by EPA (tags)

Why have an Earth Day when so much of the Earth as we knew it is gone?

Attacks on Iraq an organised butchery of Innocent civilians (tags)

Muslims and Islam dragged into Mire. The Islamic World seem vulnerable and cold-blooded. Clear signs of appearance of the awaited Imam Mehdi, yet the Muslims reject it so are they suffering now.


Reporting and analysis of America's resisitance to an illegal War.

anti---war ? (tags)

maybe more...

Message to the Troops (tags)

Each must choose - Armies of Death and Armies of Life "The shadow does not hold sway yet, not over you, not over me."

Earth, Wind & Solar (tags)

Art Exhibition

The Privatization of the World (tags)

"State tax receipts rapidly decline through the globalization of capital. Heavily indebted states, provinces and communes have become economic crisis factors instead of being active as masters of crisis. They sell off cheaply the state table silver."

May 2003 pole shift warning (tags)

Earth is expected to be severely damaged by the magnetic field from the comet Niburu, news of which is being suppressed.

Earth First!ers unite! (tags)

Check out our NCEF! group site and listserv, and then join the group to receive updates, announcements, and to find out how you can help to save some of the last remaining Old Growth forests left on the planet!

"Elijah is Here!" 12/95 (tags)

Censored "gems" from the Messenger's portfolio.

Ramsey Clarke Declared Eternal Messiah!! (tags)


War 101 (tags)

No justice on stolen land No peace on plundered earth

The Animal and Earth Liberation Front - MORE! UPDATES FROM THE FRONTLINES! (tags)

The Relentless Determination of those Volunteers from the Animal and Earth Liberation Fronts Continue into the New Year!!! What follows are some highlights of actions and information taken from various websites.


EARTH CITIZEN ( free to read in 2003 ) GLOBAL COMMUNITY... IDEAS... add yours Ideas to bring PEACE... to all Earth Citizens... living in OUR GLOBAL COMMUNITY Writings... News Papers... Books FREE to READ... In 2003... from...

Animal Liberation Front: UPDATES FROM THE FRONTLINES! (tags)

Some recent information gathered from the web (mainly from on various actions carried out by the A.L.F. on behalf of the earth and animals. Thought I'd share this with others who may not have heard of or are familiar with the tactics of the Animal Liberation Front. Interesting to see what the FBI had to say in a meeting on Sept.10 2001 (info. near bottom of post. Re:. Homeland Security)



Updates on prisoners (tags)

1) Volkert pleads guilty 2) Two new AR prisoners 3) Update on Benjamin (USA Animal Rights Prisoner) 4) Three new Ploughshares prisoners 5) Plougshares prisoner released 6) Jose Bove gets 14 months imprisonment (BBC report)

EARTH CHARTER; Sustainability, human security ONLINE VIDEOS (tags)

Check out the footage CNN won’t show you! The British Columbia Council for International Cooperation presents four streamline videos featuring: Martin Khor (Third World Network), Princes Basma Bint Talal (Jordan), Maurice Strong (Canada) and Jan Pronk (UN Special Envoy to the World Summit). These videos will demonstrate that there are people “inside the system” working to promote the Earth Charter, reform of the global governance architecture, and move towards peace.

Transcending Single Issue and Reformists Politics at the Santa Clarita Treesit (tags)

A critique of leftist environmental tactics and rant against developer scum.

Manchester, England: Epicenter of Social Change (tags)

‘Earthquakes are very often associated with periods of great social change or unrest, and from such locations the fault lines originate and are projected outward.’

Lecture on Mind Control Saturday Nov 2 (tags)

A Lecture on Mind Control and Haarp at the Beverly Garland in North Hollywood

Happy Queer Ween (tags)

A thought about Queer Theory and Indigenous Theory Contributions to one another on this most indigenous Queer Holiday.

Hell on Earth (tags)

The American Left's anti-semitism and hate of Democracy exposed by John Perrazzo. Muslims killing muslims? Yawn. Jews from Isreal killing muslims? Throw up the barricades!

Bermuda Triangle (tags)

Dear Editor: On April 18th, 19th & 20th, 2003 three intuitive’s DayLight, Duncan, and Firebird plan to rearrange the energies surrounding the Bermuda Triangle creating balance to the universe while in Southern Florida.

Dr. Nick Begich Lecture -- HAARP, Emerging Tech., Non-Lethal Weapons (tags)

Dr. Nick Begich Lecture -- HAARP, Emerging Tech., Non-Lethal Weapons, a serious warning from this scientific researcher. -- a must listen for anyone following the US. Military

Tree Sitter Dies In Santa Cruz (tags)

A first time tree-sitter died Tuesday in Santa Cruz County

Fund AIDS NOT Foreign Debt (tags)

African governments should fund programs to combat HIV before they service foreign debts, U.N. special adviser Jeffrey Sachs said on Saturday at an Earth Summit panel discussion.

Earth summit hits poverty, pollution (tags)

JOHANNESBURG – Delegates to the third Earth Summit reached a minimal agreement on policies aimed at lifting four billion people from poverty and curbing threats to the global environment.

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 9/6/02 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Germany, Netherlands, Spain, and Cuba.

Ten Years After - Time to Revisit The World Scientists' Warning to Humanity (tags)

We the undersigned, senior members of the world's scientific community, hereby warn all humanity of what lies ahead. A great change in our stewardship of the earth and the life on it, is required, if vast human misery is to be avoided and our global home on this planet is not to be irretrievably mutilated.

Walk for Mother Earth (tags)

Walk to raise consciousness about nuclear issues, indigenous peoples' complaint in materialistically obsessed America, and for the Earth Mother.

Earth 2050 (tags)

The World's resources are quickly disappearing in the face of the new global economy study says


Scientists Warn Of Serious Global Cooling.

Earth First! Activist Arrested After Lockdown (tags)

After being locked into cement barrels for 11 hours, Redge Peterson was arrested in Hamiliton Montana for his protest against the salvage logging scam.

Earth First! Activist Arrested After Lockdown (tags)

After being locked into cement barrels for 11 hours, Redge Peterson was arrested in Hamiliton Montana for his protest against the salvage logging scam.

Earth Liberation Prisoner zine, "Spirit of Freedom" (tags)

The spring edition of our newsletter, 'Spirit of Freedom' is now available

Bari v. FBI - Most Memorable Quotes (thus far) 4/29/02 (tags)

OAKLAND, CA-In the ongoing civil rights trial of Earth First! organizers Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney against the FBI and Oakland Police Dept., several great one-liners have emerged during testimony that deserve to be shared widely. Come hear for yourself at the Oakland Federal Courthouse, Monday through Thursday, 8:30 am to 1:30 pm, until May 24.

NETSTRIKE for Palestine (tags)

CALL FOR ACTION WORLDWIDE *please forward* *post* *translate* *distribute*

Global Decision of World Destiny (tags)

We see the world at a crossroad where we are either going to go forward towards restoration or backwards to the point of destroying the earth itself. It is said today that one billion two hundred forty thousand people on this earth live on less than one dollar per day. This is 20% of the world population of 6.2 billion people. At the other extreme there are about 500 people on the earth who consider themselves worth more than 1,000 million dollars. Their combined wealth of just these 500 individuals is estimated to be about 1.5 trillion dollars.

Global Decision of World Destiny (tags)

We see the world at a crossroad where we are either going to go forward towards restoration or backwards to the point of destroying the earth itself. It is said today that one billion two hundred forty thousand people on this earth live on less than one dollar per day. This is 20% of the world population of 6.2 billion people. At the other extreme there are about 500 people on the earth who consider themselves worth more than 1,000 million dollars. Their combined wealth of just these 500 individuals is estimated to be about 1.5 trillion dollars.

Hand-SIGN = 1M, Words, UNITE PEOPLE of PLANET, HAND-SIGN, STOP ALL WARs, click (tags)

Can You Do the... EARTH CITIZEN HAND-SHAKE, Hand-sign For People... Around the Planet... Together with the Peace Sign...


Attend the first annual Campus Earth Festival at UCSC! (Featuring La Paz, LA's very own hip hop trio!) Independant journalists, video, audio, and photo are strongly encouraged. For more information, please send an email to:

Image for Campus Earth Summit @ UCSC (tags)

This beautiful image encourages you to head to Santa Cruz for the Campus Earth Festival.


Attend the first annual Campus Earth Festival at UCSC! Independant journalists, video, audio, and photo are strongly encouraged. For more information, please send an email to:

Little Pictures, EARTH CITIZEN, Global Campaign... Click here http://www.rogerar (tags)

Little Pictures, EARTH CITIZEN, Global Campaign... Click here Can You Do... the EARTH CITIZEN HANDSHAKE ???

Orange County Shaman Embarks on Global Peace Pilgimage (tags)

Answering call for Peace from around the world, the Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song will journey to Australia,Hong Kong, India and Scotland to transform violence and suffering. Recognized as a healer and Earth activist, the Peace Mother will offer sacred ceremony, prayers and song to many that await her.

EARTH CITIZEN HANDSHAKE Click here... (tags)

EARTH CITIZEN HANDSHAKE Click here... Please.. Copy send translate in Your languages and circulate EC HandShake Around the Planet... Ya Hoo... Let US ALL ...Get It Together with LOVE...

Earth First! Radio News Moves to Santa Cruz Indy Media! (tags)

Earth First! Radio News moves to Santa Cruz Independant Media

Earth Liberation Front Web Page (tags)

The Earth Liberation Front has a wonderful web page...check it out...sign the guestbook...join the fun.

Climate Destabilization Dramatic Epic (tags)

Dramatic epic focusing on climate destabilization, to be performed on Earth Day, April 22nd.


Maxxam Corporation is planning to log the last of the Old Growth Redwoods left on the planet, and plans to desecrate the mountain on which our brother, David "Gypsy" Chain, was murdered by a Maxxam employee, on September 17th, 1998. Come one, come all!!!!


No work over Earth Day.

Please help this vision become reality... (tags)

With the participation of a mere 6,000 people (what's the population of LA?), we can protect hundreds of acres per year, worldwide, have places to live outside of the cities, and give back to the indigenous people of the Earth...all for just $10 apiece!:)

Earth First! Radio - Show #171A (tags)

This is the last hour-long EF!R show! Starting 7 January, 2002 Earth First! Radio News will present five minute news shows for broadcast Monday thru Friday. The five daily shows will be available the week before for downloading either here or at I hope you like the new format and can find a place in your broadcast schedule every weekday to air it. This is #171A, the first part of a two part show. The second half hour is # 171B (28.25)

Earth First! Radio (tags)

This is the last hour-long EF!R show! Starting 7 January, 2002 Earth First! Radio News will present five minute news show for broadcast Monday thru Friday. The five daily shows will be available the week before for downloading either here or at I hope you like the new format and can find a place in your broadcast schedule every weekday to air it. This is #171B, the second part of a two part show. The first half hour is # 171A (28.20)

Earth First! Radio - Show #170A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is changing format 1 Jan. 2002. See for details. Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring news about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #170A. The second half hour is show #170B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio - Show #170B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is changing format 1 Jan. 2002. See for details. Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring news about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #170B. The first half hour is show #170A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

The Coming Great Shaking of the Earth (tags)

The events beginning to take place upon the earth were predicted by time travelers who wrote what they saw over 2500 years ago and they revealed how the people of this generation can survive THE GREAT SHAKING OF PLANET EARTH.

Earth First! Radio Show #169A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is changing format 1 Jan. 2002. See for details. Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring news about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #169A. The second half hour is show #169B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio Show # 169B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is changing format 1 Jan. 2002. See for details. Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring news about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #169B. The first half hour is show #169A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio Show #168A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is changing format 1 Jan. 2002. See for details. Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring news about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #168A. The second half hour is show #168B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio Show #168B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is changing format 1 Jan. 2002. See for details. Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring news about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #168B. The first half hour is show #168A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Former Guatemalan Guerilla Leader Now Organizes for Change in Mayan, Women's rig (tags)

This short piece is taken largely from an internet article written by Esty Dinur. It tells the story of Sra. Juana Mendez Rojas who spoke on VOZ POPULAR a clandestine radio station which often was located on Tajamulco Volcano in SW Guatemala. Today she works with APDENA.Association for the Promotion Prptection and Dev. of Mother Earth.

Earth First! Radio Show # 167A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #167A. The second half hour is show #167B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:20)

Earth First! Radio Show # 167B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, and Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #167B. The first half hour is show #167A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:20)

Revelation in the Pyramid of Giza (tags)

The great pyramid seems to be an architectural symbol for planet earth. The pyramid's geometry combines all the data into an elegant identification of planet earth, and expresses meaning in how they relate to each other in foretelling past, present, and future events.

Earth First! Radio Show #166A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #166A. The second half hour is show #166B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio Show # 166B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, and Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #166B. The first half hour is show #166A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio Show # 165A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #165A. The second half hour is show #165B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio Show # 165B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, and Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #165B. The first half hour is show #165A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio Show # 164A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #164A. The second half hour is show #164B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:15)

Earth First! Radio Show # 164B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, and Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #164B. The first half hour is show #164A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio Show # 163B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #163B. The first half hour is show #163A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio Show # 163A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #163A. The second half hour is show #163B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio - Show #162B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #162B. The first half hour is show 162A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio - Show #162A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #162A. The second half hour is show #162B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio - Show #162A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #162A. The second half hour is show #162B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio - Show #161AB (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #161B. The first half hour is show 161A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio - Show #161A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #161A. The second half hour is show #161B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio - Show #160B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show 160A. The second half hour is show 160B. Earth First! Radio is also found at: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio - Show 160A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show 160A. The second half hour is show 160B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio, Show # 159B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with announcements, commentary, also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show 159B. The first half hour is show 159A. Formerly found on (28:30)

Earth First! Radio, Show # 195A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with announcements, commentary, also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show 159A. The second half hour is show 159B. Formerly found on (28:30)

Earth First! Radio, Show #158B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with announcements, commentary, also including poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show 158B. The first half hour is show 158A. Formerly found on

Earth First! Radio, Show #158A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with announcements, commentary, also including poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show 158A. The second half hour is show 158B. Formerly found on

The Militarization of Earth (tags)

Earth Military

America: The Good Neighbor. (tags)

This, from a Canadian newspaper, no less, is worth sharing.

Loves Labor Lost......on The Ruling Class (tags)

It’s hard to feel empathy for those among us who, dare I say, labor under the illusion that the Earth and its biosphere are mere raw materials intended for their exclusive use

Earth First! Protests TDOT's Misuse of Funds and Environmental Destruction (tags)

STRAWBERRY PLAINS, TN. August 27, 2001--Activists with Earth First! demonstrate their growing discontent with the ill practices of the Tennessee Department of Transportation.

Earth First! Activist and Bombing Victim Darryl Cherney Describes Lawsuit... (tags)

Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Darryl Cherney who explains what the activists hope to gain from the lawsuit and the relevance of the case to progressive movements across the nation.

Protest at Mexican Consulate to free Mexican EcoActivists (tags)

Protest at Mexican Consulate to free Mexican EcoActivists on Friday July 20

Top Censored Stories ( in song ) (tags)

Who Will Tell the People by David Rovics

Militance or sexism? (tags)

Allegation have been made against anarchist militant protestors that they are sexist, sometimes people even say they are racist. This exams the falsehoods and the lies that the neo-liberals use to discredit the anarchist youth.

19June8PM KCET Moyer's "Earth on Edge" (tags)

read below.

Majestic 12 And The Secret Government (tags)

Before Majestic 12 During the years following World War II the Government of the United States was confronted with a series of events which were to change beyond prediction its future and with it the future of humanity.

Un-President Bush Puts A New Spin On "Earth Day" With His Message (tags)

"Earth Day" -- It's no longer for wimps!

Earth Liberation Front Communique (tags)

ELF released this about the Visalia action 2/20/01



Lock Down at Gores HQ-OXY OUTA UWA LAND (tags)

Happening Right NOW---- Oly Earth Firsters and other activists and rabble rousers have occupied the Gore Headquarters in Olympia, Washington (USA) since about 11:30 this morning.

Environmentalists Against Gore Speak Out (tags)

After eight years of environmental betrayals, largely buried in the corporate press, grassroots environmetal leaders cry, "Enough!"

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