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Change Links April 2018 (tags)
April 2018 calendar published
Fbi is cyber criminal supreme (tags)
Fbi commits voluminous cyber crimes to destroy lives.
fbi/cia/USA aggravate Mexico's many problems (tags)
Here is my report on conditions in Mexico as I have seen first hand.
Murderous corruption at fbi, DPS, Texas AG, (tags)
See my reports on the breakdown of law in the USA as directed by the fbi, DPS, etc.
6 of the US Wars Initiated By Black Ops (tags)
Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, WW1, WW2, Spanish American War... were all initiated or expanded in the US by black ops
Growing Number of Indian Apartment Buildings For Vegetarians Only (tags)
There are several reasons for the increasing number of Indian apartment buildings going all vegetarian
Bilderberg Security Assaults EU Members of Parliament (tags)
During the secretive meeting of the globalist Bilderberg cabal, a member of the EU Committee on Civil Liberties was beaten and arrested by Bilderberg Security for attempting to gain entrance to the exclusionary meeting. The corporatist (ie., fascist) media in the U.S. has chosen to ignore this story entirely.
Non violent reaction to violent police/fbi raids (tags)
Non violent reaction to unlawful police/fbi violent attacks is urged
The Democrats' Trudeau? (tags)
"Love him or hate him, Obama is the most interesting American to enter politics for years."
Below is a transcript of the "special service" held last night at the Screaming Glory Tabernacle in Bedlam Junction, Pennsylvnia.
ICE Targets South Central (tags)
Using the cover of the LA County Sheriff's Departments, ICE harrased and intimidated immigrant families in South Central
The Pawn of Timor-Leste (tags)
Australian Special Forces have today surrounded the 'rebel’ Major Alfredo Reinado in occupied Timor-Leste; it seems Reinado has passed his use-by-date; a tense stand-off presently exists with Reinado threatening to shoot any Australian soldier who ventures too near.
Reenact Rev Billy's Crime Against Starbucks (tags)
Well, Reverend Billy finally got put on Los Angeles no less. So, while he's stuck in court, throw on a collar and white blazer, slick your hair back, and rise up as part of the Reverend Billy Mutant Clone Army of Oddness.
VENEZUELA REPORT-BACK OIL WORKERS, the GRASSROOTS and the HISTORIC REFERENDUM International Election Observers Selma James and Nina Lَopez (with video clips) and Documentary Premiere: The Bolivarian Revolution: ENTER THE OIL WORKERS! Contribution from Identidad Bolivariana, The Netherlands Saturday 18 September 3-6 pm Trinity United Reform Church, Buck St, London NW1 Camden Town Tube Level entrance, accessible toilet nearby Entrance: £3 waged; £1.50 unwaged Followed by celebration of the referendum victory with music and refreshments.
Are you really reading both sides of the story?
March 20 and corporate structure (pt.3) (tags)
Inner Sight & Sound Reason vs. Viewing Blindly & Noisily^ (tags)
Inner Sight & Sound Reason vs. Viewing Blindly & Noisily^ in Blind ambition. Careful with what you believe coming from all those Disinformation Agent Smiths out there in the Psychotronic Mind Control Arena of Brainwashing.
Ashcroft's Memo and Sherman Austin: Coincidence? (tags)
Attorney General John Ashcroft wants prosecutors to closely monitor which judges impose more lenient sentences than federal guidelines recommend, a step some critics say could limit judicial independence.
Join the exploding electronic action to break up Media Ownership! (tags)
Since December 5th, 2002 over 300 comments have been posted to the FCC Public Record, you should be part of this exploding electronic action.
Strike Back Against Media Concentration and the FCC! (tags)
TIME SENSITIVE! Announcement of how to enter comments into FCC public record for current review of Media Ownership Rules.
Strike Back Against Media Concentration! (tags)
TIME SENSITIVE! Announcement of how to enter comments into FCC public record for current review of Media Ownership Rules.
Political Values Survey (tags)
Looking for Anarchists, Greens, Libertarians, Socialists, Communists, anticorporate globalization activists and others to participate in an online survey designed to look at values, value systems and the links to political ideology - PLEASE PARTICIPATE!
Protest "Asian Fever" beauty Contest (tags)
A protest against the racist stereotyping of Asian Women.
Protest Racist Mascots in Fullerton (tags)
Tomorrow we are having a protest at the Fullerton Joint Union High School District Board of Trustees meeting. The protest will take place at 1051 W. Bastanchury Rd. (at the corner of Euclid and Bastanchury) in Fullerton. We want the Board to remove the racist Fullerton "Indian" and Sonora High School's Zapata mascot. The protest begins at 5PM, and we will enter the meeting at 7:30. Help us get busy, y'all.