fix articles 7715, comments
Women's Groups Unite to Discuss Misogyny of Judge Thomas J. Lo (tags)
Women's Groups, concerned about a loss of rights and lives for female litigants, call for monitoring of Judge Thomas J. Lo's cases
Hate and Misogyny From the Bench: JudgeThomas J. Lo (tags)
Orange County has a serious judicial problem in which the hatred of vulnerable women by a Superior Court Judge is endangering lives.
Dont let (((them)))) silence us (tags)
Public comment Needed
Portland Indymedia Moderates comments articles the owner doesn't like (tags)
the guy who runs this site trolls commenters who don't buy into the paranoid world view he pushes where nothing matters and you should stop using tech. When you point out what a tool he is, he freezes comments. But its' cool they've all been saved ....
KPFK may also be up on Chopping Block ? We need to get facts now ! (tags)
KPFA in Berkley is rumored to be For Sale= that means KPFK in Los Angeles goes out in same manner as Pacifica cannot survive without these 2 main radio stations. We, members, need to investigate and reveal what is KNOWN as facts, corroborated, or what sounds like ‘rumor’ but verifiable. Soon !
Holy See Calls on UN Development Summit to Build an Inclusive Economy (tags)
Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, called on a United Nations development summit to address debt, tax, trade and environmental policies that impact poverty.
Comments on the European Commission's approach to investor-state arbitration (tags)
Gus Van Harten is an associate professor at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
Hyping a Nonexistent Russian Threat (tags)
Open Letter to LA indymedia re hardly any more comments (tags)
changes to keep out the riff-raff repeaters were made here at and notice the lack of effort most will make to jump the hurdles and whatallittakes to respond, even if we want to we seem to say "why bother if it takes that much More effort ?"
Israel's War on Press Freedom (tags)
Out of the Darkness: UN's (and often State's) hidden agenda. (tags)
Brief discussion on linkedin describing UN's human rights omissions from international human rights law.
Public Comment on South Central Farm Site (tags)
Received from Jack Neff of SCF.
Indymedia being inundated by repeaters (tags)
A few commentators insist on obliterating any article they disagree or dont like by writing many repeated exhortations and insults and insure the article looses it's main points or gets overwhelmed with other-than-that-person's viewpoint. In other words, some commentators attack profusely to blot out anyone but their agreers. Unfairly, Uncivilly. Hoping to Reduce INDEPENDENCE into obedience and agreement only ???
Netanyahu: The Mouth that Roars (tags)
Pomona City Council Chooses Trash Over Residents (tags)
Monday, July 16, 2012
POMONA, California - A city council meeting to decide the fate of a proposed waste transfer station in the city's impoverished east end became contentious as various factions interacted at a pre-meeting rally. After a long corporate presentation and an even longer public comment period, the council voted against the vast majority of the community to approve the project. Protest, including some shoving involving police, ensued.
fbi operative admits to cyberstalking (tags)
Journey if you will into the sick criminal minds of fbi/cia homicidal sociopaths & operatives by reading their comments and threats to this Target.For example see comments by assassin J. Robert Upton (the living dead) at the following links:
No SNWA Pipeline! Let's Keep the SPRING in Spring Valley! (tags)
539 members of the Goshute tribe in western Utah are all that stand between the Southern Nevada Water Authority and a proposed multi-billion-dollar pipeline that would “pump billions of gallons of groundwater” from the Goshutes’ home in Spring Valley “to parched Las Vegas,” in a 92" wide pipe that would run for 300 miles.
Halt Approval of Agent Orange Resistant Corn (tags)
The purpose of this event is to increase the number of public comments sent to the USDA to oppose this proposal by Dow Chemical Corporation. Given the trend at the USDA, it will take more than merely public comments top prevent this outrage, but this is the essential first step - to make certain the will of the people is in the public record.
Anti-Syrian Pack Journalism (tags)
NV; Oct. 7 - Public Comment on SNWA Pipeline (tags)
Please help the Great Basin Water Network, indigenous tribes and many others in voicing their opposition to the SNWA's proposed pipeline from the Snake and Spring Valler aquifer system to Las Vegas that is being planned mostly for the benefit of suburban sprawl developers like Harvey Whittemore. The public hearing will be held in Carson City, though this planned extraction of 41 billion gallons per year will destroy an ecosystem that connects to Great Basin National Park and is a national resource that is for all to share in it's natural state, NOT to water Mr. Whittemore's 16 planned golf courses and 100,000 more homes for sprawl development nearly 50 miles north of the urban core of Las Vegas!
Justice Scalia and the Dybbuk (tags)
Justice Scalia's oral comments on the Supreme Court's ruling regarding over crowding in Califoria prisons indicates he, just like Judge Hoffman in the Chicago Seven case, has been possessed by a dybbuk.
L.A. Social Media Strategy Proposal (tags)
This is an idea for boosting the turnout for the immigration march on May first. There may be a few different ones due to the annual realignments and fights between sectarians, but all that matters is that people show up in huge numbers!
Halt the Militarization of Public Lands! (tags)
The Marine Corps wants to expand their base near Twentynine Palms into public lands that are currently used by families for recreational purposes. They are currently listening to public comments regarding the proposal. Let's fill their ears with opposition to war and militarism!
LA Indymedia Mobile Layout (tags)
This site now has a mobile layout. Please submit any comments here.
I have a question about LA-IMC donation policy.. (tags)
I have a question about LA-IMC donation policy..
Indy bay donation policy
ALWAYS Click "view hidden posts" on articles here .... (tags)
too many people tell Indy folks to hide a post they dont like ...a viewpoint....a description they dont want... a way to censor any dissent or disagreement....and occasionally an obscene or nasty words strung together just to make crud in print. Many are not "hate" or bad or insulting. Check it out for yourself by clicking "view hidden posts" at top of article before seeing what comments ARE available to read.
Rigo Ruelas' brother on KPCC (tags)
Rigo, of course, is the teacher who recently died after experiencing job-related stress, including a low rating in the LA Times database of teachers. Supposedly it was suicide. We who worked with him know what a lie the LA Times ranking is.
EPA Hydro-Fracking Hearing Begins In Binghamton, NY (tags)
9/13/10 - Binghamton, NY - EPA hearings discuss safety issues surrounding hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking" when related to pollution of groundwater. Fracking is the newest source for some natural gas pipelines like the one in San Bruno that recently exploded. Many older pipelines have serious safety concerns yet many more new pipelines are built each year due to expanded fracking of shale deposits without any clear oversight from federal regulators at PHMSA.
How come banks are still overcharging while pretending to be 'reformed' ? (tags)
Wells Fargo Bank is only the latest of thieving banks trying to extort the most profits from the customers it may even want to keep as theirs....KPCC Radio Host Pat Morrison talking to a guest about how t hese games are played on The American People and the rest of us too
LA Housing and Community Activists Protest Eric Garcetti (tags)
June 17th march and protest about the LA rent freeze.
• 15 internationals killed as Israel attacks and hijacks Gaza Flotilla in International Wa (tags)
Up to 15 international human rights activists have been killed and over 30 others injured after Israeli commandos attacked the unarmed Gaza Freedom Flotilla early this morning in international waters, according to reports from the flotilla organisers, while Israeli military sources confirmed 10 dead. This attack is a clear breach of international law.
Chomsky's 'war for oil' smoke screen discussed (tags)
Chomsky's 'war for oil' smoke screen discussed
"“The some 3,000 (corporate) lobbyists in Washington, whose dirty little hands are all over the bill, have once more betrayed the American people for money.” “The bill is another example of why change will never come from within the Democratic Party. The party is owned and managed by corporations.”
KPFK's LSB meeting to attend and be part of the vocal community too (tags)
MK ULTRA, NSM, SPLC; Working to Stifle Debate! (tags)
This is a critique of the Riverside rally, discrediting BOTH the NSM neo-Nazis as CIA "puppets" AND the "antifa" disrupters as SPLC "puppets", based upon their response of spitting and bullying, that only strengthens the resolve of the NSM to return. Additional critique of laimc deleting comments excessively without providing links. Censorship is the last resort of cowards!!
FLA Congressman first to visit Coup Govt in H (tags)
more about the florida republicans drug connections in honduras at miami indy media
INDYMEDIA is censoring political speech or 'other' non-hateful opinions...what are rules ? (tags)
Indymedia staff has made "hidden" 3 comments that questions the value or depiction of some pix of Gaza travellers pretending to be heroes. What are the censorship rules here ? Who decides what is hidden and what is varied and diverse and even divergent speech? When the free censor each other, no one remains standing or breathing any free air. Check it out.
Hello, this is KPFK....oh, there is NO ANSWER ever ! (tags)
KPFK continues the same old way. No response to any communications or concerns of it's listener sponsors. And the new manager has a new email address, that was changed when ? or to confuse whom ?
YouTube.Com "Purges" another 911 Truth Video!!! (tags)
You Tube has previously been caught blocking 9/11 truth videos from entering into top ranking charts for both views and comments despite their enduring popularity. This in not too suprising seeing that YouTube.Com is in complete cohoots with Israel and the ADL!!!
Minutemen, off-duty cops disrupt community forum on checkpoints (tags)
Community members met to express themselves on the topic of police "DUI" checkpoints, which really target immigrants. Minutemen and police hecklers disrupted the meeting.
Have You Ever Seen Someone Near a Utility Pole? EPA Hasn't! (tags)
Help EPA See the Reality of Wood Preservative Exposure in Your Community
Help us 'STOP' the bombs! (tags)
Their Plan: Make new nuclear weapons! The Hearing: Make your opinion known! Our Plan: Stop the Bombs!
Sign the Petition to Save Hawaii! (tags)
This is a petition to help stop the rampant destruction and radioactive contamination of the Hawaiian Islands by the US military! Please take just one moment to oppose the military's degradation of Hawaiian ecoystems and public health!
A Gap billionaire's museum in Pelosi's privatized National Park? (tags)
Don Fisher, the multi-billionaire founder of Gap, Inc. and "personal friend" of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, wants to build a 100,000 square foot museum for his personal art collection in the Presidio National Park. The deadline for public comments on the scope of the Environmental Impact Statement for Fisher's proposed big box museum is Monday, October 15.
Today is the last day to save Hawaiian Paradise - the islands, the marine life, and the health of the Pacific Ocean. The military is planning an unprecedented expansion of military operations and "war games" exercises that will severely damage the health of the Pacific and to the Hawaiian people and all life forms in the Hawaiian Islands!
"Cargo-Cult Leninism" Part Two (tags)
Many so-called "Marxist" organizations today are plagued by "cargo-cult" leninism. They repeat words and phrases without understanding what they really mean. Why do people drink the kool-aid? Because they WANT to believe that things are OK.
Obama calls for US attack on Pakistan in warmongering address (tags)
In a transparent effort to bolster his reputation for toughness on national security issues and outflank his main rivals on the right for the 2008 Democratic Party presidential nomination, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois delivered a bellicose speech August 1 at a Washington think tank. Speaking to the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Obama called for more troops to be sent to Afghanistan, threatened unilateral attacks against Pakistan and pledged to strengthen the US military and intelligence apparatus.
Financial Guru Julian Robertson : We have problems! (tags)
He has predicted every economic cycle, every debacle, every bull market, and every bear market. Of course, he´s a very old man now. But his reputation on the Street is like nothing you could imagine. When the segment of his interview was through, his comments alone took the Dow Jones down 50 points. Just on his comments alone. That's how powerful this man's reputation is.
FBI: Encryption Really Pisses Us Off (tags)
Immigration Activists Nazis? Time for CNN to say: Adios Lou Dobbs
More trouble in Pelosi's privatized Presidio National Park (tags)
If you want to stop needless, inappropriate luxury development in San Francisco's Presidio National Park, now's the time to send your comments, and here's where to send them.
Despite request, survey criticizing police is destroyed (tags)
Cops destroy report instead of giving it to the media as required by the public records laws
FBI makes it harder for post-incarcerated folks to get jobs (tags)
We are asking for your help opposing a troubling new proposal by the FBI which would, for the first time, authorize the agency to report "non-serious" offenses in response to a criminal background check conducted for employment purposes
FCC Destroyed Report Favorable to Local Television Ownership Groups Fighting Against Media Consolidation React to News
LA City Council flushs First Amendment down the toilet (tags)
Ratcheting up restraints on public comment, the Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved new rules of ''decorum'' designed to squelch offensive and disruptive behavior at council meetings, ranging from foul language and racial slurs to singing, whistling, foot-stamping and other boisterous conduct.
A CALL TO ARMS: Fighting Conservative America From Your Computer Desk (tags)
Have you ever wanted to get involved and have your voice heard? Here is an easy and entertaining way to do both from the computer you are using at this very moment.
The Consumerist interview (tags)
Interview with Ben Popken, editor of The Consumerist, a website that lampoons corporations and consumers.
Tell MoveOn to help raise funds for the South Central Farm (tags)
If enough people vote for the proposal for MoveOn to help the farm, it could expadite the fundraising.
Immigration opponents hiding behind the myth of stolen jobs and lost wages.. The research shows that immigration only has a tiny negative impact on local wages.
Councilman Zine’s Unexpected Visit to South Central Farm Provokes Angry Exchange. (tags)
Uploaded is an MP3 file of the farmers comments in council chambers today and Council member Zine's response
Letter of complaint filed against Costa Mesa Mayor (tags)
The following "letter of complaint" was delivered during the public comments section of the Tuesday, January 17, 2006 meeting of the Costa Mesa City Council. It was filed on behalf of the Tonantzin Collective.
WOT - (NYT) Chinese Government attempts to censor internet news of Dongzhou massacre (tags)
As described by the New York Times article (below) the corrupt, revisionist (ie: fake marxist) government of China is attempting to censor all news of last week's massacre of 20 or more farmers in Dongzhou, in southern China. This attempt to suppress news of this massacre may (or may not) be successful in the short run. But, in the long run, these kinds of attempts to suppress the news are doomed to failure. This story is of great significance to activists today who want to build a powerful and militant mass movement for a world that is not ruled by imperialism and the bourgeoisie.
ooh- secret protest warrior plans for DC (ooh, who cares) (tags)
from the protest warrior site - posted for amusement purposes, no wagering please. the protest warriors once again display their disconnect with the world. having seen video of their gatherings, i wouldn't recommend wasting time crashing unless masochistic boredom is your thing.
U.S. Hands Off Venezuela Campaign Condemns Robertson Terrorist Call (tags)
Bolivarian Revolution
Microsoft Slavery May be Ending Due to Dumping -- Debates (tags)
The popular technology website Slashdot has picked up an Indymedia article that has created quite a stir (100s of comments). Slashdot said: "This is an interesting point made by a Clayton Hallmark on IndyMedia out of Argentina. He predicts that cheap Asian computing appliances with an Open Source Operating System on a chip will be the ultimate MS killer. References to the US$220 Mobilis out of India suggest the begining of newer, more powerful, and cheaper things to come. Mr. Hallmark also points to the success of the Wal-Mart cheap PC as proof the end is near for proprietory software. Overall an in interesting and thought provoking read."
Artsy Fartsy Report from BP (tags)
The photos and comments are my own opinions, based on my experiences. You probably have different experiences, and I hope to read them soon. (Resize pictures to around 400 pixels wide and it'll look cool.) Comments may not reflect what the signmaker or the signholder intended.
Gentlemen Prefer Blogs: Jerry Brown's Blog (tags)
Mayor Jerry Brown—formerly the Governor of California—has just started his own blog.
god it just makes so much more sence to put more features on the fromt page, have a completely open publishing newswire and just compost disruptive posts.... more people would use the la site if the la site where more usefull
Hereby putting you on notice.
Rainwater collection permit (tags)
Exhibitionism, Trolls and Indy Media (tags)
There is a serious problem with Independent Media Centers (IMCs) in the open comment areas. IMCs end up publishing as much content *against* freedom, racism, sexism, classism, etc., as they do *for* those things via the open comment areas.
Its a MediaEmergenC !! Converge against Corprate Media! (tags)
Media EmergenC, a conference organized by the San Diego Independent Media Center to promote, strengthen and build democratic media organizations, will incorporate performance, street action, workshops, speakers and forums October 6-9 to raise a voice of opposition against the increasing corporate control of our media. The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), an organization with considerable lobbying power in Washington D.C. which represents owners of media broadcasting outlets, will bring its annual conference, the Radio Road Show to San Diego October 4-8. The NAB was a major force behind the FCC's deregulation of media ownership guidelines and continues to lobby for the ability of a relatively few corporations to control a majority of the media outlets available to the American public. COME CONVERGE IN SAN DIEGO TO SAY FUCK CORPRATE MEDIA!!
Peabody Coal indigenous land comments needed (tags)
Your comments can help stop increased destruction of indigenous land & water, as well as air pollution and climate change affecting everyone.
Jews fear being blamed for Iraqi war (tags)
"If it were not for the strong support of the Jewish community for this war with Iraq, we would not be doing this."
Jews fear being blamed for Iraqi war (tags)
With a majority of Americans now saying the war in Iraq has not been worth the costs and most of Americans doubting Iraq can be rebuilt successfully, some American Jewish officials are expressing concern that recent comments by a prominent US senator and others blaming Israel for the war could spark a new wave of anti-Semitism.
When the collective allows the kind of filth to stand that I have seen, it can serve forth no reason to claim it can't understand why the readership has dropped. contacts Free Republic poster over role in murder of Nick Berg (tags)
Apparently, I am in the middle of a controversy regarding the brutal murder of Nick Berg by the Islamofascist terrorist b*st*rds. I received the following FReepmail today from a reporter and spoke to him off the record. I will either call him back on the record or he can use my comments here on the record.
Limbaugh's Indian talk-um disgusts South Dakota Republicans (tags)
Bruce Whelan, the Lakota leader of the Shannon County Republican Party, took issue with Limbaugh's comments - "I am kind wondering what history books Rush Limbaugh was reading from."
USDA Downed Animal Ban Under Attack by Agribusiness (tags)
The USDA's recent downed cow ban represents a long overdue policy shift, and it is imperative that we do everything in our power to maintain it, and hopefully to expand it. Please write today.
Trolls Sabotaging IMC Site? (tags)
Messages flattened, ridiculous red fields taking up space.
Posting hate & ignorance with fresca, nonanarchist, bushadmirer. A how to: (tags)
These "TROLLS" are allways on indymedia making stupid comments and challenging everything that is not "politically conservative". Desperate to recruit others into their "clan" of hatred and conservatism.
Stalkers, harassers & nut cases. (tags)
Based on prodigious and emerging evidence, it has now become clear that former FBI Senior Special Agent-in-Charge Ted L. Gunderson is the ring leader and controller of a rag-tag gang of Gov't Groupies whose mission is to stalk, harass, libel, slander and otherwise make life as miserable as possible for those of us who are legitimate whistleblowers, we who continue to expose real and vital information about government crimes, cover-ups and corruption.
The Boykin Affair Still simmers (tags)
One top U.S. official noted that when the Boykin story broke, it "was the worst day of my life. . . .It confirmed [the] conspiracy theory that the war on terrorism is really a war on Islam."
How to Restore the Comments Feature (tags)
In an effort to squelch open publishing and free speech here, the comrades at IMC LA have hiddent the Comments feature. Here is a work around
Recent events at LA-IMC predicted (tags)
The recent removal of the "Latest Comments" function at LA-IMC was predicted, and is the right way to go.
Question for the collective @ IMC LA (tags)
Does this new process negate the latest comments page?
The religious right, their Republican Party supporters, conservative columnists and television commentators all have leapt to defend General Boykin for stating that, "George Bush was not elected by a majority of the voters in the United States ... he was appointed by God ... He's in the White House because God put him there."
Did Kobe Bryant reveal something startling?! (tags)
Kobe might've saved having to pay $4,000,000 for his wife's ring, had he learned some certain "street creed", when he was playing horse.
Rush Limbaugh in pill probe (tags)
The moralizing motormouth was turned in by his former housekeeper - who says she was Limbaugh's pill supplier for four years. Wilma Cline, 42, says Limbaugh was hooked on the potent prescription drugs OxyContin, Lorcet and hydrocodone - and went through detox twice. "There were times when I worried," Cline told the National Enquirer, which broke the story in an edition being published today. "All these pills are enough to kill an elephant - never mind a man."
Limbaugh doesn't address drug reports during Philadelphia speech (tags)
After accepting Limbaugh's resignation on Wednesday, George Bodenheimer, president of ESPN and ABC Sports, said: "We regret the circumstances surrounding this. We believe that he took the appropriate action to resolve this matter expeditiously."
Conservatives in Media Close Ranks Around Limbaugh (tags)
Self-described libertarian pundit Neal Boortz wrote on his website. "Limbaugh is seen by the left as a huge, almost insurmountable threat to their designs on regaining control in (Washington) D.C.. Limbaugh crossed a politically-correct line. Only liberals are allowed to bring race into any issue."
SATURDAY NOON: Protesters to Hit Arnold Again (tags)
In-House Memos on Television And Print Media News Presentations
white supremacist patriarchal laughingstock beginning to anger the common people..... (tags)
FRIDAY 4:30PM Womens Groups Protest at NEW Arnold Hqs (tags)
Women’s groups and their supporters, angered by actor and candidate for governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger’s history of "degrading" comments about women and reported acts of sexual harassment will protest stating at 4:30 PM this Friday, as he opens his new campaign headquarters at 1338 4th Street in Santa Monica. The candidate is scheduled to be there at that time.
about the way our IMC sites work.... (tags)
do you have any of the same problems / ideas for solutions at your IMC? what can we do as concerned communities to implement much needed changes without becoming part of the problem?
Coward DEAN JPG: Pro War Sell Out! (tags)
spread the word - a repost from SF IMC
Anti-Racist Beach Party (tags)
Come check out this anti-racist beach fest. Bring food and drinks to share, and $6.00 for parking.
/Anti-Racist Beach Party, 7/12 (tags)
Come check out this beach party. Bring food and $6.00 for parking.
Gay Republican crosses over to other side (tags)
"We are hated, we are marginalized, and are basically unwanted by a party that has forsaken the principles of Abraham Lincoln and become dominated by a right-wing that falls far short of representing main-stream America."
Airwaves abuzz with Hollywood blacklist; no secrets this time (tags)
"Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins, whose anti-war comments got a Baseball Hall of Fame event in honor of Bull Durham's 15th anniversary canceled. And please don't forget the Dixie Chicks. All of a sudden, making contrary or outre political comments isn't only not OK, it's a punishable offense."
SF Chronicle poll re: Oakland violence: please help defreep (tags)
The San Francisco Chronicle has an online poll on its front page ( ) right now with the following question: Were Oakland police right to fire non-lethal projectiles at protesters?
James Woods on Good Day Live (tags)
Actor James Woods is interviewed on pseudo-"news" program, Good Day Live in L.A. and rips into Michael Moore.
A typical military recruit in a debate (tags)
Check out this "Batman" character. Man, what a nincompoop!
Distribute: Vets call to Troops (tags)
If the people of the world are ever to be free, there must come a time when being a citizen of the world takes precedence over being the soldier of a nation. Now is that time.
Which way forward for the development of a powerful anti-war movement? (tags)
Thousands of serious activists are giving thought to all questions related to the development of an anti-war movement that can strike even more powerful blows against this latest round of imperialist wars. This article represents an effort to directly confront the most serious questions related to the development of the anti-war movement.
Activist Backgrounder to Tuesday's FCC event (tags)
Taken from answers to a several questions asked by IA-IMC to this San Francisco Media Activist. A backgrounder to the event and what activist are doing and can do.
Shaq's Apology Not Good Enough (tags)
Repost of a commentary on SF Gate about Shaq's racist comments last year about Chinese NBA player Yao Ming.
Why is Osama Moma, Patty Murray, getting the kid glove treatment from the press? Only FOX is speaking out. Is the rest of the press just the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party?
Join The Exploding Electronic Action To Break Up Media Ownership! Deadline Jan 2, 2003! (tags)
Since December 5th, 2002 over 600 comments have been posted to the FCC Public Record, you should be part of this exploding electronic action! It is your right as an American Citizen to file comments with the FCC to curb media concentration.
Join The Exploding Electronic Action To Break Up Media Ownership! Deadline Jan 2, 2003! (tags)
Since December 5th, 2002 over 600 comments have been posted to the FCC Public Record, you should be part of this exploding electronic action! It is your right as an American Citizen to file comments with the FCC to curb media concentration.
Join The Exploding Electronic Action To Break Up Media Ownership! (tags)
Since December 5th, 2002 over 400 comments have been posted to the FCC Public Record, you should be part of this exploding electronic action.
WANTED: freedom and dignity at LA-IMC (tags)
we need both: freedom AND dignity
Join the exploding electronic action to break up Media Ownership! (tags)
Since December 5th, 2002 over 300 comments have been posted to the FCC Public Record, you should be part of this exploding electronic action.
Momentum Gained to Break Up Media Concentration! (tags)
Federal Communications Commission Chief Commissioner Michael Powell calls for new hearings after an unprecedented number of submissions from media makers and consumers to the FCC public record.
Strike Back Against Media Concentration and the FCC! (tags)
TIME SENSITIVE! Announcement of how to enter comments into FCC public record for current review of Media Ownership Rules.
Police Commission to investigate RPD shooting (tags)
After hearing comments from over 10 community members concerning a Hispanic man shot by police officers, the Community Police Review Commission decided to investigate independantly
Strike Back Against Media Concentration! (tags)
TIME SENSITIVE! Announcement of how to enter comments into FCC public record for current review of Media Ownership Rules.
Troop Movements In CA - strikebreakers? (fwd) (tags)
RUMOR that reserves in Western States being called up to break Longshoreman's strike and lock out in Seattle, Oakland, Long Beach and San Diego.
New So-Cal Anarchist Art/Media/Theory Journal (tags)
Image of the 2002 Woman's Day March The Journal of Aesthetics and Protest has been a year in the making. Submissions, suggestions, ideas and comments are appreciated.
Mumia Abu-Jamal's A20 comments to the D.C. Rally (tags)
Mumia's A20 comments addressing the D.C. Rally Against War and Racism
Add your comments to the recent events in Venezuela.
DEA plans to ban Hemp FOODS!! Act NOW! (tags)
The Drug Enforcement Agency is turning itself into the Food Prohibition Agency...witout congressional or public authorization. Hemp is just not allowed to compete with petro-chemical-intensive products OR Genetically Engineered soy products, apparently. Corporate toxics, or nothing, in "the land of the free".
13 Days to Object to DEA Ban on Hemp Food/Oil (tags)
13 Days to Object to DEA Ban on Hemp Food/Oil Push Button Fax DEA Comments at Action Plan to Collect 1,000-2,000 Comments to DEA by Dec 10th Deadline :)
It seems that most of the people who frequent IndyMedia are in agreement about issues regarding the war and civil liberties.
Britain's Top Military Officer Questions Star Wars-No Evidence It Will Work (tags)
Britain's most senior military officer has questioned American plans for a missile defence shield - saying he has seen no evidence that the technology will work. This contrasts sharply with Prime Minister Tony Blair's uninformed support. He's also concerned it will leave no money for anything else.
Some mainstream media emails to barrage re: missing in Genoa (tags)
Do your level best with a mainstream media letter campaign to find the missing in Genoa (ref. Italy and U.K. IMC.) Save the list for other campaigns.
Comments to CPUC on electric rate increases (tags)
California Public Utiities Commission is taking public comments on proposed electric rate increases. This letter suggests a cost-shifting approach to address the "crisis."
Comments on the Hollander strike.
Bigots in California celebrate deaths of Mexican immigrants. (tags)
More than a dozen Mexicans perished in the desert this week due to the get-tough border policies implemented by Clinton and continued by Bush. In response, Anti-Mexican bigots in California blamed the victims, celebrated their deaths, and took the occasion to threaten future militia violence. See and respond to their comments on this board:
Peace Activist Comments on Former Sen. Kerrey's Forced Admission that ... (tags)
Peace Activist Comments on Former Sen. Kerrey's Forced Admission that He Killed Civilians During Vietnam War. Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Brian Willson about his personal evolution from a supporter of the Vietnam War to an outspoken critic and the Kerrey revelations.
Melbourne Police Run Over Protester (tags)
The Melbourne IMC is carrying reports of police violence at the World Economic Forum protests, culminating in the story of an unmarked police car which knocked over several protesters and ran over one woman. This story and its following comments provide an unfolding picture.