fix articles 76516, gettysburg address
We Must Choose: Capitalism or Democracy (tags)
Middle-class democracy only knows formal political equality. Rule over public opinion grows out of the dominance of capital. The alternative is authoritarian capitalism or solidarity democracy. Resistance is the command of the hour.
LA Times Fails to Cover Protest Against Clinton (tags)
An estimated one thousand protesters came out to oppose Hillary Clinton speaking at East Los Angeles College on 5 de Mayo for a predictable campaign stop to Hispander to Latinos.
Learning from Roosevelt: HIs "New Deal" (tags)
The Civilian Conservation Corps helped overcome the basic pessimistic mood in society. Within a few months, 500,000 young persons had hope again. The government should intervene in case of an economic emergency.
Colin Quinn was performing his brilliant one man show "Long Story Short" (directed by Jerry Seinfeld) to a sold-out crowd. In addition to nonstop laughs on historical topics, the show offered profound insights. I was particularly intrigued by Colin’s observation that (the pursuit of) “happiness” is part of Declaration of Independence, yet “no other country has made it their policy to cheer people up.” How ironic, I thought.
Why Zionism Will Loose the PR War (tags)
Even as Judeo-Christianity engages a new series of crusades on Islamism, in which case the intermediate outcomes could be very devastating for the world at large, still in the long run Abrahamic Religions, that is Judaism, Christianity, and Islamism, that is, their authoritarian ego psychology will little matter.
Five years after a failure: FARE STRIKE! San Francisco 2005: First-Hand Accounts (tags)
A review of a not-too-terribly accurate account of an attempt at a mass "self-reduction" movement on a big city public transit system in the United States...and some ideas on how to avoid the mistakes we made...
Review: 'FARE STRIKE! San Francisco 2005: First-Hand Accounts (tags)
A critical examination of the leftist recuperator's version of of a number of revolutionary extremist docs from Kevin Keating's 'Love and Treason' web page.
"A Matter of Integrity" (tags)
War must be considered obsolete. Officials refuse to comploy with regtulations. Citizens of the world must speak out. Our leaders have abandoned our citizens and the world's citizens.
Struass was fond of praising British imperialism and Caesarism for their "prudence and moderation." Aggressive, dictatorial, militaristic nationalism is Straussian principle #2. Struassian Principle #3 is aggressive lying and #4 is fake religiosity.
Local Soldier, Kenny F. Stanton Jr., Killed in Iraq (tags)
A Hemet High School graduate who was a budding journalist and a youth leader at his church has become the latest Inland serviceman -- and the third from his school -- to be killed in the war in Iraq.
US-led forces round up whole Iraq village in "security sweep".
Historians pervert U.S. history (tags)
I recently attended the annual meeting of the American Historical Association, the nation's largest, most influential organization of academic historians. What goes on at this meeting eventually makes its way into your child's classroom. I was shocked by what I saw and heard.
A look at the ten most popular objections to war and some common-sense responses to them.
The peace protestors inspire hope in a nation that seemed headed for its own destruction.