fix articles 77394, downing street minutes
Bush: President of the United States or Dictator of the Free World (tags)
The President of the United States is not being held accountable for his actions, is claiming power that is clearly not his, and usurping the Constitution of the United States of America. Is he the President or a dictator?
Over 150 Events Planned on 3rd Anniversary of Downing Street Memo (tags)
Rep. Maxine Waters will host an Out-of-Iraq teach-in on July 23 in Inglewood to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the Downing Street Memo. Hear about the Out of Iraq Caucus & Resolution of Inquiry in Congress. Learn how to protect our youth from military recruiters. Join a cell phone call-in demanding journalists tell the truth re: Downing Street Memo. This will be one of 150 events around the country organized by
These things can be done, but there has to be support, and a belief that reason will ultimately win this war.
Protests Slowed But Important During June (tags)
LA, DC, Santa Cruz and Sacramento held demonstrations in front of the KTLA TV station, the Washington Post, the Santa Cruz Sentinal and the Sacramento Bee, respectively, to protest the "NO COVERAGE" of the Downing Street Minutes.
A proud God loving bushite killer confesses all (tags)
A proud God loving bushite killer confesses all
I beg you on behalf of myself and God, please!
The 'Downing St. Memos' destroyed? Not on your Nelly! (tags)
If one as an investigative journalist wants to stay alive, one way to do it is 'serving' the explosive information in portions. First fifty%, then 25, and the last 25% is a kind of 'life guard': used until a 'case of emergency' erupts, like when the journalist or whistleblower is "suicided".
After Downing St. Rally at KTLA (Report with Pix and Video) (tags)
A rally was convened on just one day's notice to support the hearings convened by Rep. Conyers and over 100 other Members of Congress to investigate the Downing St. Minutes. These recently-leaked minutes detail Bush's illegal conspiracy with Tony Blair to invade Iraq almost one year prior to the official invasion.
Rally at KTLA to Force Downing St. Minutes Coverage (tags)
Demonstrate TODAY Thursday, June 16th 5:30pm at KTLA (5800 Sunset Bl., Los Angeles) regarding inadequate coverage of the Downing Street Minutes and the hearings being organizaed by Congressperson Conyers and others.
HERO - A bushite killer speaks candidly (tags)
That is a high act of treason. And it's not, "oh well, but maybe it's not true.." No, we have the two documents of question. We have the positions that were offered to the bush administration on behalf of American intelligence. [the N.I.E.] That was their position, the bush administration censored that, re-wrote CRITICAL sentences. Fixed the intel.
Green Party: Impeach Bush Now! (tags)
author: Common Dreams The Downing Street Memo proves that invasion of Iraq wasn't the 'last resort' but Bush's intent all along, leading to cooked intelligence and other impeachable offenses; Greens note bipartisan and media complicity in overlooking evidence of deceit, urge public protest