fix articles 7688, messages
The sick mindset of USA's population (tags)
This report offers insights into the dark side of the human psyche.
Teenagers Get False Messages to increase the use o Drugs. (tags)
In the past year's studies o drug use among teenagers, new rends are showing up,
Summary of fbi, doj terrorists' assaults on me (tags)
Summary of the unending crimes against me by the fbi assassins follows.
Protest Israeli Shelling of Gaza (tags)
Photos from a large rally to call for a stop to the bombing of Gaza, and freedom for Palestine.
Southern California Joins Worldwide Wave Of Action (tags)
Sweet sound of global philanthropy (tags)
Bernard Hours is an anthropologist and honorary director of research at the Institute of Research for Development (IRD). His latest book is Développement, Gouvernance, Globalisation: du XXème au XXIème Siècle”, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2012
Informant’s text messages shed new light on NYPD spy program targeting Muslims (tags)
Text messages from a former police informant who targeted Muslims have opened a new window into the the New York Police Department’s (NYPD) spying--and suggest an expansive program where informants surveil innocuous activities and try to bait people into saying violent things.
Tempe Cops want you to register your cell phone with them (tags)
Tempe cops want your cell phone number!!!! - "The information will be limited to the participant's neighborhood. The city will not share names, addresses or phone numbers, Enright said, nor will residents be bombarded with messages." - Believe that and I have some land in Florida I want to sell you!
Venezuela: The jail bars will not silence people protest (tags)
* National and international campaign of epistolary solidarity with trade unionist Rubén González *
Dealing with PSL and ANSWER #1 (tags)
Harassing messages from PSL/ANSWER people
Learning to communicate effectively – an activist’s most powerful tool!
Al Gore Seeking 500,000 Signitures to Congress Tomorrow. Please Sign his Petition (tags)
Al Gore Seeking 500,000 Messages to Congress by the Time He Testifies There Tomorrow. Email from Al Gore, March 20, 2007.
Jerry Rubin Breaks Fast, Brings Scroll to Westwood (tags)
Peace activist Jerry Rubin ended his month-long anti-war hunger fast today, and displayed his 1000-foot message scroll for peace at the Westwood Federal Building. Around 100 people attended an adjoining 4th anniversary vigil.
Indigenous Messages In Museum Exhibit (tags)
CAFAM Museum Features Many Anti-Imperialism Messages, But Many Messages Point to Ongoing Occupation In The Western Hemisphere
E-mails to teen House pages prompt FBI investigation (tags)
When it comes to victimless sex crimes government rules who commit these crimes never seem to be punished, while common people who get busted for the same victimless crimes usually get draconian prison sentances.
July 2006 South Central Farmers Stand (tags)
updated June 19, 2006 leaflette in Word .doc with important July 2, 2006 additions
Messages from the Occupation (tags)
what some those who are defending the Farm want to say
Txtmob action alerts to save SCFarm! (tags)
Receive action alerts to save south central farm via text message! Just created a group at
War of BIG words: Anti-War activist attacked (tags)
Anti-war activist Ford Greene faces opposition from right-wing extremists
San Anselmo anti-war activists calls out activists (tags)
Local anti-war activist calls out for solidarity in the face of a Town Council that passed a new regulation specifically designed to silence his anti-war billboard.
The Web: 'Bots' pushing poll results (tags)
This is a great story by Gene Koprowski about bots influencing elections.
Lawsuit reveals SPAMMER is a White Supremacist (tags)
Hawke was the leader of a fledgling Internet-based organization called the "Knights of Freedom" while a student at Wofford College in South Carolina. He turned to spamming full time when the white-supremacist movement didn't take an interest in him.
Trolls Sabotaging IMC Site? (tags)
Messages flattened, ridiculous red fields taking up space.
LA IMC and your privacy - bad changes made to software (tags)
Cookies, and other flaws
Activists of YFIS-Pakistan suffer brutal attack (tags)
Censorship at (tags)
In the wake of 9/11 Oprah was the only mainstream talk show host who attempted to address the issue of US foreign policy. She encouraged people, Americans in particular, to "wake up" to what the government was doing. Her shows on Anti-Americanism and Why Attack Iraq generated huge discussion and debate, not least of which on her message boards.
New McCartyism at (tags)
Help defend the 1st Amendment at message boards,where moderators and a group of rightwing posters have imposed censorship of anything critical of the US government.
There is another shill at la-imc. (tags)
There is another shill at la-imc. His goal is to discredit the Left and waste bandwidth.
Venezuela-Solidarity with the CNV workers needed (tags)
Can anyone help me. I am gitting mixed messages from Daveman. I cannot make up my min if he considers me a friend or not. That do YOU think?
call for entries for anti-war poster artwork and graphics (tags)
call for entries for anti-war poster artwork and graphics
send anti-war email to u.s. troops (tags)
send anti-war email to u.s. troops
Image, message and empire (tags)
Being effective is not just about getting numbers to rallies and events: Why I believe we should build on the connection between American Empire and this war
right-wing nuts smearing LA-IMC authors (tags)
Perhaps Bush Admirer (aka Simple Simon) is behind this
Video: The Fellowship of the Ring of Free Trade (tags)
Watch now at:
North East LA Peace Protest 12-21 (tags)
North East LA Weekly Peace Protest
North East LA Protest for Peace (tags)
Come out to North East Los Angeles.
Radical Film Festival is Seeking Entries (tags)
Visualized: Messages in Motion Video and Film Festival is now accepting submissions for the 2002 festival in Denver Colorado. The festival will be over three days, November 8-10. Please visit our website or see below for more information and details on how to submit your film!
Stop police repression in Argentina! Please, send your messages of solidarity . More information:
Ottawa, N17 Photos: The Messages (tags)
One of the messages brought to G20/IMF/WB protests in Ottawa, Canada on Nov 17. For photos of other messages, click link below.
LA Billboards: Patriotism or Pollution? (tags)
Another example of God-Bless-America propaganda? A self-serving ploy for a Disney-employed billboard artist who hides his commercial interests behind "patriotism" and the (misguided?) protection of the ACLU? Or just another piece of pollution on the landscape of the Los Angeles mental environment? Whatever the true nature and intent of this Westwood billboard, it has made a new, hard-to-ignore contribution to our blighted mental landscape of countless billboards and ads.
It seems that most of the people who frequent IndyMedia are in agreement about issues regarding the war and civil liberties.
Wouldn't it be easier to just send an e-mail?
Ha'aretz: Israeli workers were warned of attack (tags)
Paul H. Rosenberg is quite disbelieving that Israel's Mossad shared foreknowledge with the US government prior to the events on September 11, 2001.
Feds Warn Peace Activsts... (tags)
This note of warning was posted to the actionla mail list. Read it if you're going to Saturday's demo.
Site bring world community together for peace
IndyMedia Terrorist in Deep Shit! (tags)
Let this be a lesson to all of you half-brained imbeciles who think you are so smart that you can hide behind a computer screen! Don't thread with La Raza . . . putos!
Pourquoi signalent-il dans les langages que nous tous ne partageons (tags)
Que je ne comprends pas quand les gens écrivent leurs messages dans les langues que nous ne partageons pas en tant que communauté
right-wingers call for anti-immigrant ethnic cleansing (tags)
i bookmarked this site a few months ago, after someone posted it on Indymedia... some of these clowns are so rabidly anti-mexican that it's truly sickening... some of them refer to mexicans as Mud Apes and Chimichanga Chimps and other crap like that...
Florida Recount Update Links & Messages-- From Red Rock Eater News Service (tags)
Three messages about the Florida recount. First from is someone who says his mom was a Palm Beach County precinct clerk, second is from Michael Moore about the elderly Jewish voters in Palm Beach County upset at having accidentily voted for Pat Buchanan, third is a provisional analysis of the patterns in the Florida vote recount. Also more links.