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Re’eh: God’s Chosen Place for the Temple in Jerusalem (tags)
Jerusalem, The Temple Mount, The Peace Accord Between Israel and the UAE, in the Light of the Torah
Abolishing student loans will greatly reduce college costs. (tags)
College costs are greatly increased by states relying on federal student loans to be repaid by students instead of state subsidies even for in state students.
Neoliberalism has brought out the worst inus (tags)
Bullying used to be confined to schools; now it is a common feature of the workplace. This is a typical symptom of the impotent venting their frustration on the weak – in psychology it’s known as displaced aggression. There is a buried sense of fear, ranging from performance anxiety to a broader social fear of the threatening other.
Whenever we face the aftermath of a tragedy, for those of us not directly affected, among the many reactions we many manifest, if we have any maturity at all, will typically be on some level, to feel compassion for the victims, a sense of anger at the perpetrators (when there are any) and shock on some level. There of course are other emotions, but those typically are among whatever group we may feel. We may even feel deflated when things do not turn out the way we had hoped, in terms of the outcome for victims or the perpetrators not getting the punishment we may feel they deserve. There is no doubt, we felt many things this past week during the Russian youth's Boston Terrorist Attacks, and the afore listed feelings were no doubt among them for most of us.
Where We May Also Place Our Thoughts (tags)
On December 14, 2012 my home state of Connecticut experienced one of the worst school shootings in American history claiming 28 lives all told. Once a rarity, murderous rampages have become an all too common occurrence in American society. Within a week there was another one, and just a couple of weeks prior another. There were at least fourteen spree killings this year in the US alone, and the death toll is no doubt staggering. ( ( What we once called “going postal,” something that happened once every few years, not only has become commonplace, but has gone from workplaces, to schools, to shopping centers and beyond.
Volunteering in Thailand Having a good feeling of purpose and of accomplishment (tags)
Most of the program runs throughout the whole year so you have the option to plan well in advance and also talk to your family and friends about it.
BTL:After Election Defeat, Democrats Must Choose: Move to the Right or Stand Up for Progre (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.
a mesage from jean Victoria Norloch (tags)
wish you all to find the wisdom within your hearrts to heed the warnings of our brother - there will be safe haven is the planet declares war on the people
Humans are unworthy of existence (tags)
Selfish. Greedy. Ignorant in every way.
What's the Real Secret that big-business, SIG don't want you to know about the EFCA? (tags)
The Employee Free Choice Act does not eliminate the secret ballot.
right to choose
The new Enlightened Beings (tags)
The new enlightened beings of our future will contain a natural state of compassion and gratitude with each human being
Trust yourself, Be The ONE (tags)
Let life be a meditation. Choose your thoughts wisely. Choose love, feel the heart. Dont resist your Deep heart Disires, its like a song, It is You. You know what you love. This is the easy way to heaven
Philippine women’s groups urge lawmakers to pass Reproductive Health Bill (tags)
MANILA, Philippines – A day before several lawmakers deliver their respective sponsorship speeches on the controversial bill promoting the use of both artificial and natural means of family planning, among others, a network of more than 50 non-government and people's organizations advocating women's and people's rights today urged other members of the House of Representatives to affirm women’s right to reproductive self-determination, and to support the immediate passage of the Reproductive Health Bill.
College of Christ Consciousness (tags)
THe Takeover of the Minuteman Project (tags)
John Howard: “Horrified” Australian War Criminal (tags)
John Howard, lackey Prime Minister of Australia and member of the coalition of willing criminals, today stated that he is “horrified“ at the loss of life in Iraq. In view of the fact that Howard, Bush and Blair are DIRECTLY responsible for the illegal invasion and the hundreds of thousands of subsequent deaths in Iraq, we are horrified that these men have avoided prosecution to date!
Open Letter From Mother of Lt. Ehren Watada, Resister of Illegal War (tags)
By Carolyn Ho t r u t h o u t | Statement Thursday 22 June 2006
SCF - Eviction Imminent! (tags)
The eviciton could happen at any time. SCF asking the community to increase their presence and support at the farm.
On the Electoral College, continued
Deficiencies of Our Current Federal System, continued
Overturning Roe v Wade Grounds for Civil War. (tags)
You have the right to choose the course you will take and I advise you to choose wisely for there are a great deal more people that think like me then there are people that think like you.
N.Y. Judge Orders Gay Marriage (tags)
"It is clear that moral disapproval of same-sex couples or of individual homosexuals is not a legitimate state purpose or a rational reason for depriving plaintiffs of their right to choose their spouse."
God's Message To The World Today (tags)
God's concern for mankind, his views on current events, and suggested solutions.
The party that so gloriously brought this country the fabulous Red Scare of the 1950s, in a bit of an about-face, has now made the godly throughout America scared they are not a Red. State, that is. With this in mind, I have drafted this handy list as a quick reference to determine if you are living in one of those demon-infested Blue States, or Jesusland!
hate crimes misclassified (tags)
Many transgender people disappear and are categorized as drug related by law enforcement officials who choose to avoid the media publicity of an official hate crime.
We are the People: underage and Longing for Leaders (tags)
"Now and then persons at the top of our political pyramids have a screw loose some-where..Canthis continue for ever? Will idiots in power breed idiots to defend their idiotologies? I don't believe so." Programs instead of persons could be emphasized.
First Aid Gear List For Activists (tags)
This is a list that you can use to help put together a good first aid kit for the streets. No one carries all of this - pick and choose those items that make sense to you, and match your skill level.
First Aid Gear List For Activists (tags)
This is a list that you can use to help put together a good first aid kit for the streets. No one carries all of this - pick and choose those items that make sense to you, and match your skill level.
Computers N.L.A. of Harbor City Hosts an Anti-Arabs and Anti-Muslim Online hate organizati (tags)
The KOBE Group engages in cyber terrorism against American Arabs and Muslims. Give the store's owners a call and ask why they choose to host a hate website:
honour or pride - choose (tags)
what drives the animal testing industry? (tags)
why the hell do they test their products on animals?
Innocence is More Important than Security (tags)
23: Patriotism and loyalty (tags)
This is a call for revolution We exist within a community of life Our choices influence the course of existence Are we leading or are we being led Will we choose peace or war
33: Is war our basic human nature (tags)
This is a call for revolution We exist within a community of life Our choices influence the course of existence Are we leading or are we being led Will we choose peace or war
34: Where are we leading ourselves (tags)
This is a call for revolution We exist within a community of life Our choices influence the course of existence Are we leading or are we being led Will we choose peace or war
Maybe social problems are not important enough to our politicians. Maybe it's better to choose the expensive way...(!?)
Join the Citizens' Voluntary Labeling Brigade! (tags)
Join the Citizens' Voluntary Labeling Brigade!